Vaughn Dennis Longanecker1,2

M, #64, b. 11 October 1947

Family: Suzanne Laura Roels b. 26 May 1954


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthOct 11, 1947Lutheran Hospital, Fort Dodge, Webster Co., IA, USA2,3
Mil. Serv.1969U. S. Army; He took his training at Fort Houston, TX, and Fort Gordon, GA. Private, Army medic. Arrived in Vietnam in Feb. 1969
MarriageMay 25, 1975
BiographyHe was born in the Lutheran Hospital at Fort Dodge, IA. His mother and he moved to San Francisco in Dec. 1951. They lived with his Uncle Marshall for 6 weeks and then at 176 Peralta in Bernal Heights for 10 years. He attended George Washington High School for 1 year. Then moved to Layfayette, CA for two years, and went to Acalanes High School. In Oct. 1965, they moved to Oakland. He went to Fremont High School. He went to Iowa for 6 months to work on farms after he graduated. He came back to Oakland and learned carpentry. He joined Vista for a few weeks and then was drafted. He served for two years, with one year in Vietnam, serving as a medic (because he was a conscientious objector). He hit the road; went to Louisiana; bought a van; and drove across the country. He worked as an orderly. He then went to Mt. Diablo Jr. College for 1 year. He went to Petrolia, CA and lived on the land for three and a half years. He built an A-frame on the land. He went to school on the G.I. bill, at Redwoods Jr. College; he met Laura there. They married and moved to Sebastopol and bought some land there. He worked as an orderly at Santa Rosa Hospital. They moved to Crawfordsville, near Eugene, Oregon in 1980. He worked as an orderly at various hospitals in Eugene. He received his nursing degree. They moved outside of Portland about 1988. He worked as a nurse in several hospitals. In 1994 he started doing homecare nursing through an agency. Vaughn and Lara were devout Christians, worked as Republican Precinct Committee members. Vaughn worked with the Oregon State Christian Heritage Month Proclamation Steering Committee. In 2002 he returned from a mission to Romania and was working on setting up the care ministry at his church that he had been doing on my own for eight years. He was also working on Oregons state quarter design.


  1. [S401] Interview with Margaret (Uran) Lovelife, 1996.
  2. [S990] E. Beulah Hauser & Vivian Imogene MORGAN (28), Morgan Genealogy - V. I. (Morgan) Uran, p. 169.
  3. [S1399] Unknown subject.

Martin Edward Evind1

M, #65, b. 2 January 1950

Family: Susan Gail Uran b. 22 Aug 1951


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthJan 2, 1950San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA, USA
Graduation1968Lincoln High School
Occupationa house painter
MarriageJan 12, 1980San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA, USA1
Note2011DNA from Genographic Project:
Haplogroup R1a1, M17 (Subclade R1a1a, M198)
BiographyMarty grew up in San Francisco. He went to St. Anne's elementary school, Herbert Hoover Middle School for 1 year, and Lincoln High School (from which he graduated in 1968). He then worked at various jobs, joining the Warehouseman's union at age 19. He was a hospital orderly at Laguna Honda for 6 months. He became an independent house painter in 1972.

He had 9 sisters and 1 brother, being the fifth child. His oldest sister was a half sister. He went to Maharishi University in 1979 for transcendental meditation training. He went to India in 1980 and 1983 for 1 month each time; second visit to India was to Sathya Sai Baba's ashram in Bangalore, India, the second time. He lived successively at 1973 Belmont Ct., Santa Rosa and at 2138 Hidden Valley Dr, Santa Rosa. The family moved to Sonora in 1995, but soon returned to Santa Rosa.


  1. [S26] Self.

Rebecca Ann Evind

F, #66, b. 3 November 1981

Family: Paul William Hoffman b. 3 Apr 1974


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthNov 3, 1981University of California Hospital, San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA, USA1
Occupation2008in a bank.
Graduation2016San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, USA, MA in Speech Pathology
BiographyRebecca went to Loma Verde, Proctor Terrace, Presidio (all in San Francisco), and Santa Rosa Elementary schools. She graduated from Santa Rosa High School in June, 1999.


  1. [S401] Interview with Rosalind (Herschin) Uran, 1996.

Amy Lynne Evind1

F, #67, b. 3 February 1985

Family: Joshua Santi Bertozzi b. 5 Sep 1979


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthFeb 3, 1985University of California Hospital, San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA, USA2
MarriageSep 26, 2009Occidental, CA, USA


  1. [S415] E-mail from Susan Evind, Oct 18, 2013.
  2. [S401] Interview with Rosalind (Herschin) Uran, 1996.

Natalie Kay Evind

F, #68, b. 27 December 1987

Family: James Burke


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthDec 27, 1987at Santa Rosa Community Hospital, Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co., CA, USA1
Occupation2008in a veterinary office


  1. [S401] Interview with Susan (Uran) Evind, 1996.

Meisha Rama Vella

F, #69


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthMemorial Hospital, Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co., CA, USA1
Residencebetween 1993 and 19991348 Montrose Dr., San Leandro, Alameda Co., CA, USA
GraduationJun 11, 1999San Leandro High School, San Leandro, CA, USA
EducationSep, 1999University of California at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Co., CA, USA
Immigrationbetween 2004 and 2007Oaxaca, Mexico
Note2018Started working as a hospital social worker
BiographyMeisha was originally named Meisha Ruth Rama Sarah Winona Vella. She lived with her parents in Sebastopol. She attended Winni the Pooh Preschool, Analy preschool, Gravenstien elementary for KG, then Parkside school until the third grade, then Pinecrest elementary school for 4th and 5th, then Windsor elementary school (6th), then Brookhaven school (6th), then Crestview Academy in Montana for 1 month. In the summer of 1993, when her mother was psychiatrically hospitalized in Montana, Meisha moved in with her paternal grandparents in San Leandro and started at Bankcroft Middle School. She liked riding horses. She was significantly involved in community service activity during high school. She worked for the Conservation Corp during the summer of 1999. She started at UC Santa Cruz in Sept. 1999 in sociology. She was a student assistant at the Center for Justice, Tolerance, and Community at UCSC. Meisha found herself volunteering during Summer Institute 2001 and the staff was so impressed with her warm, professional, bi-cultural self, that they hired her on as staff for Summer Institute 2002! Meisha is a fourth-year UC Santa Cruz student majoring in Latin American and Latino Studies. During that time she has tutored Latino high school students, done social work with Latino families of bilingual students at Santa Cruz High School and assisted Latino immigrants with citizenship paperwork. She has traveled all over Latin America, but spent last winter with her partner in Belize and Guatemala experiencing life in simple and beautiful ways! They found work with an organic coffee co-operative and also doing physical and educational therapy with youth in Guatemala. They visited divine swimming holes, Mayan ruins and loved living with a Tzutuhil family that adopted them. Meisha often goes by “Meesh” as all the Guatemalan kids called her—did you know that “Meesh” means “cat” in Tzutuhil? She graduated Jun 2003. She then spent 6 months in Oaxaca, Mexico volunteering at a Woman's health clinic (the Center for study of women and children, a nonprofit; with midwives, domestic violence victims). She helped set up a midwife conference. She lived in Oaxaca for 3 years teaching English as a second language. She returned to San Francisco in 2007 and went to work for La Casa De Las Madres, a shelter for families of domestic violence, as a residential case worker. She was married in Oaxaca, Mexico, to Luis. She started her MSW program at San Jose State University in Sep. 2009. She graduated and went to work for La Clinica de la La Raza in Oakland for a year. Then for a children's service in San Mateo.

