C. D. Willey1

M, #6091

Family: Helen M. McDonald b. 16 Jun 1877


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
MarriageDec 2, 18962,3
ResidencePortland, OR, USA2


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 239 #1411s.
  2. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 239.
  3. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 59.

Malcom M. Willey1,2

M, #6092, b. 13 November 1897


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthNov 13, 18973,2


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 239 #1411c.
  2. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 59.
  3. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 239.

Frederick M. Houghton1,2,3

M, #6093, b. circa 1838, d. 11 September 1865


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthcirca 1838New York, New York Co., NY, USA, age 16 in 1855 census; age 22 in 1860 census4
DeathSep 11, 1865Nashville, KY, USA1,5
ObituarySep 19, 1865New York, New York Co., NY, USA5
NoteSep 20, 1865Church of Transfiguration, New York, New York Co., NY, USA, funeral by his uncle Rev. Dr. Houghton3


  1. [S1096] James P. Maher, NY Herald Mar & Death Index III, p. 532.
  2. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 98 #4650.
  3. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 239 #1413.
  4. [S1227] 1860 U.S. Federal Census , Brooklyn, Ward 7 Destrict 2, Kings Co., New York; Microfilm: M653; Page: 121, line 35, dwl 737-959.
  5. [S95] Newspaper, NY Times Archives: Sep 19, 1865.

Sarah Frances Houghton1,2

F, #6094, b. circa 1842

Family: George Coffin Little


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthcirca 1842NY, USA, age 13 in 1855 census; age 18 in 1860 census3
MarriageFeb 21, 1871Church of the Transfiguration, New York, New York Co., NY, USA, by Rev. Dr. Houghton4,5,6,7


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 239 #1415.
  2. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 98 #4652.
  3. [S1227] 1860 U.S. Federal Census , Brooklyn, Ward 7 Destrict 2, Kings Co., New York; Microfilm: M653; Page: 121, line 35, dwl 737-959.
  4. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 239.
  5. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 98.
  6. [S1058] George Sheldon, History of Deerfield, Mass., p. 213.
  7. [S95] Newspaper, NY Times Archives: Feb 22, 1871.

Rev. George Clarke Houghton D.D.1,2,3,4,5,6

M, #6095, b. 17 December 1852, d. 17 April 1923

Family: Mary Creemer Pirsson b. May 1860, d. 30 Apr 1902


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthDec 17, 1852New York, New York Co., NY, USA, age 8 in 1855 census; age 13 in 1860 census;
age 33 in 1880 census; Dec 1850, age 49 in 1900 census; age 50 in 1910 census; age 70 in 1920 census7,8,3,9,10
Education1867St. Stephen's College, Annandale on the Hudson, NY, USA11,10
Ordination1870a deacon in the Episcopal Church11
MarriageDec 27, 1871Trinity Chapel, New York, New York Co., NY, USA, mar 26 years in 1900 census; MLM: 18747,12,3,10,13
1880 Census1880Hoboken, Hudson Co., NJ, USA, age 33, a minister, and sister in law Josephine Bersson, 20, NY14,15
NewspaperApr 18, 1896Hoboken, NJ, USA, WANTED HOUGHTON REAPPOINTED; Mrs. M.B. Stevens Disappointed at Gov. Griggs's Action.

April 18, 1896, Wednesday

HOBOKEN, N.J., April 17 -- There is considerable dissatisfaction in social and religious circles in this city because Gov. Griggs did not reappoint the Rev. Dr. George C. Houghton, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, a Trustee of the Industrial School of Manual Training.
Gen. Soc.1899S.A.R. of NY (1899, #2669), Soc. of Col. Wars; New York Historical Society; New York Genealogical and Biographical Society7,16,12
1900 Census1900Manhattan, New York Co., NY, USA, age 49, a priest17
1910 Census1910East 29th St., Manhattan, New York Co., NY, USA, age 50, church clergyman, single; 3 servants18
1920 Census1920Bedford, Westchester Co., NY, USA, age 70, church clergyman; and Grace Aimee Taylor, neice, 29, Bahamas; secretary; and 3 servants19
DeathApr 17, 1923New York, New York Co., NY, USA, age 70; certif. 1173220,4,21,10,22
ObituaryApr 18, 1923New York, New York Co., NY, USA, DR. HOUGHTON DEAD AFTR LONG ILLNESS; Rector of 'Little Church Around the Corner' Dies of Heart Disease. BE KIND' WAS HIS MOTTO These, Were the Parting Words to the Hundreds of Couples He Married.
April 18, 1923, Wednesday

The Rev. George Clarke Houghton, rector for many years of the Church of the Transfiguration, known all over the country as "The Little Church Around the Corner," died yesterday in the rectory at 1 East Twenty-ninth Street, of heart disease. He had been ill for months and had been able to attend only two services in the past Winter.
Dr. Houghton, who was 72 years old had been in poor health for the last two years, and a year ago went South in an effort to regain his strength. On his return he still was unable to take active part in the affairs of his church. The pulpit had been filled since January, 1922, by the Rev. Dwight Cameron as acting rector.
Two months ago Dr. Houghton's condition became much worse, and due to the condition of his heart he was forced to spend all his time sitting up in an easy chair, even sleeping in that position. Yesterday morning he called to his daughter, Mrs. Charles Strombohm, who had been living with him, and she found him suffering from another heart attack. His physicians , Drs Samuel Lambert and Edward Cussler, were called, but he died in about an hour. "Be Kind," His Motto.
The whole of Dr. Houghton's life, which won for him the affection of his parishioners and of the hundreds of couples who were arried in the famous little church, might be summed up in the words which he always said goodbye to those he married: "Be kind." He carried out the tradition of kindly benevolence and a charitable attitude set by his uncle, the Rev. George H. Houghton, whom he succeeded in the church.
It was his uncle who first made the church known among the actors and actresses of New York by his practical Christianity. Joseph Jefferson, the actor, had asked at a neighboring church that the funeral services for a brother actor, George Holland, be held. He was refused, but Jefferson was told that there was a little church around th corner where they did thos things. "God bless the little church around the corner," exclaimed Jefferson and his fervent words made the church famous, for from that time on actors knew that they would be welcomed there.
Had Intended to Study Law.
Dr. Houghton was born in the New York City on Dec. 17, 1850. His father Frederick E. Houghton, was a banker and broker. Dr. Houghton had intended to study law, but was dissuaded by his uncle. He was ordained by Bishop Horation Potter in 1870. His first work in the ministry was when he was made curate in Trinity Church of Trinity Parish. He later transferred to St. Chrysostom's. After several years he went to Trinity Church, Hoboken, where he spent eighteen years. He was elected superintendent of Instruction by the State Board of Education in New Jersey in 1885, and held that position for twelve years. In 1887 he organized the New Jersey Industrial Education Association, and founded the Manual Training College, of which he was President and one of the Directors for ten years.
Dr. Houghton became rector of "The Little Church Around the Corner" in 1897 after the death of his uncle. He would not marry those who were divorced, and he insisted on parental assent where the persons were young. The funeral arrangements have not yet been made.23
ResearchHistory of Westchester Co., NY, V. 4, p. 490-491 by French
Biog. of Rev. George Clark Houghton by McAdam
Who Was Who in America. 194324
BiographyFirst citizens of the republic By Lewis Randolph Hamersly, p. 216-217:


