Earl Amfield Houghton1,2

M, #47431, b. 27 December 1893, d. 19 September 1989

Family 1: Clara M. Bennett

Family 2: Bertha Viola Hodgkin b. 7 May 1895, d. 20 Dec 1984


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthDec 27, 1893Attleboro, Bristol Co., MA, USA, Dec 1893, age 6 in 1900 census; age 16 in 1910 census; age 26, MA, in 1920 census; 1930 census gives MA; age 47 in 1940 census; daughter Priscilla gives Attleboro MA; St. Johnsbury VT Town record gives Lagrange, ME4,2,5
Noteafter 1894raised together with cousin Mary Snell Dixon
Adoptionbefore 1900
Residence1914Legrange, ME, USA6
MarriageApr 29, 19146
Mil. Draft1917Franklin, NH, USA, age 23, New England Power Comp.
Occupationa carpenter
1920 Census1920Bath, Sagadohoc Co., ME, USA, age 26, a shipyard fitter, a boarder with Fred N. Colby7,8
Origin1920Bath, Sagadahoc Co., ME, USA6
MarriageAug 25, 1920Lewiston, ME, USA6
SSNME, USA, 005-07-1648
1930 Census1930Lewiston, Androscoggin Co., ME, USA, age 36, a laborer in a shirt factory; next door to Walter C. Hodgkin, age 59, and his daug. Lillian E. Hodgkin5
1940 Census1940New Bedford, Bristol Co., MA, USA, age 47, cotton mill worker; next door to Rosina Hodgkin,69 & Lillian Hodgkin, 429
DeathSep 19, 1989Bath, Sagadahoc Co., ME, USA, age 95; cert. 89076641
BiographyHe worked at the Bath Iron works ship yard in WWI. In the Depression he worked in many places but he was a carpenter. He built his house on land his father-in -law deeded to his wife Bertha Viola (Hodgkin) Houghton He built it with the assistance of his father-in-law Walter Cory Hodgkin who was a cabinet maker in Portland ME before moving to family land in Lewiston. He worked at the Bath Iron works ship yard in WWI. He had flat feet and could not go into the army.
ParentsSfather born in England, mother born in ME in 1930 census


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Rootsweb.Com, Houghton Surname, Maine Death Records, 1960-1997, Feb. 4, 2002.
  2. [S1074] Town Records: St. Johnsbury, VT; VT Division of Records, Middlesex, VT, F-31352, VT Vital Records 1955-1979.
  3. [S415] E-mail from Priscilla Houghton Clark, Mar 30, 2005.
  4. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Rootsweb.Com, Houghton Surname, Social Security Death Index for Dec. 2001.
  5. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Lewiston, Androscoggin, Maine; Roll: 828; Page: 80; Enumeration District: 38; sheet 1A; line 1, dwl BD-26-218.
  6. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , http://vitals.rootsweb.com/me/marriage: Houghton Surname.
  7. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Bath, Sagadohoc, ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 25, E.D. 135, Sh. 23, Ln. 51.
  8. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Bath Ward 2, Sagadahoc, Maine; Roll: T625_649; Page: 23B; Enumeration District: 135; line 51, dwl 517.
  9. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts; Roll: T627_1698; Page: 12A; Enumeration District: 20-32; line 7, dwl 85.

Edward Hogdon1

M, #47432, b. circa 1888


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthcirca 1888MA, USA, age 32 in 1920 census1
Census1920Portland, Cumberland Co., ME, USA, a lodger with Lida Libby1


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Portland, Cumberland Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 10, E.D. 42, Sh. 14, Ln. 71.

Earl Ware1,2

M, #47433, b. circa 1878

Family: Margaret (?) b. c 1882


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthcirca 1878ME, USA2
1920 Census1920Bangor, Penobscot Co., ME, USA, age 42, millman1,2
ParentsSparents born in ME


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Bangor, Penobscot Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 18, E.D. 58, Sh. 4, Ln. 12.
  2. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Bangor Ward 1, Penobscot, Maine; Roll: T625_645; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 58; line 8, dwl 141-48-49.
  3. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Bangor, Penobscot Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 18, E.D. 58, Sh. 4, Ln. 14.
  4. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Bangor, Penobscot Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 18, E.D. 58, Sh. 4, Ln. 15.

