Elizabeth Erdan Kerfoot1

F, #51331, b. July 1858, d. 8 November 1924

Family: Benjamin Frankland Haughton b. 31 Mar 1850, d. 25 Jun 1930


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJul, 1858Dayton, OH, USA, age 24 in 1880 census; age 41 in 1900 census; age 51 in 1910 census2
Marriagecirca 1880Mar 20 y in 1900 census2
1900 Census1900Evanston, Cook Co., IL, USA, age 45, foundry1
1910 Census1910New Rochelle, Westchester Co., NY, USA, age 59, member of firm, pipe fitters; and 2 servants3
DeathNov 8, 1924Beverly, NJ, USA
ParentsDParents: Richard A Kerfoot (1814 - 1872) & Eleanor S Wentz Kerfoot (1815 - 1894); father born in Ireland, mother born in PA


  1. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Evanston Ward 1, Cook, Illinois; Roll: 292; Page: 21B; Enumeration District: 1155; FHL microfilm: 1240292; line 74, dwl 1304-318-385.
  2. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 27, E.D. 119, Sh. 1, Ln. 21.
  3. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , New Rochelle Ward 3, Westchester, New York; Roll: T624_1091; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 0088; FHL microfilm: 1375104.

Charles R. Haughton1

M, #51332, b. 22 March 1879, d. 24 February 1889


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthMar 22, 1879Cincinnati, OH, USA, age 2 in 1880 census1
DeathFeb 24, 1889


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 27, E.D. 119, Sh. 1, Ln. 21.

Samuel Murphy Haughton1,2

M, #51333, b. 14 January 1811, d. 10 November 1887

Family: Agnes Frankland b. Dec 1831


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJan 14, 1811Ireland, age 39 in 1850 census; age 59 in 1870 census; age 69 in 1880 census3,2
1850 Census1850Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., OH, USA, age 39, merchant; and Malcolm Haughton, 20, clerk, Ireland2
1870 Census1870Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., OH, USA, age 59, pork merchant, personal property $6000-20004,5
1880 Census1880Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., OH, USA, age 69, retired merchant3,6
DeathNov 10, 1887Cincinnati, OH, USA
BiographySon of Benjamin & Anne (Murphy) Haughton.
Samuel was educated at the Academical Institution, Belfast Ireland. From his youth he assisted his father in linen bleaching at Banford, and in management of Mountpleasant Flour Mills on adjoining property. From 1840 he travelled in America for the firm of Richardson Brothers & Co of Belfast as their sole rep. He established himself in Cincinati OH, having travelled from Quebec to New Orleans by stage coach and river. He was responsible for the first consignment of American bacon to Liverpool, ENG about the year 1846 (Haughton Gen p 22).

Samuel was evidently a member of the Cincinnati Meeting of the Society of Friends (Quakers). His marriage to Agnes Frankland is listed in the records with their 6 children, and their dates of death. Another entry for Samuel Haughton is that he was received into membership on a certificate from the Lurgan MM, Ireland. There are other Haughton names, including William, Malcomb, and Thomas. The entries are found in the records of the Cincinnati Monthly Meeting as published by William Wade Hinshaw, ENCLYCLOPEDIA OF QUAKER GENEALOGY, Vol. V, (The Learning Company Inc: CD-Rom 192) p. 910.

The family is found in the July 15th, 1870 Census of Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio: Samuel 59, Pork Merchant, b Ireland; Agnes F 39, b England; Benjamin 20, Bookkeeper b Ohio; Thomas W 14 attending school b Ohio; Sarah 12 attending school b Ohio; and Agnes E 10 attending school b Ohio. Also in the household was Mary Frankland, 41 born in England and several servants (HAUGHTON SAMUEL 59 M W IREL OH HAMILTON 9-WD CINCINNATI 1870; Series: M593 Roll: 1212 Page: 375).

In 1880 they continued to live in Cincinnati, with Benjamin 30, Sarah 22, and Agnes E 19 at home. Samuel's occupation was listed as a retired merchant (HAUGHTON SAMUEL 69 W IREL OH HAMILTON 3-WD; CINCINNATI 1880; Series: T9 Roll: 1024 Page: 274). However, Benjamin is known to be married in 1878 with 2 children by 1880. Perhaps the enumerator was given information about the family, and not necessarily who lived there at the time.
BurialSpring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati, OH, USA
ResearchMuch of data for Samuel Haughton is from Findagrave.com; most of family buried at Spring Grove Cemetery
Hamilton County
Ohio, USA
Plot: Sec 47 Lot 52 Space 6


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 27, E.D. 119, Sh. 1, Ln. 21.
  2. [S1226] 1850 U.S. Federal Census , Cincinnati Ward 7, Hamilton, Ohio; Roll: M432_689; Page: 279; line 23, dwl 266-350.
  3. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH, Reel 53, Vol. 27, E.D. 119, Sh. 1, Ln. 19.
  4. [S235] U.S. Census, 1870 US Federal Census, 9th Ward, Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., OH, Reel 1212, p. 375, line 36, dwl 354-817.
  5. [S1228] 1870 U.S. Federal Census , Cincinnati Ward 9, Hamilton, Ohio; Roll: M593_1212; Page: 375A; Image: 105; Family History Library Film: 552711; line 36, dwl 354-817.
  6. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio; Roll: 1024; Family History Film: 1255024; Page: 274A; Enumeration District: 119; Image: 0408; line 19, dwl 95-4-5.