The Rev. George Clarke Houghton, priest of the Episcopal Church, was born in the city of New York on the i7th of December, 1850. His father, Frederick E. Houghton, a banker and broker, who for many years carried on business in Wall Street, was descended from Clarke Houghton, of Deerfield, Massachusetts. This ancestor was an Englishman who married into a Colonial family which won distinction in Colonial times and also for its services to the cause of the patriots during the Revolutionary struggle. On the mother's side Dr. Houghton is descended from the Dawsons, a Scotch family of some distinction, who settled in this country in the early part of the nineteenth century.

Dr. Houghton was prepared for college in a private school, under the careful tuition of Edmund Burke, a noted teacher of his time, and afterward matriculated at St. Stephen's College at Annandale. He was graduated from this institution in 1867, at the age of seventeen. It was the original intention of young Houghton, as well as that of his immediate family, that he should begin the study of law, with the view of making that his profession, but from this view he was dissuaded by his uncle, who induced him to turn his attention to the study of theology. He accordingly entered the General Theological Seminary

of New York, from which he was graduated in 1870. In the same year he received the degree of Master of Arts and was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Horatio Potter. For three years he was editor of a church magazine, and at the age of twenty-two was head master of a school, and instructor and lecturer in other schools. His first work in the ministry was when he was made curate in Trinity Church of Trinity Parish, New York, and he was later transferred to Saint Chrysostom's in the same parish. After several years' service in Trinity parish, during which he gained a reputation for great energy and effective work in behalf of the church, he received from, and accepted a call to, Trinity Church, Hoboken, to which parish he was destined to contribute his best efforts for eighteen years, in a greatly diversified field, and with most gratifying results. When Dr. Houghton took charge of the Hoboken church, in January, 1879, the entire city had a population of less than twentyfive hundred inhabitants. The parish of which he became rector had about seventy-five communicants, which he increased during his ministry to six hundred and fifty. He organized many agencies of work among the poor of the city, and was the pioneer of the self-helpful works in Hoboken which help the poor by teaching them how to help themselves. He caused to be formed "house-work" classes, to teach the children how to serve in every department of the household. "Mothers' Societies," sewing schools where graded lessons in sewing were taught, dressmaking classes, millinery classes, cooking classes, etc., were organized, and valuable assistance given to the different members in the homes of the poor. To carry on these great philanthropic and reformatory measures he had the effective co-operation of the church societies which he had caused to be organized. The Chapter of the Brotherhood of Saint Andrew did effective work among the young men of the parish. The Saint Agnes Chapter of the Daughters of the King, composed of fifty young women, did a large amount of mission work among the young women of Hoboken. ( ,'

In 1885 Dr. Houghton was elected, by the State Board of Education in New Jersey, Superintendent of Instruction, which position he continued to hold for twelve years. In 1887 he organized the New Jersey Industrial Education Association and founded the Manual Training College, of which he was president and one of the board of directors for ten years. As showing the immense field and diversified labors of Dr. Houghton during his rectorship of Trinity parish, the following brief summary is given: During ten of the eighteen years of his incumbency he was also rector of Saint John's Church, West Hoboken; Grace Church, Weehawken; Church of the Transfiguration, Pine Hill; Superintendent of Public Instruction for Hudson County, President of the Manual Training College, President of the Industrial Education Association, New Jersey; Chaplain of the Ninth Regiment, National Guard of New Jersey; Chaplain of Euclid Lodge of iMasons, the Royal Arch Chapter and of Pilgrim Commandery, Knights Templar; Chaplain of the Widows' Home and the Riverside Yacht Club; President and Warden of Saint Katherine's Home; Director in Christ's Hospital, Jersey City, and trustee in various other civic and eleemosynary institutions. During the first ten years of his service, besides carrying on the immense work indicated above, he managed to cancel almost the entire debt of Trinity Church, which amounted to a very considerable sum at the period when he took charge.

In commemoration of the longest rectorship the parish had previously known, the vestry determined in 1889 to celebrate in some suitable way their ten years' successful work and advancement under Dr. Houghton'. The commemoration took the form of a full week of services, festivals and social meetings. A historical and statistical sermon was delivered by the rector on Sunday, January loth, and each day of the week had its own special commemoration and suitable celebration. Among the beautiful memorial and other gifts by which the church was enriched on the occasion were the following: An elaborate Gothic pulpit, richly and chastely carved, which was the gift of those who had been confirmed in the church during the rectorate of Dr. Houghton. The five remarkable windows over the altar and one in the nave of the church, were all memorial gifts. A beautiful choir banner was presented by a Sunday-school class. The lectern, of magnificently carved oak, was another gift. The large Altar of quartered oak, with its canopied tabernacle and richly carved and paneled reredos, was given as a marriage memento from the happy couples whom Dr. Houghton had joined in wedlock. A beautiful stone baptistry was built and presented by Mrs. John Stevens as a memorial of her husband, the late

John Stevens, who, at the time of his death, was junior warden of the parish.

During this period the church had been rebuilt, the new structure being very much larger than the original building. A large extension to the rectory was also built and a large schoolhouse and parish building erected.

In 1897, Dr. Houghton was called as vicar to the Church of the Transfiguration, in New York. This church had already become widely known as the "Little Church Around the Corner." This name is derived from a peculiar and pathetic incident connected with its history. A neighboring church had been applied to by Mr. Joseph Jefferson for its services in performing the last rites for a brother actor, George Holland. The request was denied, and the distinguished applicant was referred to the "little church around the corner." The then rector, Dr. Houghton, uncle of the present incumbent, responded in the true Christian spirit, and the desired service was rendered. This incident appealed strongly to the hearts of the theatrical profession, as well as to the liberal-minded of all classes, and the church has ever since been largely attended by the members of that fraternity. On the death of the rector Dr. Houghton was selected to succeed him. Under nis direction the church has been greatly beautified and many memorials added; one of the latest is a most unique Lady Chapel, in memory of Marcy C. Hough1 ton. His staff of three curates are constantly at work among the poor of the city, having met with marked success in finding work for the unemployed.