2003 Bachelor of Arts in Latin American and Latino Studies. Focus in politics.
University of California at Santa Cruz
Skills Computer literacy (Word, Excel); Conference and event coordination; Bilingual (Spanish/English); Customer/Client relations; Leadership; Public Speaking.
2004-2005 English Teacher, Instituto Amigos del Sol and private lessons, Oaxaca, Mexico.
Teaching beginning, intermediate and advanced English classes to Mexican students, ages 10-50, with a focus on grammar, vocabulary and conversation.
2002-2003 Advocate, Women’s Crisis Support/Defensa de Mujeres, Santa Cruz.
Peer counseling and referrals, 24 hour crisis line, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Workshops, Sexual Assault prevention work, publicity.
2001-2003 Coordinator, Social Change Across Borders Summer Institute, Santa Cruz.
Research, reader compilation, translation, interpreting, participant correspondence, menu planning, volunteer coordination, office support and conference staffing.
2001-2002 Community Outreach Coordinator, Santa Cruz High School
Tutoring bilingual students, home visits, family advocacy, correspondence, organizing PTA for monolingual Spanish-speaking parents, report compilation.
Summer 01 Intern, Berkeley YMCA Head Start
Writing articles, data entry, office support, phone banking, record keeping.
Summer 00 Citizenship assistant, Spanish Speaking Citizens Council, Oakland.
Data entry, event planning, advocacy and documentation for new U.S. citizens
Feb.-Mar. 00 Receptionist, Drop-In center, Santa Cruz HIV resource center
Introducing clients to the testing process, advocacy, STD/Drug use workshops.
1999-2000 Teacher’s Assistant, UC Santa Cruz Children’s Center (pre-school)
Supervising children’s play time activities, facilitating meals, set up procedures.
1997-1998 Hostess/Waitress, Honey Tree Café, San Leandro.
Customer relations, serving, food preparation, billing, opening and closing tasks, heading employee trainings, inventory and ordering.


  1. [S26] Self.

Donald Maxwell Uran1,2

M, #70, b. 1 August 1921, d. 28 August 1978

Family: Dorothy May Thomas b. 10 Mar 1915, d. 25 Sep 1984


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthAug 1, 1921Wellsburg, Grundy Co., IA, USA3,4,5,2
Occupationbetween 1942 and 1950in the the Merchant Marines
MarriageMay 13, 1955Seattle, King Co., WA, USA6
No Childrn
DeathAug 28, 1978Seattle, King Co., WA, USA5,4
BurialAug 31, 1978Restlawn Cemetery, Seattle, WA, USA
ObituarySep 7, 1978Riceville, IA, USA, Donald Maxwell Uran was born on August 1, 1921 in Wellsburg, Iowa to Dr. Joseph A. Uran and Vivian Imogene Morgan Uran. He died on August 28, 1978 in Seattle, Washington during a lung cancer operation. The family moved to Riceville, Iowa on August 1, 1925.
Donald attended two years of the Riceville High School where he played basketball and football. In October, 1938, he left with his brother marshall for Los Angeles, California whre he spent 1 year as a student at the Frank Wiggins Trade School.
With the consent of his parents he entered the U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Marine Training Station at Port Huneneme, California on July 13, 1942. He graduated on November 13, 1942 as Fireman. He had been a Merchant Marine during the World War II and to the present time which totaled 42 years.
On May 13, 1955 Donald and Mrs. Dorothy (Helen) Weyh of Seattle were married.
He is survived by his wife Dorothy (Helen), daughter Jo Anne Schubert and son Arthur Weyh, Havre, Montana, brother Marshall Uran, San Francisco, California; sisters Ellen Vivian Wilson, Riceville, Iowa and Margo Lovelife, Oakland, California and five grandchildren.
Funeral services were held on Thursday, August 31, 1978 at 3 P.M. at the Wiggen and Sons Chapel in Seattle, Washington. Internment was in Restlawn, Seattle, Washington....They resided at 216 Northwest 67th Street, Seattle, Washington 98117.
BiographyHe attended Riceville high school for 2 years. According to his brother Marshall, he was asked by his father to leave town because of his behavior. He left for Los Angeles with Marshall in 1938. He spent 1 year as a student at the Frank Wiggins Trade School. He worked as a trucker between 1939 and 1941. He joined the Socialist Worker's Party. He enlisted in the Coast Guard on Dec. 23, 1941. He graduated in 1942 as a fireman. He enlisted in the Merchant Marines from 1942 to 1950. He was repeatedly elected as union delegate on board ships to represent the crew to the captain. He traveled around the world (including Malta). He had 5 commendations from the War Shipping Adm., as he had been in direct action in five different war zones. He returned to Riceville in 1950, then to San Francisco with Margaret and Vaughn in 1951. He continued as a merchant marine, working as an oiler in 1951. He lived in Seattle, WA from 1953 until his death. He married Mrs. Helen Weyh in 1955. .


  1. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 16, 342 #402.
  2. [S990] E. Beulah Hauser & Vivian Imogene MORGAN (28), Morgan Genealogy - V. I. (Morgan) Uran, p. 170.
  3. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 342.
  4. [S98] Social Security Administration.
  5. [S253] Unknown author, Urans Live ! Love! Die!, II, p. 1.
  6. [S990] E. Beulah Hauser & Vivian Imogene MORGAN (28), Morgan Genealogy - V. I. (Morgan) Uran, p. 173.

Margaret Uran1

F, #71, b. 13 October 1917, d. 21 March 1998

Family: Leonard Calvin Longanecker Jr b. 11 Mar 1921, d. 30 Aug 1995


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthOct 13, 1917Wellsburg, Grundy Co., IA, USA2,3
Occupationa secretary
GraduationMay, 1936Riceville High School, Riceville, IA, USA2
MarriageJan 25, 1947Hapeville, Cobb Co., GA, USA, at Presbyterian Parsonage2
DivorceJan 27, 1950Osage, IA, USA4
Address1995214 Grand Ave #2, Oakland, Alameda Co., CA, USA
DeathMar 21, 1998Oakland, Alameda Co., CA, USA
BiographyMargo gave the following history in 1994 (to Charles Vella): She was born in Wellsburg, IA. Her family moved to Waterloo, IA. She was baptised at age 6. She went to the grade school in Riceville and then to high school there. She belonged to the high school glee club, basketball team, and played flute in the band. She played the flute, piano, and vibraphone. She was living in Riceville in 1950 with her husband Leonard. She graduated in 1936 from Riceville High School. She joined the Congregational church during high school. At age 19, with Ellen, she left home and went to work for 3 years as a maid at St. Mary's Hospital in Rochester, Minnesota. She helped to support Ellen. She went to the American Institute of Business for 9 months in Des Moines, IA and graduated in 1940. She belonged to the Phi Rho Zeta Fraternity and the YWCA. She spent five years in Des Moines with Ellen, working as a stenographer at Meredith Pub. Co., Flynn Milk co. and USO. In 1945 she went to Atlanta, GA to join Ellen and stayed there until 1947, working as a secretary/bookkeeper at USO, Veterans Admin. Guidance Center, and Rick's Dept. Store. In 1948, she (being pregnant) and Leonard (Len) went to Riceville, IA, and then to Fort Dodge, IA where Vaughn was born. She was a charter member of the Riceville, IA United Service Women (later Amvets) and served as historian of Riceville Amvets. They moved to Central City, IA for 1 year from 1947 to 1948. Len was a mortician there, but he lost his business in Apr. 1948. Len then went west and disappeared. She stayed with her parents until she moved to San Francisco in Dec. 1951. There she stayed with her brother, Marshall, for 6 weeks and at 176 Peralta Ave, San Francisco, CA. She moved to Oakland in 1965 and worked for various insurance companies, lawyers, travel agencies, and a bank. She was finally a secretary for 12 years for the County of Alameda. She changed her surname to Margo Lovelife on April 14, 1977. She retired on April 1, 1980. She lived in Oakland, CA.
She was politically active for a long time in local issues facing seniors and the disabled, being a president of the Grey Panthers and a co-founder in 1983 of the United Seniors of Oakland and Alameda County (USOAC)(and three times its president), a nonprofit community organization. Her passion was in improving transportation for the elderly and the disabled and she helped create a city Department on Aging as well as a master plan for four senior centers in Oakland. She worked tirelessly for these causes. In the last two years of her life, she believed she had chronic fatigue syndrome. She became increasingly more house bound and was treated for depression. A memorial service was held on March 27, 1998 at the Oakland Senior Center that she helped to found. This included the mayor of Oakland, Elihu Harris, vice-mayor Nate Miley, members of the City council, representatives of AC Transit, the City Planning Committee, the Senior Center Boad, USOAC, and the Oakland Gray Panthers. All eulogized her as a tireless fighter for senior rights.2


  1. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 15, 336 #400.
  2. [S990] E. Beulah Hauser & Vivian Imogene MORGAN (28), Morgan Genealogy - V. I. (Morgan) Uran, p. 166.
  3. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 326.
  4. [S1399] Unknown subject.