Margaret (?)1,2

F, #47434, b. circa 1882

Family 1: (?) Houghton

Family 2: Earl Ware b. c 1878

Family 3: (?) Pyne

  • Marriage*: Margaret (?) married (?) Pyne.


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca 1882ME, USA, age 38 in 1920 census; age 66 in 19502
ParentsDparents born in ME2


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Bangor, Penobscot Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 18, E.D. 58, Sh. 4, Ln. 12.
  2. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Bangor Ward 1, Penobscot, Maine; Roll: T625_645; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 58; line 8, dwl 141-48-49.
  3. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Bangor, Penobscot Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 18, E.D. 58, Sh. 4, Ln. 10.
  4. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Bangor, Penobscot Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 18, E.D. 58, Sh. 4, Ln. 14.
  5. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Bangor, Penobscot Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 18, E.D. 58, Sh. 4, Ln. 15.

Elisabeth Houghton1

F, #47435, b. circa 1908


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca 1908ME, USA, age 12 in 1920 census1


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Bangor, Penobscot Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 18, E.D. 58, Sh. 4, Ln. 12.

Eva Houghton1,2

F, #47436, b. circa 1857


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthcirca 1857ME, USA, age 63 in 1920 census; age 73 in 1930 census1
1920 Census1920Augusta, Kennebec Co., ME, USA, age 63, a patient at the Augusta State Hospital for the Insane1,2
1930 Census1930Augusta State Hospital, Augusta, Kennebec Co., ME, USA, age 73, patient, married at age 303
ParentsDfather born in ME, mother born in VT


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Augusta, Kennebec ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 14, E.D. 41, Sh. 6, Ln. 12.
  2. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Augusta Ward 6, Kennebec, Maine; Roll: T625_643; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 41; line 12.
  3. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Augusta, Kennebec, Maine; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 0009; FHL microfilm: 2340568.

Vinal A. Houghton1,2

M, #47437, b. 5 October 1900, d. 8 January 1968

Family: Zona McLean b. 9 Apr 1907, d. 15 Dec 1997


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthOct 5, 1900ME, USA, age 9 in 1910 census; age 19 in 1920 census; age 29 in 1930 census; age 39 in 1940 census1,2
Author1926Lee, ME, USA, Title: The story of an old New England town. History of Lee, Maine. Compiled and edited by Vinal A. Houghton ...
Imprint:      Wilton Me., Nelson print, 1926.
Description:      5 p. l., 248 p. plates, ports. 24 cm.

Also at Vermont Hist. Soc. Library in Barre VT3
Occupation1930a census enumerator of 1930 census for Lee, ME
MarriageSep 15, 1934Lee, Penobscot Co., ME, USA2
1940 Census1940Lee, Penobscot Co., ME, USA, age 39, farmer; and Aunt Mildred Cotton, 69, ME, widow4
1950 US Census1950Lee, ME, USA, age 49, Houghton Cedar products, buying and selling cedar poles
DeathJan 8, 1968Lee, Penobscot Co., ME, USA, age 67; certif. 68008152,5
ObituaryJan 10, 1968Bangor, ME, USA, Vinal Houghton Ex-Legislator From Lee, Dies
! LEE— Vinal A. Houghton, 67, died at his home here Monday after a short illness.
He was born here Oct. 5, 1900, the son of Everett and| Grace (Corbett) Houghton.
Houghton was a well-knownl lumberman, owning and operating the Houghton Cedar Products Mill here for the past II years. He was a former selectman here and served as member of the state legislati for several terms.
Surviving are his wife, Zom (McLean) Houghton of Lee; oni sister, Mrs. Mildred Lambo) of Westbrook; several niece; and nephews.
Funeral services will be hell Thursday at 2 p.m. in the Lei Baptist Church with the Rev] Otto Palmer officiating.
Burial will be in the Woodi awn Cemetery this spring. Friends may call at the Barton Funeral Home in Lincoln
BurialWoodlawn Cemetery, Lee, Penobscot Co., ME, USA


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Lee, Penobscot Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 20, E.D. 109, Sh. 2, Ln. 59.
  2. [S415] E-mail from Mary Michaela (Mickey) Cunningham, June 28, 2000.
  3. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Columbia University Libraries Online Catalog: Houghton Surname search, Nov. 2003.
  4. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , Lee, Penobscot, Maine; Roll: T627_1487; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 10-81.
  5. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Rootsweb.Com, Houghton Surname, Maine Death Records, 1960-1997, Feb. 4, 2002.

