Noreen Houghton1

F, #96001


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
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  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.

Helen Houghton1

F, #96002


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
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  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.

Ellen (Helen) Vernetta Nielson1

F, #96003, b. 15 June 1913, d. 1987

Family: Wilfred Houghton b. 26 Apr 1908, d. 24 Apr 1956


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJun 15, 1913Winters Quarters, Carbon Co., UT, USA, age 26 in 1940 census2,3
MarriageSep 18, 1931Castle Dale, Emery Co., UT, USA1,3
1940 Census1940Castle Gate, Carbon Co., UT, USA, age 31, coal production supplies lump breaker4
1950 US Census1950Castle Gate, UT, USA, age 41, coal mine dumper
ParentsDJoseph Henry Nielson and Florence May Hall
BiographyHoughton Helen by Cathy Anderson The Influences of Life in a Small Town
A study of Helen N. Houghton (Ellen Vernetta Nielsen Houghton) by Cathy Boynton Anderson

The opening of No. 1 Mine of Castle Gate was in 1886. This was the result of an exploration led by Robert Forester. This also was the beginning of the community known as Castle Gate. Castle Gate was first explored by Jedediah Smith, William Ashley, and Ettiene Provost. It was given it's name because of the rock formation at the north end. The first settlers lived in boxcars provided by the railroad. The first child was born 1890. The town was incorporated in 1914. An explosion at 8:30 A.M. on March 8, 1923. left 173 victims and marked a day that will not be forgotten by the members of that community at that time. Castle Gate was turned into a coal processing plant in 1967. They had all of the houses moved out and relocated in 1974.

Castle Gate may not exist on the map but will always live on in the minds of those who remember it. The following is parts of an oral history of Helen N. Houghton. She is a woman who grew up in Winter Quarters. and raised her family in Castle Gate. She lived an ordinary life influenced by living in a small town.

"I was born on June 25, 1913 in Winters Quarters, Utah . It was up by Schofield. They closed down in 1927. We moved to Castle Gate. Winter Quarters was a beautiful place. It was all hills. My earliest memories are of the hills and the mountains. They were so pretty up there. I loved it in the country. We had so much fun. We had a very happy childhood. We played games, had these clubs, embroidered, played on the swings and tricky bars, and in the Winter we all made candy. We used to have some ball games in Castle Gate that were real good. We would go swimming in the river. We swam and swam but never got the hang of it.

We really did enjoy going to school. When we got to the ninth grade we had to go to Carbon High School. We had a good time just bumming around town. There wasn't anything else to do We'd watch all the kids play games and things like that. We went fishing once in awhile down by the creek in a wagon. Then for Christmas we didn't get much, but we got most of what most kids got.

We lived in the same house I have now, in Winter Quarters. (it was cut into and moved to Castle Gate and moved again to Helper) It was crowded with all of us kids. We had my Mother and Dad and six children. Me, Veda and Ethel slept in one bed and Jack, Jim, and Sonny slept in one bed.

As a teenager our parents did not allow us to socialize with boys. We didn't socialize with boys until we moved to Castle Gate. When I was sixteen I could maybe go to a show or something. We went to movies that's all we had. My parents did not allow me to go to dances.

We didn't have a telephone in Castle Gate until about 1940. The Mine had one so we'd have to go down to the Mine to use the phone. We didn't have indoor plumbing either.
My mother died when she was 30 years old. She died of Uremic Poisoning. She got that when she had Jimmy. In them days there wasn't anything they could do for it. She was from England. I was around nine or ten and Veda was a year older than me when she died. Then next April Dad married, I guess it was better than chasin with six kids. Grandma took Jimmy, the youngest one. He was only about three months old. Jack was three, Veda stayed out of school to take care of him. We about starved that poor kid to death, because we didn't know what to feed him.

Dad was good to everybody. He was a real good guy. My dad worked in a store all his life. He was a store truck driver. He died in 1950. He was a very strict man.

After my mother died, we had a step mother within the year. She was good to us, but she was very strict. She made us do a job every day. We had to have it done by noon. She really did help us a lot. She taught us how to keep house and do this and that. She made us mind and do what she wanted. They were good living people but my dad drank. He got to drinking in his older years.