Ellen Vivian Uran1,2

F, #72, b. 20 November 1915, d. 13 December 2009

Family: Bill James Wilson b. 23 Oct 1918, d. 25 Apr 1983


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectY
Corresponded with authorY
BirthNov 20, 1915Wellsburg, Grundy Co., IA, USA3,2
MarriageDec 20, 1946Hapeville, Cobb Co., GA, USA, at Presbyterian Church.4,2
Research1970Janice Parks sent family group sheets of William Houghton of Walworth Co., WI to Ellen Uran Wilson5
Letterbetween 1993 and 1994Charles Vella, of the Houghton and Morgan Surname Projects, exchanged a series of letters with Ellen related to the Morgan, Uran, and Houghton lines. She repeatedly answered all my questions. Her family sent Charlie all their genealogical material after she passed.
AddressDec, 1998405 3rd Ave. NW #7, Rockford, IA, USA4
Note2006She went into a nursing home.
DeathDec 13, 2009Nora Springs Care Center, Nora Springs, IA, USA6
ObituaryDec 15, 2009Posted: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 12:00 am

Ellen V. Wilson

RICEVILLE — Ellen Vivian Wilson, 94, of Riceville, died Sunday (Dec. 13, 2009) at the Nora Springs Care Center in Nora Springs.

Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 17, 2009, at the Riceville United Methodist Church, with the Rev. Pamela Kranzler officiating. Burial will be in the Riverside Cemetery in Riceville.

Visitation will be held one hour prior to services on Thursday at the church.

Lindstrom Funeral Home, 641-985-2242.
BiographyShe started elementary school in Wellsburg, IA in 1922, then at Waterloo, IA, and finished at Riceville in 1930. She called her mother Moo. Graduated 1934 from Riceville High School. She played basketball in high school and belonged to a winning glee club. She took Normal Training and graduated in 1935. For 1 year, she went to St. Mary's Hospital in Rochchester, MN. She attended the America Instute of Business at Des Moines from 1938 to 1940, where she was pledged to the Phi Rho Zeta Sorority. She did clerical work form 1940 to 1944. She graduated from the Midland Radio School in Kansas City, MO. She was a teletypist for Eastern Airlines in Atlanta, GA from 1944 to 1946. She met her husband at a Y.W.C.A. dance. She married Bill James Wilson in Dec. 1946. They bought a home at Hapeville, GA. They lived in Decatur, GA from 1948 to 1958 (at 4191 Midway Rd). She did all the typing for her mother's genealogy books. She moved back to Riceville, IA in 1960. She lived at RR 1, Box 276 A#2, Riceville, IA until 1994. On Sept. 24, 1994, she moved to 405 3rd Ave. NW, Apt 7, Rockford, IA (50468) in 1994, two blocks from her daughter Rene. She was anemic and needed IV iron. She was a genealogist (using Benjamin Uran's data for her genealogy of the Uran family). She belonged to the American Legion Auxiliary, Amvets Auxiliary, and the Mitchell Co. Historical Society.

Ellen was a genealogist who collected and distributed much of the data her mother had compiled on the Uran, Morgan, and Houghton sides of the family. In 2006, her daughter Rene, with permission of her sisters, gave all of Ellen's genealogical material (~8 boxes, mostly her mother Imogene's material) to the author, Dr. Charles Vella.3,2


  1. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 11, 16, 322 #398.
  2. [S990] E. Beulah Hauser & Vivian Imogene MORGAN (28), Morgan Genealogy - V. I. (Morgan) Uran, p. 162.
  3. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 11, 322.
  4. [S401] Interview of Ellen (Uran) Wilson, 1996.
  5. [S601] Family Group Sheet, from Janice Parks to Ellen Uran Wilson, Sept. 1970.
  6. [S415] E-mail from daughter Rene.

Stanley M. Uran1,2

M, #73, b. 8 May 1913, d. 18 May 1913


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthMay 8, 1913Wellsburg, Grundy Co., IA, USA2,3
DeathMay 18, 1913Wellsburg, Grundy Co., IA, USA, of gastroenteritis.3,2
BurialUran lot in Wellsburg Cemetery, Wellsburg, Grundy Co., IA, USA


  1. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, #397, p. 309.
  2. [S990] E. Beulah Hauser & Vivian Imogene MORGAN (28), Morgan Genealogy - V. I. (Morgan) Uran, p. 162.
  3. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 309.

Angelique Danielle Mordell

F, #74, b. 9 February 1990


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthFeb 9, 1990Eden Hospital Medical Center, Castro Valley, Alameda Co., CA, USA1
BiographyIn the summer of 1994, her family was involved in a head on car accident in Oregon, in which Angie was injured (she lost a quarter of her liver).


  1. [S401] Interview with Mary Jane (Vella) Mordell, 1995: Birth Certificate.

Richard Edward Rummelhart

M, #79, b. 26 July 1974



Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthJul 26, 1974Mountain View, Santa Clara Co., CA, USA
Graduation1992Terra Nova High School, Pacifica, San Mateo Co., CA, USA
OccupationSafeway, RiteAid, Ross store manager


  1. [S415] E-mail from Mary and Rick Rummelhart, grandparents, July 13, 2003.

Francesca Vassallo1

F, #80, b. 1903



Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birth1903Mgarr, Malta2
Children+7-8 children


  1. [S401] Interview with Angelo Vella, 1996.
  2. [S16] CJV opinion.