Mildred E. Houghton1

F, #47438, b. 4 July 1903

Family: Dewitt H. Lambord


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJul 4, 1903ME, USA, age 6 in 1910 census; age 16 in 1920 census1,2
MarriageAug 20, 1927ME, USA3


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Lee, Penobscot Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 20, E.D. 109, Sh. 2, Ln. 59.
  2. [S415] E-mail from Mary Michaela (Mickey) Cunningham, June 28, 2000.
  3. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , http://vitals.rootsweb.com/me/marriage: Maine Marriage Records, 1892-1965, Houghton Surname.

Frank Houghton1

M, #47439, b. 24 February 1903, d. February 1958


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthFeb 24, 1903ME, USA, age 17 in 1920 census1,2
1920 Census1920New Portland, Somerset Co., ME, USA, age 17, a laborer in novelty mill, a boarder with Dwight & Edna Boyington1,3
SSNME, USA, 004-05-2880
DeathFeb, 19582


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Somerset Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 24, E.D. 109, Sh. 5, Ln. 90.
  2. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Rootsweb.Com, Houghton Surname, Social Security Death Index for Dec. 2001.
  3. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , New Portland, Somerset, Maine; Roll: T625_648; Page: 5B; Enumeration District: 109; line 90, dwl 124-125.

Frank W. Houghton1

M, #47440, b. 1887

Family: Delia S. (?) b. c 1895

  • Marriage*: Frank W. Houghton married Delia S. (?) on circa 1913 age 28 and 17.1


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birth1887ME, USA, age 33 in 1920 census; age 40 in 1930 census1
Marriagecirca 1913age 28 and 171
1920 Census1920Fort Fairfield, Aroostock Co., ME, USA, age 33, ice house laborer1,3
1930 Census1930Fort Fairfield, Aroostock Co., ME, USA, age 40, a truck chauffeur4


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Fort Fairfield, Aroostock Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 4, E.D. 21, Sh. 15, Ln. 90.
  2. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Fort Fairfield, Aroostook, Maine; Roll: 828; Enumeration District: 24; sheet 14B; line 97, dwl 25-221-299.
  3. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Fort Fairfield, Aroostook, Maine; Roll: T625_638; Page: 15B; Enumeration District: 21; line 90, dwl 280-311.
  4. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Fort Fairfield, Aroostook, Maine; Roll: 828; Enumeration District: 24; sheet 14B; line 91, dwl 10-220-298.

Delia S. (?)1,2

F, #47441, b. circa 1895

Family: Frank W. Houghton b. 1887


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca 1895ME, USA, age 25 in 1920 census; age 35 in 1930 census1
Marriagecirca 1913age 28 and 171
1920 Census1920Fort Fairfield, Aroostock Co., ME, USA, age 33, ice house laborer1,3
1950 US Census1950Fort Fairfield, ME, USA, age 53, widow, no occup
ParentsDparents born in ME in 1920 census; parents born in Canada in 1930 census3


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Fort Fairfield, Aroostock Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 4, E.D. 21, Sh. 15, Ln. 90.
  2. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Fort Fairfield, Aroostook, Maine; Roll: 828; Enumeration District: 24; sheet 14B; line 69, dwl 34-216-294.
  3. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Fort Fairfield, Aroostook, Maine; Roll: T625_638; Page: 15B; Enumeration District: 21; line 90, dwl 280-311.
  4. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Fort Fairfield, Aroostook, Maine; Roll: 828; Enumeration District: 24; sheet 14B; line 91, dwl 10-220-298.

Mark W. Houghton1

M, #47442, b. circa 1918


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthcirca 1918ME, USA, age 1 8/12 in 1920 census; age 11 in 1930 census1
1950 US Census1950Fort Fairfield, ME, USA, age 53, widow, no occup


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Fort Fairfield, Aroostock Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 4, E.D. 21, Sh. 15, Ln. 90.

Gertrude Houghton1

F, #47443, b. circa December 1919


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca Dec, 1919ME, USA, age 1/12 in 1920 census; age 10 in 1930 census1


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Fort Fairfield, Aroostock Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 4, E.D. 21, Sh. 15, Ln. 90.