My dad and his brothers used to get drunk, and they would come home and break every window in the house and all of the dishes. Oh the fights they used to have!

My dad used to send us for the home brew. We used to walk up Willow Creek and get that damn wine for my dad. Yes sir, we walked up there. Mrs. Talerico, old lady Talerico made it. She sold it. He'd get mad at us if we were late getting home, but he'd get over it. Dad could get mean if when he was mad.

I started going out with my husband in 1929. He asked me for a date to go to the show. It was a musical. We went down to Helper. He borrowed his dad's car for that first date. I married him in 1931.

When I went out on my own I didn't know anything. I was just 18 years old. We had six children. My husband took sick and died of cancer in 1952.

I worked all the time after he died. I worked in a cafe, the library and cleaned that dirty old hotel. I worked in a grocery store and got robbed. Some guy came in and tried to rob me, but I told him I didn't have any money. The dang nut could have walked right around me to the till. He said he head a gun in his pocket. The cop gave me the devil. He said, "Next time anybody tells you they have a gun you get out. Don't try to monkey around, because you don't know if they have a gun or not." We had quite an experience workin in that store. There were so many alcoholics and bums that came in there.

My oldest son, charlie, graduated from Ohio State University and received his Phd. All my kids went to college except for Pat. My children's names are, Charles Houghton, Joyce Halverson, Sherron Boynton, Billy Houghton, Kent Houghton and Pat Houghton. I have 18 grandchildren and five great grand children.

We had it like everybody else in those days. No body had a lot. Everybody was in the same situation. My kids got in trouble once in a while breaking a window or something. The cop was always after them though. Some people thought they were criminals, but they weren't. I've always gone to church. In Castle Gate I always went to sacrament meeting's. In Helper I just can't get used to going. I read the Bible once in a while. My Mother and Grandma taught me my belief in God. They were all Mormons. I was the president of the PTA, and I was the secretary of the Sunday School for about twenty years, I worked a lot for the Church.

I think my life is the most valuable possession I have. I've been sick for about thirty years, so I try to take care of my self. I don't go partying or anything. I'd like to go on a trip someplace if my health stays good. Maybe I try it some day. If I could go back and live my life over again I wouldn't change any of it. I like money to spend , but there are a lot of things money can't buy, like friends. I have some real good friends. I call every day just to talk. I think honesty is worth a lot also.

I think life in general today is the weeds in a lot of ways. Where we live in Helper, there's so many bums and people that drink their selves to death. When we were growing up everybody lived the same. Nobody had anymore than anybody else. Now they've all got to have better things and kids want more. The people were different then. They were more congenial and more neighborly. Now we live up there in Helper and we've never even seen some of the neighbors. One has been in my house once. We talk if we are outside, but we just don't visit. I'd rather have a good neighbor. I think there are a lot of good people and a lot of bad ones. The ones on the good side are the ones that are going to improved. Some of these kids are awful. It's just the way of the world. I hope our country straightens out but I doubt it will. I don't think it is being run well.

I think the youth of today are good kids. There are a lot them that their different ways of doing things. All of us are not the same. The teenagers are different now from the way me and my friends were. You just can't believe the difference. I think it was the condition of the world that caused the these changes. The advice I could give the young people which would help them lead better lives is I think to help them and talk to them. Try to tell them right from wrong. Some of them will listen and some of them won't. Some of the experiences I have had that would benefit from are I had to work. I enjoy working, I didn't like school much though. I think the thing wrong with me was I couldn't even see the blackboard. I could have done a lot better if I had glasses."

Life at this time could not have been easy. Instead of complaining and making it worse they learned to love and trust their neighbor. This in turn made life a little easier for everyone. The morals and values of the people were higher so they were more trustworthy. The competitive pressure of seeing who could have the best things did not exist as strong so everyone could relax and enjoy life. Through writing this paper I have learned to appreciate the life my Grandmother, Helen N. Houghton lived.

