Dr. Edward Houghton Janes MD1

M, #86461, b. 3 October 1820, d. 13 March 1893

Family: Jane Mills Yates


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthOct 3, 1820Northfield, Franklin Co., MA, USA1
Graduation1847Berkshire Medical Institute, Pittsfield, MA, USA2
Occupationbetween 1866 and 1893New York, New York Co., NY, USA, Ass. Sanitary Superintendent of the Board of Health2
DeathMar 13, 1893New York, New York Co., NY, USA, of heart failure after the flu2
ObituaryDr. Edward Houghton Janes, son of Captain Ebenezer and Lucretia (Smith) Janes, born in Northfield, Mass., October 3, 1820. died March 12,1893, in New York city. He received his early education in the public schools of his native town, and afterward studied at the Delaware Literary Institute, of Franklin, N. Y-, front which he was graduated at the age of eighteen. After teaching a few years, he commenced the study of medicine with Dr. Joseph Hedges, of Hope, N. J., and received the degree cf M. D. from Berkshire Medical College, Mass., in t847. He settled in New York city in 1850. In 1862 he was appointed on the sanitary commission of that city ; in 1864, under the auspices of the Citizens' Association, be, with others, made an inspection of the sanitary condition of New York city, which served to inaugurate the present system of health government of that dry. and resulted in the establishment of the Metropolitan Board of Health, with which he was connected until his death. He was assistant sanitary superintendent for twenty years, and for ten years had the supervision of the hospital for contagious diseases. He occupied the chair of hygiene in the Woman’s Medical College of the New York Dispensary for seventeen years, and for three years he was recording secretary of the New York Academy of Medicine.
Dr. Janes was one of the originators of the American Public Health Association, and was its recording secretary from 1877 to 1880. He was the author of numerous papers on medical and sanitary subjects, and was a member of the Medical Society of the County of New York, Physicians’ Mutual Aid Association, life member of the New York Historical Society, honorary member of the New Jersey Historical Society, member of the board of directors of the Oratorio Society of New York, and of the board of managers of the New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor. Dr. Janes served as a volunteer surgeon in the Federal army, during the War of the Rebellion.
Married, October 14, 1860, Jane Mills Yates. Their children are Martha Ridgway, widow of John McKee Elsmore; Edward Foster Janes; and Elisha Harris Janes.
BiographyJANES, Edward Houghton, physician, born in Northfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts, 3 October, 1820. He was educated in the Delaware literary institute, Franklin county, New York, and was graduated at the Berkshire medical college in 1847. He settled in practice in New York city in 1850, was for a short period during the civil war in the service of the sanitary commission, and appointed sanitary inspector by the Metropolitan board of health in 1866. Since 1873 he has been assistant superintendent of the New York health department. In 1872 he was appointed to the chair of hygiene in the Women's medical college of the New York infirmary. He was one of the original members of the American public health association, and was its recording secretary from 1877 till 1880. He has published a "Report on Condensed Milk" (1858), "Report on the Sanitary Condition of New York" (New York, 1865), annual reports to the American Public Health Association, and papers on professional subjects.

Edited Appletons Encyclopedia, Copyright © 2001 VirtualologyTM1


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , http://famousamericans.net/edwardhoughtonjanes/
  2. [S95] Newspaper, New York Times Archives: Mar 13 1893.

Jamey Bauer Sr

M, #86462

Family: Misty Dawn Houghton b. 26 May 1967


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
MarriageNov 4, 2006Victoria, TX, USA

Dr. Ted Houghton Ph.D.1

M, #86463


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Education1995State University of New York, Albany, Albany Co., NY, USA, PhD 1995 University at Albany, State University of New York
Address2006Ohio State University, Lima, OH, USA, Phone: 419-995-8285
Research2006With background specializations in political and economic sociology, criminal justice and religious studies, I broadly pursue research on various aspects of globalization – political, economic, cultural, and legal. This includes issues of free trade, the problems of failed states, international intervention, human rights and international governance institutions. A particular focus of my recent research is the intersection of religion and political ideology in promotions of democratic change and economic development.

SOC 209 Introduction to Criminal Justice
SOC 309 Introduction to Law and Society
SOC 410 Criminology
SOC 597.01 Contemporary World Societies
CS 270 Introduction to Comparative Religion

Hettie Rene Cardon1

F, #86464, b. circa 1955

Family: Edward Cone Houghton IV b. 10 May 1951


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthcirca 1955


  1. [S1364] Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997, online Ancestry.Com, Roll Number: 1984_0009.
  2. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online www.ancestry.com, U.S. Public Records Index [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007. Original data: Compiled from various U.S. public records.
  3. [S1364] Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997, online Ancestry.Com, Roll Number: 1977_0008.
  4. [S1364] Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997, online Ancestry.Com, Roll Number: 1981_0009.

(?) Lindsay1

M, #86465

Family: Jennifer Leigh Houghton b. 30 Dec 1975


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , http://www.dot.state.tx.us/about_us/…

Carol D. Houghton1

F, #86466


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Address2006Princeton University, Princeton, Mercer Co., NJ, USA, Princeton University Library
Social Science Reference Center
One Washington Road, Princeton NJ 08544
Carol D. Houghton
Politics and Law Collections Manager
(609) 258-9153, 258-3567 Fax 258-4105
A-8-H Social Science Reference Center


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , http://www.princeton.edu/~sbwhite/carol1.html

Dr. John E. Houghton Ph.D.1

M, #86467


AddressUniversity of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, WI, USA, John E. Houghton, Ph.D.
Professor of Forestry
College of Natural Resources
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Stevens Point, Wisconsin 54481 USA
715-346-4182 FAX: 715-346-3624
Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Biography2006John E. Houghton, Ph.D.
Professor of Forestry
College of Natural Resources
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Stevens Point, Wisconsin 54481 USA
715-346-4182 FAX: 715-346-3624

John Houghton is an Associate Professor in the Forestry Discipline at the College of Natural Resources (CNR), University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point (UWSP).
He instructs courses in the Introduction to Fisheries, Forestry, and Wildlife Resources; Resource Economics; Field Practices in Silviculture; Land Surveying; and People, Resources, and the Biosphere (a non-major environmental literacy course). Dr. Houghton’s diverse background in Resource Economics, Financial Management, and Forestry enables him to effectively teach a variety of upper-level resource management subjects as well. These courses have included Resource Policy and Law; Resource Administration; Forest Management and Finance; and Advanced Forest Management and Economics.
Professor Houghton’s teaching contains the right mixture of knowledge and humor that inspires learning. He truly enjoys his interaction with students as an Instructor, an Academic Advisor to 40 forestry students, and a Faculty Advisor to the Student Chapter of the Society of American Foresters (SAF).
Formal Education
Ph.D. - Resource Economics, Michigan State University – East Lansing. 1979.
M.B.A. - Financial Management, Western Michigan University – Kalamazoo. 1970.
B.S. - Forestry, Michigan State University – East Lansing. 1969.
The general intent of Dr. Houghton’s educational program was the development of the analytical and managerial skills to interact in the forest resource management and business environments and to develop and communicate effective programs of management in these areas.
Career Highlights
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF FORESTRY, College of Natural Resources,
University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point. August 1983 to Present. Teach courses related to Forest Economics and Forest Management including Forest Management and Finance, Resource Economics, and Resource Policy and Law; advise students in the Forest Management and Forest Administration majors; assist instruction of courses such as Forest Biometry and Integrated Resources Management.
ASSISTANT TO THE MANAGER OF WOODLANDS, Great Northern Paper Company, Millinocket, ME. October 1976 to August 1983. Coordinated and formulated the long-term management plan for the Company’s 2.5 million acres of forest land; developed annual operations plans; conducted economic and financial feasibility studies for woodlands operations; coordinated activities with various Company departments; and cooperated with several government agencies and industry associations.
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF FOREST PRODUCTS, University of Idaho – Moscow. July 1974 to August 1976. Joint appointment in the areas of forest products/business and forest resources. Taught forest policy and administration, forest economics, and special topics in forest business; advised students in the forestry and forest products field; developed forest business management program; and performed research.
GRADUATE RESEARCH ASSISTANT, Michigan Stat e University – East Lansing.
January 1971 to June 1974. Conducted research related to the economics of timber management decision-making and instructed various courses as a Teaching Assistant.
UWSP University Teaching Excellence Award – 1989, 2003.
CNR Outstanding Faculty Award – 1987, 1994, 1998, and 2003.
Carl Alwin Schenck Award for Teaching Excellence, National Society of American Foresters – 1995.
Professional Associations
Member, Society of American Foresters – 1964 to Present.
University and College Service
Faculty Advisor, UWSP Student Chapter of the Society of American Foresters, 1985 to Present.
Vallier Treehaven Chair of Ecology, 2001 to 2004.
Served on various College, University, and Faculty Governance Committees.
Forestry 319: Land Surveying
Forestry 725: Advanced Forest Management and Economics
Natural Resources 150: People, Resources, and the Biosphere
Natural Resources 250: Introduction to Fish, Forestry, and Wildlife Resources
Natural Resources 372: Resource Economics
Dr. Houghton's research interests focus on the economic and financial feasibility analyses of resource management applications and human dimensions of resource management and utilization.
Various outdoor sports, woodworking, and horticulture.