Fred L. Houghton1

M, #47444, b. circa 1870


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthcirca 1870Canada, age 41, Canada, in 1910 census; age 50, ME, in 1920 census; age 71, Canada, in 1940 census2
Immigration1890in 1930 census
Origin1896Forest City, ME, USA3
1920 Census1920Topsfield, Washington Co., ME, USA, age 50, farmer; with father in law James Greenlaw, 65, Canada and mother in law Mary Greenlaw, 66, Canada, and niece Leslie Kneeland, 10, ME2,4
1930 Census1930Topsfield, ME, USA, age 61, widowed, general farm manager
1940 Census1940Topsfield Plantation, Washington Co., ME, USA, age 71, widowed, farmer, own farm5


  1. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Topsfield, Washington, Maine; Roll: T624_547; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 280; line 4, dwl 24-24.
  2. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Topsfield, Washington Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 27, E.D. 164, Sh. 12, Ln. 68.
  3. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , http://vitals.rootsweb.com/me/marriage: Houghton Surname.
  4. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Topsfield, Washington, Maine; Roll: T625_650; Page: 12B; Enumeration District: 164; line 68, dwl 35-36.
  5. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , Topsfield Plantation, Washington, Maine; Roll: T627_1494; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 15-76.

George Houghton1,2

M, #47445, b. circa 1851


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca 1851ME, USA, age 69 in 1920 census1
1920 Census1920Lewiston, Androscoggin Co., ME, USA, age 69, widower, a hotel fireman, with Josie N. Childes1,2
ParentsSparents born in ME2


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Lewiston, Androscoggin, ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 2, E.D. 20, Sh. 11, Ln. 67.
  2. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Lewiston Ward 2, Androscoggin, Maine; Roll: T625_637; Page: 11B; Enumeration District: 20; line 67, dwl 16-168-265.

George Frederick Houghton

M, #47446, b. 18 June 1913, d. February 1980

Family: Mary C. Galey b. c 1919


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthJun 18, 1913Orino, ME, USA, age 6 in 1920 census1
MarriageDec 28, 1935Albany, NY, USA
Mil. DraftOct 16, 1940Albany, NY, USA, age 27, works for Chalres Hilbert
1950 US Census1950Albany, NY, USA, age 36, seeking employment
DeathFeb, 1980Albany, NY, USA


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Bangor, Penobscot Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 18, E.D. 58, Sh. 4, Ln. 15.

Vera R. Houghton1,2

F, #47447, b. 1904

Family: Frank B. Barnard


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birth1904ME, USA, age 5 in 1910 census; age 15 in 1920 census1,3
Origin1929Sidney, ME, USA
MarriageOct 7, 1929Sidney, Kennebec Co., ME, USA2,4


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Kennebec ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 15, E.D. 72, Sh. 9, Ln. 28.
  2. [S1076] Rootsweb.Com, online www.rootsweb.com, Oakland ME Area Historical Society, www.rootsweb.com/~mecoakla/documents/vitals/bridesindex.html, Aug. 2, 2002.
  3. [S1193] Wayne Clark Gilman ME Family Census 1900-1912; Kennebeck Region VIII, p. 153.
  4. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , http://vitals.rootsweb.com/me/marriage: Maine Marriage Records, 1892-1965, Houghton Surname.

George M. Houghton1

M, #47448, b. November 1857

Family: Alida C. Davis b. Aug 1861


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthNov, 1857VT, USA, age 2 in 1860 census; age 12 in 1870 census; age 22 in 1880 census; age 42 in 1900 census; age 52 in 1910 census; age 62 in 1920 census2,3
MarriageNov 9, 1881Lyndonville, Caledonia Co., VT, USA4,1
Occupation1885Lyndon, VT, USA, an accountant5
Residence1887Lyndon, Caledonia Co., VT, USA, a clerk for RR office6
1900 Census1900Bangor, Penobscot Co., ME, USA, age 42, railroad gen. passenger agent7
1910 Census1910Bangor, Penobscot Co., ME, USA, age 52, railroad traffic manag.8
1920 Census1920Bangor, Penobscot Co., ME, USA, age 62, railroad general passenger agent, a boarder with Charles C. and Adda R. Cousins9,10