Although Castle Gate did not last one hundred years as a town, the memory of it will last as long as we keep it alive.5


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.
  2. [S1455] Eugene H. Halverson, Smith, Nielson, Hall, & Houghton, p. 273.
  3. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,…
  4. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , Castle Gate, Carbon, Utah; Roll: T627_4211; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 4-5.
  5. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,…

William Roger Houghton1,2

M, #96004, b. 26 January 1937, d. 8 November 1996

Family 1: Nedra Lislie Mellor b. 1940

Family 2: Joyce Hunter Chorlton b. 1941


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthJan 26, 1937Castle Gate, Carbon Co., UT, USA, age 3 in 1940 census1
MarriageNov 29, 1958Helper, UT, USA1
MarriageJul 3, 1991Elko, NV, USA1
DeathNov 8, 1996LDS Hospital, Salt Lake City, UT, USA1
ObituaryNov 10, 1996Salt Lake City, UT, USA, Deseret News, The (Salt Lake City, UT) - November 10, 1996
William Roger Houghton, age 59, died November 8, 1996 at the LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City from complication of heart surgery.

Bill was born January 26, 1937 in Castle Gate, Utah, a son of Wilfred and Helen Vernetta Nielson Houghton. He married Nedra Mellor on November 29, 1958 in Helper, Utah. They were later divorced. He married Joyce Hunter Chorlton on July 3, 1991 in Elko, Nevada. Bill retired from Ballard Medical on January 1, 1994 and moved to Torrey, Utah, where he was very happy. He enjoyed his family, grandchildren, hunting and fishing with the boys from Ballard Medical, Jazz basketball and his dog, Penney.

He is survived by his wife, Joyce Houghton; children, Scott (Debbie) Houghton; Brad (Teresa) Houghton; Stacey (Ken) Staley; step-daughters, Deborah (Roger Udink) Chorlton; Sharon (Stu) Gale; grandchildren: April, Max, Talia, Brandon, Ashley, Megan, Kasey, Ryan, Sarah, Jennifer, Savannah, Nicholas, Willy and Gavin; brothers: Charles (Grace) Houghton, Kent (Diana) Houghton, Pat (Cathy) Houghton; sisters: Joyce (Gene) Halverson and Sherron (Darold) Boynton; and many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by a son, Wilfred Lamont Houghton and his parents.

Funeral services will be held Tuesday, November 12, 1996 at 1 p.m. in the Torrey LDS Ward Chapel, where friends may call for viewing Tuesday one hour prior to the services. Burial will be in the Torrey Cemetery under the direction of the Springer Turner Funeral Home of Richfield and Salina, Utah.

T 11/10 N 11/11

Copyright (c) 1996 Deseret News Publishing Company1
BurialTorrey Cemetery, Torrey, UT, USA


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.
  2. [S1455] Eugene H. Halverson, Smith, Nielson, Hall, & Houghton, p. 274.

Nedra Lislie Mellor1,2

F, #96005, b. 1940

Family: William Roger Houghton b. 26 Jan 1937, d. 8 Nov 1996


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birth1940Price, Carbon Co., UT, USA2
MarriageNov 29, 1958Helper, UT, USA1


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.
  2. [S1455] Eugene H. Halverson, Smith, Nielson, Hall, & Houghton, p. 274.

Joyce Hunter Chorlton1

F, #96006, b. 1941

Family: William Roger Houghton b. 26 Jan 1937, d. 8 Nov 1996


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birth1941Carleton, Manitoba, Ontario, Canada2
MarriageJul 3, 1991Elko, NV, USA1
Living1996UT, USA


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.
  2. [S1455] Eugene H. Halverson, Smith, Nielson, Hall, & Houghton, p. 275.

Roger Scott Houghton1,2

M, #96007, b. 1960

Family: Debra Bolin b. 1963


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birth1960Murray, Salt Lake Co., UT, USA1,2
Living1996UT, USA1


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.
  2. [S1455] Eugene H. Halverson, Smith, Nielson, Hall, & Houghton, p. 274.

Debra Bolin1

F, #96008, b. 1963


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birth1963Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT, USA2


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.
  2. [S1455] Eugene H. Halverson, Smith, Nielson, Hall, & Houghton, p. 274.

Bradley M. Houghton1,2

M, #96009, b. 1964

Family: Teresa Ann (?)