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr/faculty/houghton/index.htm

(?) Garner1

M, #86468

Family: Martha Shelton Houghton b. 16 Jan 1918


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , http://www.jlamarillo.org/?nd=shelton

Dr. Lawrence M. Houghton Ph.D.1

M, #86469


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Biography2006Blacksburg, VA, USA, Lawrence M. Houghton
134 Cheatham Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24060
(540) 951-2249
Bachelor of Science in Resource Development, major: Nutritional Science, minor Biology
University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 1993
G.P.A 3.7 (Paid for entire education through student loans and working full-time during school)
Master of Science in Biology, concentration: Wildlife Biology
East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg, PA 1995
Thesis: US Osprey Breeding Status and Dispersal Patterns and Trends 1994
G.P.A. 3.8
Doctor of Philosophy in Fisheries and Wildlife Science: Wildlife Biology
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA (to be completed)
Dissertation: Piping Plover Ecology on a Storm-destroyed and Re-built Barrier Island
Primary Wildlife Work Experience
Job Title: Research Associate
Employer: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061
Supervisor: Dr. James Fraser
Date of Employment: 3/18/96-8/17/00
Job Description:
· Worked in conjunction with the USFWS, USACE, NYSDEC, and The Nature Conservancy
· Monitored and recorded the breeding biology of Piping Plovers and other shorebirds
· Supervised and trained 15 field technicians and/or students over the course of the project
· Developed and implemented Piping Plover management strategies
· Assisted with grant and proposal writing
· Data Analysis
· Report Writing
· Scientific Presentations
Job Title: Plover Monitor
Employer: The Nature Conservancy, Cold Springs Harbor, NY 11724
Supervisor: Cathy Brittingham
Date of Employment: 5/18/96-7/20/96 (Part-time)
Job Description:
· Searched for Piping Plover nests
· Monitored plover nests and recorded productivity data
Job Title: Research Assistant
Employer: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061
Supervisor: Dr. James Fraser
Date of Employment: 8/18/00-present
Job Description:
· Data Analysis
· Report Writing
· Scientific presentations
Job Title: Graduate Assistant (1/2 teaching/1/2 research)
Employer: East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Supervisor: Dr. Larry M. Rymon
Date of Employment: 9/7/93-12/16/94
Job Description:
· Assisted in teaching ecology, behavior, and identification of eastern birds and mammals
· Supervised two student workers, held office hours, and advised students
· Assisted with field research
· East Stroudsburg University Natural History Museum Curator
· Taxidermic preparation of study skins and museum specimens
Job Title: Graduate Intern
Employer: Osprey Reintroduction Project, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Supervisor: Dr. Larry M. Rymon
Date of Employment: 4/1/94-8/31/94
Job Description:
· Recorded Osprey courting, incubation, brooding, fishing, feeding and fledging behaviors
· Assisted with Osprey banding, handling, and nest climbs
· Aided in research on identification of individuals by plumage patterns
· Helped with northeast Pennsylvania Osprey nesting survey
· Searched for Osprey nests (on foot, by kayak and canoe, and by vehicle)
Job Title: Raptor Project Assistant
Employer: Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology, San Juan Capistrano, CA
Supervisor: Pete Bloom
Date of Employment: 5/23/95-6/31/95
Job Description:
· Trapped Red-Tailed, Red-Shouldered and Cooper's Hawks using BC and Dho Gaza traps
· Assisted in banding, weighing, taking wing chord and tail length measurements, checking feather molts and overall health of trapped birds
· Recorded vital statistics for several species of adult Falconiformes
· Climbed nest trees and assisted with banding of Red-Shouldered and Cooper's Hawks
· Surveyed potential nesting habitat
Teaching Experience
Job Title: Substitute Teacher
Employer: Goffstown Regional School District, Goffstown, NH
Supervisor: Rose Colby
Date of Employment: 1/89-2/96 (During university and seasonal employment breaks/holidays, equivalent to 2 years full-time)
Job Description:
· Taught and/or supervised Elementary, Junior, and Senior High School students
Job Title: Environmental Educator
Employer: Nature's Classroom, Freedom, NH
Supervisor: Mike Vecchiarelli
Date of Employment: 9/95-12/95
Job Description:
· Taught environmental education and natural history to 5th-8th graders
· Designed and implemented outdoor wildlife education courses
· Presented special lectures on predator/prey relations and birds of prey
Job Title: Teaching Assistant (see above)
Employer: East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg, PA
Supervisor: Dr. Larry Rymon
Date of Employment: 9/7/93-12/16/94
Job Description:
· Assisted in teaching ecology, behavior, and identification of eastern birds and mammals
General Employment (Related)
Job Title: Guest Lecturer
Employer: Goffstown, John Stark and Souhegan High Schools, NH
Supervisors: Lisa Nelson, Barbara Beers, and Dan Bassachio
Date of Employment: 2/95, 1/96, 10/98, 12/99
Job Description:
· Special Lectures on the Ecology of Birds of Prey and Shorebirds (1-2 hour sessions)
Job Title: Green House Supervisor
Employer: East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg, PA
Supervisor: Ray Milewski
Date of Employment: 9/93-11/93
Job Description:
· General greenhouse care and supervision of 3 work-study students
Job Title: Scientists Aide
Employer: Normandeau Associates, Bedford, NH
Supervisor: Hanna Proctor
Date of Employment: 6/93-8/93
Job Description:
· Taxonomic identification/classification of invertebrate and vertebrate specimens
Job Title: Building Supervisor, Intramural Supervisor, and Fitness Instructor
Employer: University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
Supervisor: Art Tuveson
Date of Employment: 9/89-5/93
Job Description:
· Supervised 100's of work study students and monitored the URI Athletic Center
· Oversaw intramural workers, rec sports programs and fitness rooms
Job Title: Laboratory Assistant
Employer: University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
Supervisor: Clifford Cosgrove
Date of Employment: 9/88-5/89
Job Description:
· General Laboratory duties
· Assisted with lab assignments and paper grading
Primary Volunteer Work Experience
Title: Field Assistant
Volunteered for: Audubon Society of New Hampshire, Concord, NH
Supervised by: Chris Martin
Dates Volunteered: 8/96, 3/95, 3/98, 10/98, and 12/99
Duties performed:
· Searched for and predator guarded osprey nests in northern NH (2-4day trips)
· Surveyed nests and recorded productivity data
· Recorded nest tree heights and DBH
Title: Eagle Monitor
Volunteered for: Audubon Society of New Hampshire, Concord, NH
Supervised by: Laura Deming
Dates Volunteered: 12/94-3/95 and 12/95-2/96
Duties performed:
· Surveyed specified rivers and other open waters for eagles (on foot and by vehicle)
· Collected data on abundances, habitat use, movements and behaviors of wintering eagles
· Monitored eagle roost sites, identified, and recorded individual eagle plumage patterns
Title: Visitor Center Attendant and Field Assistant
Volunteered for: Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, MD
Supervised by: Maggie Briggs
Dates Volunteered: 8/95
Duties performed:
· Public education, natural history, and public tours of the refuge
· Assisted in trapping and radio-telemetry of endangered Delmarva Fox Squirrels
Title: Field Assistant
Volunteered for: Neotropical Migrant Nesting Survey, PA
Supervised by: Terry Master
Dates Volunteered: 4/94-5/94
Duties performed:
· Identified song birds by sight and song
· Assisted with recording songbird-nesting data in Delaware Water Gap
Title: Field Researcher
Volunteered for: University of Rhode Island Botany Department, Kingston, RI
Supervised by: Chris Nerone
Dates Volunteered: 2/93-5/93
Duties performed:
· Assisted in searching for suitable new sites for URI field botany classes
· Keyed out various plant species
· Researched and wrote a proposal on alternative low impact methods of teaching Field Botany
Title: Field Assistant
Volunteered for: Trustom Pond and Ninigret National Wildlife Refuges, RI
Supervised by: Dave Houghton
Dates Volunteered: 9/92-5/93
Duties performed:
· Assisted in waterfowl and other bird surveys
· Aided in evaluation and construction of bluebird trails
Houghton, Lawrence M. and L. M. Rymon. (1997). The US osprey nesting distribution and population status 1994. J. Raptor Res. 31(1): 44-53
Publications in progress
Houghton, Lawrence M., J.D. Fraser and S. Elias-Gerken. (in progress). Shorebird ecology on a barrier island in Long Island, New York 1997-99.
Houghton, Lawrence M., J.D. Fraser and S. Elias-Gerken. (in progress). Piping plover population dynamics on a storm-destroyed and rebuilt barrier island village.
Houghton, Lawrence M., J.D. Fraser and S. Elias-Gerken. 2000. Piping plover population dynamics on a storm-destroyed and rebuilt barrier island village. Colonial Waterbirds Meeting, Manomet, MA. Nov. 2000
Keane, Shannon E., J. D. Fraser, P. Buckley, L. M. Houghton. 2000. Effects of herring and great black-backed gulls on breeding piping plovers on South Monomoy Island, Massachusetts. Colonial Waterbirds Meeting, Manomet, MA. Nov. 2000
Houghton, Lawrence M., and J.D. Fraser. 1998. Piping plover population dynamics on a storm-destroyed and rebuilt barrier island village. Proceedings: The Piping Plover and Least Terns of the Great Plains and nearby: A symposium/workshop, Omaha, NE. Feb. 2-5, 1998
