Alexander M. Houghton1

M, #56701, b. January 1900


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthJan, 1900MI, USA, age 4/12 in 1900 census
ParentsSparents born in Eng. Canada


  1. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Battle Creek, Ward 4, Calhoun Co., Michigan; Roll:T623; Enumeration District: 36; Sheet: 6B; line 80, dwl 59-134-139.

Agnes Houghton1

F, #56702, b. December 1863


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthDec, 1863Canada, age 36 in 1900 census1
ParentsSfather born in Scotland, mother born in Canada


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex, Calhoun Co., MI, Reel 92, V. 11, E.D. 36, S. 6, Ln. 80.

John Houghton1

M, #56703, b. October 1842


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthOct, 1842Canada, age 57 in 1900 census1
1900 Census1900Nunda, Cheboygan Co., MI, USA, age 57, single, farm laborer; a boarder with Oscar F. Smith1,2
ParentsSfather born in MD, mother born in Ireland


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex, Nunda, Cheboygan Co., MI, Reel 92, V. 14, E.D. 73, S. 7, Ln. 61.
  2. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Nunda, Cheboygan Co., Michigan; Roll:T623; Enumeration District: 73; Sheet: 7B; line 59, dwl 125-146.

John Houghton1

M, #56704, b. 11 July 1824

Family: Jane Sleight b. c 1820, d. 17 Sep 1896


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJul 11, 1824Lincolnshire, England, age 46 in 1870 census; age 56 in 1880 census; Jul 1824, age 75 in 1900 census1,2
Marriagecirca 1845England, he, age 212
ImmigrationNov 22, 1850Lynn, St. Clair Co., MI, USA, first settler2
1870 Census1870Lynn, St. Clair Co., MI, USA, age 46, a farmer; and Walter Stephenson, 54
1880 Census1880Lynn, St. Clair Co., MI, USA, age 56, farming5
1900 Census1900Lynn, St. Clair Co., MI, USA, age 75, farmer, widower1,6
BiographyBiographical sketch of John Houghton from the book entitled, "Biographical Memoirs of Saint Clair County, Michigan," published in 1903 by B. F. Bowen Publishers in Logansport, Indiana, p. 476-477


Few English-born agriculturists in Lynn township are better known or more highly respected than John Houghton, who had his nativity in Lincolnshire, July 11, 1824. His parents, William and Elizabeth (Ward) Houghton, were natives of the same shire and there the mother passed her entire life. In 1850 the father came to the United States and for a few months worked in New York, and then brought his family to Michigan, where the son, John Houghton, purchased a farm, in January, 1851, which farm has originally been entered by A. A. Dwight, of Detroit. William Houghton continued to reside with the son John and died in 1886. Of his one hundred and sixty acres, John Houghton sold eighty acres a few years after taking possession, and the father entered forty acres adjacent, and John added another forty-acre tract, eventually becoming owner of the entire farm of one hundred and sixty acres, nearly all of which he has cleared with his own hands. William and Elizabeth Houghton had a family of three children, namely: William, who is now deceased, but who had resided at Burnside, Lapeer county, Michigan, was a well-to-do farmer and was twice married; Mary, who was married to Thomas Houghton and passed her life in England, and John, who cared for his father in his declining years until the latter’s death, which resulted from rheumatism.

John Houghton was married in England, at twenty-one years of age, to Miss Jane Sleight, a daughter of Shadrach Sleight, and to this union were born seven children, namely: John, now married and prospering as a farmer in Isabella county and the father of five children; Eliza, who first married a Mr. Stephenson, who was the father of one son, the widow later becoming Mrs. Daniel Cartwright, and now living in Tuscola county; Emma is the wife of Daniel McLaughlan, a farmer of Isabella county; Ellen was married to John Steinhoff; Jane died at the age of ten years; Richard married Cora Hallenbruck, who has borne him two children, Herbert and Sadie, and operates the old home farm, to which he has added eighty acres; Elizabeth is married to Robert Shutt, who is a farm tutor in Indian schools, near Tacoma, Washington. Mrs. Jane (Sleight) Houghton died September 17, 1896, in the faith of the Methodist Episcopal church, of which Mr. Houghton is still a faithful member. In politics he is an active Republican and, although he was never an office-seeker, he has been willing to serve his fellow citizens when called upon. He filled the office of township supervisor for ten years, of which period seven were in consecutive order; for two years he was drain commissioner, and also served one term as constable and four as town treasurer.