Dr. Houghton married, in 1871, Mary C. Pirsson, daughter of Talbot Pirsson, of New York. Among his publications are: "Sermons of the Festivals," "Manual of Devotions," "History of the Church of the Transfiguration," and "The Life of the First Rector and Founder of the Church of the Transfiguration." He is a member of the New York Historical Society, the American Museum of Natural History, the National Geographical Society, the Church Choral Society, the Municipal Art Society, Society of the Sons of the Revolution, the Society of the Colonial Wars, and of the Calumet, Catholic and National Arts clubs.

JWH: "He was a graduate of [St.] Stephen's College, Annandale, [N.Y.] 1867. (A.M. 1870, B.D. 1893, D.D. 1895). Graduate of General Theological Seminary 1870. Ordained deacon 1870; priest, 1871; Curate Trinity Parish, New York, 1870-78; Rector Trinity Church, Hoboken, N.J., 1879-1897 [also rector at same time of St. John's West Hoboken and Grace Ch., Weehawken, 1884-1894]; since Nov. 20, 1897, Rector of the Transfiguration, New York (Little Church Around the Corner) [and of Ch. of the Transfiguration, Pine Hill, Ulster Co., N.Y., Nov. 20, 1897--]. Member of the Sons of the Revolution, Society of the Colonial War. Clubs: Calumet, Catholic, Arts. Res., No. 1 East 29th St., New York." [same as Who's Who in America, Vol. VI, 1910.]

Who Was Who, Vol. I, p. 591: "Supt. pub. instrn., N.J., 1885-1897; pres. [founder] Manual Training Coll., N.J., 1887-1895; chaplain N.G. [Nat. Guard], N.J., 1879-1892. Died Apr. 17, 1923."

Who Was Who, Vol. 3, p. 1350: "Pres. Industrial Edn. Assn., N.J., 1887-97; mem. N.Y. Hist. Soc., Am. Mus. Natural History, Nat. Geog. Soc., Ch. Choral Soc., Municipal Art Soc., Am. Forestry Assn., Nat. Hist. Soc...Clubs: The Players, Calumet, Catholic, Arts, Graduates, Salmagundi, Press. Author: Sermons for Special Holy Days; History of the Church of the Transfiguration and life of its founder and first rector; Manual of Devotions. Address: 1 E. 29th St., New York."

NEGHR, 1924, p. 439: "In 1897 he was called to be rector of the Church of the Transfiguration, in New York City, succeeding his uncle, Rev. George Hendric Houghton, the founder and first rector of this church, and there he served until his death...His daughter, Mrs. Charles Strombohm, was living with him when he died."

MLM: rector of St. Chrystum Chapter, NYC

Deerfield MA Hx: Rec. of the St. Chrysostum chapel, NY

The Second Dr. Houghton
Before his death, George Hendric Houghton made clear his wish that his nephew George Clarke Houghton, a priest in Hoboken, New Jersey, should succeed him. The younger Houghton's ministry was principally one of enlargement and enrichment, based upon his uncle's solid foundation. The Lady Chapel was a gift from George Clarke Houghton in memory of his wife, Mary, who had died in 1902, after living only six years in this parish.

The liturgical life of the parish grew apace, heavily influenced from the turn of the century until the early 1920s by the developing Anglo-Catholic movement in the American Episcopal Church. In 1920 our parish was host to the Second Anglo-Catholic Congress, a national conclave of like-minded members of the Episcopal Church that was inspired by the great Anglo-Catholic Congresses of the turn of the century in England.

To improve communications among members of our increasingly far-flung congregation, Dr. Houghton instituted a four-page newsletter called the Kalendar, in which the rector would try to make his views known through the use of fictional dialogues. Each week 1500 copies were distributed.

The desire of young couples to be married in our church grew as the twentieth century matured. Our second rector set a standard of serious marriage instruction, grounded and nurtured in the Christian faith and life. Today, as throughout our history, our clergy prepare couples with care, in adherence to the marriage laws of the Episcopal Church, which enjoins the Christian values of lifelong marital fidelity and commitment to family life.

One notable event during the rectorate of the second Dr. Houghton was the funeral of O. Henry (William Sydney Porter), when an incident occurred that embodied the sardonic twist of many of the beloved short stories of this famous writer. O. Henry lived at the Caledonia Hotel on Twenty-sixth Street and mentioned the church in several stories, including "The Romance of the Busy Broker" and "The Cop and the Anthem." When he died it was natural that his body should lie in the church's St. Joseph of Arimathea mortuary chapel. His funeral was scheduled for a June day in 1910 at eleven o'clock. Unfortunately a wedding had been scheduled for the same time. Luckily the groom spied the hearse as he approached the church and managed to whisk his future bride away to the nearby Holland House Hotel for an hour until the funeral was over. The bride never knew what had transpired until long after her wedding day.

After World War I many of the families resident in our geographical parish began to migrate uptown. New businesses moved into our neighborhood, and large urban office buildings were constructed in place of the old town houses that had lined the streets of the East Twenties and Thirties north of Madison Square.

NY Biog. Directory:

Protestant Episcopalian Clergyman, 1 East 29th street, New York City. Born in New York City, Dec. 17, 1850. Educated at St. Stephen's College (A. B., '67, A. M., '70 and D.D. , Deacon, 1870; priest 1871. Rector Church of the Transfiguration ("Little Church Around the Corner") since 1897

Member of Calumet Club for 25 years.
THE late Dr. George Clarke Houghton, for a quarter of a century rector of the Little Church Around the Corner, was famous as "the marrying parson." He solemnized the romances of more than 7,500 couples.7,25,3,4,21,26,27,28,29


