Herrick Houghton1

M, #41701, b. 2 January 1845, d. 13 April 1924

Family: Nancy E. Mellen b. Mar 1844, d. 10 Sep 1921


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJan 2, 1845Rutland, VT, USA, age 5 in 1880 census; age 25 in 1870 census; age 35 in 1880 census; Jan 1845, age 55 in 1900 census; age 65 in 1910 census; age 74 in 1920 census2,3
Milit-BegIL, USA, in the Union Army, Comp. A, 39th Illinois Infantry, a private and a Chaplain4
ResearchIL, USA
MarriageFeb 19, 1868Kankakee Co., IL, USA, Book B, Lic. 1998; also 3/5/1868, Iroquois Co. IL: Book A, p. 16, Lic. 3011,5,6
Occupation1870Rockville, IL, USA, a farmer2
1880 Census1880Douglas, Iroquois Co., IL, USA, age 35, a farmer7
PensionInxMay 12, 1890IL, USA, as invalid8
1900 Census1900Douglas, Iroquois Co., IL, USA9
1910 Census1910Gilman, Iroquois Co., IL, USA, age 65, post office post master10
DeathApr 13, 1924Gilman, Iroquois Co., IL, USA3


  1. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  2. [S235] U.S. Census, 1870 US Census, Rockville, Kankakee Co., IL, Reel 238, p. 238, line 14, dwl 4-4.
  3. [S415] E-mail from Peggy Lasater, July 21 2005.
  4. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online www.ancestry.com, Civil War Service Records, Oct. 1, 2001.
  5. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~genlists/mellen/…
  6. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900: Houghton Surname search.
  7. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Douglas, Iroquois Co., IL, p. 42, ED 129, line 33, dwl 320-357/384-417.
  8. [S1515] Unknown name of person, unknown record type, unknown file number.
  9. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Douglas, Iroquois Co., Illinois; Roll: T623; Enumeration District: 12; Sheet: 14A; line 41, dwl 191-299.
  10. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Gilman Ward 1, Iroquois, Illinois; Roll: T624_292; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 74;
    line 134-143.

Nancy E. Mellen1

F, #41702, b. March 1844, d. 10 September 1921

Family: Herrick Houghton b. 2 Jan 1845, d. 13 Apr 1924


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthMar, 1844VT, USA, age 27 in 1870 census; age 37 in 1880 census; age 56 in 1900 census; age 67 in 1910 census; age 76 in 1920 census2
MarriageFeb 19, 1868Kankakee Co., IL, USA, Book B, Lic. 1998; also 3/5/1868, Iroquois Co. IL: Book A, p. 16, Lic. 3013,1,4
1880 Census1880Douglas, Iroquois Co., IL, USA, age 35, a farmer5
1900 Census1900Douglas, Iroquois Co., IL, USA6
1910 Census1910Gilman, Iroquois Co., IL, USA, age 65, post office post master7
DeathSep 10, 1921Gilman, Iroquois Co., IL, USA, Cert. 28181, filed Sep 10, 19218
NoteRelatives?; married brothers; parents born in VT


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~genlists/mellen/…
  2. [S235] U.S. Census, 1870 US Census, Rockville, Kankakee Co., IL, Reel 238, p. 238, line 14, dwl 4-4.
  3. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  4. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900: Houghton Surname search.
  5. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Douglas, Iroquois Co., IL, p. 42, ED 129, line 33, dwl 320-357/384-417.
  6. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Douglas, Iroquois Co., Illinois; Roll: T623; Enumeration District: 12; Sheet: 14A; line 41, dwl 191-299.
  7. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Gilman Ward 1, Iroquois, Illinois; Roll: T624_292; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 74;
    line 134-143.
  8. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Illinois Statewide Death Index, 1916-1950: Houghton Surname search.