The Houghton farm is well improved with a fine residence and modern farm buildings, is well drained by tiling and a considerable portion of it is reserved for timber and pasture. Mr. Houghton is the oldest living settler in Lynn township, having come here November 22, 1850, and being followed the day afterward by Abram Savoy, now deceased. Mr. Houghton is highly respected for his unswerving integrity, his public spirit and his many sterling traits of personal character."2


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex, Lynn, St. Clair Co., MI, Reel 92, V. 68, E.D. 89, S. 8, Ln. 13.
  2. [S1060] Unknown author, St. Clair Co. MI Biog. Memoirs, pp.476-477.
  3. [S235] U.S. Census, 1870 US Federal Census, Lynn, St. Clair Co., MI, Reel 699, p. 282, line 28, dwl 20-20.
  4. [S1228] 1870 U.S. Federal Census , Lynn, St. Clair Co., MI, Reel 699, p. 282, line 28, dwl 20-20.
  5. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Lynn, St. Clair, Michigan; Roll: T9_605; Family History Film: 1254605; Page: 294B; Enumeration District: 381; sheet 2, line 22, dwl 15-16.
  6. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Lynn, St. Clair Co., Michigan; Roll:T623; Enumeration District: 89; Sheet: 8A; line 13, dwl 156-158.

Maud Caroline Houghton1

F, #56705, b. 7 August 1883

Family: Fred Ellis

  • Marriage*: Maud Caroline Houghton married Fred Ellis.2


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthAug 7, 1883MI, USA, Aug 1884, age 15 in 1900 census1


  1. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Union, Isabella Co., Michigan; Roll:T623; Enumeration 79; Sheet: 8A; line 49, 172-172.
  2. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online,

Arnold E. Drew1

M, #56706, b. April 1897


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthApr, 1897MI, USA, age 3 in 1900 census1


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex, Union, Osceola Co., MI, Reel 92, V. 33, E.D. 79, S. 8, Ln. 49.

John Houghten1,2

M, #56707, b. March 1828


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthMar, 1828MA, USA, age 72 in 1900 census1,2
1900 Census1900Elk Rapids, Antrim Co., MI, USA, age 72, farm laborer; widowed; a boarder with William Dingman1,2
ParentsSparents born in MA2


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex, Elk Rapids, Antrim Co., MI, Reel 92, V. 4, E.D. 6, S. 1, Ln. 89.
  2. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Elk Rapids, Antrim, Michigan; Roll: T623_699; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 6; line 89, sql 16-17.

John Houghton1

M, #56708, b. May 1865


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthMay, 1865MI, USA, age 35 in 1900 census1
1900 Census1900Sodus, Berrien Co., MI, USA, age 35, farm laboer; boarder with Worth Buck1,2
ParentsSparents born in OH


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex, Sadus Twp, Benien? Co., MI, Reel 92, V. 9, E.D. 79, S. 8, Ln. 75.
  2. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Sodus, Berrien Co., Michigan; Roll:T623; Enumeration District: 79; Sheet: 8B; line 75, dwl 183-186.

John H. Houghton1

M, #56709, b. December 1882


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthDec, 1882Canada, age 18 in 1900 census1
1900 Census1900Hendricks, Mackinac Co., MI, USA, age 17, day laborer; a boarder with Joseph Riddiel1,2
ParentsSparents born in Canada


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex, Hendrick Twp, Machonas? Co., MI, Reel 92, V. 46, E.D. 97, S. 4, Ln. 61.
  2. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Hendricks, Mackinac, Michigan; Roll: 726; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 0097; FHL microfilm: 1240726.