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240 #1416.
  2. [S96] NEHGR, Vol. 78, 1924, p. 439.
  3. [S110] Marquis, Who's Who in America VI, p. 948.
  4. [S112] Who Was Who I, p. 591.
  5. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 98 #4653.
  6. [S943] Who's Who, Vol. 21, p. 1401.
  7. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240.
  8. [S96] NEHGR, 78 [1924]: 216, 438.
  9. [S114] Who Was Who, 3, p. 1350: 1852.
  10. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 98.
  11. [S96] NEHGR, 78 [1924]: 439.
  12. [S96] NEHGR, 78 [1924]: 440.
  13. [S95] Newspaper, NY Times Archives: Dec 30, 1871.
  14. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Hoboken, Hudson Co., NJ, Reel 19, Vol. 12, ED. 47, Sh. 56, Ln. 1.
  15. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Hoboken, Hudson Co., NJ, Roll: T9_786; Family History Film: 1254786; Page: 197D; Enumeration District: 47; Reel 19, Vol. 12, ED. 47, Sh. 56, Ln. 1, dwl.
  16. [S309] James Mortimer Montgomery, Yearbook of the Sons of the Revolution in the State of New York, p. 155.
  17. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Manhattan, New York Co., New York; Roll: T623; Enumeration District: 687; Sheet: 3A , line 8, dwl 1/9-31-37.
  18. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Manhattan Ward 21, New York, New York; Roll: T624_1037; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 1266;
    line 70, dwl 1-70-184.
  19. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Bedford, Westchester, New York; Roll: T625_1275; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 1; line 20, dwl 25-25.
  20. [S96] NEHGR, 78 [1924]: 438.
  21. [S114] Who Was Who, 3, p. 1350.
  22. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , www.germangenealogy.group.com.
  23. [S95] Newspaper, New York Times Archives: Apr 18, 1923.
  24. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online www.ancestry.com, Biography and Genealogy Master Index (BGMI): Houghton Surname.
  25. [S96] NEHGR, 78 [1924]: 438-440.
  26. [S895] Donald Arleigh Sinclair, New Jersey Biog. Index, p. 378.
  27. [S1058] George Sheldon, History of Deerfield, Mass., p. 213.
  28. [S1347] Unknown compiler, NY Biog. Directory, p. 209.
  29. [S1402] Lewis Randolph Hamersly, First citizens of the republic, p. 216.

Anna Morse Houghton1

F, #6096, b. circa 1841, d. 16 July 1930


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthcirca 1841NY, USA, age 39 in 1880 census2
Living1928Paris, France3
DeathJul 16, 1930Estampes, France4


  1. [S1058] George Sheldon, History of Deerfield, Mass., p. 213.
  2. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , New York (Manhattan), New York City-Greater, New York; Roll: T9_880; Family History Film: 1254880; Page: 145D; Enumeration District: 281; sheet 32, line 21, dwl 1-107-114.
  3. [S95] Newspaper, New York Times Archives: May 21, 1928.
  4. [S95] Newspaper, http://select.nytimes.com/mem/archive/pdf

George Coffin Little1

M, #6097

Family: Sarah Frances Houghton b. c 1842


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Origin1871Boston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA2
MarriageFeb 21, 1871Church of the Transfiguration, New York, New York Co., NY, USA, by Rev. Dr. Houghton3,4,5,2


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 239 #1415s.
  2. [S95] Newspaper, NY Times Archives: Feb 22, 1871.
  3. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 239.
  4. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 98.
  5. [S1058] George Sheldon, History of Deerfield, Mass., p. 213.

Mary Creemer Pirsson1,2,3,4,5

F, #6098, b. May 1860, d. 30 April 1902

Family: Rev. George Clarke Houghton D.D. b. 17 Dec 1852, d. 17 Apr 1923


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthMay, 1860NY, USA, age 23 in 1880 census; May 1860, age 40 in 1900 census; age "45" in 1920 census6
MarriageDec 27, 1871Trinity Chapel, New York, New York Co., NY, USA, mar 26 years in 1900 census; MLM: 18747,8,3,9,10
1880 Census1880Hoboken, Hudson Co., NJ, USA, age 33, a minister, and sister in law Josephine Bersson, 20, NY6,11
1900 Census1900Manhattan, New York Co., NY, USA, age 49, a priest12
DeathApr 30, 1902New York, New York Co., NY, USA13
ObituaryMay 1, 1902New York, New York Co., NY, USA13
BurialMay 2, 1902
ParentsDTalbot Pierson and Rebecca Bunn of NY


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240 #1416s.
  2. [S96] NEHGR, Vol. 78, 1924, p. 439.
  3. [S110] Marquis, Who's Who in America VI, p. 948.
  4. [S112] Who Was Who I, p. 591.
  5. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 98 #4653s.
  6. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Hoboken, Hudson Co., NJ, Reel 19, Vol. 12, ED. 47, Sh. 56, Ln. 1.
  7. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240.
  8. [S96] NEHGR, 78 [1924]: 440.
  9. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 98.
  10. [S95] Newspaper, NY Times Archives: Dec 30, 1871.
  11. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Hoboken, Hudson Co., NJ, Roll: T9_786; Family History Film: 1254786; Page: 197D; Enumeration District: 47; Reel 19, Vol. 12, ED. 47, Sh. 56, Ln. 1, dwl.
  12. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Manhattan, New York Co., New York; Roll: T623; Enumeration District: 687; Sheet: 3A , line 8, dwl 1/9-31-37.
  13. [S95] Newspaper, New York Times Archives: May 1, 1901.
  14. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Bedford, Westchester, New York; Roll: T625_1275; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 1; line 20, dwl 25-25.

Rev. Edward Clark Houghton1,2,3

M, #6099, b. between 1847 and 1850, d. 1923

Family: Regina Martinez Hernandez b. c 1846, d. 6 May 1873


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthbetween 1847 and 1850NY, USA, age 13 in 1860 census; age 21 & 24 in 1870 census; age 30 in 1880 census4
MarriageOct 10, 1871Church of the Transfiguration, New York, New York Co., NY, USA, by the Rev. Dr. Houghton5,3,6
Note1887New York, New York Co., NY, USA, Social Register; living with Uncle Rev. George Hendrick Houghton at 1 E. 29th St.7
Occupation1897New York, New York Co., NY, USA, rector of Church of the Transfiguration, succeeding his uncle Dr. George H. Houghton4,3
Note1897American Church, Munich, Germany, rector
NewspaperAug 6, 1903New York, New York Co., NY, USA, NY Times: Army officer on leae rescues Dr. Houghton whose horse was out of control8


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240 #1418.
  2. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 98 #4655.
  3. [S1058] George Sheldon, History of Deerfield, Mass., p. 213.
  4. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 98.
  5. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240.
  6. [S95] Newspaper, NY Times Archives: Oct 19, 1871.
  7. [S506] Unknown agency, Social Register, New York, 1887, p. 37.
  8. [S95] Newspaper, New York Times Archives: Aug 6, 1903.