Fraser, James D., P. Buckley, J. P. Loegering, M. E. Patterson, L. M. Houghton, and S. Elias-Gerken. 1998. Piping Plover brood foraging ecology, habitat selection and survival on Atlantic barrier islands. Proceedings: The Piping Plover and Least Terns of the Great Plains and nearby: A symposium/workshop, Omaha, NE. Feb. 2-5, 1998
Houghton, Lawrence M. and L. M. Rymon. 1995. The US osprey population, to hack or not to hack. J. Raptor Res. 29 (1):
Rymon, Larry M. and L. M. Houghton. 1994. Osprey. Raptor Conference, Urbino, Italy. Oct. 1996
Papers Presented (Scientific Meetings)
Keane, S. E. J. D. Fraser, P. A. Buckley and L. M. Houghton. 2001. The effect of gulls on piping plovers on Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge, MA. Annual meeting, Virginia Chapter of the Wildlife Society. March 6-8. Richmond, VA.
Cohen, J., L. M. Houghton and J. D. Fraser. 2001. Piping plover population dynamics in Westhampton Dunes, N.Y. Proceedings: The Atlantic Coast Piping Plover Recovery Meeting: A symposium/workshop, January 17-19, 2001. Shepherdstown, WV.
Keane, S.E., and J. D. Fraser and L. M. Houghton. 2001. Effects of gulls on piping plovers at Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge. Proceedings: The Atlantic Coast Piping Plover Recovery Meeting: A symposium/workshop, January 17-19, 2001. Shepherdstown, WV.
Houghton, Lawrence M., J.D. Fraser and S. Elias-Gerken. 2000. Piping plover population dynamics on a storm-destroyed and rebuilt barrier island village. Colonial Waterbirds Meeting, Manomet, MA. Nov. 2000
Keane, Shannon E., J. D. Fraser, P. Buckley, L. M. Houghton. 2000. Effects of herring and great black-backed gulls on breeding piping plovers on South Monomoy Island, Massachusetts. Colonial Waterbirds Meeting, Manomet, MA. Nov. 2000
Fraser, James D., P. Buckley, J. P. Loegering, M. E. Patterson, L. M. Houghton, S. Keane, and S. Elias-Gerken. 1998. Piping Plover brood foraging ecology, habitat selection and survival on Atlantic barrier islands. Proceedings: The Atlantic Coast Piping Plover Recovery Meeting: A symposium/workshop, Sheperdstown, WV. Dec. 14-16, 1998
Houghton, Lawrence M., J.D. Fraser and S. Elias-Gerken. 1998. Piping plover population dynamics on a storm-destroyed and rebuilt barrier island village. Proceedings: The Piping Plover and Least Terns of the Great Plains and nearby: A symposium/workshop, Omaha, NE. Feb. 2-5, 1998
Fraser, James D., P. Buckley, J. P. Loegering, M. E. Patterson, L. M. Houghton, and S. Elias-Gerken. 1998. Piping Plover brood foraging ecology, habitat selection and survival on Atlantic barrier islands. Proceedings: The Piping Plover and Least Terns of the Great Plains and nearby: A symposium/workshop, Omaha, NE. Feb. 2-5, 1998
Rymon, Larry M. and L. M. Houghton. 1994. Osprey. Raptor Conference, Urbino, Italy. Oct. 1996
Houghton, Lawrence M. and L. M. Rymon. 1994. The US osprey population, to hack or not to hack. Raptor Research Foundation Conference, Flagstaff, Arizona, Nov. 1994
Rymon, Larry M. and L. M. Houghton. 1994. Osprey. Endangered Species Coalition Meeting, Mt. Pocono, Pennsylvania. Oct. 1994
Papers Presented (Army Corps of Engineers Annual Meetings)
Houghton, Lawrence M., and J.D. Fraser. 1999. The effects of the USACE Westhampton interim storm damage proection project on piping plover habitat at the Village of West Hampton Dunes and Westhampton Beach, Long Island, NY, USACE meeting, Islip, N.Y. Jan. 2000
Houghton, Lawrence M., and J.D. Fraser. 1998. The effects of the USACE Westhampton interim storm damage proection project on piping plover habitat at the Village of West Hampton Dunes and Westhampton Beach, Long Island, NY, USACE meeting, New York, NY. Nov. 1998
Houghton, Lawrence M., and J.D. Fraser. 1997. The effects of the USACE Westhampton interim storm damage proection project on piping plover habitat at the Village of West Hampton Dunes and Westhampton Beach, Long Island, NY, USACE meeting, New York, NY. Oct. 1997
Houghton, Lawrence M., and J.D. Fraser. 1996. The effects of the USACE Westhampton interim storm damage proection project on piping plover habitat at the Village of West Hampton Dunes and Westhampton Beach, Long Island, NY, USACE meeting, New York, NY. Nov. 1996
Posters Presented
Houghton, Lawrence M., and J.D. Fraser. 1998. Piping plover population dynamics on a storm-destroyed and rebuilt barrier island village. Proceedings: The Atlantic Coast Piping Plover Recovery Meeting: A symposium/workshop, Sheperdstown, WV. Dec. 14-16, 1998
Houghton, Lawrence M., and J.D. Fraser. 1997. Piping plover population dynamics on a storm-destroyed and rebuilt barrier island village. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences Bulletin Board, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 1997-2000.
Houghton, Lawrence M., S.P. Elias-Gerken, and J.D. Fraser. (in progress). The effects of the USACE Westhampton interim storm damage proection project on piping plover habitat at the Village of West Hampton Dunes and Westhampton Beach, Long Island, NY (1993-1999, Final Report)
Houghton, Lawrence M., A. Novack, S.P. Elias-Gerken, and J.D. Fraser. 2000. The effects of the USACE Westhampton interim storm damage proection project on piping plover habitat at the Village of West Hampton Dunes and Westhampton Beach, Long Island, NY (Annual Report)
Keane, Shannon E., J. D. Fraser, L. M. Houghton. 2000. Effects of Herring and Great Black-Backed Gulls on Breeding Piping Plovers on South Monomoy Island, Massachusetts. (Annual Report)
Houghton, Lawrence M., S.P. Elias-Gerken, and J.D. Fraser. 1999. The effects of the USACE Westhampton interim storm damage proection project on piping plover habitat at the Village of West Hampton Dunes and Westhampton Beach, Long Island, NY (Annual Report)
Keane, Shannon E., J. D. Fraser, L. M. Houghton. 1999. Effects of Herring and Great Black-Backed Gulls on Breeding Piping Plovers on South Monomoy Island, Massachusetts. (Annual Report)
Houghton, Lawrence M., J.D. Fraser, K. Meskill, R. Chambers, K. Donohue, and H. Dohn. 1998. Piping plover monitoring program, The Village of West Hampton Dunes and the Westhampton Beach groinfield, Long Island, New York: The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Moriches to Shinnecock Reach Interim Storm Damage Protection Project 1996-1998. (Final Report)
Houghton, Lawrence M., S.P. Elias-Gerken, and J.D. Fraser. 1998. The effects of the USACE Westhampton interim storm damage proection project on piping plover habitat at the Village of West Hampton Dunes and Westhampton Beach, Long Island, NY, Nov. 1998
Houghton, Lawrence M., J.D. Fraser, K. Meskill, R. Chambers, K. Donohue, and H. Dohn. 1998. Piping plover monitoring program, The Village of West Hampton Dunes and the Westhampton Beach groinfield, Long Island, New York: The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Moriches to Shinnecock Reach Interim Storm Damage Protection Project 1997. (Annual Report)
Keane, Shannon E., J. D. Fraser, L. M. Houghton, and M. M. Paul. 1998. Effects of Herring and Great Black-Backed Gulls on Breeding Piping Plovers on South Monomoy Island, Massachusetts. (Annual Report)
Houghton, Lawrence M., S.P. Elias-Gerken, and J.D. Fraser. 1997. The effects of the USACE Westhampton interim storm damage proection project on piping plover habitat at the Village of West Hampton Dunes and Westhampton Beach, Long Island, NY (Annual Report)
Houghton, Lawrence M., S.P. Elias-Gerken, and J.D. Fraser. 1996. The effects of the USACE Westhampton interim storm damage proection project on piping plover habitat at the Village of West Hampton Dunes and Westhampton Beach, Long Island, NY, (Annual Report)
Kuklinski, Michelle L., L. M. Houghton, and J. D. Fraser. 1996. Piping plover breeding ecology on Cape Hatteras National Seashore with special reference to the effect of temperature on productivity. (Final Report)
Fraser, James D., and L. M. Houghton. 2000. Effects of beach management practices on piping plovers and associated beach organisms for the Westhampton interim storm damage protection project.
United States Army Corps of Engineers $603,500.00
Fraser, James D., and L. M. Houghton. 1997. Effects of beach management practices on piping plovers and associated beach organisms for the Westhampton interim storm damage protection project.
United States Army Corps of Engineers $390,000.00
Rymon, Larry M., and L.M. Houghton. 1994. Recovery of Ospreys in Pennsylvania by Hacking
Pennsylvania Wild Resource Conservation Fund $1,200.00
Honors and Awards
12/91-present Golden Key National Honor Society
9/91 University of Rhode Island General Academic Grant $1,000.00
5/88 Goffstown High School Resource Development Scholarship $ 700.00
5/88 Goffstown High School Outdoor Recreation Scholarship $ 300.00
Professional Memberships and Activities
2000-present Colonial Waterbirds Society
1999-present American Ornithological Union
1996-1998 Raptor Research Foundation
1993-1996 National Wildlife Society
1993-1996 Northeast Chapter, The Wildlife Society
1994-1995 The Society for Conservation Biology
1992-1993 University of Rhode Island Wildlife Society Student Chapter
Professional References
Dr. James D. Fraser
Cheatham Hall
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0321
(540) 231-6064
Dr. Larry M. Rymon
214 Timberline Drive
Sequim, WA 98382
(360) 681-6399
Anne Hecht
Endangered Species Biologist
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Weir Hill Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
(978) 443-43251