Martha Jones1,2

F, #51334, b. 6 November 1835, d. 4 October 1891

Family: Calvin Haughton b. 14 Dec 1828, d. 15 Oct 1902


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthNov 6, 1835Southington, Trumbull Co., OH, USA, age 21 in 1860 census;; age 35 in 1870 census; age 44 in 1880 census1,2
MarriageJan 12, 1854Southington, Trumbull Co., OH, USA1,2
1860 Census1860Southington, Trumbull Co., OH, USA, age 30, farmer; property $2575-5503
1870 Census1870Southington, Trumbull Co., OH, USA, age 41, a farmer, property $5000-10004
1880 Census1880Southington, Trumbull Co., OH, USA, age 50, farmer; 6 houses from brother William5,6
DeathOct 4, 1891Southington, Trumbull Co., OH, USA2


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1870 US Federal Census, Southington, Trumbull Co., OH, Reel 1272, p. 348, line 4, dwl 39-38.
  2. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."
  3. [S1227] 1860 U.S. Federal Census , Southington, Trumbull, Ohio; Roll: M653_1040; Page: 122; sheet 71, line 19, dwl 569-548.
  4. [S1228] 1870 U.S. Federal Census , Southington, Trumbull, Ohio; roll: M593_1272; Page: 348A; Image: 207; Family History Library Film: 552771; line 4, dwl 39-38.
  5. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, OH, Reel 53, Vol. 62, E.D. 204, Sh. 3, Ln. 34.
  6. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Southington, Trumbull, Ohio; Roll: 1070; Family History Film: 1255070; Page: 309C; Enumeration District: 204; Image: 0624; line 34, dwl 26-27.

May M. Haughton1

F, #51335, b. 18 August 1871

Family: Burdette Hess Hurd b. 1868


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthAug 18, 1871Southington, Trumbull Co., OH, USA, age 8 in 1880 census1
Marriagecirca 18933


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton", [viets.FTW] [hurd.FTW] Brøderbund WFT Vol. 4, Ed. 1, Tree #1848.
  2. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, OH, Reel 53, Vol. 62, E.D. 204, Sh. 3, Ln. 34.
  3. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Charles Seymour Houghton1,2,3

M, #51336, b. 16 August 1852, d. before 1930

Family: Sarah Macgregor b. Jun 1853

  • Marriage*: Charles Seymour Houghton married Sarah Macgregor on circa 1877 mar 23 years in 1900 census.1


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthAug 16, 1852Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA, age 8, OH, in 1860 census; age 18, OH, in 1870 census; age 27, OH, in 1880 census; age 47, MI, in 1900 census; age 58, MI, in 1910 census; age 68 in 1920 census; 1920 census of son Charles gives OH1,3,2,5,6
Marriagecirca 1877mar 23 years in 1900 census1
1880 Census1880Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA, age 27, ass. train master RR7,6
1900 Census1900Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA, age 47, railroad conductor; 6 children born, 5 living8
1910 Census1910Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA, age 58, lumber office, railroad yard, telephone connector1,9,2
1920 Census1920Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA, age 68, steam railroad conductor10
Deathbefore 1930wife is a widow


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1910 Soundex, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, Film 521, Reel 148, E.D. 38, V.N. 128, Ln. 26.
  2. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Cleveland Ward 6, Cuyahoga, Ohio; Roll: T624_1168; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 128; line 13, dwl 4012-26-26.
  3. [S415] E-mail from Linda Hinslea Nelson, Aug 21, 2008.
  4. [S1228] 1870 U.S. Federal Census , Cleveland, Ward 1, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio; Sheet: 110; line 38, dwl 838-922.
  5. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , http://www.fold3.com/image/#22203627
  6. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio; Roll: 1006; Family History Film: 1255006; Page: 250A; Enumeration District: 024; Image: 0504; line 28, dwl 925-576-669.
  7. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 83?, E.D. 204, Sh. 13, Ln. 28.
  8. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Cleveland, Ward 1, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio; Roll:T623; Enumeration District: 7; Sheet: 7A; line 89, dwl 118-120-157.
  9. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Cleveland Ward 6, Cuyahoga, Ohio; Roll: T624_1168; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 128;
    line 13, dwl 4012-26-26.
  10. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Cleveland Ward 6, Cuyahoga, Ohio; Roll: T625_1361; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 84; line 57, dwl 4012-12-14.