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birth1964Murray, Salt Lake Co., UT, USA1,2
Living1996UT, USA1


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.
  2. [S1455] Eugene H. Halverson, Smith, Nielson, Hall, & Houghton, p. 274.

Teresa Ann (?)1

F, #96010

Family: Bradley M. Houghton b. 1964


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.

Stacey Lee Houghton1,2

F, #96011, b. 1962

Family: Kenneth R. Staley


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birth1962Murray, Salt Lake Co., UT, USA1,2


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.
  2. [S1455] Eugene H. Halverson, Smith, Nielson, Hall, & Houghton, p. 274.

Kenneth R. Staley1

M, #96012

Family: Stacey Lee Houghton b. 1962


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
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  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.

Grace Margaret Lemke1,2

F, #96013, b. 1932


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birth1932Milwaukee, WI, USA2


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.
  2. [S1455] Eugene H. Halverson, Smith, Nielson, Hall, & Houghton, p. 273.
  3. [S1455] Eugene H. Halverson, Smith, Nielson, Hall, & Houghton, p. 274.

David Kent Houghton1,2

M, #96014, b. 1950

Family 1: Scarlet Betty Watson b. 1950

Family 2: Diana Bonacci b. 1953


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birth1950Price, Carbon Co., UT, USA2
Living2003Carbonville, UT, USA1


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.
  2. [S1455] Eugene H. Halverson, Smith, Nielson, Hall, & Houghton, p. 275.

Diana Bonacci1,2

F, #96015, b. 1953

Family: David Kent Houghton b. 1950


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birth1953Price, Carbon Co., UT, USA2


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.
  2. [S1455] Eugene H. Halverson, Smith, Nielson, Hall, & Houghton, p. 275.

Patrick Niel Houghton1,2

M, #96016, b. 1952

Family 1: Ilean Watson b. 1955

Family 2: Kathy LaRaine Johnston b. 1955


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birth1952Price, Carbon Co., UT, USA2
Living2003Carbonville, UT, USA1


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.
  2. [S1455] Eugene H. Halverson, Smith, Nielson, Hall, & Houghton, p. 275.

Kathy LaRaine Johnston1,2

F, #96017, b. 1955


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birth1955Wellington, Carbon Co., UT, USA2


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.
  2. [S1455] Eugene H. Halverson, Smith, Nielson, Hall, & Houghton, p. 275.

Joyce Wilma Houghton1,2

F, #96018, b. 6 November 1933, d. 22 July 2003

Family: Eugene H. Halverson b. 1928


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthNov 6, 1933Castle Gate, Carbon Co., UT, USA, age 6 in 1940 census2
MarriageSep 23, 1955Castle Gate, Carbon Co., UT, USA1
Living1996UT, USA
DeathJul 22, 2003Clinton, UT, USA1
ObituaryJul 24, 2003Salt Lake City, UT, USA, Deseret News, The (Salt Lake City, UT) - July 24, 2003
Deceased Name: Obituary: Joyce W. Houghton Halverson
11/6/33 ~ 7/22/03

CASTLE GATE/WEST JORDAN /CLINTON, UTAH- Joyce passed away peacefully on Tuesday, July 22, 2003, at her home in Clinton.

She was born and raised in Castle Gate, a daughter of Wilfred Houghton and Ellen (Helen) Nielson. Graduate of Carbon High School and St. Mark's School of Nursing. Joyce was a dedicated nurse for many years at St. Mark's, Cottonwood, and Pioneer Valley Hospitals. Nursing brought many opportunities into Joyce's life, including that of meeting her husband-to-be when he was a patient assigned to her care. Joyce married Eugene H. Halverson on September 23, 1955, in Castle Gate. Marriage later solemnized in the Ogden LDS Temple on November 23, 2002. Joyce was a devoted member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and faithfully served in many callings throughout her life. She died firm in her testimony of her Savior, Jesus Christ.

Joyce devoted her life to her family. She was an exceptional wife and mother, and was especially proud of her grandchildren. She was very supportive of all their events and was always their biggest fan. Joyce always looked forward to the countless camping trips and reunions with many extended family members. The sorrow we feel at her death is eased by the joyful reunions we know she is having with many loved ones on the other side of the veil.