Barbara Houghton1

F, #86470


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Occupation2006Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY, USA, professor of art/photography
Personal Information:
Office: Fine Art Center 304, Nunn Drive
Northern Kentucky University
Highland Heights, KY 41099
Office Phone: (859) 572-5910
Email: mailto:houghton@nku.edu, Web: http://www.nku.edu/~houghton and http://www.barbarahoughton.com/
1971 B.A., University of Illinois, Chicago (Plastic and Graphic Art: printmaking)
1973 M.F.A., School of the Art Institute of Chicago (photography)
Teaching Experience:
Currently: Professor of Art, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY.
1992-1998 Chair and professor of Art, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY.
1986-1990 Chair of Art Department, Metropolitan State College of Denver.
1974-1992 Professor of Art/Photography and Electronic Media at Metropolitan State College of Denver.
International Study Courses:
1990 American Institute for Foreign Study - London Semester Program through Metropolitan State College
2000 Cooperative Center for Study Abroad - Scotland/England Program through Northern Kentucky University.
2002 Cooperative Center for Study Abroad - Late Ireland Program through Northern Kentucky University
2004 Cooperative Center for Study Abroad - London Summer Program through Northern Kentucky University.
2005 Spring Break Italy Study Abroad Course from Northern Kentucky University with Kevin Muente. Following in the Footsteps of Geniuses: Michelangelo and Galileo in Florence and Rome.
Solo Exhibitions:
2006 dancing with galileo, Carnegie Center for Visual & Performing Arts, Covington KY. (Juried, regional)
2000 Digital Art Museum, online solo exhibition (February) (Invitational)
1999 Journey, Northern Kentucky University (Installation of digital photographs and objects)
1989 Fate or Fortune, Regis College, Denver.
1985 Learning the Sport, University of Arizona, Tucson. (Installation)
1982 B.C. Space, Laguna Beach, California
1981 Color Works, Santa Barbara, California
1978 University of Colorado, Boulder, University Memorial Center
1976 UCLA, Photography Studios.
1976 University of New Mexico
1975 The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
1975 Phoenix College, Phoenix, Arizona
1975 University of Colorado, Boulder, Art Department
Group Exhibitions: (selected; scope and importance noted)
2006 Altered States, Riffe Gallery of the Ohio Arts Council, Columbus, OH (regional, curated)
2005 Altered States, Weston Art Gallery at the Aronoff Center for the Arts, Cincinnati, OH (regional, curated)
2004 Carnegie Art Center fundraising auction exhibition, Covington, KY (regional, invitational)
2004 The Walking Up Is Equal to the Walking Down, Kings College, Hampstead, London (show with students of CCSA)
2004 Stand and Be Counted, Visual Artists for Kerry, Glassworks, Louisville (invitational)
2004 SummerFair Select: An Exhibition of Grant Winners 2001-2003, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY (group, curated)
2004 Postcards, Gallery Salveo at the Health Foundation, Cincinnati, OH, (group, curated)
2003 Traditional Values/New Directions, Otterbein University, Westerville, OH (3 person, invitational)
2003 OKI, New Art, Northern Kentucky University (regional, juried)
2003 Digital, Sinclair Community College, Dayton, OH (national, curated)
2002 Photographic Edge at Carl Solway Gallery, Cincinnati, OH (national, curated)
2002 Ars Akademia, Artery Gallery, Newport, KY (invitational)
2001 Visions of Italy, Risch Gallery, Ft. Thomas, KY (invitational);
2001 Mertin Viewed, pARTs Photographic Arts Gallery, Minneapolis, MN (invitational);
2001 Kentucky Foundation for Women Grant Recipients exhibit, ArtsWatch, Louisville, KY;
2000 Latest Development: Focus on Regional Photographers, Huntington Museum of Art, Huntington WV (invited)
2000 Regional Group Show, Chitlaw Gallery, Art Academy of Cincinnati (invitational)
1998 Visiting Artist Alliance Group Exhibit, Machine Shop, UC, Cincinnati (regional, invitational)
1997 Digital Visions, Chidlaw Gallery, Art Academy of Cincinnati (national, curated)
1995 Art on the Square Sculpture Invitational, Tower Place, Cincinnati, OH (local, invitational)
1994 Art on the Square Invitational, 5/3 Bank, Cincinnati, OH (local, invitational)
1994 Camera Obscura/Obscura Camera , alumni photography exhibit, School of the Art Institute of Chicago (national, curated)
1993 New to the Collection, Scripts Howard Corporation, Cincinnati, OH (national, curated)
1993 New Selections - Our Collections, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY (faculty show)
1993 New Acquisitions Exhibition, Denver Art Museum, Denver, CO (Curated)
1991 Under Southwestern Light, Sangre de Cristo Art Center, Pueblo, CO (Regional, juried)
1990 Metro Faculty Group Exhibit, Gensler and Associates/Architects, Denver (Local, invitational)
1990 LEARNING THE SPORT: UNNECESSARY ROUGHNESS, Auction Nine-Oh! For the Love of Art, Denver Art Museum, Alliance for Contemporary Art Auction with catalog. (Regional, invitational, purchased for the collection of the DAM)
1989 Out of Context, Pirate Gallery, Denver, CO. (Local, invitational, installation)
1989 Sculpture in the Park, Boulder Center for the Visual Arts, Boulder, CO. (Regional, invitational, installation)
1989 Books in the Mind, Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities, Arvada, CO. (Regional, invitational, video installation)
1989 The Ghosts of Christmas Past, Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities, Arvada, CO. (Regional, invitational, video installation with Mary Hemmingway-Emrich)
1989 Photography is Dead, Sibyl-Wohle Gallery, Fine Art Department, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO. (National, invitational, computer graphics)
1988 DENVER, 22 Views, Emmanuel Gallery, Denver, CO. (Local, invitational, sculpture/sound installation piece)
1988 New Tools: Computer Art, Grant Street Art Center, Denver, CO. (Local, invitational, installation piece)
1987 A Book of Family Tales, River Gallery, Denver, CO. (Local, 2-person, invitational, video/book/installation piece)
1987 Small Sculpture and Painting, Department of Art, University of Denver, Denver, CO. (Regional, invitational)
1987 Art to Own, YWCA Gallery, Denver, CO. (Local, invitational)
1986 What's New, Hudson's Gallery, Denver, CO. (Local, invitational)
1986 With the Land, Sonoma State University, CA. (National, invitational)
1986 Dave Adams Selects: Group Show Power Plant Art Center, Fort Collins, CO. (Regional, invitational
1986 I Always Cheat at Croquet, Center for Idea Art, Denver, CO. (Local, two-person, invitational, photo/video installation)
1986 Prisoners of Conscience, Arvada Center for the Arts & Humanities, Arvada, CO. (Important regional, invitational, video/sculpture installation)
1986 Metro Art Faculty Show, Emmanuel Gallery, Denver, CO. (Local, video installation with memos entitled A Rain of Terror)
1985 Photograms, John Michael Kohler Art Center, Sheboygan, WI. (Important, national, invitational)
1985 The Art of Tattoo, City of Denver, CO. (Large exhibition including installation piece with videotape, photographs, and large photo cut outs. Produced with Mary Jones for a city arts festival.)
1984 Colorado Mountain College, Breckenridge. (Invitational, installation)
1984 Unsportsmanlike Conduct, Artium Gallery, University of Connecticut, Storrs. (Invitational, 2-person, installation)
1984 The Miracle Girl, Emmanuel Gallery, Auraria Campus, Denver. (Local, invitational, photo/video installation)
1984 El Dia de Los Muertos, Pirate Gallery, Denver. (Invitational, photo installation)
1983 Sebastian-Moore Gallery, Denver. (Important, invitational, four one-person shows---installation piece: Learning the Sport/ Unsportsmanlike Conduct)
1983 Museum, Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities, Arvada, CO. (Important, invitational, three one-person shows---installation and performance piece: Learning the Sport/Baseball)
1983 New Epiphanies, Ohio foundation on the Arts. (Important traveling invitational show)
1982 Sacred Heart Schools, Menlo Park, California. (Invitational)
1982 American Photography Today, University of Denver. (National, invitational)
1982 Colorado: State of the Arts, Colorado Photographers, Denver Art Museum. (Important, local, invitational)
1982 New American Photographs, San Bernadino State University, San Bernadino, California (Important, national, invitational)
1982 Lensless Photography, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, PA. (Important, national, invitational)
1981,1983 Contemporary Photoworks, AUA, Albuquerque. (National, juried)
1981 University Memorial Center Gallery, University of Colorado, Boulder. (Invitational)
1980 Four Corners Show, Arizona State University, Tempe. (Important, regional, juried)
1980 Colorado Photographers Show, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa. (Group Show, invitational)