Sarah Macgregor1,2

F, #51337, b. June 1853

Family: Charles Seymour Houghton b. 16 Aug 1852, d. b 1930


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJun, 1853NY, USA, age 32 in 1880 census; age 46 in 1900 census; age 58 in 1910 census; age 68 in 1920 census3
1880 Census1880Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA, age 27, ass. train master RR1,4
1900 Census1900Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA, age 47, railroad conductor; 6 children born, 5 living5
Note19106 children born, 5 living
1920 Census1920Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA, age 68, steam railroad conductor6
ParentsDparents born in CT in 1900 census; father born in Scotland, mother born in CT in 1910 census


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 83?, E.D. 204, Sh. 13, Ln. 28.
  2. [S415] E-mail from Linda Hinslea Nelson, Aug 21, 2008.
  3. [S235] U.S. Census, 1910 Soundex, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, Film 521, Reel 148, E.D. 38, V.N. 128, Ln. 26.
  4. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio; Roll: 1006; Family History Film: 1255006; Page: 250A; Enumeration District: 024; Image: 0504; line 28, dwl 925-576-669.
  5. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Cleveland, Ward 1, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio; Roll:T623; Enumeration District: 7; Sheet: 7A; line 89, dwl 118-120-157.
  6. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Cleveland Ward 6, Cuyahoga, Ohio; Roll: T625_1361; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 84; line 57, dwl 4012-12-14.

Frederick Irving Houghton1

M, #51338, b. 12 December 1878, d. 1966

Family: Emmila Johnna Schroder b. 24 Jul 1879, d. 1 Aug 1958


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthDec 12, 1878Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA, age 2 in 1880 census; Dec 1877, age 22 in 1900 census; age 31 in 1910 census; age 41 in 1920 census; age 51 in 1930 census; age 61 in 1940 census2,3,1
MarriageSep 1, 1904Cayuga, OH, USA, age 25 and 244
1910 Census1910Wayne, Tuscarawas Co., OH, USA, age 31, saw? mill superintendent4,5
1920 Census1920Clarksville, Mercer Co., PA, USA, age 41, steel mill store keeper6
1930 Census1930Clarksville, Mercer Co., PA, USA, age 51, steel casting plant store keeper7
1940 Census1940Clarksville, Mercer Co., PA, USA, age 61, none8
Mil. DraftApr 27, 1942WWII, age 631
ResidenceApr 27, 1942Clarksville, Mercer Co., PA, USA, occupation: Pennsylvania Highway Dept. Garage1
1950 US Census1950Clarksville, PA, USA, age 72, state highway dept. caretaker; and sister in law Mary Schroder, 68
BurialHillcrest Memorial Park, Hermitage, PA, USA


  1. [S1323] "WWII Draft Registration 1942", WW2_2240438.
  2. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 83?, E.D. 204, Sh. 13, Ln. 28.
  3. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Cleveland, Ward 1, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio; Roll:T623; Enumeration District: 7; Sheet: 7A; line 89, dwl 118-120-157.
  4. [S235] U.S. Census, 1910 Soundex, Tuscarawas Co., OH, Film 521, Reel 149, E.D. 175, V.N. 154, Ln. 202.
  5. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , .Wayne, Tuscarawas, Ohio; Roll T624_1237; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 154; line 69, dwl 199-202.
  6. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Clarksville, Mercer, Pennsylvania; Roll: T625_1601; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 91; line 37, dwl 36-36.
  7. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Clarksville, Mercer Co., Pennsylvania; Roll: T626_2076; Enumeration District: 1; sheet 2B, line 72, dwl 45-47.
  8. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , Clarksville, Mercer, Pennsylvania; Roll: T627_3570; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 43-1; line 24, dwl 28.

Charles Houghton1

M, #51339, b. February 1880, d. before 1900


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthFeb, 1880OH, USA, age 3/12 in 1880 census1
Deathbefore 1900not in 1900 census; new brother Charles


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 83?, E.D. 204, Sh. 13, Ln. 28.

David Houghton1

M, #51340, b. circa 1840, d. circa 1898

Family: Margaret Washburn b. Oct 1842, d. 11 Mar 1911


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthcirca 1840England, age 40 in 1880 census1
1880 Census1880Steubenville, Mingo, Jefferson Co., OH, USA, age 40, a laborer1,3
NaturalizationOct 23, 1890Jefferson Co., OH, USA, Stephen Houghton was witness
Deathcirca 1898OH, USA
Burial1898Union Cemetery, Steubenville, OH, USA


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Steubenville, Mingo, Jefferson Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 36?, E.D. 109, Sh. 15, Ln. 10.
  2. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/h/o/u/…
  3. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Mingo, Jefferson Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 36?, E.D. 109, Sh. 15, p. 433, Ln. 19, dwl 125-132.

Margaret Washburn1,2

F, #51341, b. October 1842, d. 11 March 1911

Family: David Houghton b. c 1840, d. c 1898


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthOct, 1842England, age 39, Scotland, in 1880 census; Oct 1842, England, age 57 in 1900 census; age 72, England, in 1910 census;1,3
1880 Census1880Steubenville, Mingo, Jefferson Co., OH, USA, age 40, a laborer1,5
1900 Census1900Steubenville, Jefferson Co., OH, USA, age 57, widow6
DeathMar 11, 1911Steubenville, Jefferson Co., OH, USA
BurialUnion Cemetery, Steubenville, Jefferson Co., OH, USA
ParentsDparents born in England per 1900 census


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Steubenville, Mingo, Jefferson Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 36?, E.D. 109, Sh. 15, Ln. 10.
  2. [S1485] Findagrave.com, online http://www.findagrave.com, http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi
  3. [S235] U.S. Census, 1910 Soundex, Mingo Junction, Jefferson Co. OH, Film 521, Reel 148, E.D. 105, V.N. 120, Ln. 22.
  4. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Steubenville, Jefferson, Ohio; Roll: T624_1202; Page: 14A; Enumeration District: 120; line 17, dwl 22-22.
  5. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Mingo, Jefferson Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 36?, E.D. 109, Sh. 15, p. 433, Ln. 19, dwl 125-132.
  6. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Steubenville, Jefferson Co., Ohio; Roll: T623 1290; Enumeration District: 76; Sheet 23A; line 39, dwl 396-419.