Martinez Houghton1,2

M, #6100


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240 #1419.
  2. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 98 #4656.

Hernse Houghton1,2

M, #6101


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240 #1420.
  2. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 98 #4657.

Emma D. Houghton1,2,3,4

F, #6102, b. circa 1852, d. 10 February 1906


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca 1852NY, USA, (age 7, NY, in 1860 census; age 18, PA, in 1870 census)5
1860 Census1860Thompson, Sullivan Co., NY, USA, age 35, with John and Isabella Frazer, from Scotland6
1870 Census1870Thompson, Sullivan Co., NY, USA, age 18 with John and Isabella Frazaer, both b. Scotland7
DeathFeb 10, 1906New York, New York Co., NY, USA4
BurialFeb 13, 1906Church of the Transfiguration, New York, New York Co., NY, USA4
ResearchThompson, Sullivan Co., NY, USA


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240 #1421.
  2. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 98 #4658.
  3. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Thompson, Sullivan, New York; Roll:T9_936; Family History Film: 1254936; Page: 329B;.
  4. [S95] Newspaper, New York Times Archives: Feb 12, 1906.
  5. [S235] U.S. Census, 1860 US Census, Thompson, Sullivan Co., NY, Box 866, p. 90, line 10, dwl 747-747.
  6. [S1227] 1860 U.S. Federal Census , Thompson, Sullivan Co., NY, Box 866, p. 90, line 10, dwl 747-747.
  7. [S235] U.S. Census, 1870 US Census, Thompson, Sullivan Co., NY, Roll 1102, p. 727B, line 12, dwl 260-288.

Regina Martinez Hernandez1

F, #6103, b. circa 1846, d. 6 May 1873

Family: Rev. Edward Clark Houghton b. bt 1847 - 1850, d. 1923


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthcirca 1846
MarriageOct 10, 1871Church of the Transfiguration, New York, New York Co., NY, USA, by the Rev. Dr. Houghton2,3,1
DeathMay 6, 1873New York, New York Co., NY, USA, age274
ParentsDRaymon Martinez and Aneceta Hernandez of Mantanzas, Cuba

Deerfield MA Hx: Fernandez3,1


  1. [S95] Newspaper, NY Times Archives: Oct 19, 1871.
  2. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240.
  3. [S1058] George Sheldon, History of Deerfield, Mass., p. 213.
  4. [S95] Newspaper, NY Times Archives: May 9, 1873.

Regina Emeline Houghton1,2

F, #6104, b. between 1872 and 1873


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthbetween 1872 and 1873


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240 #1418c.
  2. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 98.

Emery Augustus Houghton1

M, #6105, b. 1 August 1866, d. 4 October 1943

Family: Carrie May Scott b. 25 May 1867, d. Sep 1949


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthAug 1, 1866Irving, Kandiyohi Co., MN, USA, age 13 in 1880 census; Aug 1866, age 33 in 1900 census; bd, age 34 in 1901 census; age 39 in 1906 census; age 53 in 1920 census; age 63 in 1930 census; age 76 in 1940 census2,3
MarriageSep 11, 18872
ResidencePalladio Bldg., Duluth, MN, USA2
1900 CensusJun 2, 1900Duluth, Saint Louis Co., MN, USA, age 33, cabinet maker4
1901 Canadian Census1901Carievale, Assiniboia, The Territories, Canada, age 34,3
1906 Special Canada1906Carievale, Assiniboia East, Saskatchewan, Canada, age 39, head; next door to brother Earnest5
Research1910CJV: could not find in 1910 census
ResidenceJun 5, 1918Corfu, WA, USA
1920 Census1920Lind, Adams Co., WA, USA, age 53, harness shop harness maker6
1930 Census1930Granger, Yakima Co., WA, USA, age 63, shoe shop clerk; and aunt Alice Cotter7
1940 Census1940American Lake, Pierce Co., WA, USA, age 76, none8
DeathOct 4, 1943Ellensburg, Kittitas Co., WA, USA
BurialThorp Cemetery, Kittitas Co., WA, USA
ObituaryHarness Maker
E. A. Houghton. 77. Ellensburg; harnessmaker and former Grant county farmer, died. Surviving are his widow. Mrs. May Houghton. Ellensburg; a daughter. Mrs Ralph Weidemnn, Ellensburg. and three sons, Ralph of Soap Lake and Earl M. and Earnest L of Tacoma.


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240 #1422.
  2. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240.
  3. [S1503] Ancestry.com, 1901 Canadian Census, Carievale, Assiniboia (east/est), The Territories; Page: 4; Family No: 50.
  4. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Duluth Ward 5, Saint Louis, Minnesota; Roll: T623 790; Enumeration District: 276; Page: 4A; line 15; dwl 62-62.
  5. [S1504] Ancestry.com, 1906 Special Canadian Census, Assiniboia East, Saskatchewan; Page: 14; Family No: 123.
  6. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Lind, Adams, Washington; Roll: T625_1920; Page: 3B; Enumeration District: 9; line 58, dwl 54-54.
  7. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Granger, Yakima, Washington; Roll: 2524; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 0056; Image: 924.0; FHL microfilm: 2342258.
  8. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , American Lake, Pierce, Washington; Roll: T627_4355; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 27-3.

Ernest Nelson Houghton1

M, #6106, b. January 1870, d. 1910

Family: Edith Cotter b. Nov 1873, d. 1920

  • Marriage*: Ernest Nelson Houghton married Edith Cotter on circa 1898 mar 2 y in 1900.2


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJan, 1870MN, USA, age 10 in 1880 census; age 30 in 1900 census; age 335in 1906 census;2
Marriagecirca 1898mar 2 y in 19002
1906 Special Canada1906Carievale, Assiniboia East, Saskatchewan, Canada, age 35, head; next door to brother Emory3
BurialPleasant Valley Cemetery, Othello, WA, USA


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240 #1423.
  2. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Irving, Kandiyohi, Minnesota; Roll: T623 772; Enumeration District: 75; Page: 7B;line 57; dwl 107-240-290.
  3. [S1504] Ancestry.com, 1906 Special Canadian Census, Assiniboia East, Saskatchewan; Page: 14; Family No: 123.
  4. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Lind, Adams, Washington; Roll: T625_1920; Page: 3B; Enumeration District: 9; line 58, dwl 54-54.