  1. [S1074] Town Records: Lyndon, VT, p. 276: VT Division of Records, Middlesex, VT, F-30546, VT VRs 1871-1904.
  2. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Bangor, Penobscot Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 18, E.D. 64, Sh. 3, Ln. 6.
  3. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Lyndonville Village, Lyndon, Caledonia Co., VT, Reel 6, Vol. 2, ED. 48, Sh. 28, Ln. 29.
  4. [S1074] Town Records: Marriage Index, Lyndonville, Caledonia Co., VT, Book 2, p. 55.
  5. [S1074] Town Records: Lyndon, VT, p. 269; VT Division of Records, Middlesex, VT, F-30546, VT VRs 1871-1904.
  6. [S1080] Hamilton Child, Gazateer of Vermont, p. 73.
  7. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Bangor, Penobscot, Maine; Roll: T623_597; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 79; line 56, dwl 255-151-163.
  8. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Bangor Ward 6, Penobscot, Maine; Roll: T624_544; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 145; line 33, dwl 45-41-41.
  9. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Bangor, Penobscot Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 18, E.D. 64, Sh. 3, Ln. 7.
  10. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Bangor Ward 3, Penobscot, Maine; Roll: T625_645; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 64; line 6, dwl 23-96-59.
  11. [S10] Gravestone, Lyndon Cemetery, Lyndon, VT (CJV: Aug. 10 2002).

Harry Ashton Houghton1,2,3

M, #47449, b. 27 January 1878, d. before 1940

Family 1: Mary J. Hodsdon b. c 1860

Family 2: Ellen Mae Cochran b. 15 Oct 1888, d. 15 Aug 1966


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthJan 27, 1878New Brunswick, Canada, age 12 in 1891 census; Jan 27, 1878, age 23 in 1901 cenus; age "43" in 1910 census; age 42 in 1920 census; age 52 in 1930 census; Forest City, Washington, Maine, given on marriage cert.1,3
Emigration1898Canada, 1898 in 1920 census1
Naturalization19011901 in 1920 census1
MarriageJun 7, 1903ME, USA2
1910 Census1910Codyville Plantation, Washington Co., ME, USA, age "43", farm laborer, home farm6
Mil. DraftSep 12, 1918Washington Co., ME, USA, age 40, farming3
ResidenceSep 12, 1918Codyville, Washington Co., ME, USA
MarriageMay 7, 1919Calais, Washington Co., ME, USA, age 41 and 30; his second, she widowed1,2,7
1920 Census1920Codyville, Washington Co., ME, USA, age 42, farmer1,8
1930 Census1930Codyville, Washington Co., ME, USA, age 52, general farm manager; and uncle Edward Sharp, 83, Can, wd9
Deathbefore 1940Codyville, Washington Co., ME, USA, wife is widowed
ParentsSparents born in ME8


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Washington Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 27, E.D. 164, Sh. 9, Ln. 5.
  2. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , http://vitals.rootsweb.com/me/marriage: Houghton Surname.
  3. [S1308] World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, online http://content.ancestry.com, 1654019.
  4. [S235] U.S. Census, 1891 Canadian Census: http://interactive.ancestry.com/1274/30953_148109-00435/…
  5. [S235] U.S. Census, 1891 Canadian Census: Northlake, York, New Brunswick; Roll: T-6307; Family No: 41. http://interactive.ancestry.com/1274/30953_148109-00435/…
  6. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Topsfield, Washington, Maine; Roll: T624_547; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 280; line 4, dwl 24-24.
  7. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Maine State Archives; Augusta, Maine, USA; 1908-1922 Vital Records; Roll #: 27.
  8. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Codyville, Washington, Maine; Roll: T625_650; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 164; line 5, dwl 2-2.
  9. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Codyville, Washington, Maine; Roll: 840; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 0018; Image: 727.0; FHL microfilm: 2340575.