William L. Houghton1,2,3

M, #41703, b. November 1869, d. before 1920

Family 1: Myrtle Stafford

Family 2: Ella M. Thrasher b. May 1870

  • Marriage*: William L. Houghton married Ella M. Thrasher on circa 1895 mar 5 years in 1900 census.1

Family 3: Marie A. Davis b. c 1874, d. 5 Jul 1943

  • Marriage*: William L. Houghton married Marie A. Davis on circa Oct, 1909 mar 7 months in 1910 census; her 1st, his 3rd.5


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthNov, 1869IL, USA, (age 6/12 in 1870 census; age 10 in 1880 census; age 30 in 1900 census)2
MarriageJul 28, 1892Livingston Co., IL, USA, Lic. 4485, Book J.3
Marriagecirca 1895mar 5 years in 1900 census1
1900 Census1900Douglas, Iroquois Co., IL, USA, age 30, grocery salesman4
Marriagecirca Oct, 1909mar 7 months in 1910 census; her 1st, his 3rd5
1910 Census1910Gilman, Iroquois Co., IL, USA, age 40, distributing agent, Standard Oil Co.5
Deathbefore 1920wife is widow


  1. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  2. [S235] U.S. Census, 1870 US Census, Rockville, Kankakee Co., IL, Reel 238, p. 238, line 14, dwl 4-4.
  3. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900: Houghton Surname search.
  4. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Douglas, Iroquois Co., Illinois; Roll: T623; Enumeration District: 12; Sheet: 15A; line 11, dwl 312-321.
  5. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Gilman Ward 1, Iroquois, Illinois; Roll: T624_292; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 74;
    line 38, dwl 151-161.

Ella M. Thrasher1

F, #41704, b. May 1870

Family: William L. Houghton b. Nov 1869, d. b 1920


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthMay, 1870IL, USA, age 30 in 1900 census1
Marriagecirca 1895mar 5 years in 1900 census2
1900 Census1900Douglas, Iroquois Co., IL, USA, age 30, grocery salesman1
ParentsDfather born in MA, Esther Thrasher, born in CT1


  1. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Douglas, Iroquois Co., Illinois; Roll: T623; Enumeration District: 12; Sheet: 15A; line 11, dwl 312-321.
  2. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  3. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Gilman Ward 1, Iroquois, Illinois; Roll: T624_292; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 74;
    line 38, dwl 151-161.

Sidney Houghton1,2

M, #41705, b. 3 March 1850, d. 8 September 1914

Family: Amy Mellen b. 2 Jan 1851


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthMar 3, 1850Wheatland Twp, Will Co., IL, USA, age 3/12, VT, in 1850 census; age 20, VT, in 1870 census; age 30, IL, in 1880 census; Mar 1850, age in 1900 census; age 60 in 1910 census3,4
MarriageNov 23, 1871Kankakee Co., IL, USA, Lic. 2918, Book B, p. 931,5
1880 Census1880Chicago, Cook Co., IL, USA, age 30, a conductor on a horse car6
1900 Census1900Albuquerque, Bernalillo Co., NM, USA, age 50, mail car. city del.7
1910 Census1910Albuquerque, Bernalillo Co., NM, USA, age 60, city mail carrier8
DeathSep 8, 1914Albuquerque, Bernalillo Co., NM, USA4
BiographyBrandt: He was a city mail carrier in Chicago IL from 1879 to 1899, when he moved to Albuqurque, NM, immediately entering the postal service there. He was a member of the Methodist Church and served as choir leader during his entire residence there.9


  1. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  2. [S1226] 1850 U.S. Federal Census , Wheatland, Will Co., IL, Reel 432, V. 133, Pg 48A, Ln. 1, dwl 29-32.
  3. [S235] U.S. Census, 1850 US Census, Wheatland, Will Co., IL, Reel 432, V. 133, Pg 48A, Ln. 1, Hn 29, Fn 32.
  4. [S415] E-mail from Peggy Lasater, July 21 2005.
  5. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900: Houghton Surname search.
  6. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Chicago, Cook Co., IL, Roll: T9_194; Family History Film: 1254194; Page: 459C; Ed 128, SD 1, p. 459, line 32, dwl 6-27.
  7. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Albuquerque, Bernalillo Co., New Mexico; Roll: T623 ; Enumeration District: 9; Sheet: 7B, line 53, dwl 230-143-174.
  8. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Albuquerque Ward 3, Bernalillo, New Mexico; Roll: T624_913; Page: 11B; Enumeration District: 12; line 93, dwl 420-257-283.
  9. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 44.