Ralph Chester Houghton1

M, #6107, b. October 1871, d. 1939

Family: Grace E. Austin b. Nov 1875

  • Marriage*: Ralph Chester Houghton married Grace E. Austin on circa 1896 age 24 and 20; mar 4 years in 1900 census.2


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthOct, 1871MN, USA, age 8 in 1880 census; age 28 in 1900 census; age 38 in 1910 census; age 48 in 1920 census age 58 in 1930 census2
Marriagecirca 1896age 24 and 20; mar 4 years in 1900 census2
1900 Census1900Ethel, Lewis Co., WA, USA, age 28, logging laborer3
1920 Census1920Chehalis, Lewis Co., WA, USA, age 48, saw mill laborer4
1930 Census1930Chehalis, Lewis Co., WA, USA, age 58, shrubery gardner; and uncle Samuel Smoots, 82, IN2
Death1939Lewis Co., WA, USA
ParentsSparents born in NY in 1880 and 1900 census; parents born in WI in 1910 census; father born in WI, mother born in PA in 1930 census2


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240 #1424.
  2. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Chehalis, Lewis Co., Washington; Roll:2507; Enumeration District: 23; Page 144, Sheet 3A; line 32, dwl 1239-59-59.
  3. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Ethel, Lewis Co., Washington; Roll: T623; Enumeration District: 132; Page: 5B; line 100, dwl 110-110.
  4. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Chehalis, Lewis, Washington; Roll: T625_1933; Page: 2B; Enumeration District: 126; line 51, dwl 1239-35-35.
  5. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Ethel, Lewis, Washington; Roll: T624_1666; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 143; line 32, dwl 93-95.

Carrie May Scott1

F, #6108, b. 25 May 1867, d. September 1949

Family: Emery Augustus Houghton b. 1 Aug 1866, d. 4 Oct 1943


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthMay 25, 1867WA, USA, May 1865, age 35 in 1900 census; 26 May 1861, age 33 in 1901 census; age 40 in 1906 census; age 52 in 1920 census; age 62 in 1930 census; age 75 in 1940 census; 1920 census of son Ralph gives MN2,3
MarriageSep 11, 18872
ResidencePalladio Bldg., Duluth, MN, USA2
1900 CensusJun 2, 1900Duluth, Saint Louis Co., MN, USA, age 33, cabinet maker4
1901 Canadian Census1901Carievale, Assiniboia, The Territories, Canada, age 34,3
1906 Special Canada1906Carievale, Assiniboia East, Saskatchewan, Canada, age 39, head; next door to brother Earnest5
1920 Census1920Lind, Adams Co., WA, USA, age 53, harness shop harness maker6
1930 Census1930Granger, Yakima Co., WA, USA, age 63, shoe shop clerk; and aunt Alice Cotter7
1940 Census1940American Lake, Pierce Co., WA, USA, age 76, none8
DeathSep, 1949Bremerton, Kitsap Co., WA, USA


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240 #1422s.
  2. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240.
  3. [S1503] Ancestry.com, 1901 Canadian Census, Carievale, Assiniboia (east/est), The Territories; Page: 4; Family No: 50.
  4. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Duluth Ward 5, Saint Louis, Minnesota; Roll: T623 790; Enumeration District: 276; Page: 4A; line 15; dwl 62-62.
  5. [S1504] Ancestry.com, 1906 Special Canadian Census, Assiniboia East, Saskatchewan; Page: 14; Family No: 123.
  6. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Lind, Adams, Washington; Roll: T625_1920; Page: 3B; Enumeration District: 9; line 58, dwl 54-54.
  7. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Granger, Yakima, Washington; Roll: 2524; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 0056; Image: 924.0; FHL microfilm: 2342258.
  8. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , American Lake, Pierce, Washington; Roll: T627_4355; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 27-3.

Ralph Emery Houghton1

M, #6109, b. 29 August 1890, d. 17 April 1947

Family: Ethel Cole b. c 1891

  • Marriage*: Ralph Emery Houghton married Ethel Cole on circa 1914 both age 23.3


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthAug 29, 1890St. Paul, MN, USA, Aug 1890, age 9 in 1900 census; 24 Aug 1890, age 10 in 1901 census; age 16 in 1906 census; age 39 in 1930 census; age 49 in 1940 census2,1
Marriagecirca 1914both age 233
Mil. DraftJun 5, 1917Micas Key, Grant Co., WA, USA, age 26, carpenter1
1920 Census1920Lind, Adams Co., WA, USA, age 29, grocery store manager3
1930 Census1930Soaplake, Grant Co., WA, USA, age 39, lumber yard manager4
1940 Census1940Soaplake, Grant Co., WA, USA, age 49, retail lumber yard manager5
Residence1942Soaplake, Grant Co., WA, USA6
DeathApr 17, 1947Soaplake, WA, USA
ObituaryApr 21, 1947SOAP LAKE, Wash., April 21.— Ralph Houghton, 56. died suddenly of a heart attack Thursday. He was active in civic affairs, was a charter member of the Lions club and was city clerk and clerk or the school board for many years He held the post as manager of the Potlatch Yards here for some time and was also manager of the transportation division at the air base for many months. He is survived by his wife at the home; three daughters, Dorene at Walla Walla. Verdelle at Seattle and a daughter in Spokane; a son, Loval. in Seattle.


  1. [S1308] World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, online http://content.ancestry.com, 1991570.
  2. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240.
  3. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Lind, Adams, Washington; Roll: T625_1920; Page: 8A; Enumeration District: 10; line 7, dwl 170-181.
  4. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Soap Lake, Grant, Washington; Roll: 2487; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 0017; Image: 900.0; FHL microfilm: 2342221.
  5. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , Soap Lake, Grant, Washington; Roll: T627_4339; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 13-24.
  6. [S1323] "WWII Draft Registration 1942", The National Archives Pacific Alaska Region (Seattle); Seattle, Washington; Fourth Registration Draft Cards (WWII); State Headquarters: Washington; Record Group Name: Records of the Selective Service System; Record Group Number: 147; Archive Number: 563992; Box Number: 91.
  7. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Granger, Yakima, Washington; Roll: 2524; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 0056; Image: 924.0; FHL microfilm: 2342258.