Ellen Mae Cochran

F, #47450, b. 15 October 1888, d. 15 August 1966

Family: Harry Ashton Houghton b. 27 Jan 1878, d. b 1940


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthOct 15, 1888Codyville, Washington Co., ME, USA, age 30 in 1920 census; age 41 in 1930 census; age 51 in 1940 census1,2,3
MarriageCharles Sprague: 13 Sept. 1889 in Codyville Plt., Washington, Maine; Death 17 Oct.1918 in Codyville Plt., Washington, Maine
MarriageMay 7, 1919Calais, Washington Co., ME, USA, age 41 and 30; his second, she widowed4,5,3
1920 Census1920Codyville, Washington Co., ME, USA, age 42, farmer4,6
1950 US Census1950Codyville Plantation, ME, USA, age 61, widow; and grandson Charles M. Sprague, 19, farm hand
ObituaryJul 15, 1966CODYVILLE - Ellen M. Houghton, 77, died Thursday a a Houlton hospital after a long illness.
She was bom October 15, 1888, here, daughter of Hiram am Eliza (Allison) Cochran.
She is survived by a son, Thomas W. Sprague of Weston; two daughters, Edna L. Mallory and Phena M. Roach of here; two brothers. Freeman Cochran of Topsfield and Kenneth Cochran of Princeton; five sisters, Mrs. Lillian Goodwin of Plainfield, N.J., Mrs. Elsie Thornton of here, Mrs. Dora Anderson of Haverhill, Mass., Mrs. Freda Bean of Princeton, Mrs. Billy Blanchard of Natick, Mass; seven grandchildren; 11- great - grandchildren; several nieces and nephews.
Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Topsfield Church, the Rev. Wendell Calder of the Woodland Baptist Church officiating.
Burial will follow in the Codyville Cemetery.
DeathAug 15, 1966Houlton, ME, USA1
ParentsDHiram Cochran & Eliza Ellison


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Rootsweb.Com, Houghton Surname, Social Security Death Index for Dec. 2001.
  2. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , Codyville Plantation, Washington, Maine; Roll: T627_1493; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 15-23.
  3. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Maine State Archives; Augusta, Maine, USA; 1908-1922 Vital Records; Roll #: 27.
  4. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Washington Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 27, E.D. 164, Sh. 9, Ln. 5.
  5. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , http://vitals.rootsweb.com/me/marriage: Houghton Surname.
  6. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Codyville, Washington, Maine; Roll: T625_650; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 164; line 5, dwl 2-2.

Thomas W. Sprague1

M, #47451, b. circa 1908


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca 1908ME, USA, age 12 in 1920 census1


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Washington Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 27, E.D. 164, Sh. 9, Ln. 5.

Edna Sprague1,2

F, #47452, b. circa 1909


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca 1909ME, USA, age 11 in 1920 census1


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Washington Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 27, E.D. 164, Sh. 9, Ln. 5.
  2. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Codyville, Washington, Maine; Roll: T625_650; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 164; line 5, dwl 2-2.

James C. Houghton1

M, #47453, b. 13 May 1898, d. 1965

Family: Helen P. Farrell b. 1910, d. 1980


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthMay 13, 1898Bangor, Penobscot Co., ME, USA, age 20 in 1920 census; age 31 in 1930 census1
Mil. DraftSep 12, 1918Bangor, Penobscot Co., ME, USA, age 19, teamster, coal comp.
MarriageMar 31, 1928ME, USA, age 29 and 183
1930 Census1930Lagrange, Penobscot Co., ME, USA, age 31, a truck farm laborer2


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Bangor, Penobscot Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 18, E.D. 58, Sh. 4, Ln. 10.
  2. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Lagrange, Penobscot, Maine; Roll: 837; Page: 135 ; Enumeration District: 63; sheet 5A; line 45; dwl 122-123.
  3. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Lagrange, Penobscot, Maine; Roll: 837; Page: 135 ; Enumeration District: 63; sheet 5A; line 45; dwl 122-123.

Fred Hatch Small1,2

M, #47454, b. 17 November 1874

Family: Edith Marion Houghton b. 4 Jan 1878


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthNov 17, 1874Cape Elizabeth, Cumberland Co., ME, USA, age 35 in 1910 census; age 45 in 1920 census1,2
MarriageNov 8, 18991,2
ParentsSThomas F.8, b. ME, Thomas Colby7, Edward6, Job5, Edward4, Daniel3, Francis2, Edward1 Small


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Portland, Cumberland Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 8, E.D. 21, Sh. 5, Ln. 46.
  2. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~smalljd/lines/… Descendants of Daniel and Abigail Snow Small.

Marion Leonora Small1,2

F, #47455, b. 13 January 1904


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJan 13, 1904ME, USA, age 9 in 1910 census; age 18 in 1920 census1


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Portland, Cumberland Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 8, E.D. 21, Sh. 5, Ln. 46.
  2. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~smalljd/lines/… Descendants of Daniel and Abigail Snow Small.