Joyce is survived by her husband, Gene, Clinton; daughter, Diane (Jay Dee) Cahoon, Clinton; son, David, Salt Lake City; grandchildren, Tyler, Callie, Marcie, Trevor, Liz, Jakob Cahoon; Heather and Megan Overstreet. Brothers, Charles (Grace) Houghton, Vestal, New York; Kent (Diana) Houghton, Carbonville; Pat (Kathy) Houghton, Carbonville. Joyce's many nieces and nephews will also miss her very much. She is preceded in death by her parents; brother, William Houghton; sister, Sherron Boynton.

The family wishes to express appreciation to the devoted staff at VistaCare Hospice, particularly Tami, Bruce, and Jeannie. Also Doctors Karren Christensen and Nelson Astle.

A viewing will be held on Sat., July 26th, beginning at 10 a.m. Funeral services will follow at 11 a.m., both at the Clinton 19th Ward LDS Chapel, 702 W. 1300 N., Clinton (Exit 338 from I-15). Interment Clinton Cemetery. Funeral Directors Broomhead Funeral Home, Riverton, UT.1
BurialClinton Cemetery, Clinton, UT, USA


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.
  2. [S1455] Eugene H. Halverson, Smith, Nielson, Hall, & Houghton, p. 274.

Eugene H. Halverson1

M, #96019, b. 1928

Family: Joyce Wilma Houghton b. 6 Nov 1933, d. 22 Jul 2003


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birth1928Bingham Canyon, Salt Lake Co., UT, USA2
MarriageSep 23, 1955Castle Gate, Carbon Co., UT, USA1
Living2003Clinton, UT, USA1


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.
  2. [S1455] Eugene H. Halverson, Smith, Nielson, Hall, & Houghton, p. 274.

Sherron Florence Houghton1,2

F, #96020, b. 1935, d. before 2003

Family: Darold Jay Boynton b. 1932


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birth1935Castle Gate, Carbon Co., UT, USA, age 4 in 1940 census1,2
Living1996UT, USA1
Deathbefore 2003
Children+6-- Cory Lynn BOYNTON (1959- ) Murray,Salt Lake,Utah
sp-Cindy Lue WILSON (1960- ) Gunnison,Sevier,Utah
7-- Barry Kay BOYNTON (1980- ) Ephraim,Sanpete,Utah
7-- Brock BOYNTON (1984- ) Gunnison,Sanpete,Utah
sp-Hichelle AUSTIN (1961- ) ,Utah
7-- Aiix BOYNTON (1991- ) Rock Springs,Wyoming
6-- William Mark BOYNTON (1962- ) Salt Lake City,Salt Lake,Utah
sp-Sherilyn LOVELESS (1965- ) Layton,Davis,Utah
6-- Catherine Ann BOYNTON (1965- ) Murray,Salt Lake,Utah
sp-Reulon Guy ANDERSON (1964- ) Provo,Utah,Utah
7-- Brooke Ellen ANDERSON (1986- ) Provo,Utah,Utah
1 - - Haydon Guy ANDERSON (1990- ) Salt Lake City,Salt Lake,Utah
7-- Morgan Kellie ANDERSON (1994- ) Murray,Salt Lake,Utah
6-- Craig Leo BOYNTON (1968- ) Salt Lake City,Salt Lake,Utah
sp-Stacy HANSEN (1969- ) Santa Monica, Calif o m ia
7-- Anna Lee BOYNTON (1996- ) Salt Lake City,Salt Lake,Utah
1 - - Zachary Glen BOYNTON (1997- ) Salt Lake City,Salt Lake,Utah2


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.
  2. [S1455] Eugene H. Halverson, Smith, Nielson, Hall, & Houghton, p. 274.

Darold Jay Boynton1,2

M, #96021, b. 1932

Family: Sherron Florence Houghton b. 1935, d. b 2003


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birth1932Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., UT, USA2


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.
  2. [S1455] Eugene H. Halverson, Smith, Nielson, Hall, & Houghton, p. 274.

Wilfred Lamont Houghton Jr1

M, #96022, d. before 1996


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Deathbefore 1996


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.