Lydia May Houghton1

F, #81, b. 16 April 1867, d. 15 November 1938

Family: James Hamilton Morgan b. 31 Mar 1864, d. 4 Feb 1961


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthApr 16, 1867Albion, Marshall Co., IA, USA, at the farm home 1 mile east of Albion; age 3 in 1870 census; age 13 in 1880 census; Apr 1867, age 33 in 1900 census; age 43 in 1910 census3,4,5,6
LetterOct 12, 1885He states that if she ever wants to break up their friendship "to place the pepper box in the road about one inch west from your house."
Graduation1886Albion Seminary, Albion, Marshall Co., IA, USA
EducationIowa State Teachers College
MarriageDec 20, 1887Albion, Marshall Co., IA, USA, at the farm home of her parents3,2
1900 Census1900Dayton, Cedar Co., IA, USA, age 36, principal of schools7
1910 Census1910Glenwood, Mills Co., IA, USA5
DivorceNov 23, 1912Glenwood, Mills Co., IA, USA8
Occupation1915a teacher
Residence1916Albion, Marshall Co., IA, USA
Gen. Soc.Apr 14, 1928DAR (#243009) through Seth Houghton
Also 24395-17-384
DeathNov 15, 1938Riceville, Mitchell Co., IA, USA, at home of her daughter Imogene, of cervical cancer9,10
BurialNov 18, 1938Max Morgan lot at Riverside Cemetery, Riceville, Mitchell Co., IA, USA9
ObituaryNov, 1938Riceville recorder, Riceville, IA, USA, Obituary of May L. Morgan
Born Near Albion, Ia., April 16, 1867. Passed Away Nov. 5, 1938.
Lydia May Houghton was born on a farm one mile east of Albion in Marshall County, Iowa, on the 16th day of April, 1867. With the exception of two years spent in California all her life was spent in Iowa. She was the only daughter and the second of three children born to George Washington Houghton and Clarinda Ette Tender Houghton. Her parents and elder brother, Frank Henry, were born in Jay County in the state of New York. A younger brother, Fred George, was also born on the Albion farm. The Houghton family were among the pioneer farmers of Marshall County and were numbered among the substantial families that helped to make the right kind of Iowa history. She was the only surviving member of her family.
May Houghton had an exceptionally happy girlhood. Here parents were devout Christians and held family worship every morning. They were devoted to each other and their children never heard a quarrel or cross word spoken between their parents. There spacious farm home was the scene of many a happy time with their numerous friends. After the father purchased a home in Marshalltown and retired, his two sons ran the home farm and it was many years before it was sold outside the family. The home in Marshalltown was not sold until after the mother's death. May attended the spelling matches, debating societies and singing schools that were so popular in her girlhood. She had many friends that remained loyal to her throughout her life. May Houghton received her education in a rural school, a business course in the Albion Seminary and Teachers' Training at the Iowa State Teachers' College at Cedar Flats. She was a student up to the time of her last illness and belonged to the class of people who are never too old to learn. She was a born teacher and taught for many years in schools throughout Iowa.
She taught country schools, in Marshall County before her marriage and up to 1 1-2 years afterwards. After her children were old enough to be in school she acted as supply teacher in schools at Clarence and Sigourney where her husband was the Superintendent of the school. Many years later she taught the Junior high grades in Liscomb, Zearing, Denmark, Thornburg, Garrison and Conrad, also many country schools. Her discipline and influence for the good among her pupils cannot be estimated. She was never as happy as when she was in the schoolroom.
At the age of 62 it was with genuine sorrow that she gave up her chosen profession. For two years she was a matron in one of the girls cottages of the Iowa State Juvenile Home at Toledo, Iowa.
May Houghton was married on December 20, 1887 to James Hamilton Morgan. Four children survive this union, Genevieve Ethelyn (Mrs. Frederick B. Robertson of Minneapolis, Minnesota); Vivian Imogene (Mrs. Joseph A. Uran of Riceville, Iowa); Maxwell Morgan of Fargo, North Dakota; and Elouise (Mrs. Merle E. Wade of Riverside, California). Her surviving grandchildren are Patricia Jean Robertson and Frederick byron Robertson, Jr; Marshall Milton, Ellen Vivian, Margaret and Donald Maxwell Uran; Janet and Juliet Morgan, and Maxwell Buckingham Morgan, Jr; Joy and Deane Wade. One grandchild, Stanley M. Uran died in infancy.
Mrs. Morgan had a fine alto voice and wherever she lived gave freely of her time and musical talent. At an early age she became a member of the Presbyterian Church of Albion, Iowa, and was ever after a devoted Christian. She was always a worker in the church no matter where she lived. At the time of her death she was a member of the Riceville Congregational Church.
Mrs. Morgan was a charter member of the Wellsburg American Legion Auxiliary, later changing her membership to the Riceville Unit. She was a member of the Marshalltown Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, a member of the Riceville Garden Club and the Riceville Order of Eastern Stars. Until coming to Riceville she had always been a member of the Literary Division of the Federated Women's club, her last membership being with such a Club at Whittier, California.
Travel was Mrs. Morgan's hobby and she had traveled extensively in 39 of the states, also in parts of Canada and Mexico. her children took great pride in their mother's progressiveness and to them she never seemed old. When many women of her age were considered too old for such things she took her first airplane ride. In 1924 as the result of being thrown off the sidewalk by a bicycle rider it became necessary for Mrs. Morgan to have a serious knee operation that left her lame. In spite of this handicap she learned to walk again and never allowed her lameness to interfere in any way with her busy life.
On January 23, 1937, she fell in her room fracturing her left hip. She was the most patient of sufferers. Everything that could possibly be done for her comfort was done at the St. Joseph's Hospital in New Hampton, Iowa, where she remained for 6 weeks. Later she was moved to the home of Winnie Lake of the same city for six weeks. For the next 7 months that she was confined to her bed, Mrs. Morgan lived in the home of Mrs. Fanny Gerke of Riceville, Iowa. On December 26, 1937, chloroid carcinoma in an advanced stage was discovered to be present. Her son Max, and daughter Mrs. Uran, took their mother to the New Hampton Clinic and later to the Mayo Clinic of Rochester, Minnesota. Although her recovery was hopeless, it was possible to control the pain.
On February 3, 1938, Mrs. Morgan was brought to the home of her son-in-law, Dr. Joseph Uran of Riceville, Iowa, where she passed peacefully to her eternal sleep at 10:50 P.M., Tuesday, November 5, 1938.
Mrs. Morgan had many friends and carried on a correspondence with friends and relatives from all over the United States. Some inkling of her correspondence list may be apparent by the 115 greetings she received on her 70th birthday anniversary and the 350 letters and cards that were sent to her during her 3 months stay in New Hampton.
She loved Riceville and chose this small town as the place to spend her declining years. here she found many good and loyal friends as she did wherever she lived. Being herself a loyal and true friend to everyone and a very interesting conversationalist, she had an unflagging interest in all Riceville activities and people. She kept up her interest in civic affairs until the last.
Mrs. Morgan was very fond of all children and during her last illness when she was too ill to see even her closest relatives she asked to see any child who called at her home. She was especially fond of Elinor Jean Martin who came often to see her and to bring her flowers.
A speed record for typing was held by Mrs. Morgan in her younger days and the desire to excel in all that she undertook was always present. Arithmetic was her hardest subject to understand, but by grim determination and hard study she was able to pass her arithmetic examination for her first grade teacher's certificate and received a grade of 100 at an age when most women are content to sit at home and rest.
Mrs Morgan was not told that her illness would be fatal and so remained her cheerful self until the last. She learned to walk after her long confinement to bed following her hip fracture but on June 5th it was thought best to save her failing strength by keeping her in bed.
Mrs. Morgan's worst fault was her generosity and thoughtfulness of others. She often denied herself comforts that she might give to others and in her last illness thought more of her nurse's comfort than she did of her own. Her family had a keen sense of humor, a love of the truth and a firm belief in fiar play and a feeling of responsibility toward all worthwhile community projects. These sterling characteristics she passed on to her own children and grandchildren. She never liked housework but because she wanted to be the best of wives and mothers she became an excellent cook and housekeeper. She also learned to sew after her marriage and became a very fine seamstress.
Among her papers was found a poem by Edgar A. Guest, entitled "Mother" that Mrs. Morgan had kept in memory of her own mother. It well suited her too. [poem given]
The funeral service were held in the Riceville Congregational church on Friday, November eighteenth at two o'clock. The Reverend J. Priestley officiated with the Eastern Stars. Mrs. Charles McMaster and Ross Swancutt, accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Earl Adams, sang her favorite hymns, "The Old Rugged Cross" and "When They Ring Those Golden Bells for You and Me". She was laid to rest in Riverside Cemetery at Riceville. Thae pallbearers were: Aldis Dunton, Francis Martin, Arthur Minnis, Lawrence Roe, John Roche and Charles McKibben.
Relatives and friends from a distance who were present at the last rites were Max Morgan, Fargo, N.Dak; Miss Ellen Vivian Uran, Des Moines, Iowa; Miss Margaret Uran, Rochester, Minn; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Prescott, Adams, Minn; Mrs hugh Hughes, Plainfield, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Norris, West Union, Iowa; Mrs. Cora Houghton, Miss Carol Houghton, Miss Lillian Houghton, Mrs. Craig Graham and Miss Cora Houghton all of Marshalltown, Iowa.
BiographyShe was born on a farm 1 mile east of Albion. She graduated from a buisness course in Marshalltown and won a speed record in typing. She learned to play the organ and had an alto voice. She graduated from the Albion Seminary in 1888 (where she met her husband, J.H. Morgan). She married James Hamilton Morgan in 1887 at her home. He was Principal of the Albion public schools when they were married. She taught country schools in Marshall Co. before her marriage. She taught at Marietta in 1888 for 4 months, then moved to Gilman, IA, where James was the superintendent of schools. Her father gave her the following as wedding presents: $2000 in cash, a team of black horses, a buggy, a cow, and a calf. They moved to Clarence, IA in 1893 where James was superintendent for 12 years. When her kids were old enough to be in school, she acted as a supply teacher at schools at Clarence and Sigourney, where her husband was the superintendent. They moved to Sigourney, IA in 1904, where James was superintendent for 4 years., and to Glenwood in 1908. The 1910 census lists her at Glenwood, IA, with Eloise and James. V.I. Uran's Houghton and Morgan genealogies state that "she became a widow in 1912". She actually divorced James at Glenwood (at the urging of her oldest children, Max and Elouise), thus becoming a 'grass widow' . Even the 'History of Marshall County Iowa' by Gerard Schultz states that James died on November 23, 1912, Glenwood, IA. In the early 1900's, it was a disgrace to divorce, so the Houghton history stated that she became a widow. Her daughter Vivian Imogene Morgan always said her father had 'passed on'. She went to live at Albion, IA, in her mother Clarinda E. Houghton's house after her last child graduated from high school, and daughter Eloise went with her. She received her second grade teaching certificate on 8/2/1915, and her first grade certificate on 1/4/1929. She lived at Cedar Falls, IA in 1923. She taught at rural schools at Green Mountain, Haverhill and Dunbar and was a supply teacher at Clarence, Sigourney, and then taught at high schools in Liscomb, Zearing, Denmark, Thorburg, Garrison, and Conrad. She was a matron at one of the Girl's cottages at the State Juvenile Home at Toledo, IA for 2 years. With the exception of 2 years spent in California, she always lived in Iowa. While she taught school, she attended Iowa State Teacher's College every summer, as well as for a year at one point. She had almost enough credits for her college diploma from I.S.T.C., Cedar Falls, IA. She retired from teaching at the age of 62. She was always a member of Presbyterian Church of Albion, and later of the Riceville Congregational Church, because there was no Presb. Church there. She was a charter member of the Wellsburg American Legion Auxiliary, then of the Riceville unit; as well as a member of the Marshalltown Chapter of DAR (Nat. Number was 243009; she joined 4/14/1928), Garden club, the Riceville Order of Eastern Stars, and a member of the Literary Division of the Woman's Club. She was a staunch Republican. She crocheted and embroidered. Travel was her hobby (39 states, and Canada, and Mexico). She took her first airplain trip in her late 60's. She lived with her dau. Elouise in Whittier, CA. for a number of years. She was lame from a 1924 knee accident. In 1937 she suffered a fractured hip, then chloroid carcinoma of her leg developed. She died of pneumonia at the home of her daughter Imogene.1,6,11