Howard Houghton Small1

M, #47456, b. 29 March 1905, d. 14 April 1977

Family 1: Madaline Mae Rodgert

Family 2: Reta Chaples b. 1908, d. 1992


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthMar 29, 1905ME, USA, age 7 in 1910 census; age 16 in 1920 census1
MarriageMay 31, 1924Hillwater, ME, USA2
MarriageJun 15, 1929ME, USA
1930 Census1930Hudson, ME, USA, age 27, woods laborer; living with parents in law William and Mazie Chaples3
1940 Census1940South Portland, ME, USA, age 37, contractor4
DeathApr 14, 1977Portland, ME, USA


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Portland, Cumberland Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 8, E.D. 21, Sh. 5, Ln. 46.
  2. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~smalljd/lines/… Descendants of Daniel and Abigail Snow Small.
  3. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Hudson, Penobscot, Maine; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 0058; FHL microfilm: 2340572.
  4. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , South Portland, Cumberland, Maine; Roll: m-t0627-01477; Page: 14B; Enumeration District: 3-138.

John E. Houghton1,2

M, #47457, b. circa 1881

Family: Mildred (?) b. c 1885


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthcirca 1881ME, USA, age 39 in 1920 census1,2
1920 Census1920Fort Fairfield, Aroostock Co., ME, USA, age 39, potato buyer a boarder with Sam G. and Emma McGarrigh, Canada1,2
ParentsSfather born in ME , mother born in Canada2


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Fort Fairfield, Aroostock Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 4, E.D. 21, Sh. 10, Ln. 54.
  2. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Fort Fairfield, Aroostook, Maine; Roll: T625_638; Page: 10B; Enumeration District: 21; line 54, dwl 172-199.

Joseph Houghton1

M, #47458, b. circa 1862


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthcirca 1862ME, USA, age 58 in 1920 census1,2
1920 Census1920Solon, Somerset Co., ME, USA, age 58, farm laborer, a hired man for Rosco C. Sidel1,2


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Solon, Somerset Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 24, E.D. 121, Sh. 2, Ln. 49.
  2. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Solon, Somerset, Maine; Roll: T625_648; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 121; line 49, dwl 39-39.

Joseph Francis Houghton1,2

M, #47459, b. 20 August 1884


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthAug 20, 1884Boston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA, age 35 in 1920 census; age 46 in 1930 census; age 56 in 1940 census3,4
RelativeSep, 1918Charlestown, Suffolk Co., MA, USA, Mrs. N. A. Houghton
Mil. DraftSep 12, 1918Penobscot Co., ME, USA, age 34, wet mash operator, pulp mill, Ocosco Pulp & Paper Mill2
1920 Census1920Aroostook, Penobscot Co., ME, USA, a boarder with Peter J. Bwidye?1
1930 Census1930Boston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA, age 433
Occupation1940railroad repair laborer


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Aroustown?, Penobscot Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 20, E.D. 125, Sh. 13, Ln. 26.
  2. [S1308] World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, online http://content.ancestry.com, 1654011.
  3. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts; Roll: 942; Page: 10B; Enumeration District: 45; line 56, dwl 9-72-158.
  4. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online www.ancestry.com, http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/20361437/person/936372638

Villa C. Boober1,2

F, #47460, b. circa 1890

Family: Lloyd E. Houghton b. 20 Aug 1889, d. 13 Jul 1963


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca 1890ME, USA, age 30 in 1920 census; age 40 in 1930 census; age 50 in 1940 census1
Residence1912Lee, ME, USA3
MarriageAug 15, 1912Lee, Penobscot Co., ME, USA, both age 231,2
1930 Census1930Bangor, Penobscot Co., ME, USA, age 40, paper company forest engineer; and sister in law Winona Boober, 28, ME4
1940 Census1940Bangor, Penobscot Co., ME, USA, age 50, superintendent of wholesale paper co; and sister in law Wynona L. Boober, 38, ME5
Occupation1940substitute teacher in city schools
1950 US Census1950Bangor, ME, USA, age 60, paper co., forest engineer
ParentsDparents born in ME


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Bangor, Penobscot Co., ME, Film 853, Box 27, Vol. 18, E.D. 68, Sh. 8, Ln. 98.
  2. [S415] E-mail from Mary Michaela (Mickey) Cunningham, June 28, 2000.
  3. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , http://vitals.rootsweb.com/me/marriage: Houghton Surname.
  4. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Bangor, Penobscot, Maine; Roll: 836; Page: 10A; Enumeration District: 15; line 6, dwl 178-239-263.
  5. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , Bangor, Penobscot, Maine; Roll: T627_1486; Page: 3B; Enumeration District: 10-24.