Jane Sullivan1,2

F, #56710, b. January 1863, d. 19 November 1948

Family: John William Houghten b. Apr 1860, d. 2 Sep 1938


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectY
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJan, 1863Sandwick Twp, Essex Co., Windsor, Ontario, Canada, age 37 in 1900 census; age 46 in 1910 census; age 56 in 1920 census1,3
Immigration18701871 in 1910 census
MarriageJan 1, 1884Memphis Twp, MI, USA1,3
1900 Census1900Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA, age 40, machine hand1,4
1910 Census1910Redford, Wayne Co., MI, USA, age 50, dairy farmer; 2 houses from mother and brother George5
Note19105 children born, 2 living
Naturalization1915given as immig. date
1920 Census1920Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA, age 60, retired6
1930 Census1930Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA, age 71, none7
1940 Census1940Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA, age 77, widow, none; census states Mary Jane Houghten is adopted daughter; CJV: have assumed Jennie's granddaughter, whose mother Ethel died in 1938, is this Mary Jane8
DeathNov 19, 1948Chris Houghten: 22 Nov2,3
BurialGrand Lawn Cemetery, Detroit, MI, USA3
ParentsDparents born in Ireland


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex, Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, Reel 92, V. 84, E.D. 157, S. 6, Ln. 47.
  2. [S415] E-mail from Esie Fern Fall, Nov. 28, 2004.
  3. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; by Christopher Houghten.
  4. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Detroit, Wrd 14, Wayne Co., Michigan; Roll:T623; Enumeration District: 157; Sheet: 6A; line 47, dwl 1470-123-132.
  5. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Redford, Wayne, Michigan; Roll: T624_679; Page: 21A; Enumeration District: 303; line 19, dwl 451-458.
  6. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Detroit Ward 10, Wayne, Michigan; Roll T625_809; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 319; line 59, dwl 286-153.
  7. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Detroit, Wayne, Michigan; Roll: 1043; Page: 14A; Enumeration District: 303; line 5, dwl 2226-26-51.
  8. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , Detroit, Wayne, Michigan; Roll: m-t0627-01856; Page: 16A; Enumeration District: 84-532.
  9. [S36] Letter, from Marjorie Schulkins, Nov. 5, 2003: Descendants of Thomas Houghten.

Sarah Houghten1

F, #56711, b. 29 April 1885, d. 22 January 1920

Family: Daniel W. Bradley b. 3 Nov 1877, d. 11 Jun 1921


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthApr 29, 1885Redford, Wayne Co., MI, USA, Apr 1885, age 15 in 1900 census; age 25 in 1910 census1,2
MarriageApr 18, 19053,2
DeathJan 22, 1920Detroit, MI, USA2


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex, Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, Reel 92, V. 84, E.D. 157, S. 6, Ln. 47.
  2. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; by Christopher Houghten.
  3. [S36] Letter, from Marjorie Schulkins, Nov. 5, 2003: Descendants of Thomas Houghten.
  4. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Redford, Wayne, Michigan; Roll: T624_679; Page: 21A; Enumeration District: 303; line 19, dwl 451-458.

Julia E. Guyette1,2

F, #56712, b. December 1864

Family: John Wesley Houghton b. Apr 1865


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthDec, 1864MI, USA, age 31 in 1900 census; age 38 in 1910 census; age 58 in 1930 census; age 71 in 1940 census1
Marriagecirca 1891age 26 and 23; mar 19 y in 1910 census1
1900 Census1900Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA1
1910 Census1910Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA, age 42, feed store proprietor; and mother in law Ellen Guyette, 61, Bermuda, Irel, Irel3
1920 Census1920Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA, age 53, coal dealer4
1930 Census1930Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA, age 66, retired2
ParentsDfather born in MI, mother born in Canada in 1910 census; father born in French Canada, mother born in England in 1930 census


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex, Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, Reel 92, V. 88?, E.D. 87, S. 15, Ln. 93.
  2. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan; Roll: 1045 Enumeration District: 359; page 214, sheet 7B; line 83 dwl 8724-50-65.
  3. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Detroit Ward 8, Wayne, Michigan; Roll: T624_683; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 117;
    line 54, dwl 17-171-205.
  4. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Detroit Ward 12, Wayne, Michigan; Roll T625_811; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 377; line 48, dwl 374-184-232.