John T. Houghton1

M, #51342, b. August 1862

Family: Margaret (?) b. Jun 1864

  • Marriage*: John T. Houghton married Margaret (?) on 1886 age 27 and 15; mar 5 years in 1900 census.1


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthAug, 1862England, age 18 in 1880 census; age 37 in 1900 census; age 48, OH, in 1910 census; age 55 in 1920 census; age 67 in 1930 census; age 76 in 1940 census1
Marriage1886age 27 and 15; mar 5 years in 1900 census1
1900 Census1900Steubenville, Jefferson Co., OH, USA, age 37, blast furnace foreman; 2 children born, 1 living3
1910 Census1910Steubenville, Jefferson Co., OH, USA, age 48, newspaper printer4
1920 Census1920Steubenville, Jefferson Co., OH, USA, age 55, blast furnace steel mill asst. superintendent5
1930 Census1930Steubenville, Jefferson Co., OH, USA, age 67, retired, Pension Steel Co.1
1940 Census1940Steubenville, Jefferson Co., OH, USA, age 76, none6
1950 US Census1950Steubenville, OH, USA, age 88, widowed; no occup
ParentsSparents born in OH in 1910 census (erroneously)4


  1. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Steubenville, Jefferson Co., Ohio; Roll: 1824; Enumeration District: 33; Page 157, Sheet: 8A; line 10, dwl 322-163-163.
  2. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Steubenville, Mingo, Jefferson Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 36?, E.D. 109, Sh. 15, Ln. 10.
  3. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Steubenville, Jefferson Co., Ohio; Roll:T623; Enumeration District: 16 or 76; Sheet: 24A; line 35, dwl 413-436.
  4. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Steubenville Ward 2, Jefferson, Ohio; Roll: T624_1201; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 125;
    line 54, dwl 137-125-126.
  5. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Steubenville Ward 3, Jefferson, Ohio; Roll: T625_1402; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 224; line 32, dwl 312-149-193.
  6. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , Steubenville, Jefferson, Ohio; Roll: T627_3091; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 41-45.

Stephen Houghton1

M, #51343, b. 23 August 1862

Family: Amanda Boulier b. Feb 1860

  • Marriage*: Stephen Houghton married Amanda Boulier on circa 1892 age 21 and 15 first time mar; mar 18 y in 1910 census; 2nd mar for both.6


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthAug 23, 1862London, England, age 16 in 1880 census; Sep 1860, age 39, NY, in 1900 census; age 49 in 1910 census; age 57 in 1920 census; age 64 in 1930 census; age 76 in 1940 census2,3,4
ImmigrationSep, 18711879 per 1910 census; 1871 in 1920 census
NaturalizationOct 10, 1884Jefferson Co., OH, USA, 1877 in 1920 census5
Marriagecirca 1892age 21 and 15 first time mar; mar 18 y in 1910 census; 2nd mar for both6
1900 Census1900Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., OH, USA, age 39, janitor3
1910 Census1910Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., OH, USA, age 49, furnace company furance setter; and niece Jeane Halpin, 12, OH2,7
1920 Census1920Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., OH, USA, age 57, street railway furnace setter5
1930 Census1930Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., OH, USA, age 64, street railway pipe fitter6
1940 Census1940Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., OH, USA, age 33, single, Cincinnati Telephone Co. supervisor; and granddaughter Ruth Mund, 23, OH8


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Steubenville, Mingo, Jefferson Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 36?, E.D. 109, Sh. 15, Ln. 10.
  2. [S235] U.S. Census, 1910 Soundex, Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., OH, Film 521, Reel 149, E.D. 88, V.N. 235, Ln. 307.
  3. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., Ohio; Roll:T623; Enumeration District: 268; Sheet: 1A; line 33, dwl 36-7-7.
  4. [S1508] Unknown author, "unknown short article title", http://www.americanancestors.org/databases/…
  5. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Cincinnati Ward 24, Hamilton, Ohio; Roll: T625_1394; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 424; line 77, dwl 1308-103-120.
  6. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., Ohio; Roll: 1815; Enumeration District: 551; Sheet: 8B; line 86, dwl 1318-19-149.
  7. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Cincinnati Ward 20, Hamilton, Ohio; Roll: T624_1193; Page: 13B; Enumeration District: 235;
    line 57, dwl 3601-183-307.
  8. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio; Roll: T627_3202; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 91-458.

Isabella Houghton1

F, #51344, b. circa 1867


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca 1867England, age 13 in 1880 census1


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Steubenville, Mingo, Jefferson Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 36?, E.D. 109, Sh. 15, Ln. 10.

Elizabeth Houghton1

F, #51345, b. circa 1868


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca 1868England, age 12 in 1880 census1


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Steubenville, Mingo, Jefferson Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 36?, E.D. 109, Sh. 15, Ln. 10.