Earl Maxwell Houghton1,2

M, #6110, b. 13 November 1892, d. 1983

Family 1: Agnes E. (?) b. c 1885

Family 2: Emma Wiese b. c 1900, d. 1988

  • Marriage*: Earl Maxwell Houghton married Emma Wiese age 24 and 25.5


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthNov 13, 1892Duluth, MN, USA, Nov 1893, age 6 in 1900 census; 13 Nov 1892, age 8 in 1901 census; age 13 in 1906 census; age 37 in 1930 census; age 47 in 1940 census3,2
ResidenceFeb 8, 1917Corfu, WA, USA
Mil. DraftFeb 8, 1917Micas Key, Grant Co., WA, USA, age 24, farmer2
1920 Census1920Grandview, Yakima Co., WA, USA, age 26, garage auto mechanic4
Marriageage 24 and 255
1940 Census1940American Lake, Pierce Co., WA, USA, age 47, light plant mechanic, next door to parents6
1950 US Census1950King Co., WA, USA, age 57, no occup
Death1983King Co., WA, USA
Burial1983Mountain View (Auburn) Cemetery, Auburn, WA, USA


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240 #1422c.
  2. [S1308] World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, online http://content.ancestry.com, 1991570.
  3. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240.
  4. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Grandview, Yakima, Washington; Roll: T625_1945; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 197; line 20, dwl 114-130.
  5. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Woodland, King Co., Washington; Roll: 2505; Enumeration District: 388; Page 284, Sheet 15A; line 18, dwl 4356-400-388.
  6. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , American Lake, Pierce, Washington; Roll: T627_4355; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 27-3.

Marvel May Houghton1

F, #6111, b. 30 March 1895


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthMar 30, 1895MN, USA, age 5 in 1900 census; bd, age 6 in 1901 census; age 11 in 1906 census;2
Residencelisted as female in 2 Canadian censuses; male in 1900 census


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240 #1422c.
  2. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240.

Mary Clarissa Chamberlin1,2,3

F, #6112, b. 18 April 1844

Family: Marshall Wines Herrick b. 15 Nov 1844


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthApr 18, 1844Lyndonville, Caledonia Co., VT, USA4,5,2
MarriageSep 13, 1870Monticello, IA, USA4,6,2
ResidenceMonticello, IA, USA7,6


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240 #1425, 288.
  2. [S28] DAR Lineage Book, Vol. 59, p. 259.
  3. [S653] John Barber White, Barber Genealogy, p. 516.
  4. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240.
  5. [S653] John Barber White, Barber Genealogy, p. 516, 536.
  6. [S653] John Barber White, Barber Genealogy, p. 536.
  7. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 241.

Adeline Rosalia Chamberlin1,2

F, #6113, b. 14 February 1847

Family: William Franklin Groesbeck b. 25 Feb 1850


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthFeb 14, 18473,2
MarriageJan 6, 1875Monticello, IA, USA3,2
ResidenceBurlington, Coffey Co., KS, USA3


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 241 #1426.
  2. [S653] John Barber White, Barber Genealogy, p. 516.
  3. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 241.

Alinda H. Chamberlin1

F, #6114, b. 30 November 1859

Family: Edward N. Hart b. c 1849


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthNov 30, 1859JWH: Nov 30, 18492,3
MarriageChicago, Cook Co., IL, USA2,3


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 241 #1427.
  2. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 241.
  3. [S653] John Barber White, Barber Genealogy, p. 516.

Marshall Wines Herrick1,2,3

M, #6115, b. 15 November 1844

Family: Mary Clarissa Chamberlin b. 18 Apr 1844


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthNov 15, 1844Fort Wayne, IN, USA4
Occupationan attorney at law3,4
MarriageSep 13, 1870Monticello, IA, USA3,4,5
ResidenceMonticello, IA, USA6,4
Author"Publisher of Probate Law and Practice in 1883, which has run through three editions, the last enlarged to two volumes. In use in several states and said to be the best work on probate practice published."7
Biographyson of John Herrick and Emeline Higginbotham


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240 #1419s.
  2. [S28] DAR Lineage Book, 59: 259.
  3. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240.
  4. [S653] John Barber White, Barber Genealogy, p. 536.
  5. [S28] DAR Lineage Book, Vol. 59, p. 259.
  6. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 241.
  7. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 240-241.

William Franklin Groesbeck1,2

M, #6116, b. 25 February 1850

Family: Adeline Rosalia Chamberlin b. 14 Feb 1847


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthFeb 25, 1850Harvard, IL, USA2
OccupationBurlington, Coffey Co., KS, USA, a merchant
MarriageJan 6, 1875Monticello, IA, USA3,2
Biographyson of Benjamin Franklin Groesbeck and Eliza Ann Helm
ResidenceBurlington, Coffey Co., KS, USA3


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 241 #1426s.
  2. [S653] John Barber White, Barber Genealogy, p. 516.
  3. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 241.

Edward N. Hart1,2

M, #6117, b. circa 1849

Family: Alinda H. Chamberlin b. 30 Nov 1859


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca 1849England2
MarriageChicago, Cook Co., IL, USA3,2
Residence1905Chicago, Cook Co., IL, USA2


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 241 #1427s.
  2. [S653] John Barber White, Barber Genealogy, p. 516.
  3. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 241.

Eleanor Jane Daugherty1

F, #6118, b. 23 March 1820, d. 5 February 1911

Family: Edwin Wells Houghton b. 18 Mar 1817, d. 11 Feb 1907


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthMar 23, 1820NY, USA, age 40 in 1860 census; age 50 in 1870 census; age 60 in 1880 census; Mar 1820, age 80 in 1900 census; age 90 in 1910 census; 23 Mar 1817 per grandson Henry Spenser Houghton2,3,4,5
MarriageJan 5, 1839Barber: Mar 5; mar 61 years in 1900 census2,3,4
1860 Census1860Wellington, Lorain Co., OH, USA, age 43, farmer; property $4719-12606
1870 Census1870Wellington, Lorain Co., OH, USA, age 53, a farmer, property $9500-15007
1880 Census1880Wellington, Lorain Co., OH, USA, age 63, a farmer8
Note19105 children born, 3 living
DeathFeb 5, 1911Newburyport, Essex Co., MA, USA2,4
BiographyJWH: "Eleanor Jane, eldest daughter of Charles Daugherty, who was one of the pioneers of the town...died at her daughter's (Mrs. Edith Buell) home. She was one of the most amiable, sweet tempered of women, whose life has been a benediction to home and society."; Barber: dau. of Charles Daugherty and Jane Hendee2,3
ParentsDparents born in NY


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 181 #935s.
  2. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 181.
  3. [S653] John Barber White, Barber Genealogy, p. 518.
  4. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 64.
  5. [S235] U.S. Census, 1930 US Census, Mount Dora, Lake Co., FL, Roll 322, p. 11B, line 90, ED 35-33, SD 5.
  6. [S1227] 1860 U.S. Federal Census , Wellington, Lorain, Ohio; Roll: M653_1001; Page: 135; sheet 89; line 29, dwl 684-695.
  7. [S1228] 1870 U.S. Federal Census , Wellington, Lorain Co., OH, Reel 1235, p. 684, line 2, dwl 108-112.
  8. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Wellington, Lorain, Ohio; Roll: T9_1042; Family History Film: 1255042; Page: 659B; Reel 53, Vol. 40, E.D. 183, sheet 10/47, line 14, dwl 99-99.