Hazel A. Houghton1,2

F, #56713, b. November 1892

Family: Harold N. Todt b. c 1891

  • Marriage*: Hazel A. Houghton married Harold N. Todt on circa 1919 age 27 and 26.2


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthNov, 1892MI, USA, age 8 in 1900 census; age 18 in 1910 census; age 38 in 1930 census; age 49 in 1940 census1
Marriagecirca 1919age 27 and 262
1930 Census1930Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA, age 39, a mechanical engineer; next door to Hazel's parents2
1940 Census1940Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA, age 49, copper and brass mill executive3


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex, Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, Reel 92, V. 88?, E.D. 87, S. 15, Ln. 93.
  2. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Detroit, Wayne Co., Michigan; Roll: 1045 Enumeration District: 359; page 214, sheet 7B; line 85, dwl 8726-50-66.
  3. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , Detroit, Wayne, Michigan; Roll: T627_1860; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 84-669; line 34, dwl 16627.

Gladys Houghton1

F, #56714, b. June 1900

Family 1: (?) Findlater

Family 2: Mayne Frederick Glock b. c 1893


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJun, 1900MI, USA, age 1/12 in 1900 census; age 10 in 1910 census; age 20 in 1920 census1
MarriageOct 17, 1946Detroit, MI, USA2


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex, Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, Reel 92, V. 88?, E.D. 87, S. 15, Ln. 93.
  2. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online, Michigan, Marriage Records, 1867-1952 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015.

Elizabeth (?)1

F, #56715, b. November 1831

Family: Jonathan Houghton b. 14 Mar 1826


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthNov, 1831NY, USA, age 28 in 1860 census; age 38 in 1870 census; age 48 in 1880 census; age 68 in 1900 census; age 78 in 1910 census1
Marriagecirca 1852mar 48 years in 1900 census1
1860 Census1860Macomb, Saint Lawrence Co., NY, USA, age 34, farmer, property $5500-17992
1870 Census1870Elba Twp, Lapeer Co., MI, USA, age 44, a farmer, property $11,250-11653
1880 Census1880Lapeer, MI, USA, age 54, a retail grocer4
1900 Census1900Lapeer, Lapeer Co., MI, USA, age 74, pensioner; 5 children born, 3 living1,5
1910 Census1910Lapeer, Lapeer Co., MI, USA, age 78, widow, 5 children born, 3 living6
NoteSyracuse, NY, USA, in a photo in the family photo album of Mary Ann Houghton Whitney7
ParentsDparents born in NY; 1900 census: father born in NY, mother born in VT


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex, Lapeer, Lapeer Co., MI, Reel 92, V. 43, E.D. 41, S. 14, Ln. 43.
  2. [S1227] 1860 U.S. Federal Census , Macomb, Saint Lawrence, New York; Roll: M653_852; Page: 14; line 15, dwl 100-100.
  3. [S1228] 1870 U.S. Federal Census , Elba Twp, Lapeer Co. Co., MI, Reel 684, p. 112, line 35, dwl 17-18.
  4. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Lapeer, Lapeer, Michigan; Roll: T9_589; Family History Film: 1254589; Page: 305D; Enumeration District: 173; sheet 4, line 29, dwl 40-41.
  5. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Lapeer, Lapeer Co., Michigan; Roll:T623; Enumeration District: 41; Sheet: 14A; line 43, dwl 318-336.
  6. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Lapeer Ward 3, Lapeer, Michigan; Roll: T624_659; Page: 12A; Enumeration District: 46;
    line 27, dwl 106-320-334.
  7. [S415] E-mail from Alexander Magocsi Jr, July 3, 2002, based on "Birthday Book" of John William Whitney.
  8. [S235] U.S. Census, 1870 U.S. Federal Census, Elba Twp, Lapeer Co. Co., MI, Reel 684, p. 112, line 35, dwl 17-18.

