Joseph J. Houghton1,2

M, #14611, b. 31 October 1836, d. before July 1910

Family: Mary E. Legallee b. 1840, d. 28 Nov 1920


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectY
BirthOct 31, 1836Weare, NH, USA, twin; age "17" in 1850 census; Gagliani: Keene, NH; age 30, MA, in 1860 census; age 25 in 1862; age 34 in 1870 census; age 43 in 1880 census; Oct. 1837, age 62, NH, in 1900 census; age 73, NH, in 1930 census; MLM: Swanzey, NH1,3,4,5,6
MarriageNov 24, 1860Dedham, MA, USA, MLM: Nov. 45,6
Occupation1862a teamster7
Milit-Begbetween Aug 25, 1862 and Jul 30, 1863MA, USA, in the Union Army, Comp D, 43rd "Tiger Regiment", Mass. Military Infantry, a private/teamster; length 11 m 5 d8,1,9
1870 Census1870Dedham, Norfolk Co., MA, USA, age 34, a moulder10
1880 Census1880Dedham, Norfolk Co., MA, USA, age 43, a farmer; also her father Ellis Legalee, 69, MA11,12
1890 Veterans Census1890Dedham, Norfolk Co., MA, USA9
PensionInxMar 7, 1891MA, USA, as invalid
1900 Census1900Westwood, Norfolk Co., MA, USA, age 62, a carpenter; with father in law, Ellis B. Legallee, Jan. 1812, age 87, MA3,13
1910 Census1910Dedham, Norfolk Co., MA, USA, age 73, married 49 y, carpenter, odd jobs14
Deathbefore Jul, 1910wife a widow


  1. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 6.
  2. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 141 #5442.
  3. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex Massachusetts, Box 127, Vol. 59, E.D. 1080, Sh. 3, Ln. 86.
  4. [S371] Benjamin Read, Swanzey NH Hx, p. 380.
  5. [S415] E-mail Anthony Gagliani, 6/1998.
  6. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 141.
  7. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online, American Civil War Soldiers database, Oct. 1, 2001.
  8. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online, Civil War Service Records, Oct. 1, 2001.
  9. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online, Dedham, Norfolk, Massachusetts; Roll: 11; Page: 6; Enumeration District: 651.
  10. [S1228] 1870 U.S. Federal Census , Dedham, Norfolk Co., MA, Reel 635, p. 370, Ln. 5, dwl 1286.
  11. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Dedham, Norfolk Co., MA, Box 28, Vol. 22, ED 514, Sh 55, Ln 45.
  12. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Dedham, Norfolk Co., MA, Box 28, Vol. 22, ED 514, Sh 55, Ln 45, dwl 427.
  13. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Westwood, Norfolk Co., Massachusetts; Roll: T623 672; Enumeration District: 1080; Sheet 3B; line 86, dwl 39-64.
  14. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Dedham, Norfolk, Massachusetts; Roll: 11; Page: 6; Enumeration District: 651.

Clark H. Houghton1,2

M, #14612, b. 29 July 1839


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthJul 29, 1839Weare, NH, USA, age "15" in 1850 census; age 21 in 1860 census; Jul. 1839, age 60, in 1900 census; age 70 in 1910 census; MLM: Swanzey, NH1,3,4,5
Mil. EnlsSep 8, 1864NH, USA, in the Union Army, in Co. A. 18th NH Volunteers at age 25 for one year. M.I. Sep. 13, 1864 as a private. Disc. Jul 1, 1865.1,6,5,7
ResearchSep 8, 1864NH, USA
Occupationbetween 1885 and 1898Keene, NH, USA, a carpenter5,8
Will1889Makes son Clark executor and gives most of estate to him; other sons get $1 each
1890 Veterans Census1890Swanzey, Cheshire Co., NH, USA9
1900 Census1900Swanzey, Cheshire Co., NH, USA, age 60, single, farmer3,10
1910 Census1910Swanzey, Cheshire Co., NH, USA, age 70, single, own income11