1979 University of Northern Michigan, Marquette, Michigan. (Invitational)
1979,1982 Colorado Mountain College, Breckenridge. (Local, invitational)
1978 University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio. (Invitational)
1978 Apieron Workshops, Millerton, New York. (Invitational)
1977,1979 J. Magnin Gallery, Denver. (Local, invitational)
1977,1979 Boulder Art Center, Boulder. (Local, juried)
1977 Franconia College, Franconia, New Hampshire. (Invitational, 3 person)
1977 Three Visiting Artists, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. (Invitational)
1977 Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. (Invitational)
1976 Contemporary Women in Photography, Womanspace, Boulder. (Local , invitational)
1975 First Innerview, University of Nebraska. (National, juried)
1975 Hand Colored Photographs, Ohio Silver Gallery, Los Angeles. (Invitational)
1975 University of Colorado, Boulder. (Local, juried)
1975 Photography, a Women's Show, Denver. (Local, juried)
1974 First National Bank of Chicago. (Important, local, Invitational)
1974 Metropolitan State College, Denver, Two person show. (Local, invitational)
1973 74th Chicago and Vicinity Show, Art Institute of Chicago. (Important regional, juried)
1973,1975,1976 New Photographics, Central Washington State University. (National, juried)
Visiting Artist and lectures: (selected)
2005 Workshop: Curriculum 101: integrating digitial into your classes, National Society for Photographic Education Conference.
2001 Image Maker presentation, Midwest Society for Photographic Education conference
1996 Memphis College of Art (2 day residence)
1995 College Art Association, San Antonio, TX (panel lecture)
1993 University of Kentucky, Lexington. (lecture)
1991 California State University, Fullerton. (lecture)
1990 London Semester Program, American Institute for Foreign Study at University of London College, MSCD faculty, Fall semester 1990.
1990 Middlesex Polytechnic, London, GB. (lecture)
1990 Derbyshire College of Higher Education, Derby, GB. (lecture, seminar)
1985 University of Arizona. (lecture)
1984 University of Connecticut. (lecture)
1983-1976 Colorado Mountain College, Breckenridge, CO. (workshops)
1982 Florida State University, Tallahassee. (lecture)
1978 Light Work, Artist in Residence Program, Syracuse University. (resident, lecture, workshop)
1978, 1976,1975 University of Colorado, Boulder, CO. (lectures and workshop)
1977 University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO. (workshops)
1976,1972 University of Illinois, Chicago. (resident, lecture)
1976,1975 Summervail Workshop, Vail, CO. (workshop)
Photographs/writing/books published or articles about: (selected)
2005 Chapter on Art and Music co-author for textbook for Prentice Hall by Author M.D. Roblyer 4th Edition Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching
2004 Stand and Be Counted: Visual Artists for Kerry website
2004 SummerFair Select, An Exhibition of Grant Winners 2001-2003 catalog
2003 irhine.com on-line local magazine, issue September 2003, OKI at NKU is AOK. at http://www.irhine.com/index.jsp?page=home_nkuoki_091403
2001 The Internet and Art, a guidebook for artists, Prentice Hall publishers (authored textbook)
1999 Cincinnati Magazine, Special Millennium Issue, Meet the Future, In the Eye of the Beholder, December (photograph)
1999 CityBeat, Cincinnati, volume January 28-Febuary3, 1999, image and review of the journey
1998 Contact Sheet 97 25th Anniversary Edition, LightWork, Syracuse University
1992 Ten.8 Photo Paperback, Digital Dialogues, Volume 2, Number 2, Autumn 1991, published in Great Britain
1991 Marion Post Wolcott, Essays and Monographs in Colorado History, Number 111990, from the Colorado Historical Society, book review
1989 Westword, December 20
1989 Westword, December 26
1988 Fotografik-Lichtgrafik-Lichtmalerei. Bildgebende Fotografie. Ursprunge, Konzepte und Spezifika einer Kunstform. Gottfried Jaeger. Published by DuMont in Cologne. 1988. Cover photograph and three color photographs published.
1986 Rocky Mountain News/Weekend, August 8
1986 Prisoners of Conscience, catalog, Arvada Center
1986 Tattoo, Vol. 4, Spring
1986 Muse, August/September
1986 Prisoners of Conscience, videotape by Danny Salazar, KRMA Channel 12
1985 Milwaukee Journal, August 11
1985 John Michael Kohler Art Center, May/June & July/Aug.
1985 Network, November
1984 Artspace, Spring & Summer
1984 Rocky Mountain News, August 29 & November 23
1983 Artspace, Fall
1983 Rocky Mountain News, June 10 & December 16
1982 Rocky Mountain News, August 27
1982 Artweek, November 12
1981 Artspace, April
1980 Rocky Mountain Magazine Calendar, August
1979 Modern Photography, June
1979 Rocky Mountain Magazine, November
1977 Westword, September 29
1976 Artweek, Vol. 7, No. 20, June
1975 Rocky Mountain News, Oct. 26
1975 Exposure, Vol. 13. 4, December. (Journal of the Society for Photographic Education)
1972 M.F.A.--Art Institute--Chicago
Grants & Grant Projects Directed: (selected)
2006 Kentucky Foundation for Women, Art Meets Activism Grant: "OK! So This Is What It Looks Like!"
2002 Project Grant, Northern Kentucky University
2002 Aid to Individual Artists Grant, Summerfair, Inc.
2002 Kentucky Foundation for Women, Artist Enrichment Program Grant.
2000 Professional Assistance Grant, Kentucky Arts Council.
2000 Kentucky Foundaton for Women, Individual Artist Grant.
1994 Individual Artist Grant in Photography, Ohio Arts Council.
1993 Faculty Project Grant, Northern Kentucky University, Terra Incognita - Unknown Territory project.
1990 Development Grant, MSCD, Colorado Artists DataBank. To publish interactive videodisc and HyperCard stack.
1988 Consortium Grant, State Colleges of Colorado. To do research for a video laser-disc DataBank for Creative Artists in Colorado.
1986 Interdisciplinary Grant, Center for Contemporary Art, Santa Fe, NM. Grant to produce a video installation piece, funded by NEA and Rockerfeller Foundation.
1980 Polaroid Education Grant.
1979 Visiting Photographers Lecture Series, co-directed with Sandy Hume, funded by National Endowment for the Arts for Metropolitan State College of Denver.
1979 Colorado Council for the Arts and Humanities, assistance grant for the From This Land survey project.
1979 Colorado Humanities Council Mini-grant, co-directed with Sandy Hume, Visiting Artists Lecture Series.
1978 Visiting Photographers Program, funded by National Endowment for the Arts for Metropolitan State College of Denver.
1978 Photographic Survey, co-directed with Sandy Hume, funded by the National Endowment for the Arts. Project: From This Land, a survey of mining in Colorado and the West.
Work in Public Collections: (selected)
Denver Art Museum
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO.
Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona, Tucson.
Colorado Mountain College, Breckenridge, CO.
Light Work, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY.
ARCO Collection, Atlantic Richfield Corporation, Denver and Houston.
AMOCO Collection, AMOCO Corporation, Denver, CO.
Chase Manhattan Bank Collection, NY.
Colorado State Historical Society, Denver, CO.
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
State of Colorado, Art in Public Places Collection at Colorado Highway Patrol in Golden.
Scripts Howard Corporation, Cincinnati, OH.
Panels/Juries/Boards: (selected)
1996-2001 Visiting Artist Alliance, Treasurer.
1993-1999 Board Member, National Council of Art Administrators. Publications Editor
1993-2001 Friends of Fine Arts, Northern Kentucky University
1991 Colorado Council on the Arts & Humanities, Artist in Residence, Media Artist Juror.
1990-1992 Metropolitan State College Center for the Visual Arts Advisory Council.
1990,92 Colorado Council on the Arts & Humanities, Multidisciplinary Grant, Grant Panel Juror.
1989,88 Denver Commission on Cultural Affairs, Art in Public Places, Grant Panel Juror.
1989,88 Metropolitan State College Foundation, Advisory Board, Institutional Advancement.
1988 Colorado Council on the Arts & Humanities, Individual Artist Program, Advisory Panel.
1986-1990 Colorado Council on the Arts & Humanities, Art in Public Places, Grant Panel Juror.
Websites Published On-Line: (selected)
Northern Kentucky University: Department of Art at http://www.nku.edu/~art
Cooperative Center for Study Abroad at http://www.ccsa.cc/
Photography Program in Art Department at http://www.nku.edu/~photo
Ron Ellis, author at http://www.ron-ellis.com
Smith Farm Gardens, daylily farm at http://www.smithfarmgardens.com
Chris Smith Photography at http://www.chrissmithphotography.com
Katie's Cookbook at http://artwork-inform.com/katie
The Duomo, art appreciation tour of Florence Cathedral at http://www.nku.edu/~houghton/duomoweb
Society for Photographic Education
College Art Association
Cincinnati Art Museum
Contemporary Art Center of Cincinnati1