  1. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 14, 198a #376; 289.
  2. [S990] E. Beulah Hauser & Vivian Imogene MORGAN (28), Morgan Genealogy - V. I. (Morgan) Uran, p. 149.
  3. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 289.
  4. [S27] DAR Application, 1928.
  5. [S235] U.S. Census, 1910 US Census, Glenwood, Mills Co., IA, Box 413, ED 92, S 27.
  6. [S990] E. Beulah Hauser & Vivian Imogene MORGAN (28), Morgan Genealogy - V. I. (Morgan) Uran, p. 153.
  7. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Dayton, Cedar, Iowa; Roll: T623 422; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 25; line 30, dwl 92-93.
  8. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, from Lydia May Houghton.
  9. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 294.
  10. [S990] E. Beulah Hauser & Vivian Imogene MORGAN (28), Morgan Genealogy - V. I. (Morgan) Uran, p. 154.
  11. [S990] E. Beulah Hauser & Vivian Imogene MORGAN (28), Morgan Genealogy - V. I. (Morgan) Uran, p. 189.

George Washington Houghton1,2

M, #82, b. 18 August 1835, d. 4 July 1892

Family: Clarinda Ette Tender b. 22 Mar 1837, d. 6 May 1916


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthAug 18, 1835Jay, Essex, NY, USA, Born at home; age 15 in 1850 census; age 19 in 1855 census; age 24 in 1860; age 35 in 1870; age 44 in 1880 census; Descendancy list on box cover [probably by Lydia May Houghton's daughter Imogene Morgan] gives Aug. 18, 1837.3,4,5,6,2
MarriageMar 26, 1857Baptist Parsonage, Jay, Essex, NY, USA4
Occupation1860a farmer, property $600-290
1870 Census1870Albion PO, Iowa Twp, Marshall Co., IA, USA, age 35, a farmer; property listed under Clarinda: $6000-2200; next door to Martin Houghton7
Living1879GA, USA, Visited George W. Houghton at Albion IA circa 1879 with his two daughters. Daughter Julia asked for a personal maid for herself. According to Emma Braman Ellis.8
1880 Census1880Iowa Twp, Marshall Co., IA, USA, age 44, farmer9
DeathJul 4, 1892Marshalltown, Marshall Co., IA, USA, of thrombosis following double amputation of one leg. He fell through a haymaker floor to floor below on farm. Age 56 y 10 m 16 d3,4
BurialAlbion Cemetery, Albion, Marshall Co., IA, USA3
BiographyHe was born in Aaron Houghton's house. He was living at home in Jay, NY, with father in 1850, age 15, and in 1860, age 24, with Clarinda. He joined the Jay Baptist Church in 1849. He lived in Jay, NY, from 1857 until 1866 with Clarinda. He owned a house and lot next to his father, Aaron, on what was known as Lawrence Hill. He moved near Albion, IA in 1866, building a log cabin. He was one of the pioneering farmers of Marshall County, IA. He lived on land and house in Albion, IA. The 1870 Albion census lists him, Clarinda, Frank, Lydia May, and Anna Tender. He was there in 1881. He was described as affectionate, jovial, and a hard worker. He built a new home in 1882, using black American walnut for both the house and furniture. He had 120 acres of land. He was a devout Christian, held daily morning services at his home. He joined the Presbyterian Church in Albion. He purchased a home in Marshalltown and retired there. His two sons then ran the farm and eventually sold it. He injured a leg helping them hay; thrombosis developed, and he had to have his leg amputated twice. He died at his home. He is laid to rest beside his father. His Albion farm was eventually sold to former Iowa State Senator Will McCleland.
History of Marshall Co. Iowa, p. 665, Iowa Twp.: "Houghton, G. W., farmer 85 P.O. Albion. in Jay N.Y. 1835 came to this county in 1866; owns 125 acres; he has held the office of School Director; married Miss Clarinda Tender who was born in Exxex Co., N.Y; has 3 children: Frank H., Lydia M., & Fred G."


  1. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 175 #310, 193.
  2. [S1226] 1850 U.S. Federal Census , Jay, Essex, New York; Roll: M432_504; Page: 213; & p. 426, line 33, dwl 3034-3108.
  3. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 175.
  4. [S27] DAR Application, 1928, of daughter Lydia May.
  5. [S235] U.S. Census, 1870 Albion, IA.
  6. [S235] U.S. Census, 1860 Jay, Essex Co., NY, p. 157.
  7. [S1228] 1870 U.S. Federal Census , Iowa Twp, Marshall Co., IA, Roll 410, p. 354, line 8, dwl 87-87.
  8. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 164.
  9. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Iowa, Marshall, Iowa; Roll: T9_355; Family History Film: 1254355; Page: 43.1000; Enumeration District: 281; line 26, dwl 32-52-53.
  10. [S990] E. Beulah Hauser & Vivian Imogene MORGAN (28), Morgan Genealogy - V. I. (Morgan) Uran, p. 149.

