Dorothy June Wesche1

F, #99451

Family: Milo Houghton b. c 1925, d. 7 Oct 2016


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1950 US Census1950Ensley, MI, USA, age 24, farm helper; next door to father

Lloyd Houghton1

M, #99452, b. circa 1935

Family: Mazel (?)


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A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthcirca 1935Ensley, MI, USA1

Mazel (?)1

F, #99453

Family: Lloyd Houghton b. c 1935


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Gaylord K. Houghton1

M, #99454, b. 31 July 1930, d. 1 July 2017

Family: Patricia Packard


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
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BirthJul 31, 1930Ensley, MI, USA1
DeathJul 1, 2017

Patricia Packard1

F, #99455

Family: Gaylord K. Houghton b. 31 Jul 1930, d. 1 Jul 2017


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LaVern Houghton1

M, #99456, b. circa 1932, d. before 2010


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Birthcirca 1932Ensley, MI, USA1
Deathbefore 2010

June Houghton1

F, #99457, d. before 2010


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BirthEnsley, MI, USA1
Deathbefore 2010

Logan Anderton

M, #99458, b. circa 2010


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Birthcirca 2010

George W. Jones1

M, #99459

Family: Caroline Brown b. 18 Feb 1844


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  1. [S448] Rev. William A. Houghton, Berlin MA Hx - W. A. Houghton, p. 311.

Henry E. Brown1

M, #99460, b. 21 November 1846


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BirthNov 21, 1846Berlin, Worcester Co., MA, USA1


  1. [S448] Rev. William A. Houghton, Berlin MA Hx - W. A. Houghton, p. 311.

Nellie Hardy1

F, #99461

Family: Ezra Francis Brown b. 6 May 1848


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MarriageNov 20, 18701


  1. [S448] Rev. William A. Houghton, Berlin MA Hx - W. A. Houghton, p. 311.

William F. Conant1

M, #99462, d. 21 August 1882

Family: Mary Houghton d. 1884


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Marriagehis 2nd wife1
DeathAug 21, 1882Berlin, Worcester Co., MA, USA1
ParentsSJosiah Conant1
BiographyWilliam F. Conant, s. of Josiah, m. Mary A. Burdett of Clinton; she d. June 30, 1855; he m., 2d, Mary Houghton of Bolton; they left one child, Arthur; he lived on the place now owned by Zoheth B. Woodbury; built that house; he was a good millwright and put in many water wheels. He d. Aug. 21, 1882; Mary, wid., d. in Pawtucket, R. I., 1884.1


  1. [S448] Rev. William A. Houghton, Berlin MA Hx - W. A. Houghton, p. 329.

Mary Houghton1

F, #99463, d. 1884

Family: William F. Conant d. 21 Aug 1882


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OriginBolton, Worcester Co., MA, USA1
Marriagehis 2nd wife1
Death1884Pawtucket, RI, USA1


  1. [S448] Rev. William A. Houghton, Berlin MA Hx - W. A. Houghton, p. 329.

Arthur Conant1

M, #99464


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BirthBolton, Worcester Co., MA, USA1


  1. [S448] Rev. William A. Houghton, Berlin MA Hx - W. A. Houghton, p. 329.

Samuel Morse Haynes1

M, #99465, b. 24 February 1832

Family: Julia A. Houghton


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BirthFeb 24, 1832Wayland, MA, USA1
MarriageMar 26, 1856Bolton, Worcester Co., MA, USA1
Mil. Enlsin Co. F, 13th Regt., and when his term of service expired he re-enlisted in Co. F, 59th Regt; was wounded Sept. 30, 1862, in the battle of Poplar Grove Church, from the effects of which he lost a leg.2
Immigration1862Berlin, Worcester Co., MA, USA2
Biographyin Bolton March 26, 1856; he enlisted in Co. F, 13th Regt., and when his term of service expired he re-enlisted in Co. F, 59th Regt; was wounded Sept. 30, 1862, in the battle of Poplar Grove Church, from the effects of which he lost a leg. The family came to Berlin in 1862, and a few years later he bought the Joshua Johnson farm in South Berlin; later he purchased the blacksmith shop and business in Carterville, living in the Fuller house; in 1883 he removed to Hudson. Children: Anna, b. Sept. 14, 1857; Olive, b. Dec. 3, 1859; both the children were born in Bolton, from which town they came to Berlin.1
ParentsSEmory Haynes


  1. [S448] Rev. William A. Houghton, Berlin MA Hx - W. A. Houghton, p. 380.
  2. [S448] Rev. William A. Houghton, Berlin MA Hx - W. A. Houghton, p. 381.

Julia A. Houghton1

F, #99466

Family: Samuel Morse Haynes b. 24 Feb 1832


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MarriageMar 26, 1856Bolton, Worcester Co., MA, USA1


  1. [S448] Rev. William A. Houghton, Berlin MA Hx - W. A. Houghton, p. 380.
  2. [S16] CJV opinion.
  3. [S448] Rev. William A. Houghton, Berlin MA Hx - W. A. Houghton, p. 381.