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , http://www.barbarahoughton.com/bio.html

Dr. David C. Houghton Ph.D.1

M, #86471


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Education1997University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., OH, USA, PhD, Marketing
Biography2006David C. Houghton, Ph.D.

Curriculum Vitae
Educational Background

1992 - B.S., Business Administration & Accounting with concentrations in Marketing and East Asian Studies, University of Kansas
1994 - M.B.A., Marketing, University of Cincinnati
1997 - Ph.D., Marketing, University of Cincinnati
2001 - Honorary Doctorate, Kazak-American Free University
Professional Experience
1997-current - Northwest Nazarene University, Professor of Marketing, (NNU’s faculty is non-ranked), Director, Undergraduate Business Programs
2000-current - Chair, Department of Business & Economics
2001-current - Faculty Vice Chair (2003-2005 and 2005-2007)
2001-2002 - Business Advisory Board Member, TurboManage Corporation
Summer 2001, 1999 - Guest Lecturer & Educational Consultant, Kazak-American Free University, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
Research Interests
Consumer Psychology; Judgment, Inference,and Decision Processes; Memory and Cognition; Persuasion and Influence; Business Ethics
Professional Affiliations, Honors, and Service
Honorary Doctorate, Kazak-American Free University
Sam M. Walton Free Enterprise Fellowship 1999-Present
Society for Consumer Psychology
Association for Consumer Research
Christian Business Faculty Association – (board member 2002-2005)
Idaho Business Review 40/40 Award
Idaho Business Week – Steering Committee (2001-Current), President (2003), Chairman (2004)
Idaho Business Week – member of the board 2004-Present
World Future Society
Discussant at the Harring Symposium in Indiana 1995
University of Cincinnati Summer Research Fellowship 1996
Reviewer for Christian Business Faculty Review 2005-Present
Reviewer for Journal of Biblical Integration in Business 1998-Present
Reviewer for the Sheth Dissertation Award; Society for Consumer Psychology 2004 -Present
Reviewer for Society for Consumer Psychology 1997-Present
Ad Hoc reviewer for Journal of Consumer Psychology 1997
Ad Hoc reviewer for Journal of Research in Personality 2002
Ad Hoc reviewer for American Marketing Association Educators’ Conference 20021
Occupation2006Northwest Nazarene University, Nampa, ID, USA1
Address2007Northwest Nazarene University, Nampa, ID, USA, "David Houghton"
David Houghton, Ph.D.
Chair, Dept. of Business & Economics
Northwest Nazarene University
623 Holly St
Nampa, ID 83686
(208) 467-8470 http://people.nnu.edu/~dchoughton
ParentsDM is a Ramsey
AuthorDissertation Houghton, David C., The Effects of Processing Goals and Cognitive Capacity on Sensitivity to Missing Information: An Omission Detection Perspective, University of Cincinnati,
July, 1997

Papers Presented at Professional Meetings

Houghton, David C. and Frank R. Kardes (1995), "The Noncomplementarity Effect in Subjective Estimates of Market Share," paper presented at the Annual Society for Consumer Psychology, San Diego, CA.