Edna A. Houghton1

F, #56716, b. circa 1867

Family: (?) Herrick


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthcirca 1867NY, USA, age 3 in 1870 census; age 13 in 1880 census1


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1870 U.S. Federal Census, Elba Twp, Lapeer Co. Co., MI, Reel 684, p. 113, line 1, dwl 17-18.
  2. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex, Lapeer, Lapeer Co., MI, Reel 92, V. 43, E.D. 41, S. 14, Ln. 43.
  3. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Lapeer Ward 3, Lapeer, Michigan; Roll: T624_659; Page: 12A; Enumeration District: 46;
    line 27, dwl 106-320-334.

(?) Herrick

M, #56717

Family: Edna A. Houghton b. c 1867


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthNY, USA


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex, Lapeer, Lapeer Co., MI, Reel 92, V. 43, E.D. 41, S. 14, Ln. 43.
  2. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Lapeer Ward 3, Lapeer, Michigan; Roll: T624_659; Page: 12A; Enumeration District: 46;
    line 27, dwl 106-320-334.

Carl Herrick1

M, #56718, b. August 1887


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthAug, 1887ND, USA, age 12 in 1900 census1


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex, Lapeer, Lapeer Co., MI, Reel 92, V. 43, E.D. 41, S. 14, Ln. 43.

Mable R. Houghton1

F, #56719, b. November 1892


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthNov, 1892MI, USA, age 7 in 1900 census; age 27 in 1920 census1
Occupation1920grocery store saleslady


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex, Fayette Twp, Hillsdale Co., MI, Reel 92, V. 25, E.D. 87, S. 21, Ln. 90.

Judson Edward Houghton1,2

M, #56720, b. March 1857

Family: Cora B. Rogers b. Oct 1859

  • Marriage*: Judson Edward Houghton married Cora B. Rogers on circa 1879 mar 21 years in 1900 census.1


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthMar, 1857MI, USA, age 3 in 1860 census; age 13 in 1870 census; age 43 in 1900 census; age 53 in 1910 census; age 63 in 1920 census1
Marriagecirca 1879mar 21 years in 1900 census1
NoteDec 29, 1888Washington, DC, USA, NY Times: Pardoned by President
US President granted the application of Judson E. Houghton of MI for restoration of rights of citizenship under section 1,296 Revised Statutes; along with granting pardons to two other cases4
1900 Census1900South Arm Twp, Chalivoix Co., MI, USA, age 48, commercial chemical agent; 3 children born, 2 living; and mother in law Nancy O. Rogers, Nov. 1836, 63, NY1,5
1910 Census1910Bay, Bay Co., MI, USA, age 53, hotel proprietor6
1920 Census1920East Jordan, Charlevoix Co., MI, USA, age 62, grocery store salesman7


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex, South Arm Twp, Chalivoix Co., MI, Reel 92, V. 14, E.D. 19, S. 23, Ln. 57.
  2. [S1254] , Ancestors/Decendents of Luanne Houghton, 2002, by Luanne H. Hanks.
  3. [S235] U.S. Census, 1870 US Federal Census, Saranac, Ionia Co., MI, Reel 676, p. 380B, line 29, dwl 139-149.
  4. [S95] Newspaper, New York Times Archives: Dec 30, 1888.
  5. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , South Arm, Charlevoix Co., Michigan; Roll:T623; Enumeration District: 19; Sheet: 23B; line 57, dwl 440-481.
  6. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Bay Ward 1, Bay, Michigan; Roll: T624_636; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 37; line 69, dwl 824-74-90.
  7. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , East Jordan, Charlevoix, Michigan; Roll T625_758; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 110; line 76, dwl 19-19.