  1. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 6.
  2. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 141 #5444.
  3. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex New Hampshire, Box 22, Vol. 3, E.D. 41, Sh. 13, Ln. 59.
  4. [S371] Benjamin Read, Swanzey NH Hx, p. 380.
  5. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 141.
  6. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , CivilWarData.Com, Civil War Research and Genealogy Database, Nov. 2001.
  7. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online, Civil War Service Records, Oct. 1, 2001.
  8. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online, Keene, New Hampshire Directory, 1890, Sep. 25, 2001.
  9. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online, Swanzey, Cheshire, New Hampshire; Roll: 40; Page: 2; Enumeration District: 50.
  10. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Swanzey, Cheshire Co., New Hampshire; Roll: T623 ; Enumeration District: 41; Sheet 13B; line 59, dwl 308-331.
  11. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Swanzey, Cheshire, New Hampshire; Roll: T624_861; Page: 4A; Enumeration District: 46; line 3, dwl 66-70.

Alvin W. Houghton1,2

M, #14613, b. 5 May 1842, d. 12 October 1913


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthMay 5, 1842Weare, Hillsborough Co., NH, USA, age 10 in 1850 census; age 67 in 1910 census; MLM: also Swanzey, NH1,3
Occupation1861MA, USA, a porter4
Milit-BegMay 25, 1861Medway, MA, USA, in the Union Army in the Civil War. He enlisted in 2nd Mass. Volunteers, Comp E., a private, age 18, and in the 18th N.H. Volunteers, Comp. I. Enl. Feb. 28, 1865 for 1 year; M.I. Mar. 28, 1865 as pvt., m.o. Jul. 29, 1865.1,5,6,7,4
PensionInxSep 16, 1887ME, USA, as invalid
ResidenceAmherst, Hampshire Co., MA, USA1
1910 Census1910Augusta, Kennebec Co., ME, USA, age 67, widowed, boarder, house carpenter8
DeathOct 12, 1913Chelsea, MA, USA


  1. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 6.
  2. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 141 #5443.
  3. [S371] Benjamin Read, Swanzey NH Hx, p. 380.
  4. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online, American Civil War Soldiers database, Oct. 1, 2001.
  5. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , CivilWarData.Com, Civil War Research and Genealogy Database, Nov. 2001.
  6. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 141.
  7. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online, Civil War Service Records, Oct. 1, 2001.
  8. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Augusta Ward 4, Kennebec, Maine; Roll: T624_541; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 89; line 28, dwl 39-26-32.

Jennie M. Houghton1,2

F, #14614, b. 22 June 1844, d. 17 January 1870

Family: William Tabor


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJun 22, 1844Weare, NH, USA, age 8 in 1850 census1,2
MarriageAug 11, 18641,2
DeathJan 17, 18701,2


  1. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 6.
  2. [S371] Benjamin Read, Swanzey NH Hx, p. 380.

Sarah Elizabeth Walker1,2

F, #14615, b. 2 May 1826, d. 2 August 1908

Family: Charles Amos Houghton b. 2 Dec 1822, d. 12 Feb 1902


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthMay 2, 1826Mathews Co., VA, USA, age 35 in 1860 census; age 53 in 1880 census3,2
Marriagecirca 1851mar 49 years in 1900 census1,3
1860 Census1860Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., VA, USA, age 39, pedlar; with 2 domestics4
1880 Census1880Western Branch Dist., Halls Corner, Norfolk Co., VA, USA, age 58, a barrel merchant; and Blanchard, infant, NR, 1, NC3,5
1900 Census1900Western Branch, Norfolk Co., WV, USA, age 77, barrel merchant; 6 children born, 3 living6
DeathAug 2, 19082
ParentsDparents born in VA


  1. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 6.
  2. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online,
  3. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Halls Corner, Norfolk Co., VA, Reel 32, Vol. 23, E.D. 67, S. 66, Ln. 27.
  4. [S1227] 1860 U.S. Federal Census , Portsmouth, Norfolk, Virginia; Roll: M653_1366; Page: 564; sheet 6, line 3, dwl 37-37.
  5. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Halls Corner, Norfolk Co., VA, Roll: T9_1381; Family History Film: 1255381; Page: 265A; Enumeration District: 67; Reel 32, Vol. 23, E.D. 67, S. 66, Ln. 27, dwl 577-711.
  6. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Western Branch, Norfolk Co., West Virginia; Roll: T623; Enumeration District: 47; Sheet: 29A; line 46, dwl 628-684.