Houghton, David C., Perilou Goddard, and Frank R. Kardes (1995), "Motivated Inference in Judgments of General and Specific Events," paper presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Houghton, David C., Perilou Goddard, and Frank R. Kardes (1996), "The Role of Construal Processes in Motivated Inference," paper presented at the Annual Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, Hilton Head, SC.

Houghton, David C., Frank R. Kardes, Manuel J. Pontes, and Pei-San Yu (1996), "Consumer Belief System Organization and Change," paper presented at the Annual Society of Consumer Psychology Conference, Hilton Head, SC.

Kardes, Frank R., Nigel Harvey, David C. Houghton, Maria Distel,and Perilou Goddard (1998), “Context Effects on Sensitivity to Omissions in the Fault Tree Problem,” paper presented at the Annual Society of Consumer Psychology Conference, Austin, TX.

Cronley, Maria, L., Frank R. Kardes, David C. Houghton, and Perilou Goddard (1999), “The Role of the Correspondence Bias and Need for Cognitive Closure in Celebrity Advertising,” paper presented at the Annual Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, St. Petersburg, FL.

Kardes, Frank R., Maria L. Cronley, Manuel C. Pontes, David C. Houghton, and Perilou Goddard (2000), “Effects of Horizontal Versus Vertical Arguments on Counterpersuasion,” paper presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Silvera, D. H., Kardes, F. R., Harvey, N., Cronley, M. L., & Houghton, D. C. (2004). “Out of Sight and out of Mind: Omission Neglect in Fault Trees.” Conference on Social and Community Psychology, Trondheim, Norway.


Sanbonmatsu, David M., Frank R. Kardes, Steven S. Posavac, and David C. Houghton “Contextual Influences on Judgments Based on Limited Information,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,69, 1997 .

Houghton, David C. and Frank R. Kardes (1998), "Market Share Overestimation and the Noncomplementarity Effect," Marketing Letters, 9, 313-320.

Houghton, David C., Frank R. Kardes, David M. Sanbonmatsu, Edward H. Ho, and Steven S. Posavac, (1998), “The Role of Conversational Norms and Sensitivity to Omissions in Judgment Based on LimitedEvidence,” in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 24, eds. Joseph W. Alba and J. Wesley Hutchinson, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, 146-150.

Cronley, Maria L., Frank R. Kardes, David C. Houghton, and Perilou Goddard (1999), “The Role of Correspondence Bias and Need for Cognitive Closure in Celebrity Advertising,” Society for Consumer Psychology 1999 Winter Conference Proceedings.

Cronley, Maria L., Perilou Goddard, Frank R. Kardes & David C. Houghton (1999), “Endorsing Products for The Money: The Role of the Correspondence Bias in Celebrity Advertising,” in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 25, eds. Eric J. Arnould and Linda Scott, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, 627-631.

Houghton, David C., Frank R. Kardes, Anne Mathieu, and Itamar Simonson (1999), “Correction Processes in Consumer Choice,” Marketing Letters, 10(2) 107-112.

Houghton, David C. Instructor's Resource Disk for Consumer Behavior and Managerial Decision Making, Frank R. Kardes, Addison Wesley Longman, 1999

Kardes, Frank R., Maria L. Cronley, Manuel J. Pontes, and David C. Houghton, “Down the Garden Path: The Role of Conditional Inference Processes in Self-Persuasion.” In Proceedings of the Midwest Psychological Association. (2000)

Cronley, Maria L., Frank R. Kardes, & David C. Houghton, "Effects of Horizontal Versus Vertical Arguments on Counterpersuasion" Proceedings of the Midwest Psychological Association, (2000).

Houghton, David C. & Rajdeep Grewal, “Please Let’s Get an Answer – Any Answer: Need for Consumer Cognitive Closure.” Psychology & Marketing, 17, 2001.

Houghton, David C., “Economic Impact Study of NNU on Canyon County.” 2001.

Houghton, David C. & Bridgette Shields, “Crucial Technology: Reinventing the Marketing Channel,” in Great Ideas in Retailing, eds. Barry Berman & Joel R. Evans, Prentice Hall, 2001.

Houghton, David C. Test Bank for International Marketing: Managing Worldwide Operations in a Changing International Environment, Dana-Nicoleta Lascu, Atomic Dog Publishing, 2002.

Kardes, Frank R., Maria L. Cronley, Manuel C. Pontes, and David C. Houghton (2001), “Down the Garden Path: The Role of Conditional Inference Processes in Self-Persuasion,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 11 (3), 159-168.

Cronley, Maria L., Frank R. Kardes, Sridhar Moorthy, and David C. Houghton (2002), “Effects of Time-Delayed Judgment and Search Attributes on Inferences about Unknown Attributes,” in Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology, eds. Julie Edell and Ronald Goodstein, Society for Consumer Psychology.

Kardes, Frank R., David M. Sanbonmatsu, Maria L. Cronley, and David C. Houghton (2002), “Consideration Set Overevaluation: When Impossibly Favorable Ratings of a Set of Brands Are Observed,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 12 (4), 353-361.

Sanbonmatsu, David M., Frank R. Kardes, David C. Houghton, Edward A. Ho., and Steven S. Posavac, (2003), “Overestimating the Importance of the Given Information in Multiattribute Consumer Judgment,” Journal of Consumer Psychology 13 (3) 289-300.

Silvera, David H., Frank R. Kardes, Nigel Harvey, Maria L. Cronley, and David Houghton, (2005), “Contextual Influences on Omission Neglect in the Fault Tree Paradigm,” Journal of Consumer Psychology. 15 (2) 117-126.

Houghton, David C., (2005), “Have You Been Framed?” Business IQ. Jan/Feb 8.


Business Ethics
Consumer Behavior
International Marketing
Marketing Research
Personal Selling
Principles of Marketing
Retail Management
Sales Management
Strategic Management


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , http://www.nnu.edu/1605/

Marjorie Maxine Arnett1

F, #86472, b. 12 June 1930, d. 8 November 2006

Family: Warren Eugene Houghton b. 6 Oct 1930, d. 9 Mar 1991


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJun 12, 1930Ventura, CA, USA1,2
DeathNov 8, 2006Placerville, CA, USA, age 761,2
ObituaryNov 10, 2006Placerville, CA, USA, Ventura County Star (CA) - November 10, 2006
Deceased Name: Marjorie M. Houghton
Marjorie M. Houghton, born June 12, 1930, in Ventura, went home to be with her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, on Nov. 8, 2006, in Placerville.

Marjorie was born to Hazel and Joseph Arnett and was a Ventura County resident for over 40 years. She graduated from Ventura High School in 1948, and from Life Bible College in 1953. She married Warren E. Houghton in 1957, and together they operated Union 76 stations in Ojai and Ventura until 1970.

Marjorie had a long career in banking, starting at Bank of America and retiring from Security Pacific National Bank. During their marriage, Marjorie and Warren enjoyed water skiing, motorcycle riding, 4x4 jeeping, and always camping. Many a vacation was spent traveling from one national park to another. In her later years, she was able to travel to Europe and Australia, as well.