Clarinda Ette Tender1,2

F, #83, b. 22 March 1837, d. 6 May 1916

Family: George Washington Houghton b. 18 Aug 1835, d. 4 Jul 1892


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthMar 22, 1837Keene, Essex, NY, USA, age under 5 in 1840 census; age 13 in 1850; age 23 in 1860 census; age 32 in 1870; age 43 in 1880 census; age 73 in 1910 census; 1900 census of son Frank gives MI3,4,5,2,6,7
MarriageMar 26, 1857Baptist Parsonage, Jay, Essex, NY, USA4
1870 Census1870Albion PO, Iowa Twp, Marshall Co., IA, USA, age 35, a farmer; property listed under Clarinda: $6000-2200; next door to Martin Houghton8
1880 Census1880Iowa Twp, Marshall Co., IA, USA, age 44, farmer9
1910 Census1910Albion, Iowa, Marshall Co., IA, USA, age 73, widow, own income10
ObituaryMay 6, 1916Marshalltown, IA, USA, Obituary, Republican:

"Mrs. Clarinda Houghton Dead
Old Resident of Albion Succumbs to Heart Failure. Death at 9:30 this morning claimed Mrs. Clarinda E. Houghton, aged 79, one of the old residents of the county, at her home in Albion. Death was due to heart failure, following an attack of pneumonia. Mrs. Houghton lived in her home near her son, F. G. Houghton.
Mrs. Houghton was born Tender in Keene, Essex county, N.Y., March 22, 1837. Nine years later they moved west, and settled in Marshall county, where they alwways lived. Mr. Houghton died July 4, 1891. Three children survive Mrs. Houghton. They are Frank H. Houghton, of this city and Fred G. Houghton and Mrs. Lydia May Morgan, of Albion. There are also ten grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Two brothers, Henry and Wallace, have been dead for some years. Mrs. Houghton had been a member of the Presbyterian church for over fifty years.
Funeral services will be held Monday morning at 11 o'clock from the Fred Houghton residence at Albion."
DeathMay 6, 1916Albion, Marshall Co., IA, USA, of heart failure following pneumonia4
BurialMay 8, 1916Albion Cemetery, Albion, Marshall Co., IA, USA11
BiographyShe was born in Keene, Essex Co., NY. She is given in the 1850 Census as 'Kennedy', age 13 (a male). She was afraid of Indians as an adult in NY. She married George Washington Houghton at Jay, NY. She was living with his father in the 1860 Census at Jay, NY. They moved West in 1866 and settled in Marshall county, IA. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church for 50 years. She did not like to remember her early days because her father was cruel to her, and she did not trust men because of this. As a child she was carried away by a tornado, rode in the air, and landed in a corn field quite some distance away. (Imogene Morgan thought this happened to Clarinda; but Lillie Houghton said it happened to her mother, Charity Houghton on June 16, 1860). She had a green thumb and played the organ. After the death of her husband, she wore mourning clothes for the next 24 years, crying on every anniversary of his death. She was a seamstress and a quilter (she did the log cabin pattern). She was less than 5 feet tall. She had severe asthma most of her life (probably due to an allergy to feathers). She died of heart failure due to pneumonia at age 79 at Albion. She is buried beside her husband. Her favorite religious hymn was "Nearer My God To Thee". She had a phrenological reading by William B. Tibbetts (and left an 1856 phamplet "Synopsis of Phrenology" in her estate.)

In her handwritting in 1900, she stated her parents were Ilexus Tender and Annis P. Ford, both born in Vermont. Ellen, Clinton, and Wallace Tender are in her records.
She left an 1846 Bible with a notation: "Property of Ellen Jacobs, half sister of Clarinda Ette Tender."

Clarinda had a "chum" named Isabel Thompson, who married Watson Brown (son of the famous abolitionist John Brown), who was killed at Harper's Ferry, Oct 19, 1859.12


  1. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, #372, p. 193.
  2. [S235] U.S. Census, 1850 Wilmington, Essex Co., NY, Box 503, p. 339-340.
  3. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 297.
  4. [S27] DAR Application, 1928, of daughter Lydia May.
  5. [S235] U.S. Census, 1860 Jay, Essex Co., NY, p. 157.
  6. [S235] U.S. Census, 1840 Keene, NY, Box 282, p. 130.
  7. [S235] U.S. Census, 1870 Albion, IA.
  8. [S1228] 1870 U.S. Federal Census , Iowa Twp, Marshall Co., IA, Roll 410, p. 354, line 8, dwl 87-87.
  9. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Iowa, Marshall, Iowa; Roll: T9_355; Family History Film: 1254355; Page: 43.1000; Enumeration District: 281; line 26, dwl 32-52-53.
  10. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Iowa, Marshall, Iowa; Roll: T624_413; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 126; line 12, dwl 5-5.
  11. [S1399] Unknown subject.
  12. [S1403] Unknown subject, circa 1950 unknown repository, related to Tender family lineage.
  13. [S990] E. Beulah Hauser & Vivian Imogene MORGAN (28), Morgan Genealogy - V. I. (Morgan) Uran, p. 149.

Genevieve Ethelyn Morgan1

F, #84, b. 2 June 1889, d. 25 January 1969

Family: Frederick Byron Robertson b. 2 Apr 1883, d. 19 Mar 1959


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJun 2, 1889Albion, Marshall Co., IA, USA, Jun 1889, age 10 in 1900 census2,3
Graduation1907Sigourney High School, Sigourney, IA, USA
Occupationa nurse
MarriageAug 23, 1916Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie Co., IA, USA4,3
DivorceJan 23, 1952
DeathJan 25, 1969Minneapolis, Hennepin, MN, USA, of the flu5,4
BiographyShe was born in the farm home of her grandparents on the Houghton farm 1 mile east of Albion. She moved to Gilman with her parents in 1891, to Clarence in 1893, and to Sigourney in 1904. She graduated from Sigourney High School in 1907. In Glenwood, IA, in 1908 she became a telephone operator. Her father opposed her becoming a nurse. Her mother financed her at the Jennie Edmondson Hospital in Council Bluffs, IA. She practiced as a nurse at the Council Bluffs hospital until 1916, when she married Frederick Robertson. She learned the organ from her mother. She liked to embroider and played the piano. She sang sols in Glee clubs, quartets and a girl's octed in high school. She and husband settled in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She returned to working as a nurse when Ted went to work for Honeywell. In 1950, she lived at 3101 Humboldt Ave, Minn. MN. She was listed in the 1933, 1940, and 1965 Minneapolis City directory, last being listed as a nurse at the Maples Home for the Blind, living at 3232 Blaisdell Ave, apt 204.3,2


  1. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, #382, p. 297.
  2. [S990] E. Beulah Hauser & Vivian Imogene MORGAN (28), Morgan Genealogy - V. I. (Morgan) Uran, p. 154.
  3. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 297.
  4. [S990] E. Beulah Hauser & Vivian Imogene MORGAN (28), Morgan Genealogy - V. I. (Morgan) Uran, p. 155.
  5. [S22] E.V. Uran, Family Genealogy, p. 23.