Charles Lawrence Houghton1

M, #14616, b. August 1852, d. 26 August 1926

Family: Martha Ann Davis b. 6 Nov 1855, d. 6 May 1932

  • Marriage*: Charles Lawrence Houghton married Martha Ann Davis on circa 1877 mar 23 years in 1900 census.3


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthAug, 1852VA, USA, age 8 in 1860 census; age 28 in 1880 census; age 47 in 1900 census; age 58 in 1910 census; age 67 in 1920 census2
Marriagecirca 1877mar 23 years in 1900 census3
1880 Census1880Western Branch Dist., Halls Corner, Norfolk Co., VA, USA, age 28, oysterman3,4
1900 Census1900Western Branch, Norfolk Co., VA, USA, age 47, oyster inspector; next door to father Charles5
Note19107 children born, 4 living
1910 Census1910Portsmouth, Portsmouth Co., VA, USA, age 58, own income6
ResidenceSep 12, 1918Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., VA, USA
1920 Census1920Portsmouth, Portsmouth Co., VA, USA, age 67, none7
DeathAug 26, 1926Portsmouth, VA, USA8


  1. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 6.
  2. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Western Branch, Norfolk Co., West Virginia; Roll: T623; Enumeration District: 47; Sheet: 29A; line 46, dwl 628-684.
  3. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Western Branch Dist., Halls Corner, Norfolk Co., VA, Reel 32, Vol. 23, E.D. 67, S. 63, Ln. 2.
  4. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Western Branch Dist., Halls Corner, Norfolk Co., VA, Roll: T9_1381; Family History Film: 1255381; Page: 263B; Enumeration District: 67; Reel 32, Vol. 23, E.D. 67, S. 63, Ln. 2; dwl 544-672.
  5. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Western Branch, Norfolk Co., West Virginia; Roll: T623; Enumeration District: 47; Sheet: 29B; line 53, dwl 629-685.
  6. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Portsmouth Ward 6, Portsmouth (Independent City), Virginia; Roll: T624_1642; Page: 22B; Enumeration District: 107; line 57, dwl 301-432-443.
  7. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Portsmouth Monroe Ward, Portsmouth (Independent City), Virginia; Roll: T625_1905; Page: 11B; Enumeration District: 181; line 88, dwl 401-220-235.
  8. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online,

Carl Clifford Houghton1,2

M, #14617, b. 12 April 1870, d. 18 January 1952

Family: Mary Ellen Sutton b. 16 Sep 1880, d. 21 Apr 1960

  • Marriage*: Carl Clifford Houghton married Mary Ellen Sutton on circa 1895 he age 21; mar 5 years in 1900 census; 17 y in 1910 census.4


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthApr 12, 1870Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., VA, USA, age 10 in 1880 census; age 38 in 1910 census; age 50 in 1920 census; age 60 in 1930 census2,3
Marriagecirca 1895he age 21; mar 5 years in 1900 census; 17 y in 1910 census4
1910 Census1910Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., VA, USA, age 38, US Post office mail carrier5
1920 Census1920Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., VA, USA, age 50, mail carrier4
DeathJan 18, 1952Norfolk Co., VA, USA3
BurialOlive Branch Cemetery, Portsmouth, VA, USA


  1. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 6.
  2. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Halls Corner, Norfolk Co., VA, Reel 32, Vol. 23, E.D. 67, S. 66, Ln. 27.
  3. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online,
  4. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Portsmouth, Norfolk Co., Virginia; Roll: 1905; Enumeration District: 181; Sheet: 1A; line 1, dwl 2230-1-1.
  5. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Portsmouth Ward 6, Portsmouth (Independent City), Virginia; Roll: T624_1642; Page: 24B; Enumeration District: 107; line 67, dwl 2212-467-428.
  6. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Western Branch, Norfolk Co., Virginia; Roll: 2453; Enumeration District: 25; Page 38, Sheet: 15A; line 15, dwl 311-.