Marjorie was active in every Foursquare church she attended. Whether it was baking cookies for vacation Bible school, teaching Sunday school, or ironing clothes for the pastor, she truly had the gift of helps. Because she was quiet, behind the scenes, we may never fully know all the things she did.

Marjorie is survived by her children, Steven (wife Liz) Houghton, of Helena, Mont., Linda (husband Craig) Vivas, of Mount Shasta, and Cynthia (husband Joseph) Eillhardt, of Placerville; sister, Sharon Barber, of Placerville; brother Marion Lee (wife Pat) Arnett, of Spartenberg, S.C; brother-in-law Marvin (wife Kathleen) Houghton, of Ventura; sister-in-law, Marilyn (husband David) Breland, of Paso Robles; six grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews.

Marjorie was preceded in death by her parents, Hazel and Jopseh Arnett; her husband, Warren E. Houghton; brother Edward L. Arnett; and great-granddaughter Keisha Oatman.

A celebration of her life will be held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 15, at Green Valley Mortuary in Cameron Park. For more information call 530-677-7171. There will be a reception immediately following at New Life Fellowship (Foursquare) Church, 3838 Ponderosa Road, Shingle Springs.

In lieu of flowers, Marjorie wished for donations to be made to her alma mater, Life Pacific Bible College, 1100 W. Covina Blvd., San Dimas, CA 99773.1
ParentsDHazel and Joseph Arnett


  1. [S93] Newspaper Obituary, Ventura C-S; 2006-11-10.
  2. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , http://www.genealogybank.com/gbnk/obituaries; Houghton Surname.
  3. [S1326] California Birth Index, 1905-1995, online Ancestry. Com, Birthdate: 8 Mar 1960; Birth County: Ventura.

Dana Davis

F, #86473, b. circa 1936


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthcirca 1936
Occupationreviewer for Bull Med Libr Assoc.
AddressJan 16, 2007414 Cedar Road, Mullica Hill, NJ, USA, HoughtonNJ@aol.com
Residence2012Mullica Hill, NJ, USA
ResidenceMullica Hill, NJ
Elwood, NJ
Mullica, NJ
Kennett Square, PA
ResearchYour request for Houghton information was sent to David D. Houghton, Univ. of Wisc.-Madison, and was forwarded to me.

John A. Houghton1

M, #86474, b. circa 1846


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca 1846MA, USA, age 64 in 1910 census1
1910 Census1910Brattleboro, Windham Co., VT, USA, age 64, boarder, widower, toy factory sawyer1
ParentsSparents born in unknown1


  1. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Brattleboro, Windham, Vermont; Roll: T624_1618; Page: 14B; Enumeration District: 243; line 52.

Belle C. Houghton1

F, #86475, b. circa 1866


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca 1866VT, USA, age 44 in 1910 census1
1910 Census1910Brattleboro, Windham Co., VT, USA, age 44, private family servant1
ParentsDparents born in VT1


  1. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Brattleboro, Windham, Vermont; Roll: T624_1618; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 244; line 19, dwl 17-96-137.

Fred L. Houghton1

M, #86476, b. circa 1865


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca 1865VT, USA, age 45 in 1910 census1
1910 Census1910Brattleboro, Windham Co., VT, USA, age 45, lodger, widowed1
ParentsSparents born in VT1


  1. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Brattleboro, Windham, Vermont; Roll: T624_1618; Page: 13A; Enumeration District: 245; line 23.

Medal of Honor Houghtons

M, #86477


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN

Rachel Holbrook1

F, #86478, b. 5 December 1893, d. 16 December 1982


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthDec 5, 1893MA, USA, age 16 in 1910 census1
DeathDec 16, 1982Agawam, Hampden Co., MA, USA


  1. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Marlboro, Windham, Vermont; Roll: T624_1618; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 254; line 63, dwl 87-88.

Esther Holbrook1

F, #86479, b. 15 July 1896, d. 27 May 1975


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthJul 15, 1896Springfield, MA, USA, age 13 in 1910 census1
DeathMay 27, 1975Springfield, MA, USA


  1. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Marlboro, Windham, Vermont; Roll: T624_1618; Page: 8B; Enumeration District: 254; line 63, dwl 87-88.

Lizzie E. Houghton1

F, #86480, b. circa 1867


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca 1867VT, USA, age 43 in 1910 census1
1910 Census1910Putney, Windham Co., VT, USA, age 43, boarder, none1
ParentsDparents born in VT1


  1. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Putney, Windham, Vermont; Roll: T624_1618; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 256; line 19, dwl 7-7.

John Houghton1

M, #86481, b. circa 1845


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca 1845VT, USA, age 65 in 1910 census1
1910 Census1910Putney, Windham Co., VT, USA, age 65, single, chemist1
ParentsSparents born in VT1


  1. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Putney, Windham, Vermont; Roll: T624_1618; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 256; line 19, dwl 142-146.

Albert C. Houghton1

M, #86482, b. circa 1874


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthcirca 1874VT, USA, age 36 in 1910 census1
Marriagecirca 1902mar 8 y in 1910 census
Occupation1910mill hand


  1. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Townshend, Windham, Vermont; Roll: T624_1618; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 261; line 25, dwl 134-160.

Bryan Houghton1

M, #86483, b. circa 1874, d. before 1920

Family: Nellie (?) b. c 1873

  • Marriage*: Bryan Houghton married Nellie (?) on circa 1897 mar 13 y in 1910 census.1


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthcirca 1874PA, USA, age 36 in 1910 census1
Marriagecirca 1897mar 13 y in 1910 census1
1910 Census1910Carnegie, Allegheny Co., PA, USA, age 36, street car barn foreman1
Deathbefore 1920wife is widowed
ParentsSparents born in PA1


  1. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Carnegie Ward 1, Allegheny, Pennsylvania; Roll: T624_1292; Page: 14A; Enumeration District: 32;
    line 31, dwl 26-264-277.

Nellie (?)1

F, #86484, b. circa 1873

Family: Bryan Houghton b. c 1874, d. b 1920

  • Marriage*: Nellie (?) married Bryan Houghton on circa 1897 mar 13 y in 1910 census.1


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthcirca 1873England, age 37 in 1910 census; age 45 in 1920 census1
Marriagecirca 1897mar 13 y in 1910 census1
1920 Census1920Stowe, Allegheny Co., PA, USA, age 45, widow, car barn laborer; living with and sister in law of Walter and Catherine Miller2
ParentsDparents born in England in 1910 census; father born in England, mother born in Ireland in 1920 census1


  1. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Carnegie Ward 1, Allegheny, Pennsylvania; Roll: T624_1292; Page: 14A; Enumeration District: 32;
    line 31, dwl 26-264-277.
  2. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Stowe, Allegheny, Pennsylvania; Roll: T625_1529; Page: 13A; Enumeration District: 818; line 43, dwl 703-227-229.

Bernard Houghton1

M, #86485, b. circa 1905


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthcirca 1905NY, USA, age 5 in 1910 census1


  1. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Carnegie Ward 1, Allegheny, Pennsylvania; Roll: T624_1292; Page: 14A; Enumeration District: 32;
    line 31, dwl 26-264-277.

John Wilson1

M, #86486

Family: Dinah Cook b. 12 Oct 1737


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , e-mail address, Bob Cooke, Jan 20, 2007.

Martha Hawkins1

F, #86487

Family: Eli Cook b. c 1741


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , e-mail address, Bob Cooke, Jan 20, 2007.

Martha Cook1

F, #86488, b. 1745

Family: James Townsend


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birth1745Londongrove, Chester Co., PA, USA1


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , e-mail address, Bob Cooke, Jan 20, 2007.

James Townsend1

M, #86489

Family: Martha Cook b. 1745


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , e-mail address, Bob Cooke, Jan 20, 2007.

Sarah Smith1

F, #86490, b. 12 May 1753, d. 20 April 1784

Family: Isaac Cook Jr b. 1747, d. Apr 1794


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthMay 12, 1753Chester Co., PA, USA
Marriage1770Bush River, Newberry Co., SC, USA1
DeathApr 20, 1784Bush River, Newberry Co., SC, USA1


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , e-mail address, Bob Cooke, Jan 20, 2007.