Maxwell Morgan1,2

M, #85, b. 25 October 1893, d. 28 July 1961

Family: Laura Marian Fry b. 13 Aug 1898, d. 5 Apr 1989


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthOct 25, 1893Clarence, Cedar Co., IA, USA, Oct 1893, age 6 in 1900 census3,2
Graduation1918Iowa State College, Ames, Story Co., IA, USA
Milit-BegJun 20, 1918WWI: ambulance driver in U.S. Army, 2nd Lt, Comp. 44
Milit-EndDec 3, 19184
Occupationa creamery owner and orchard farmer
MarriageJun 7, 1923Terrace Park, OH, USA, also Cincinnati, OH2
DeathJul 28, 1961St. Petersburg, Pinellas Co., FL, USA5,4
BurialOct 24, 1961Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Arlington Co., VA, USA, section 36, Grave 12224
BiographyHe attended high school in Sigourney, IA. He attended a course at Tabor College at Tabor, IA in 1911 in business administration. He graduated in 1912 from Glenwood High School. He was a small man with blonde hair and blue eyes, and weighed 150 lbs. (per Dairy Farmer article). He went to Iowa State Agricultural College at Ames, IA in 1913. He belonged to the Beta Theta Pi fraternity. In 1915 he farmed for 1 year for his uncle Fred near Albion. He graduated with a B.S. in Agriculture in 1918 from Iowa State College, Ames. He played on their basketball team. In 1918 he enlisted in the army and served in motor transportation (as an ambulance driver) in the States, not overseas. He was discharged in 1918 and went to Mandan, ND, where he was the Morton County agricultural agent for 3 years. He conceived dairy cattle breeding circuit at Flasher in that county. While he was county agent, he urged pit silos until the county had twice as many as any other two counties in ND. In 1922 he become a State Livestock extension specialist with the North Dakota Agricultural College at Fargo, ND. In less than a year the work under his charge had expanded to a point where it was necessary to put in another man to help carry on the work. He recommended a division between dairy stock and other animal husbandry phases, and he choose the former. He helped to import 750 dairy cows (thirty-five carloads) into ND. He married Marian Fry in 1923 at Cincinnati, OH. In 1925 he became the production manager for 11 years for the Fairmont Creamery at Moorehead, MN, within commuting distance from Fargo. He specialized in bronze turkeys and he won several prizes for champion turkeys. He lived at Fargo, North Dakota at 1326 9th St., South. In 1936 he started his own creamery, the Morgan Creamery Co., in a building he owned in Fargo and ran it for 11 years. In 1938, at the death of his mother, he tracked down his father through the florist who sent flowers to funeral. He worked for the war effort in 1942 in milk distribution in Washington D.C. when the government was considering milk rationing. While there, he had a heart ailment which caused him to sell his creamery and retire. He prided himself on raising quality animals, i.e., his introduction of dairy cows into ND. He raised barkless Basenji dogs; mink and silver fox, and chinchillas in his double garage. He belonged to Episcopal Church and the Masonic Lodge. His daughter Jan was the bookkeeper for the mink and fox portion of the business. He built a home in St. Petersburg, Florida in 1953. He ended up living in 5-518th, Redington Beach, St. Petersburg 6, Florida. He started a fruit nursery six miles from his home and raised Lichee fruit trees for ornamental trees. He had several heart attacks and died in 1961.
Max and his sister Imogene worked for 6 years on the Houghton Genealogy and for 7 years on the Morgan Genealogy. According to Imogene, he spent $3000 researching in Washington DC, Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, and Indiana for family information.6


  1. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, #386, p. 11, 348-367.
  2. [S990] E. Beulah Hauser & Vivian Imogene MORGAN (28), Morgan Genealogy - V. I. (Morgan) Uran, p. 175.
  3. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 11, 15, 348-367 #386.
  4. [S990] E. Beulah Hauser & Vivian Imogene MORGAN (28), Morgan Genealogy - V. I. (Morgan) Uran, p. 178.
  5. [S10] Gravestone.
  6. [S990] E. Beulah Hauser & Vivian Imogene MORGAN (28), Morgan Genealogy - V. I. (Morgan) Uran, p. 178-180.

Elouise Morgan1,2,3

F, #86, b. 14 June 1896, d. 1976

Family: Merle Elwood Wade b. 29 Nov 1891, d. 19 Nov 1970


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJun 14, 1896Clarence, Cedar Co., IA, USA, Houghton III, p. 9 gives birth at Clarence; Houghton, p. 388 gives Mason City, IA; Jun 1896, age 3 in 1900 census; age 13 in 1910 census2,3,1
MarriageJun 14, 1917Des Moines, Polk Co., IA, USA4,5
Occupation1939a nursery school director
Death1976Riverside, Riverside Co., CA, USA6
BiographyShe was called "Baby" until she was a senior in high school. She was the only child at home in the 1910 Census at Glenwood, IA., age 13. She graduated from Glenwood high school on May 21, 1914. She was an artist on the violin and a fine seamstress. She attended State Teacher's College in Peru, Nebraska. She left college to be a housekeepr on her brother's farm near Albion for 1 year. She taught violin in Albion, Liscomb, Union, Steamboat Rock, Wellsburg and Holland, IA. She married Merle Wade in 1917. They lived in Webster City IA, then Lincoln, NB, where they ran a grocery store. She attended the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. They both taught school for a year at Burwell, NB. Elouise taught for 5 years in various Lincoln schools. They moved first to Ventura, CA, then Long Beach, Whittier, and, finally, Riverside, CA. Her mother Lydia May received letters from her at Ventura, CA in 1932 and 1942. She was the director of "Stay and Play Nursery" School on the ground floor of their home (with five teachers and a nurse) for 14 years starting in 1939. They loved to attend high school athletics events in the evenings. They were living at 3439 Bandini Ave., Riverside, CA in 1953. She died in 1976.1,3


  1. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 16, 388-396 #388.
  2. [S235] U.S. Census, 1910 US Census, Glenwood, Mills Co., IA, Box 413, ED 92, S 27.
  3. [S990] E. Beulah Hauser & Vivian Imogene MORGAN (28), Morgan Genealogy - V. I. (Morgan) Uran, p. 189.
  4. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 388 #389, 396-397.
  5. [S990] E. Beulah Hauser & Vivian Imogene MORGAN (28), Morgan Genealogy - V. I. (Morgan) Uran, p. 190.
  6. [S22] E.V. Uran, Family Genealogy, p. 24.

Aaron L. Houghton1

M, #87, b. 12 April 1803, d. 8 April 1868

Family 1: Lydia Ann Lawrence b. 5 Jan 1809, d. 9 May 1853

Family 2: Elvira Bruce b. 1807, d. 5 Apr 1868


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthApr 12, 1803Baltimore, Windsor Co., VT, USA, age 48, bp VT in 1850 census; age 52 in 1855 census; age 56, bp VT in 1860 census2,3,4,5
Guardiansp1815Windsor Co., VT, USA, Vol. 26
Residence1827Jay, Essex, NY, USA7,8,9
MarriageNov 5, 1827Ashby, Middlesex Co., MA, USA3,8,10
1830 Census1830Jay, Essex Co., NY, USA, 8 Total: 1 male under 5 (1826-1830), 1 male 10 to 15 (1816-1820), 2 male 20 to 30 (1801-1810)// 1 female 5 to 10 (1821-1825), 2 female 20 to 30 (1801-1810), 1 female 60 to 70 (1761-1770)11
Note1837Jay, Essex Co., NY, USA, Keesville Argus, June 14, 1837 ANTI-SLAVERY CONVENTION
To the friends of Immediate Emancipation, residing in the County of Essex.

The undersigned, members of Anti-Slavery Societies in said County, or friends of those already existing would respectfully invite such of our fellow citizens as agree with us in sentiment to meet in Convention at Westport, on Tuesday the 11th day of July next, for the purpose of forming an Essex County Anti-Slavery Society, and transacting such other business as may be thought proper or the interest of the cause demand.

We issue this invitation because we believe slavery to be a heinous sin in the sight of God, a foul blot on our own national character, a great and
grievous wrong to the slave; and that the duty of safety, and best interests of all concerned require immediate emancipation on the part of the masters.
We also have a high duty to perform in relation to the subject, by correcting and organizing public opinion at the North; by petitioning Congress for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, and the domestic slave trade between the states, and by every proper and lawful means bearing our testimony against this system of complicated crime and misery.

At a time when not only the temporary and eternal interests of those for whom we labor are disregarded, but our natural and guaranteed rights, the
freedom of speech and of the press, and sought to be subverted, we should scrupulously regard and jealously maintain them. Let all then who value
their own or the rights of others, who regard the nation's character or religion's sanctity, and who deserve that all should enjoy the blessings of
equal liberty, come up to the work.