Amy Mellen1,2

F, #41706, b. 2 January 1851

Family: Sidney Houghton b. 3 Mar 1850, d. 8 Sep 1914


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJan 2, 1851Winhall, VT, USA, age 29 in 1880 census; age 49 in 1900 census; age 59 in 1910 census; age 69 in 1920 census3,4,5
MarriageNov 23, 1871Kankakee Co., IL, USA, Lic. 2918, Book B, p. 931,6
1880 Census1880Chicago, Cook Co., IL, USA, age 30, a conductor on a horse car7
1900 Census1900Albuquerque, Bernalillo Co., NM, USA, age 50, mail car. city del.4
1910 Census1910Albuquerque, Bernalillo Co., NM, USA, age 60, city mail carrier8
1920 Census1920Albuquerque, Bernalillo Co., NM, USA, age 69, widow, none; David, caretaker9,10
DeathAlbuquerque, Bernalillo Co., NM, USA5


  1. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  2. [S415] E-mail from Peggy Lasater, July 21 2005.
  3. [S235] U.S. Census, Chicago, Cook Co., IL, Ed 128, SD 1, p. 459, line 32, dwl 6-27.
  4. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Albuquerque, Bernalillo Co., New Mexico; Roll: T623 ; Enumeration District: 9; Sheet: 7B, line 53, dwl 230-143-174.
  5. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 44.
  6. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900: Houghton Surname search.
  7. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Chicago, Cook Co., IL, Roll: T9_194; Family History Film: 1254194; Page: 459C; Ed 128, SD 1, p. 459, line 32, dwl 6-27.
  8. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Albuquerque Ward 3, Bernalillo, New Mexico; Roll: T624_913; Page: 11B; Enumeration District: 12; line 93, dwl 420-257-283.
  9. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Albuquerque, Bernalillo Co., NM, Film 865, Box 12, Vol. 1, E.D. 20, Sh. 22, Ln. 91.
  10. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Albuquerque Ward 4, Bernalillo, New Mexico; Roll: T625_1074; Page: 22B; Enumeration District: 20; line 91, dwl 420-607-627.

Cora M. Houghton1,2

F, #41707, b. 19 November 1872

Family 1: Charles Edwin Morrison b. 27 Apr 1864, d. 10 Jan 1910

Family 2: David Michener b. 1852, d. 2 Jan 1923

Family 3: William Pender b. 11 Mar 1866, d. Sep 1945


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthNov 19, 1872Chicago, Cook Co., IL, USA, age 7 in 1880 census; age 47 in 1920 census3,4
MarriageJun 13, 1891Chicago, Cook Co., IL, USA, Lic. 1687321,5
MarriageDec 25, 19196,4
MarriageMar 11, 1924Albuquerque, Bernalillo Co., NM, USA4


  1. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  2. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Albuquerque Ward 4, Bernalillo, New Mexico; Roll: T625_1074; Page: 22B; Enumeration District: 20; line 91, dwl 420-607-627.
  3. [S235] U.S. Census, Chicago, Cook Co., IL, Ed 128, SD 1, p. 459, line 32, dwl 6-27.
  4. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 44.
  5. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900: Houghton Surname search.
  6. [S235] U.S. Census, 1920 Soundex, Albuquerque, Bernalillo Co., NM, Film 865, Box 12, Vol. 1, E.D. 20, Sh. 22, Ln. 91.

Walter Irving Houghton1

M, #41708, b. 1877, d. 1884


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birth1877Chicago, Cook Co., IL, USA, age 3 in 1880 census1,3
Death1884Chicago, Cook Co., IL, USA3
BurialGilman, IL, USA3


  1. [S235] U.S. Census, Chicago, Cook Co., IL, Ed 128, SD 1, p. 459, line 32, dwl 6-27.
  2. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  3. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 44.

Grace Houghton1

F, #41709, b. 2 July 1886, d. 4 April 1906

Family: Bernard Gunsell


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJul 2, 1886Chicago, Cook Co., IL, USA, age 13 in 1900 census2,3
DeathApr 4, 1906Roswell, NM, USA, in childbirth4


  1. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  2. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Albuquerque, Bernalillo Co., New Mexico; Roll: T623 ; Enumeration District: 9; Sheet: 7B, line 53, dwl 230-143-174.
  3. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 44.
  4. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 45.

Charles Edwin Morrison1,2

M, #41710, b. 27 April 1864, d. 10 January 1910

Family: Cora M. Houghton b. 19 Nov 1872


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthApr 27, 18642
MarriageJun 13, 1891Chicago, Cook Co., IL, USA, Lic. 1687323,1
DeathJan 10, 1910


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900: Houghton Surname search.
  2. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 44.
  3. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.