William Robert Houghton1,2,3

M, #14618, b. December 1859, d. 26 April 1913

Family: Matie (?) b. Jan 1868

  • Marriage*: William Robert Houghton married Matie (?) on circa 1891 mar 19 y in 1910 census.4


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthDec, 1859Portsmouth, Portsmouth Co., VA, USA, age 2 in 1860 census; age 21 in 1880 census; Dec 1859, age 40 in 1900 census; age 51 in 1910 census2,3
Marriagecirca 1891mar 19 y in 1910 census4
Note19004 children born, 1 living
1900 Census1900Western Branch, Norfolk Co., VA, USA, age 40, grocery merchant5
1910 Census1910Portsmouth, Portsmouth Co., VA, USA, age 51, grocery store keeper4
DeathApr 26, 19133


  1. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 6.
  2. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Halls Corner, Norfolk Co., VA, Reel 32, Vol. 23, E.D. 67, S. 66, Ln. 27.
  3. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online,
  4. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Portsmouth Ward 6, Portsmouth (Independent City), Virginia; Roll: T624_1642; Page: 21B; Enumeration District: 107; line 94, dwl 210-417-428.
  5. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Western Branch, Norfolk, Virginia; Roll: 1720; Page: 30B; Enumeration District: 0047; FHL microfilm: 1241720.

W. B. Forbes1,2

M, #14619

Family: Diantha H. Houghton b. 11 Jan 1831, d. 20 Jan 1872


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
ResidenceCambridge, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1,2


  1. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 6.
  2. [S371] Benjamin Read, Swanzey NH Hx, p. 380.

Russell O. Forbush1

M, #14620

Family: Esther E. Houghton b. 31 Oct 1836, d. 17 Mar 1883


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
ResidenceWestborough, MA, USA1,2


  1. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 6.
  2. [S371] Benjamin Read, Swanzey NH Hx, p. 380.

William Tabor1

M, #14621

Family: Jennie M. Houghton b. 22 Jun 1844, d. 17 Jan 1870


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
MarriageAug 11, 18642,1
ResidenceNew Bedford, Bristol Co., MA, USA2,1


  1. [S371] Benjamin Read, Swanzey NH Hx, p. 380.
  2. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 6.

Agnes McEnery1

F, #14622, b. 29 September 1832, d. 25 May 1856

Family: George W. Houghton b. 27 Aug 1824, d. 28 Dec 1876


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthSep 29, 1832IL, USA, dd calc2
MarriageNov 10, 1850Dedham, MA, USA, w/1; she aged 19, he, 241,3
DeathMay 25, 1856of consumption, aged 23 y 7 m 26 d3
ParentsDArthur and Nancy (Dole) McEnery; MLM: McEnney; of Dedham, MA1,3


  1. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 6.
  2. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Portland, Ward 4, Multnomah Co., Oregon; Roll: T623; Enumeration District: 54; Page: 18B; line 76, dwl 409-279-303.
  3. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 141.
  4. [S415] E-mail from Kathleen Anderson, Dec. 27, 1999.