Aaron Houghton listed as Jay NY member
1840 Census1840Jay, Essex Co., NY, USA, 6 Total: 1 male 5 to 10 (1830-1835), 1 male 30 to 40 (1800-1809) // 1 female under 5 (1836-1840), 1 female 5 to 10 (1830-1835), 1 female 20 to 30 (1810-1819), 1 female 30 to 40 (1800-1809)12,13
1850 CensusSep 13, 1850Jay, Essex Co., NY, USA, age 48, farmer5
1855 Census1855Jay, Essex Co., NY, USA, age 52, farmer14
MarriageMar 20, 1856Jay, Essex Co., NY, USA, (Mrs. Elvira Durand and Mr. (Awrgn) Houghton (Elizabethtown Post, of 28 Mar 1856)15,16)
No Childrn
Occupation1860Jay, Essex, NY, USA, a farmer
1860 Census1860Jay, Essex, NY, USA, age 56, a farmer, property $1500-107517,18
Immigration1866Albion, Marshall Co., IA, USA
DeathApr 8, 1868Albion, Marshall Co., IA, USA3,19
BurialApr, 1868Albion Cemetery, Albion, Marshall Co., IA, USA, on the Geo. W. Houghton lot19
Mil. Draft1918Hawthorne, NV, USA
BiographyPollard: "The next year [1825] Lemuel...deeded Aaron, the youngest brother, all the land which was assigned to him by the Probate Judge, meaning the thirds and the house which the said widow now lived in. Then Aaron went through the process of buying up the various owners. Polly sold to Aaron her 4 1/4 acres, Polly and her mother in a joint deed conveyed to Aaron and quit-claimed all their rights and title to the two pieces of land Calvin bought, but which went back on the mortgage running to Elijah. It appears all the heirs of Elijah had to sign off again to Aaron. Accordingly Mehitable now married to a Coolidge quit-claimed their rights to Aaron. Finally, Wd. Sally now living in Jay, N.Y., sold Aaron her thirds for $200 and made her mark for the last time on a deed from her to be recorded in Baltimore.... When Aaron had gathered up all the loose ends, he sold them to Wd. Mary Preston of Weathersfield. This was Jan. 20, 1827, and included the widow's thirds."; and, p. 169 "In 1838 Benj. [Page] purchased of Aaron Houghton of Jay, N.Y., the 6 acres 52 rods which had once belonged to Calvin Houghton."

Uran: Aaron moved to Jay, NY after selling his land in 1827 (this land, in 1953, belonged to James Sheperd). He married Lydia Lawrence in 1827. He owned a home in Jay, NY. (In 1920, his home was used by his granddaughter, Mrs. Martin Howard, Luella Torrance, a daughter of Mary E. Houghton (this house was owned by LeRoy Straight in 1953, a relative of the Torrances)). Jay, NY, was a village, surrounded by the Adirondack Mountains. In 1848 he was listed as a member of the Jay Baptist Church. He is listed there in the 1850 Census with 4 children and Daniel Lawrence, and in the 1860 Census. He came to Iowa by train in 1866 shortly after the Civil War. In the party of twelve were: Aaron Houghton, his second wife, Elvira Bruce Houghton; his son, George Washington and his wife, Clarinda; their son, Frank Houghton; Annis P. Ford-Tender, mother of Clarinda; Aaron's daughter, Lydia Ann and her husband, Oscar Braman, and their son, Eugene Franklin Braman; Martin B. Houghton, Aaron's son; Joseph Whitney and Arby Bruce (relatives of Elvira Bruce ?). Aaron bought 120 acres of land one mile east of Albion, Marshall County, Iowa. The house (lath and plastered exept that one end had a log wood shed and a fireplace) was already on the land, according to Emma Braman. They lived in it for a short time, and the long room by room house was put up by Leander Dunham and was known as the Leander Dunham place. May and Fred and Marta Cora were born in it. Aaron left all his land and money in trust to his son George. Joseph Whitney and Gaylord Bruce tried to break his will but failed. Emma Braman thinks, from family photos, that Chester and Abbie Bruce were parents of Gaylord Bruce.

On a box, belonging to Aaron Houghton (given to Marshall Uran by Aaron's granddaughter Lydia May Houghton, but probably written by Lydia's daughter Imogene Morgan), Aaron is listed as having lived in Baltimore and North Springfield VT; Jay, NY; and Albion IA.

Jay, NY was a pretty little village in Essex County, with the longest covered bridge (built in 1857) in New York State, across the Ausable river.
The Adirondack Mountains surround the town; the Ausable river runs from Keene to Keeseville, and makes Jay a cheery, sunny valley. Essex Co. was included in Clinton County originally and was established in 1799. Jay was set up in 1/16/1798, being named after Governor John Jay. Keeseville was 16 miles downstream.

Albion, IA was laid out in 1852 (originally named Lafayette, until 1858).20


  1. [S33] Pollard, History of Baltimore VT, p. 109.
  2. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 157 #266.
  3. [S27] DAR Application, 1928, of gd Lydia May Houghton.
  4. [S235] U.S. Census, 1860 Jay, Essex Co., NY, p. 157.
  5. [S1226] 1850 U.S. Federal Census , Jay, Essex, New York; Roll: M432_504; Page: 213; & p. 426, line 33, dwl 3034-3108.
  6. [S998] Scott Andrew Bartley and and Marjorie-J. Bartley, Windsor Co., VT Probate Index, p. 247.
  7. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 169.
  8. [S271] Ashby MA VRs, p. 140.
  9. [S704] Ashby MA VRs - Holbrook, p. 71.
  10. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 164, 170.
  11. [S1224] 1830 U.S. Federal Census , Jay, Essex, New York; Roll: 114; Page: 290.
  12. [S1225] 1840 U.S. Federal Census , 1840 Oswego Co., NY Index, p. 54.
  13. [S1225] 1840 U.S. Federal Census , Jay, Essex, New York; Roll: 282; Page: 54.
  14. [S1516] 1855 State Census , New York, State Census, 1855 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2013.
  15. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 164.
  16. [S1076] Rootsweb.Com, online, Births, Marriages and Obituaries extracted from Essex County, New York Newspapers (1831-1864),, July 24, 2002.
  17. [S235] U.S. Census, 1860 Jay, Essex Co., NY, p. 157, line 32, dwl 1147-1106.
  18. [S1227] 1860 U.S. Federal Census , Jay, Essex, New York; Roll: M653_753; Page: 709; Image: 707; Family History Library Film: 803753; line 32, dwl 1147-1106.
  19. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 157.
  20. [S33] Pollard, History of Baltimore VT, p. 111.

Lydia Ann Lawrence1,2

F, #88, b. 5 January 1809, d. 9 May 1853

Family: Aaron L. Houghton b. 12 Apr 1803, d. 8 Apr 1868


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJan 5, 1809NY, USA, age 41, NY, in 1850 census; 1880 census of son Martin gives NY; Vivian Uran: Ashby and New Promtree, MA3,4,5,6
Residencecirca 1827Ashby, Middlesex Co., MA, USA7
MarriageNov 5, 1827Ashby, Middlesex Co., MA, USA8,9,10
LetterJun 16, 1828letter to sister Edith
1850 CensusSep 13, 1850Jay, Essex Co., NY, USA, age 48, farmer6
DeathMay 9, 1853Jay, Essex, NY, USA, smallpox11,4
BurialJay Cemetery, Jay, Essex, NY, USA3
BiographyShe was the mother of Aaron's 4 sons and 3 daughters. In the census of 1850 at age 41, she was living at Jay NY with family of 4 and brother Daniel Lawrence (age 14). Both she and Daniel died of smallpox four years later, she at age of 44, he at age 17. Emma Braman stated Lydia had a half sister, Mrs. Amos Lawrence, whose first name was Abiatha. David Lawrence died of smallpox.
Lydia was buried at night by a negro and an Irishman at night. They had had the smallpox.


  1. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 439.
  2. [S81] Shattuck, Desc. of William Shattuck, p. 295.
  3. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 170.
  4. [S27] DAR Application, of Lydia May Houghton.
  5. [S81] Shattuck, Desc. of William Shattuck, p. 295: bd.
  6. [S1226] 1850 U.S. Federal Census , Jay, Essex, New York; Roll: M432_504; Page: 213; & p. 426, line 33, dwl 3034-3108.
  7. [S704] Ashby MA VRs - Holbrook, p. 62.
  8. [S27] DAR Application, 1928, of gd Lydia May Houghton.
  9. [S271] Ashby MA VRs, p. 140.
  10. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 164, 170.
  11. [S3] Vivian Imogene Uran, Houghton Genealogy - V.I. Uran, p. 170, 439.