David Houghton1

M, #51346, b. circa 1872

Family 1: Rena Bell b. Jul 1873

  • Marriage: David Houghton married Rena Bell on circa 1892 mar 8 years in 1900 census, age 21.2

Family 2: Hattie (?) b. c 1881

  • Marriage*: David Houghton married Hattie (?) on circa 1929 age 21 and 48.4


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthcirca 1872Pittsburgh, PA, USA, age 8 in 1880 census; age 48 in 1920 census; age 58 in 1930 census1
1900 Census1900Steubenville, Jefferson Co., OH, USA, age 29, foreman blast furnace2
1920 Census1920Mingo Junction, Jefferson Co., OH, USA, age 48, steel mill furnace man3
Marriagecirca 1929age 21 and 484
1930 Census1930Washington, Washington Co., PA, USA, age 58, grocery store proprietor4


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Steubenville, Mingo, Jefferson Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 36?, E.D. 109, Sh. 15, Ln. 10.
  2. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Steubenville, Jefferson Co., Ohio; Roll:T623; Enumeration District: 76; Sheet: 23B; line 55, dwl 399-424.
  3. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Mingo Junction, Jefferson, Ohio; Roll: T625_1402; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 236; line 10, dwl 40-42.
  4. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Washington, Washington Co., Pennsylvania; Roll: 2164; Enumeration District: 115; sheet 3B, line 95, dwl 218 1/2-81-93.

Margaret Houghton1

F, #51347, b. circa 1874


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca 1874Pittsburgh, PA, USA, age 6 in 1880 census1


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Steubenville, Mingo, Jefferson Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 36?, E.D. 109, Sh. 15, Ln. 10.

Sarah Houghton1

F, #51348, b. circa 1876


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca 1876Pittsburgh, PA, USA, age 4 in 1880 census1


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Steubenville, Mingo, Jefferson Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 36?, E.D. 109, Sh. 15, Ln. 10.

Mary Houghton1,2

F, #51349, b. March 1878, d. 20 February 1900

Family: Leonard S. Richardson b. Jun 1871, d. 19 Oct 1958


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthMar, 1878Pittsburgh, PA, USA, age 2 in 1880 census1
MarriageApr, 1896
DeathFeb 20, 1900Mingo Junction, OH, USA


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Steubenville, Mingo, Jefferson Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 36?, E.D. 109, Sh. 15, Ln. 10.
  2. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Mingo, Jefferson Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 36?, E.D. 109, Sh. 15, p. 433, Ln. 19, dwl 125-132.
  3. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Steubenville, Jefferson, Ohio; Roll: 1290; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 0076; FHL microfilm: 1241290.

Harry Wellington Babcock

M, #51350, b. 12 May 1865, d. 15 December 1926

Family: Doretta W. Knoke b. 22 Feb 1870, d. 4 Jul 1947


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthMay 12, 1865OH, USA, age 5 in 1870 census; age 15 in 1880 census; age 35 in 1900 census; age 44 in 1910 census1
1870 CensusJun 24, 1870Sycamore, Wyandotte Co., OH, USA, age 32, keeping house; with Harry W. Babcock2
1900 Census1900Van Buren, Putnam Co., OH, USA, age 35, day laborer; 1 child born, 0 living3
1910 Census1910Belmore Village, Van Buren Twp, Putnam Co., OH, USA, age 44, retail merchant4,5
1920 Census1920Van Buren, Putnam Co., OH, USA, age 54, retail hardware salesman6
DeathDec 15, 1926Belmore, OH, USA
ResearchCJV: 1870 census gives him as living alone with mother, with surname of Babcock; not Edward's son?; born 5 years before their marriage; he is Harry W. Houghton in 1892 marriage and both 1910 and 1920 census2


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Clinton Twp, Tiffin?, Seneca Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 58, E.D. 203, Sh. 5, Ln. 34.
  2. [S1228] 1870 U.S. Federal Census , Sycamore, Wyandot, Ohio; Roll: M593_1284; Page: 833; sheet 22, line 21, dwl 172-150.
  3. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Van Buren, Putnam Co., Ohio; Roll:T623; Enumeration District: 76; Sheet: 10A; line 48, dwl 211-213.
  4. [S235] U.S. Census, 1910 Soundex, Belmore, Putnam Co. OH, Film 521, Reel 149, E.D. 153, V.N. 87, Ln. 64.
  5. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Van Buren, Putnam, Ohio; Roll: T624_1226; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 87; line 18, dwl 63-64.
  6. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Van Buren, Putnam, Ohio; Roll: T625_1429; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 119; line 49, dwl 14-15.
  7. [S1387] Www.familysearch.org, online www.familysearch.org, "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2013," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XZ8Z-MHG : accessed 14 December 2015), Harry Houghton and Retta Knoke, 24 Apr 1892; citing Putnam, Ohio, United States, reference Vol 4 460; county courthouses, Ohio; FHL microfilm 915,775.

Bertha Houghton1

F, #51351, b. 26 September 1873


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthSep 26, 1873OH, USA, age 8 in 1880 census; Sep 1873, age 26, WY, in 1900 census1
DuplicateFL, USA


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Clinton Twp, Tiffin?, Seneca Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 58, E.D. 203, Sh. 5, Ln. 34.