Alice Maria Houghton1,2

F, #6119, b. 22 January 1840, d. 26 February 1900

Family 1: Sumner L. Drake b. 1839, d. 22 Sep 1862

Family 2: Luther Franklin Clifford b. Apr 1834


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthJan 22, 1840Spencer, Medina Co., OH, USA, age 20 in 1860 census3,4
Occupation1860school teacher
MarriageSep 2, 18613,4
MarriageMar 29, 18663,4
ResidenceWest of, Wellington, Lorain, OH, USA3
DeathFeb 26, 1900Newberry Library copy of JWH: Feb 12, 19183,4
BiographyHoughton: "Mrs. Clifford was in school in Berea, O., two years and two years in the Wellington Seminary; taught school successfully several terms. She had decided literary tastes, a logical mind, and was much interested in religious and theological problems."3


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 241 #1428.
  2. [S653] John Barber White, Barber Genealogy, p. 536.
  3. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 241.
  4. [S653] John Barber White, Barber Genealogy, p. 519, 536.

Major Albert Charles Houghton1

M, #6120, b. 12 December 1841, d. 19 October 1931

Family 1: Amy Alvira Twitchell b. 12 Dec 1846, d. 12 Feb 1908

Family 2: Myra H. Twitchell b. 27 Oct 1844


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthDec 12, 1841Spencer, Medina, OH, USA, age 18 in 1860 census; age 28 in 1870 census; age 38 in 1880 census; Dec 1841, age 58 in 1900 census; age 88 in 1930 census2,3
Mil. EnlsAug 25, 1861OH, USA, in the Union Army, Comp. H, 2nd Ohio Cavalry, a corporal, captain, age 192,4,5,6,7,8
ResearchAug 25, 1861OH, USA
PensionInxSep 20, 1865OH, USA
MarriageMay 17, 1871Mansfield, OH, USA2,3,9
1880 Census1880Toledo, Lucas Co., OH, USA, age 38, a lawyer10,11
1890 Veterans Census1890Columbus, Franklin Co., OH, USA, Private, Company H, 2nd OH Inf, Sep 3, 1861-May 15, 1865; 3 y - 8 m -12 d12,13
Author1899Edwin and Eleanor (Poem on their 60th Wedding Anniv.)
1900 Census1900Clinton, Franklin Co., OH, USA, age 58, financial agent for North Western RR; 3 children born, 3 living14
Residencecirca 1905Cleveland, Cuyahoga Co., OH, USA, or Mansfield, OH3
MarriageNov 30, 1910Defiance, OH, USA15,16
1930 Census1930Mount Dora, Lake Co., FL, USA, age 8817
DeathOct 19, 193118
BiographyJWH:"Educated at University at Delaware, O. Graduate Law College University of Cincinnati, 1868. Served in the Civil War, 1861-1865, in the 2d Regt. Ohio Cavalry; in the campaigns in the Indian Territory, 1861-2; in Kentucky and Tennessee, 1863; with the Army of the Potomac, where he served on the staff of General McIntosh, 1864-5. Was engaged in seven of the great battles and thirty-one lesser actions of the war; severely wounded and permanently disabled at the battle of Five Forks, April 1, 1865. Entered service a private, mustered out on account of wounds with the rank of Captain and brevetted Major by the President of the United States for gallant service at the battle of Five Forks. Member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion."; Army Register: Capt. Albert C. Houghton, discharged May 15, 1865, 2nd Reg., OH Cavalry, Col. D. Seward

He married sisters.

W. D. Houghton: One such man was Major Albert Charles Houghton, born December 12, 1841, who was also a lawyer like Chester Houghton.
Albert entered service as a private and was mustered out as a Captain. Again, like Major Chester Houghton, he was field promoted or ?brevetted? to the rank of Major by President Lincoln. He served in the 2nd Regiment of the Ohio Cavalry and later was on the staff of General McIn-tosh from 1864-1865. He was severely wounded and per-manently disabled at the Battle of Five Forks on April 1, 1865. He died suddenly of heart trouble at his home in Tryon, NC, on February 12, 1908. [CJV: Wife's dd; he was still alive in 1930].19,7,20


  1. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 241 #1429: photo.
  2. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 241.
  3. [S653] John Barber White, Barber Genealogy, p. 519.
  4. [S308] Donald E. Gradeless, Rev. Lineages IL SAR, p. 140.
  5. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , CivilWarData.Com, Civil War Research and Genealogy Database, Nov. 2001.
  6. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online www.ancestry.com, Civil War Service Records, Oct. 1, 2001.
  7. [S922] Unknown compiler, Army Register - Volunteers, Vol. V, p. 20.
  8. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online www.ancestry.com, American Civil War Soldiers database, Oct. 1, 2001.
  9. [S686] Ralph Emerson Twitchell, Twitchell Genealogy, p. 424.
  10. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Toldedo, Lucas Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 41, E.D. 46, Sh. 17, Ln. 41.
  11. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Toldedo, Lucas Co., OH, Reel 53, Vol. 41, E.D. 46, Sh. 17, Ln. 41, dwl 474-155-164.
  12. [S1409] Unknown record type, unknown repository address, Year: 1890; Census Place: Columbus, Franklin, Ohio; Roll 69; Page: 1; Enumeration District: 98; line 11, dwl 123-124.
  13. [S1409] Unknown record type, unknown repository address, Columbus, Franklin, Ohio; Roll: 69; Page: 1; Enumeration District: 98.
  14. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Clinton, Franklin Co., Ohio; Roll:T623; Enumeration District: 29; Sheet: 26A; line 13, dwl 468-488.
  15. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 242.
  16. [S686] Ralph Emerson Twitchell, Twitchell Genealogy, p. 423.
  17. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Mount Dora, Lake Co., FL, Roll 322, p. 11B, line 90, ED 35-33, SD 5.
  18. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online www.ancestry.com, http://search.ancestry.com/Browse/view.aspx
  19. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 241-3.
  20. [S1394] William D. Houghton, Houghton Ancestors:, p. 210.