Cora B. Rogers1,2

F, #56721, b. October 1859

Family: Judson Edward Houghton b. Mar 1857


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthOct, 1859NY, USA, age 40 in 1900 census; age 49 in 1910 census; age 60 in 1920 census1
Marriagecirca 1879mar 21 years in 1900 census1
1900 Census1900South Arm Twp, Chalivoix Co., MI, USA, age 48, commercial chemical agent; 3 children born, 2 living; and mother in law Nancy O. Rogers, Nov. 1836, 63, NY1,2
1910 Census1910Bay, Bay Co., MI, USA, age 53, hotel proprietor3
1920 Census1920East Jordan, Charlevoix Co., MI, USA, age 62, grocery store salesman4
ParentsDNancy O. Rogers; parents born in NY1


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex, South Arm Twp, Chalivoix Co., MI, Reel 92, V. 14, E.D. 19, S. 23, Ln. 57.
  2. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , South Arm, Charlevoix Co., Michigan; Roll:T623; Enumeration District: 19; Sheet: 23B; line 57, dwl 440-481.
  3. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Bay Ward 1, Bay, Michigan; Roll: T624_636; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 37; line 69, dwl 824-74-90.
  4. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , East Jordan, Charlevoix, Michigan; Roll T625_758; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 110; line 76, dwl 19-19.

Harry Woolford Houghton1,2

M, #56722, b. 27 July 1881, d. 11 August 1951

Family: Edna Lucille Scott b. 1881, d. 1922

  • Marriage*: Harry Woolford Houghton married Edna Lucille Scott on circa 1907 mar 3 y in 1910 census.2


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJul 27, 1881Tustin, MI, USA, Jul "1891", age 18 in 1900 census; age 26 in 1910 census1,2
Marriagecirca 1907mar 3 y in 1910 census2
1910 Census1910Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA, age 26, automobile cost acct.3
Mil. DraftSep 12, 1918Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA, age 37, collection manager, Newman Endicott Co.2
1920 Census1920Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA, age 38, automobile accountant4
DeathAug 11, 1951


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex, South Arm Twp, Chalivoix Co., MI, Reel 92, V. 14, E.D. 19, S. 23, Ln. 57.
  2. [S1308] World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, online, 2032415.
  3. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Detroit Ward 12, Wayne, Michigan; Roll: T624_685; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 185;
    line 64, dwl 664-157-161.
  4. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Detroit Ward 12, Wayne, Michigan; Roll T625_811; Page: 12B; Enumeration District: 365; line 71, dwl 664-215-234.

Doris O. Houghton

F, #56723, b. August 1890


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthAug, 1890MI, USA, age 9 in 1900 census; age 19 in 1910 census

Mae Perry1

F, #56724, b. 3 August 1876, d. 2 May 1944

Family: Leonard Eugene Haughton b. 18 Sep 1872, d. 3 Apr 1954


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthAug 3, 1876MI, USA, Feb 1876, age 24 in 1900 census; age 33 in 1910 census; age 43 in 1920 census; age 53 in 1930 census; age 63 in 1940 census2
Marriage1897Vernon, MI, USA, age 26 and 211
1900 Census1900Dundee, Monroe Co., MI, USA, age 27, railroad agent2,3
1910 Census1910Detroit, Wayne Co., MI, USA, age 37, railroad dispatcher; 5 children born, 4 living4
1920 Census1920Flint, MI, USA, age 47, railroad freight agent5
1930 Census1930Flint, MI, USA, age 57, Grand Trunk RR Agent6
1940 Census1940Flint, MI, USA, age 67, none7
DeathMay 2, 1944
BurialGreenwood Cemetery, Vernon, Shiawassee Co., MI, USA
ParentsDfather born in NY, mother born in OH


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."
  2. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex, Dundee, Monroe Co., MI, Reel 92, V. 55, E.D. 67, S. 4, Ln. 32.
  3. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Dundee, Monroe, Michigan; Roll: T623_732; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 67; line 32, dwl 98-102.
  4. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Year: 1910; Census Place: Detroit Ward 5, Wayne, Michigan; Roll: T624_682; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 0077; FHL microfilm: 1374695.
  5. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Flint Ward 5, Genesee, Michigan; Roll: T625_765; Page: 25B; Enumeration District: 43.
  6. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Flint, Genesee, Michigan; Roll: 986; Page: 17B; Enumeration District: 0042; FHL microfilm: 2340721.
  7. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , Flint, Genesee, Michigan; Roll: m-t0627-01895; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 85-125A.
  8. [S235] U.S. Census, 1870 US Federal Census, Royalton, Fulton Co., OH, Reel 1202, p. 183, line 36, dwl 139-132.