Oliver Perry Houghton1,2,3

M, #51352, b. 2 July 1876, d. 1954

Family: Effie May Shondel b. 20 Nov 1879, d. 14 Nov 1970


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJul 2, 1876Townwood, Putnam Co., OH, USA, age 3 in 1880 census; Jul 1876, age 23 in 1900 census; age 33 in 1910 census; age 43 in 1920 census; age 53 in 1930 census; age 63 in 1940 census; Sycamore, OH also given1,2,4,5
MarriageFeb 19, 1898Putnam Co., OH, USA, age 21 and 18; mar 2 y in 1900 census2
1900 Census1900Van Buren, Putnam Co., OH, USA, age 23, stationary engineer6
1910 Census1910Van Buren Twp, Putnam Co., OH, USA, age 33, grain elevator foreman2,7
Mil. DraftJun 4, 1918Putnam Co., OH, USA, age 42, grain buyer4
ResidenceJun 4, 1918Townwood, Putnam Co., OH, USA4
1920 Census1920Van Buren, Putnam Co., OH, USA, age 43, elevator manager8
1930 Census1930Van Buren, Putnam Co., OH, USA, age 53, grain elevator manager9
1940 Census1940Van Buren, Putnam Co., MI, USA, age 63, grain elevator manager10
Death1954OH, USA


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Clinton Twp, Tiffin?, Seneca Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 58, E.D. 203, Sh. 5, Ln. 34.
  2. [S235] U.S. Census, 1910 Soundex, Putnam Co., OH, Film 521, Reel 149, E.D. 153, V.N. 88, Ln. 128.
  3. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online www.ancestry.com, http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/63485174/person/38103383672
  4. [S1308] World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, online http://content.ancestry.com, 1851084.
  5. [S36] Letter, from Summer Houghton Sandoval, Aug 2, 2006.
  6. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Van Buren, Putnam, Ohio; Roll: T623 1316; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 76; sheet 11A, line 34, dwl 235-237.
  7. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Van Buren, Putnam, Ohio; Roll: T624_1226; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 88; line 37, dwl 128-128.
  8. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Van Buren, Putnam, Ohio; Roll: T625_1429; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 120; line 37, dwl 139-139.
  9. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Van Buren, Putnam, Ohio; Roll: 1865; Page: 5B; Enumeration District: 30; Sheet 5B, line 76, dwl 122.
  10. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , Van Buren, Putnam, Ohio; Roll: T627_3133; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 69-30; line 44, dwl 58.

Edward Payson Houghton1,2

M, #51353, b. April 1850, d. 1917

Family: Jeanette Drew b. Jul 1849, d. 1926

  • Marriage*: Edward Payson Houghton married Jeanette Drew on 1871 at England mar 30 years in 1900 census; mar 37 y in 1910 census.1,2


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthApr, 1850England, age 29 in 1880 census; Apr 1851, age 49 in 1900 census; age 58 in 1910 census1,2
Marriage1871England, mar 30 years in 1900 census; mar 37 y in 1910 census1,2
1880 Census1880Milford Center, Union Co., OH, USA, age 29, a farmer1,3
1900 Census1900Claibourne, Union Co., OH, USA, age 49, farmer; 6 children born, 5 living4
1910 Census1910Marion, Marion Co., OH, USA, age 58, own income; and granddaughters Grace and Alice F??, 15 and 12, OH5
ParentsSparents born in England


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Milford Center, Union Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 64, E.D. 75, Sh. 35, Ln. 23.
  2. [S415] E-mail from Christopher James Houghton, Sep. 29, 2010, based on 1970 research by grandfather Edward Payson Houghton.
  3. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Milford Center, Union Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 64, E.D. 75, Sh. 33, Ln. 21, dwl 40-1.
  4. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Claibourne, Union Co., Ohio; Roll:T623; Enumeration District: 131; Sheet: 1A; line 1, dwl 1-1.
  5. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Marion Ward 4, Marion, Ohio; Roll: T624_1213; Page: 12A; Enumeration District: 94; line 30, dwl 252-260-300.

Jeanette Drew1

F, #51354, b. July 1849, d. 1926

Family: Edward Payson Houghton b. Apr 1850, d. 1917


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJul, 1849England, age 30 in 1880 census; age 50 in 1900 census2,3
Marriage1871England, mar 30 years in 1900 census; mar 37 y in 1910 census2,1
1880 Census1880Milford Center, Union Co., OH, USA, age 29, a farmer2,4
1900 Census1900Claibourne, Union Co., OH, USA, age 49, farmer; 6 children born, 5 living3
1910 Census1910Marion, Marion Co., OH, USA, age 58, own income; and granddaughters Grace and Alice F??, 15 and 12, OH5
1920 Census1920Marion, Marion Co., OH, USA, age 70, widow, none6
ParentsSparents born in England


  1. [S415] E-mail from Christopher James Houghton, Sep. 29, 2010, based on 1970 research by grandfather Edward Payson Houghton.
  2. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Milford Center, Union Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 64, E.D. 75, Sh. 35, Ln. 23.
  3. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Claibourne, Union Co., Ohio; Roll:T623; Enumeration District: 131; Sheet: 1A; line 1, dwl 1-1.
  4. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Milford Center, Union Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 64, E.D. 75, Sh. 33, Ln. 21, dwl 40-1.
  5. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Marion Ward 4, Marion, Ohio; Roll: T624_1213; Page: 12A; Enumeration District: 94; line 30, dwl 252-260-300.
  6. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Marion Ward 4, Marion, Ohio; Roll: T625_1416; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 138; line 100, dwl 221-221-256.