Anna B. Haynes1

F, #99467, b. 14 September 1857


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BirthSep 14, 1857Bolton, Worcester Co., MA, USA1


  1. [S448] Rev. William A. Houghton, Berlin MA Hx - W. A. Houghton, p. 381.

Olive Haynes1

F, #99468, b. 3 December 1859


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BirthDec 3, 1859Bolton, Worcester Co., MA, USA1


  1. [S448] Rev. William A. Houghton, Berlin MA Hx - W. A. Houghton, p. 381.

Sarah Southwick1

F, #99469, b. 28 April 1825, d. 6 May 1853

Family: Rufus Williams


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
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BirthApr 28, 18251
MarriageSep 20, 18411
DeathMay 6, 18531


  1. [S448] Rev. William A. Houghton, Berlin MA Hx - W. A. Houghton, p. 500.

Rufus Williams1

M, #99470

Family: Sarah Southwick b. 28 Apr 1825, d. 6 May 1853


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MarriageSep 20, 18411


  1. [S448] Rev. William A. Houghton, Berlin MA Hx - W. A. Houghton, p. 500.

Freeman Williams1

M, #99471, b. 9 December 1846


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BirthDec 9, 18461


  1. [S448] Rev. William A. Houghton, Berlin MA Hx - W. A. Houghton, p. 500.

Abel Southwick1

M, #99472, b. 4 March 1826, d. 5 August 1847


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BirthMar 4, 18261
DeathAug 5, 18471


  1. [S448] Rev. William A. Houghton, Berlin MA Hx - W. A. Houghton, p. 500.

(?) Hodgkins1

M, #99473

Family: Asenath Houghton b. c 1790, d. 6 Mar 1869


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MarriageBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA1
Mil. Enls1812
DeathDartmoor prison, Dartmoor, England1


  1. [S448] Rev. William A. Houghton, Berlin MA Hx - W. A. Houghton, p. 552.

(?) Brown1

M, #99474

Family: Asenath Houghton b. c 1790, d. 6 Mar 1869


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  1. [S448] Rev. William A. Houghton, Berlin MA Hx - W. A. Houghton, p. 552.

D. Hobart Houghton

M, #99475


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Author1960Economic development in a plural society:
studies in the border region of the Cape Province
Oxford University Press, 1960 - 401 pages
"Published on behalf of the Institute of Social and Economic Research, Rhodes University.
NoteRhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa

Philip Steven Houghton

M, #99476


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Author1. Ball and roller bearings by Philip Stephen Houghton - 1976 - 427 pages -
2. Gears: spur, helical, bevel, and worm: a treatise for draughtsmen...
      Philip Stephen Houghton - 1961 - 391 pages -
3. Grinding wheels and machines
      Philip Stephen Houghton - 1963 - 382 pages -
4. Press tool practice: Part 4
      Philip Stephen Houghton - 1951 -
5. The milling machine
      Philip Stephen Houghton - 1948 - 229 pages
6. Lathes: Volume 2
      Philip Stephen Houghton - 1963 -
7. Gears: spur, helical, bevel, internal, epicyclic and worm
      Philip Stephen Houghton - 1970 - 624 pages -
8. Metal-cutting tools
      Philip Stephen Houghton - 1948 - 283 pages -
9. Heat treatment of metals for manufacturing processes and service: Volume 1
      Philip Stephen Houghton - 1960 - 183 pages -
10. Materials for engineering production: Volume 2, Issue 2
      Philip Stephen Houghton - 1962 -

Ellen Elizabeth Houghton

F, #99477, b. 1853, d. 1922


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A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Author1. London town
Felix Leigh, Thomas Frederick Crane, Ellen Elizabeth Houghton - 1883 - 56 pages - Full view
2. Abroad
Thomas Crane, Ellen Elizabeth Houghton - 1882 - 56 pages - Snippet view
Amusing verses and bright full-color pictures describe the sights and the people encountered by a family of Victorian children on its first journey abroad, to Northern France and Paris.
3. Herrick: his book of littles
Robert Herrick, Ellen Elizabeth Houghton - 18?? - 20 pages -
5. Herrick's content -- his grange & his book of littles
No cover image
Robert Herrick, Ellen Elizabeth Houghton - 1885 - 34 pages -
6. Herrick, his grange or private wealth     
Robert Herrick, Ellen Elizabeth Houghton, Robert Herrick Collection (University of Pennsylvania) - 1884 - 6 pages - No preview - More editions
7. Into the light
Ellen Elizabeth Houghton - 1877 - 224 pages -
8. Allie, the little Irish girl
Ellen Elizabeth Houghton - 1877 - 224 pages -
NotableVictorian children's author

Kathleen Maguire

F, #99478, b. 1943

Family: Dr Jonathan Park Houghton PhD b. Nov 1942


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Betty Mae Allman1

F, #99479, b. 1 December 1935

Family: James D. Houghton b. 11 Apr 1945, d. 5 Sep 2010


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A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthDec 1, 1935
MarriageMay 5, 1975Montpelier, OH, USA, 1985 given, and on GS1
Living2015Auburn, DeKalb Co., IN, USA

Timothy Houghton1

M, #99480


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Living2010South Bend, IN, USA