Melbourne Ralph Haughton1

M, #56725, b. 15 April 1900, d. 27 March 1987


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthApr 15, 1900MI, USA, Apr 1900, age 2/12 in 1900 census; age 10 in 1910 census; age 19 in 1920 census; age 29 in 1930 census1
Mil. Draft1918Flint, MI, USA, age 18, driver and mechanic for a motor company
Occupation1930coal co. manager
Residence1935Flint, MI, USA
1940 Census1940Millington, MI, USA, age 39, local hotel bartender2
DeathMar 27, 1987Pontiac, MI, USA, age 861
BurialGreenwood Cemetery, Vernon, MI, USA1


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."
  2. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , Millington, Tuscola, Michigan; Roll: m-t0627-01821; Page: 81A; Enumeration District: 79-31.

Ella Conrad1

F, #56726, b. August 1881

Family: Lewis A. Houghton b. Mar 1875


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthAug, 1881MI, USA, age 18 in 1900 census1
Marriagecirca 1898mar 2 years in 1900 census1
1900 Census1900Rapid River, Kalhaska Co., MI, USA, age 25, day laborer; and brother in law, Frank Conrad, Nov. 1879, 20, MI1,2
ParentsDfather born in PA, mother born in French Canada


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex, Rapid River, Kalhaska Co., MI, Reel 92, V. 37, E.D. 85, S. 9, Ln. 7.
  2. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Detroit, Ward 8, Wayne Co., Michigan; Roll:T623; Enumeration District: 85; Sheet: 9A; line 7, 117-122.

Lewis G. Houghton1

M, #56727, b. February 1871, d. 1951

Family: Emma A. Krause b. Jun 1878

  • Marriage*: Lewis G. Houghton married Emma A. Krause on Dec 27, 1895 age 23 and 17; mar 14 y in 1910 census.2


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthFeb, 1871Chamberbridgeshire, England, age 1 m in 1871 census; age 10 in 1881 census; Feb 1872, age 28 in 1900 census; age 38 in 1910 census; age 47 in 1920 census; age 58 in 1930 census; age 68 in 1940 census1
Immigration18811883 in 1910 census; 1888 in 1920 census2
MarriageDec 27, 1895age 23 and 17; mar 14 y in 1910 census2
1900 Census1900Argyle, Sanilac Co., MI, USA1
1910 Census1910Argyle, Sanilac Co., MI, USA, age 38, farmer4
1920 Census1920Marysville, St. Clair Co., MI, USA, age 47, salt works carpenter3
1930 Census1930Marysville, St. Clair Co., MI, USA, age 58, salt block foreman2
1940 Census1940Marysville, St. Clair Co., MI, USA, age 65, Morton Salt Co. night watchman5
1950 US Census1950Sandusky, MI, USA, age 79, none
Death1951Sandusky, MI, USA
ObituaryJan 20, 1951Louis G. Houghton
Sandusky. Jan. 20—Louis G. Houghton. 79. a resident of Sandusky about three years, and a former resident of Argyle and Marysville. died in his home Friday after a long illness. Mr. Houghton was born in Chamberbridgeshire. England, Feb. 12 1871 and came to the United States, while a young man. He was married to Emma Krause, Dec. 27, 1895, in Sandusky. He was a member of the Ancient Order of Gleaners. He is survived by his widow, two daughters, Mrs. Elmer Smcckert; Peck, and Mrs. Floyd Stevens, of Marysville: two brothers, Arthur Houghton. Sanford. Fla., and Archie Houghton. Snover. seven grandchildren and one great grandson.
Funeral services will be held ut the Hacker funeral parlors, at 1:30 p.m. Monday. Rev. C. I. Bullock, j pastor of the Sandusky Free Methodist church, will officiate. Burial will be in Greenwood Cerne- j tery. The remains will be in the funeral home.
ParentsDparents born in England2
ResearchArgyle, Sanilac Co., MI, USA, all Houghtons of Argyle MI were of George's family; CJV: parentage of Herbert Houghton


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex, Argyle, Sanilac Co., MI, Reel 92, V. 71, E.D. 113, S. 5, Ln. 78.
  2. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Marysville, St. Clair Co., Michigan; Roll: 1024; Enumeration District: 25; page 270, sheet 10A; line 1, dwl 805-211-211.
  3. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Marysville, St Clair, Michigan; Roll T625_795; Page: 22B; Enumeration District: 129; line 62, dwl 437-451.
  4. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Argyle, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: T624_674; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 127; line 5, dwl 24-25.
  5. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , Marysville, St Clair, Michigan; Roll: T627_1815; Page: 10B; Enumeration District: 74-25; line 63, dwl 805.