Margaret G/S. Houghton1,2

F, #51355, b. circa 1872


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca 1872MD/MO, USA, age 8 in 1880 census1,2


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Milford Center, Union Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 64, E.D. 75, Sh. 35, Ln. 23.
  2. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Milford Center, Union Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 64, E.D. 75, Sh. 33, Ln. 21, dwl 40-1.

Harriet R. Houghton1,2

F, #51356, b. March 1877


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthMar, 1877OH, USA, age 3 in 1880 census; age 22 in 1900 census; age 31 in 1910 census1


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Milford Center, Union Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 64, E.D. 75, Sh. 35, Ln. 23.
  2. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Milford Center, Union Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 64, E.D. 75, Sh. 33, Ln. 21, dwl 40-1.

Albert James Houghton1,2,3

M, #51357, b. 30 January 1880, d. 1944

Family: Maria Anna Utermoehlin b. 1876, d. bt 1950 - 1959


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthJan 30, 1880Woodstock, OH, USA, age 4/12 in 1880 census; age 20 in 1900 census; age 30 in 1910 census; age 39 in 1920 census; age 50 in 1930 census; age 60 in 1940 census1,3
Marriage1907Las Vegas, NV, USA, age 33 and 26; her 2nd mar4,5
1910 Census1910Marion, Marion Co., OH, USA, age 30, company clerk6
Mil. DraftSep 12, 1918Marion Co., OH, USA, age 38, electrician, Marion Steam Service Co.3
1920 Census1920Marion, Marion Co., OH, USA, age 39, production dept. clerk, Steam Shovel Co.7
1930 Census1930Marion, Marion Co., OH, USA, age 50, steamshovel plant tracer4
1940 Census1940Marion, Marion Co., OH, USA, age 60, shovel mfg co., clerk8


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Milford Center, Union Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 64, E.D. 75, Sh. 35, Ln. 23.
  2. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Milford Center, Union Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 64, E.D. 75, Sh. 33, Ln. 21, dwl 40-1.
  3. [S1308] World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, online http://content.ancestry.com, 1832516.
  4. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Marion, Marion Co., Ohio; Roll: 1848; Enumeration District: 24; Page 42, Sheet: 8A; line 44, dwl 309-203-207.
  5. [S415] E-mail from Christopher James Houghton, Sep. 29, 2010, based on 1970 research by grandfather Edward Payson Houghton.
  6. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Marion Ward 3, Marion, Ohio; Roll: T624_1213; Page: 11A; Enumeration District: 88; line 35, dwl 355-102-117.
  7. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Marion Ward 4, Marion, Ohio; Roll T625_1416; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 138; line 76, dwl 236-216-248.
  8. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , Marion, Marion, Ohio; Roll: T627_3111; Page: 11B; Enumeration District: 51-37.