Maria (Alexander) Hughes1

F, #14623, b. 4 April 1837

Family: George W. Houghton b. 27 Aug 1824, d. 28 Dec 1876


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthApr 4, 1837Ireland (Irish Free State), age 35 in 1860 census; age 35 in 1870 census; age 45 in 1880 census1
OriginDedham, MA, USA1
Marriagecirca 1857Dedham, MA, USA, w/2; he aged 33, she 322,1
1860 Census1860Dedham, Norfolk Co., MA, USA, age 34, teamster3
1870 Census1870Dedham, Norfolk Co., MA, USA, age 45, no occupation; property $2000, $1504
ParentsDGeorge W. and Sarah Hughes1


  1. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 141.
  2. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 6.
  3. [S1227] 1860 U.S. Federal Census , Dedham, Norfolk Co., Massachusetts; Microfilm: M653; Page: 84, line 26, dwl 2660-2660.
  4. [S1228] 1870 U.S. Federal Census , Dedham, Norfolk, Massachusetts; Roll: M593_635; Page: 345; line 29 dwl 908-1074.
  5. [S415] E-mail from Kathleen Anderson, Dec. 27, 1999.

Joseph A. Houghton1

M, #14624, b. 18 June 1859

Family: Elizabeth (?) b. May 1860

  • Marriage*: Joseph A. Houghton married Elizabeth (?) on circa 1882 mar 18 years in 1900 census; mar 27 y in 1910 census.3


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthJun 18, 1859MA, USA, age 1 in 1860 census; age 10 in 1870 census; age 40 in 1900 census; age 50 in 1910 census; age 70 in 1930 census; age 80 in 1940 census3,2
Marriagecirca 1882mar 18 years in 1900 census; mar 27 y in 1910 census3
1900 Census1900Dedham, Norfolk Co., MA, USA, age 40, fruit dealer3,4
1910 Census1910Boston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA, age 50, teamster; 2 children born, 0 living5
1940 Census1940Dalton, Coos Co., NH, USA, age 80, widowed, none6


  1. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Dalton, Coos, New Hampshire; Roll: 1299; Page: ; Enumeration District: 23; sheet 6A; line 5, dwl 102-97.
  2. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 141.
  3. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex Massachusetts, Box 127, Vol. 56, E.D. 1032, Sh. 5, Ln. 7.
  4. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Dedham, Norfolk Co., Massachusetts; Roll: T623 669; Enumeration District: 1032; Sheet 5A; line 7, dwl 77-82.
  5. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Boston Ward 13, Suffolk, Massachusetts; Roll: T624_619; Page: 5B; Enumeration District: 1444;
    line 81, dwl 288-46-12.
  6. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , Dalton, Coos, New Hampshire; Roll: T627_2285; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 4-34; line 11, dwl 92.

George Washington Houghton1,2

M, #14625, b. 17 February 1855, d. 18 May 1908

Family: Minnie (?) b. Jun 1869

  • Marriage*: George Washington Houghton married Minnie (?) on circa 1889 mar 11 years in 1900 census.1


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthFeb 17, 1855Dedham, Norfolk Co., MA, USA, age 5 in 1860 census; Feb 1856, age 45 in 1900 census; Anderson: Feb. 31,3,4,5
Marriagecirca 1889mar 11 years in 1900 census1
1900 Census1900Portland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA, age 44, advertising agent5
DeathMay 18, 1908Portland, OR, USA1
BurialRiverview Cemetery, Portland, OR, USA3


  1. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 7.
  2. [S580] Unknown author, Alameda Co. CA 1890 Great Reg, p. 141.
  3. [S415] E-mail from Kathleen Anderson, Feb. 19, 2000.
  4. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 141.
  5. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Portland, Ward 4, Multnomah Co., Oregon; Roll: T623; Enumeration District: 54; Page: 18B; line 76, dwl 409-279-303.

Minnie (?)1

F, #14626, b. June 1869

Family: George Washington Houghton b. 17 Feb 1855, d. 18 May 1908


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJun, 1869OR, USA, age 31 in 1900 census2
Marriagecirca 1889mar 11 years in 1900 census1
1900 Census1900Portland, Multnomah Co., OR, USA, age 44, advertising agent2


  1. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 7.
  2. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Portland, Ward 4, Multnomah Co., Oregon; Roll: T623; Enumeration District: 54; Page: 18B; line 76, dwl 409-279-303.