Emma A. Krause1

F, #56728, b. June 1878

Family: Lewis G. Houghton b. Feb 1871, d. 1951


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthJun, 1878MI, USA, age 21 in 1900 census; age 32 in 1910 census; age 41 in 1920 census; age 51 in 1930 census; age 61 in 1940 census1
1900 Census1900Argyle, Sanilac Co., MI, USA1
1940 Census1940Marysville, St. Clair Co., MI, USA, age 65, Morton Salt Co. night watchman2
1950 US Census1950Sandusky, MI, USA, age 79, none


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex, Argyle, Sanilac Co., MI, Reel 92, V. 71, E.D. 113, S. 5, Ln. 78.
  2. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , Marysville, St Clair, Michigan; Roll: T627_1815; Page: 10B; Enumeration District: 74-25; line 63, dwl 805.
  3. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Argyle, Sanilac, Michigan; Roll: T624_674; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 127; line 5, dwl 24-25.
  4. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Marysville, St. Clair Co., Michigan; Roll: 1024; Enumeration District: 25; page 270, sheet 10A; line 1, dwl 805-211-211.

Lilly A. Houghton1

F, #56729, b. April 1897


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthApr, 1897MI, USA, age 3 in 1900 census; age 13 in 1910 census;1


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex, Argyle, Sanilac Co., MI, Reel 92, V. 71, E.D. 113, S. 5, Ln. 78.

William James Houghton1

M, #56730, b. 2 June 1859, d. 26 August 1935

Family: Katherine C. Park b. Jun 1869, d. 16 Oct 1952

  • Marriage*: William James Houghton married Katherine C. Park on circa 1890 age 31 and 21; mar 20 y in 1910 census.4


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJun 2, 1859Greenfield Twp, Wayne Co., MI, USA, age 1 in 1860 census; age 11 in 1870 census; age 21 in 1880 census; age 41 in 1900 census; age 51 in 1910 census; age 60 in 1920 census; age 71 in 1930 census2,3
Marriagecirca 1890age 31 and 21; mar 20 y in 1910 census4
1900 Census1900Greenfield, Wayne Co., MI, USA, age 40, farmer4,5
1910 Census1910Greenfield, Wayne Co., MI, USA, age 51, farm laborer; 2 houses from brother Robert6
1920 Census1920Greenfield, Wayne Co., MI, USA, age 60, none7
DeathAug 26, 1935Detroit, MI, USA8,3


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Grunfield Twp, Wayne Co., MI, Reel 27, Vol. 29, E.D. 251, Sh. 14, Ln. 1.
  2. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Greenfield Twp, Wayne Co., MI, Reel 27, Vol. 29, E.D. 251, Sh. 14, Ln. 1.
  3. [S654] Electronic Web Site, ,; by Christopher Houghten.
  4. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex, Greenfield Twp, Wayne Co., MI, Reel 92, V. 86, E.D. 186, S. 7, Ln. 71.
  5. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Greenfield, Wayne, Michigan; Roll: 754; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 186; FHL microfilm: 1240754; line 71, dwl 139-139.
  6. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Greenfield, Wayne, Michigan; Roll: T624_678; Page: 10B; Enumeration District: 286; line 81, dwl 181-181.
  7. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Greenfield, Wayne, Michigan; Roll T625_801; Page: 17A; Enumeration District: 687; line 18, dwl 375-394.
  8. [S36] Letter, from Marjorie Schulkins, Nov. 5, 2003: Descendants of Thomas Houghten.