Lester J. Haughton1

M, #51358, b. 30 April 1845, d. 19 November 1930

Family 1: Martha Bronson b. c 1844, d. 1874

Family 2: Mary Ann Craver b. 10 Feb 1844, d. 1922


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthApr 30, 1845Southington, Trumbull Co., OH, USA, age 15 in 1860 census; age 25 in 1870 census; age 35 in 1880 census;
age 55 in 1900 census; age 64 in 1910 census; age 74 in 1920 census2,3
Mil. EnlsApr 27, 1864OH, USA, in the Union Army, Comp. H, 184th OH Infantry, a private, age 19; or 188th OH Infantry4,5,6
ResearchFeb 7, 1865OH, USA
MarriageJan 19, 1867Trumbull Co., OH, USA7,3
1870 Census1870Southington, Trumbull Co., OH, USA, age 25, a farmer, property $18607,8
MarriageJan 12, 1875Trumbull Co., OH, USA2,3
1880 Census1880Southington, Trumbull Co., OH, USA, age 35, stave dealer; Alonzo and George are listed as a boarders9,10
1900 Census1900Southington, OH, USA, age 55, farmer11
1910 Census1910Southington, Trumbull Co., OH, USA, age 64, farmer12,13
1920 Census1920Southington, Trumbiull Co., OH, USA, age 74, farmer14
1930 Census1930Southington, OH, USA, age 84, farmer15
DeathNov 19, 1930Warren, OH, USA3
BurialWestern Reserve Mausoleum, Southington, Trumbull Co., OH, USA3
PensionInxCivil War Pension16
Note'From news article: 'Warren Cronicle', Warren, OH (April 30, 1925?) 'Is 80 Today!' L.J. Haughton of Southington Celebrates Anniversary Lester J. Haughton, son of Alonzo and Abigail Haughton, was born in Southington, April 30, 1845, and is celebrating his eightieth birthday today. 'His father came with parents from New York state as a small boy and his mother came from Connecticut with her parents as a young lady. His mother was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Ensign, and was a school teacher. She taught several terms in Trumball Co. and at least one term in the brick school house that long stood east of Southington center on the present Andy Stine land. 'Mr. Haughton went thru the common schools of his boyhood, which he thinks would amount to going thru the first six grades of present-day school.' 'He was married in 1867 to Martha M. Bronson, who died in 1874. They had one child, Ora E., who died when in his twelfth year. Mr. Haughton married his second wife, Mrs. Mary A. Craver in 1875 and she died three years later.' 'He united with the Disciple Church in Southington in 1867, and during most of his life has served on the official board of the church. He was for many years superintendent and teacher in Sunday school.' 'He served one year as trustee of Southington township and twenty-fouryears as Justice of the Peace, receiving his first commission from Gov.William Mckinley in 1895.' 'He served two enlistments in the Civil War and has an honorable discharge from each. Also a certificate of thanks from Abraham Lincoln.' 'As A member of the Grand Army of the the Republic, he belongs to the Bell Harmon Post of Warren.' 'As a Mason, he is a member of Western Reserve Lodge No. 507, F and A.M. He is also a member of Southinton Grange and of the Red Cross.' 'His occupation for the greater share of his life has been farming and stock raising in a small way, and for several years in a company with Lewis D. Stroup. He gave considerable attention to the manufacture of stave, lumber and ties. In the years 1872-73, he was mail carrier between Southington and Braceville Center, making the round trip many times on foot and carrying the pouch on his back.' 'Financially he is in very comfortable circumstances, but says jokingly that his 'income is mostly derived from annuities which cease at his death so that his administrator will have an easy time settling up his estate.' 'His life has been one of cheerful and helpful and manly service to his fellowman and to his town and country. He is of generous open-hearted, friendly disposition and held in the highest esteem and affection by his towns people, to who he is familiarly known as 'Uncle Lester.'' 'He entertains a great deal and everyone enjoys being invited to his hospitable home. In it he is enjoying a quiet, happy round of days. It is situated about a mile and a half north of Delightful and is known as 'Squirrel's Nest.''
Copy of an item appearing in the 'Warren Chronicle', Warren, OH: FUNERALS; 'Funeral services in memory of Mrs. Lester Haughton, who passed away on Saturday afternoon, were held on Tuesday at 11 o'clock at the home and 12in the Disciple Church in Southington. Rev. Frank W. Brown, pastor of the Second Christian Church of Warren, officiated and he was assisted by Rev. A.D. Holden. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hurd and Mr. and Mrs. MelvinVeits contributed musical numbers, and they were accompanied by Mrs. Bert Hurd. The pall bearers were Edwin Baxter, Perry Meesmer, Bert Hurd, Henry Hurd and Charles Davis. The body was brought to Warren and interred in a crypt in the mausoleum.3'
ResearchOH, USA, Enlisted on same day


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Southington Twp, Trumbull Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 62, E.D. 204, Sh. 18, Ln. 16.
  2. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Southington Twp, Trumbull Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 62, E.D. 204, Sh. 18, Ln. 13.
  3. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."
  4. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , CivilWarData.Com, Civil War Research and Genealogy Database, Nov. 2001.
  5. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online www.ancestry.com, Civil War Service Records, Oct. 1, 2001.
  6. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online www.ancestry.com, American Civil War Soldiers, Oct. 10, 2001.
  7. [S235] U.S. Census, 1870 US Federal Census, Southington, Trumbull Co., OH, Reel 1272, p. 347, line 17, dwl 24-24.
  8. [S1228] 1870 U.S. Federal Census , Southington, Trumbull, Ohio; Roll: M593_1272; Page: 347A; Image: 205; Family History Library Film: 552771; line 17, dwl 24-24.
  9. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Southington Twp, Trumbull Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 62, E.D. 204, Sh. 18, Ln. 13.
  10. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Southington, Trumbull, Ohio; Roll: 1070; Family History Film: 1255070; Page: 316B; Enumeration District: 204; Image: 0639; line 13, dwl 163-166.
  11. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Southington, Trumbull, Ohio; Roll: 1325; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 0116; FHL microfilm: 1241325.
  12. [S235] U.S. Census, 1910 Soundex, Trumbull Co. OH, Film 521, Reel 149, E.D. 172, V.N. 228, Ln. 57.
  13. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Southington, Trumbull, Ohio; Roll: T624_1235; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 0228; FHL microfilm: 1375248.
  14. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Southington, Trumbull, Ohio; Roll: T625_1443; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 289; line 51, dwl 189-195.
  15. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Southington, Trumbull, Ohio; Roll: 1884; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 0053; FHL microfilm: 2341618.
  16. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online www.ancestry.com, Civil War Pension Index, Oct. 10, 2001.

George R. Haughton1

M, #51359, b. circa 1871


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca 1871OH, USA, age 9 in 1880 census1


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Southington Twp, Trumbull Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 62, E.D. 204, Sh. 18, Ln. 16.
  2. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Southington Twp, Trumbull Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 62, E.D. 204, Sh. 18, Ln. 13.

Henry Hughton1

M, #51360, b. circa 1850

Family: Julia (?) b. c 1849


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthcirca 1850OH, USA, age 30 in 1880 census1
1790 Census1880Franklin Twp, Portage Co., OH, USA1


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Franklin Twp, Portage Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 52, E.D. 119, Sh. 8, Ln. 50.