Bernice Lowe1

F, #96023, b. 9 June 1931, d. 7 May 2016

Family: George K. Houghton Sr b. 20 Feb 1929, d. 4 Dec 1996


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJun 9, 1931Alexandria Bay, NY, USA
Living1996Skaneateles, NY, USA
DeathMay 7, 2016Commons on St. Anthony, Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY, USA
ObituaryMay 10, 2016Bernice "Tiny" Houghton, of Skaneateles, passed away Saturday, May 7, 2016 at the Commons on St. Anthony, Auburn. Born on June 9, 1931, in Alexandria Bay, NY, she was the tenth child of fourteen children, of George and Ola (Wood) Lowe. She was a child of the Depression, teen during the war years and young wife and mother during the fifties. She married her childhood sweetheart, George Houghton, who grew up across the street from her in Alexandria Bay and together they raised four children in the village of Skaneateles. Community members, along with Tiny and George, created and volunteered as EMTs for SAVES, the local ambulance service. In addition, Tiny was very active in the United Methodist Church, the Skaneateles Figure Skating Club, Home Bureau, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, and costume committee member for the Skaneateles Dance Program. As a nurse, she was employed by the Auburn Memorial Hospital and upon her retirement, she compassionately cared for patients in the Cayuga County Hospice program. In later years, she worked for the Board of Elections as well as volunteered for Laker Limo. Tiny enjoyed the company of many, many friends, especially her "group" that gathered weekly for dinner and never missed a summer band concert in the park. Tiny is predeceased by George, who passed in December, 1996. She is also predeceased by eleven of her siblings. Tiny is survived by her two sons, George Jr. and his wife, Ingrid, of Skaneateles, Dwayne of Marcellus, and two daughters, Deborah and her husband, James Sponaugle, of Cortland, NY and Tina and her husband, Kenneth Ward of Auburn. Tiny's grandchildren include Amanda Bishop, Jamison Sponaugle and wife Keri of Cortland, Kory Sponaugle and wife Ashley of Camillus, Kyle Houghton and wife Carolyn Roman of Seattle, Washington, Gwendolyn Kirsten Maesano and husband Michael, and Robyn Ward of Auburn, Alex Woodlief of NYC and Alexis Hougthon of Baldwinsville; Great-grandchildren include, Aiden Sponaugle, Emma Sponaugle, Maddie Maesano, and a new arrival expected in August. She is also survived by her sister, Audrey Rock of Central Square, her brother, Kenneth Lowe, of San Antonio, Texas as well as over 60 nieces, nephews and great-nieces and great-nephews. Per Tiny's request, there will be no calling hours and graveside services will be private. The family would like to invite friends and family to a reception at the Skaneateles United Methodist Church, Jordan Street on Saturday, May 21, 2016 at 1:00 pm. Contributions may be made to the River Hospital, 4 Fuller Street, Alexandria Bay, NY 13607 or SAVES Ambulance Service, 77 Fennell Street, Skaneateles, NY 13152.

Published in Syracuse Post Standard from May 10 to May 15, 2016
BurialLake View Cemetery, Skaneateles, Onondaga Co., NY, USA
ParentsDGeorge and Ola (Wood) Lowe.


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.

Deborah A. Houghton1

F, #96024

Family: James Sponaugle


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthNY, USA1
Living1996Homer, NY, USA


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.

James Sponaugle1

M, #96025

Family: Deborah A. Houghton


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.

Tina Houghton1

F, #96026

Family: Kenneth Ward


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthNY, USA1
Living1996Skaneateles, NY, USA


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.

Kenneth Ward1

M, #96027

Family: Tina Houghton


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.

(?) Gray1

M, #96028

Family: Theresa A. Houghton b. 28 Sep 1950


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.

Patricia Southgate1

F, #96029

Family: Ronald Harry Houghton b. 6 Oct 1936, d. 13 Feb 1997


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
MarriageJul 15, 1955Grand Rapids, MN, USA1
Living1997Hibbing, MN, USA1


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.

Debbie Houghton1

F, #96030

Family: (?) Tintor


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthMN, USA1
Living1997Hibbing, MN, USA


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; Houghton Surname.