Ella Florence Houghton1

F, #14627, b. 23 May 1852, d. 19 January 1930

Family: John Quirk

  • Marriage*: Ella Florence Houghton married John Quirk.1


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectY
Corresponded with authorN
BirthMay 23, 1852Dedham, Norfolk Co., MA, USA, age 8 in 1860 census1,3,2
Occupationan actress
DeathJan 19, 1930Glencullen, OR, USA, near Portland1
DuplicateDedham, Norfolk Co., MA, USA


  1. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 7.
  2. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 141.
  3. [S415] E-mail from Kathleen Anderson, Dec. 27, 1999.

John Quirk1

M, #14628

Family: Ella Florence Houghton b. 23 May 1852, d. 19 Jan 1930


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
ParentsDCornelius and Julia Quirk1


  1. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 7.

Ann Teresa Quirk1

F, #14629


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN


  1. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 7.

John Houghton Quirk1

M, #14630


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN


  1. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 7.

Rose Elizabeth Quirk1

F, #14631


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN


  1. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 7.

Catharine Florence Quirk1

F, #14632, b. 10 April 1889, d. 10 October 1985

Family: Addison Charles Carpenter


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthApr 10, 1889OR, USA2
MarriageJun 5, 19201
DeathOct 10, 1985San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA, USA2


  1. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 7.
  2. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Rootsweb.Com, Houghton Surname, California Death Records, 1940-1997, Feb. 4, 2002.

Addison Charles Carpenter1

M, #14633

Family: Catharine Florence Quirk b. 10 Apr 1889, d. 10 Oct 1985


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
MarriageJun 5, 19201
Biographyson of Alvin Stephen and SarahAnn (Newhard) Carpenter.1


  1. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 7.

Norman Wiley Carpenter

M, #14634, b. 6 September 1921, d. 3 November 1959

Family: Leona Schermer

  • Marriage*: Norman Wiley Carpenter married Leona Schermer on Dec 15, 1940.1


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthSep 6, 19211
Occupationa painter
MarriageDec 15, 19401
Author1955Descendants of Elijah Houghton2
DeathNov 3, 19591
Biography'Prior to World War II, in which he enlisted in the navy immediately after the Pearl Harbor attack, he attended the California School of Fine Arts and exhibited his paintings in the Open Air Show in San Francisco. While on duty in the Admiralty Islands he organized and taught an art class of officers and enlisted men, besides sending home some exellent paintings of the islands, also handmade jewelry of island shells. Died of accidental drowning.1'
Research1955Desc. of Elijah Houghton


  1. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 7.
  2. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 1.

Leona Schermer1

F, #14635

Family: Norman Wiley Carpenter b. 6 Sep 1921, d. 3 Nov 1959


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthSeattle, King Co., WA, USA, no bd1
Biographydau. of August and Martha Schermer1
MarriageDec 15, 19401


  1. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 7.

Kerry Norman Carpenter

M, #14636, b. 22 July 1943


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJul 22, 1943San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA, USA1


  1. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 7.

Lesa Carpenter

F, #14637, b. 29 June 1952


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJun 29, 1952San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA, USA1


  1. [S50] Carpenter, Descendants of Elijah Houghton, p. 7.

Henry Oscar Houghton1,2

M, #14638, b. 26 May 1888, d. 26 May 1888


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthMay 26, 1888Cambridge, Middlesex Co., MA, USA, MLM: May 252,1
DeathMay 26, 1888Cambridge, Middlesex Co., MA, USA, MLM: May 251,2
BurialCambridge Cemetery, Cambridge, Middlesex Co., MA, USA1


  1. [S59] Love, Descendants of Capt. William Houghton, p. 52.
  2. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 128.

David Scott

M, #14639, b. 5 April 1792, d. August 1868

Family: Stella Houghton b. 29 Dec 1802, d. 25 Apr 1844


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthApr 5, 1792SC, USA, DAR: 18041,2
OccupationMercantile, Stock, Manufacturing companies
MarriageApr 10, 1830Tuscaloosa, AL, USA1,3
ResidenceScottsville, AL, USA3
DeathAug, 1868Scottsville, Bibb Co., AL, USA, 1869 also4,2
BurialOld Cemetery (Greenwood), Tuscaloosa, AL, USA
Biographyp. 12-13: 'David Scott, Stella Houghton's husband, was the son of James and Jane Scott of South Carolina. He was born there on April 5, 1792. Later he moved to Jefferson County, Ala., where he engaged in mercantile enterprises in Elyton, Tuscaloosa and Marion. He sold out his mercantile interests and formed a stock company for the establishment of cotton, woolen, flour and lumber mills at Scottsville, Ala. (the town named for him). He continued in the manufacturing business till the mills were burned by the Union Army in April 1865 in what was known as Wilson's Raid, an offshoot of Sherman's Army. He was one of the pioneers in settling Tuscaloosa, which became his home when he married Stella Houghton at the home of Dr. James Gulds of Tuscaloosa. He was a man of great energy and sterling character, was noted for his generosity and fine business qualifications - was enterprising and liberal in his gifts to church and educational institutions. He died at the home of John W. McConnell in Scottsville in August 1868."
Scottsville located in Bibb County, Ala. about fifty miles southeast of Tuscaloosa, seeems to have become a 'ghost town'. The city clerk of Tuscallosa writes that he never heard of it. However, in an 'Atlas of the World' published in 1934, Scottsville is shown on the map of Alabama and while no population is given, the town is listed in the census of 1930....
Four years after the death of his first wife, Stella Houghton, Daivd Scott married Mary Elizabeth Marshall and they had four children. Later he married a third time. This, Elizabeth Hiddings Otis, was a sister of his first wife, Stella's brother, Albert Gallatin Houghton's wife, Harriet C. Otis. There were no children from this union.' Elizabeth Otis, friend of Stella Houghton, was third wife of David Scott.'

p. 23, "David Scott, husband of Stella Houghton took a second wife - Mary Elizabeth Marshall. She had four children. David Marshall Scott (3 children and many grandchildren) Ella Scott Herrick Margaret Linda Scott Mary Elizabeth Scott. He took a third wife, Eliza Hidding Otis - sister of Harriet C. Otis, wife of Albert Gallatin Houghton, his first wife's brother. There were no children."5


  1. [S59] Love, Descendants of Capt. William Houghton, p. 11a.
  2. [S28] DAR Lineage Book, 102: 172.
  3. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 84.
  4. [S59] Love, Descendants of Capt. William Houghton, p. 11a, 13.
  5. [S59] Love, Descendants of Capt. William Houghton, p. 12, 23.

Harriet Houghton1,2

F, #14640, b. 9 July 1804, d. 5 February 1853

Family: Barton N. Fyler d. 9 Jan 1840


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthJul 9, 1804Lyndon, Caledonia Co., VT, USA1,3,4
MarriageJan 13, 1831Sutton, Caledonia Co., VT, USA, Love: 12 Jan 1831, Bradford, VT; MLM: Sutton VT5,4,6
No Childrn
ResidenceTuscaloosa, AL, USA4
DeathFeb 5, 1853Wetumpka, Autauga Co., AL, USA, Gravestone: Feb. 15, 18555,3
WillJun 6, 1853Coosa Co., AL, USA7
GravestoneWetumpka Cemetery, Wetumpka, Autauga Co., AL, USA, dd is error8


  1. [S59] Love, Descendants of Capt. William Houghton, p. 11, 24, 25.
  2. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 84 #2701.
  3. [S989] Corrections to Descendants of Capt. William Houghton and Marilla Clay II: p. 1.
  4. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 84.
  5. [S59] Love, Descendants of Capt. William Houghton, p. 24, 25.
  6. [S1074] Town Records: Sutton, Caledonia Co., VT; VT Division of Records, Middlesex, VT, F-30270, VT VRs 1770-1870.
  7. [S1468] Edward P. Hull, Coosa Co., AL, 1832-1860, p. 12.
  8. [S59] Love, Descendants of Capt. William Houghton, p. 35a.