Howard Alllen Morrison1,2

M, #41711, b. 26 June 1892, d. September 1892


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthJun 26, 1892Chicago, Cook Co., IL, USA2
DeathSep, 1892Chicago, Cook Co., IL, USA2


  1. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  2. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 45.

Amy Elizabeth Morrison1,2

F, #41712, b. 8 October 1897, d. February 1899


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthOct 8, 1897Chicago, Cook Co., IL, USA
DeathFeb, 1899Albuquerque, Bernalillo Co., NM, USA2


  1. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  2. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 45.

Winthrop Sidney Morrison1,2

M, #41713, b. 16 May 1894


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthMay 16, 1894Chicago, Cook Co., IL, USA2


  1. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  2. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 45.

Ruth Lillian Morrison1,2

F, #41714, b. 12 September 1895

Family: (?) Pottinger

  • Marriage*: Ruth Lillian Morrison married (?) Pottinger on May 24, 1937.2


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthSep 12, 1895Chicago, Cook Co., IL, USA2
MarriageMay 24, 19372
No Childrn


  1. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  2. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 45.

David Mungle1

M, #41715

Family: Nancy Houghton b. 26 Mar 1819, d. 20 May 1898


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN


  1. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  2. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 61.

Sarah Elizabeth Capron1,2

F, #41716, b. 16 June 1816, d. 18 March 1868

Family: Rhodolphus Houghton b. 2 Dec 1811, d. 6 Jul 1869


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJun 16, 1816Rutland, VT, USA, age 35 in 1850 census; age 45 in 1860 census; Brandt: 15 Jun 18163,4,2
MarriageOct 7, 1835Rutland, VT, USA5,2
OccupationAug 13, 1840Menden, VT, USA, first constable per VT VRs2
1850 Census1850Wheatland, Will Co., IL, USA, age 38, a farmer, property $800; 5 houses from brother Leland6
1860 CensusJul 12, 1860Wilton, Will Co., IL, USA, age 49, a farmer, property $6000-12007
DeathMar 18, 1868Rutland, Rutland Co., VT, USA, Brandt: Wilton Center, IL4,2
Noteall children living with Azor in 1860 census
ParentsDAzor Capron and Damaris Duncklee8


  1. [S1074] Town Records: Rutland, VT, p. 1046: VT Division of Records, Middlesex, VT, F-30546, VT VRs 1871-1904.
  2. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 45.
  3. [S235] U.S. Census, 1850 US Census, Wheatland, Will Co., IL, Reel 432, V. 133, P. 48B, Ln 26.
  4. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , http://home.comcast.net/~desilva/p53.htm#i1632
  5. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  6. [S1226] 1850 U.S. Federal Census , Wheatland, Will Co., IL, Reel 432, V. 133, P. 48B, Ln 26, dwl 37-40.
  7. [S1227] 1860 U.S. Federal Census , Wilton, Will Co., IL, p. 377, line 9 , dwl 1181-1090.
  8. [S1285] Margaret R. Jenks, Rutland, Rutland Co., VT Cemetery Inscriptions, p. 141.
  9. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Rootsweb.Com, Houghton Surname, California Death Records, 1940-1997, Feb. 4, 2002.

Henry Houghton1

M, #41717, b. 1 March 1837, d. 16 October 1919

Family: Jane Maria Longshore b. 7 Aug 1847, d. 24 Apr 1930


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthMar 1, 1837Mendon, VT, USA, age 13 in 1850 census; age 22 in 1860 census; age "43" in 1870 census; age 43 in 1880 census; Mar 1837, age 63 in 1900 census2,3,4,5
MarriageApr 26, 1869Will Co., IL, USA, Lic 36551,6
1870 Census1870Wilton, Will Co., IL, USA, age 33 a farmer, property $10,600-37777
1900 Census1900Will, Will Co., IL, USA, age 63, farmer; 4 children born, 2 living; 2 houses from brother Almon; 3 servants3
1910 Census1910Will, Will Co., IL, USA, age 73, truck garden farmer8
DeathOct 16, 1919Peotone, Will Co., IL, USA, wife is a widow9
BiographyBrandt: Henry Houghton farmed near Wilton Center, Will Co., IL and later moved to Peotone, IL, where for many years he was a gardner, specializing in flowers. From his greenhouse, garden flowers for funerals, weddings and other occasions, were obtained.9


  1. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  2. [S235] U.S. Census, 1850 US Census, Wheatland, Will Co., IL, Reel 432, V. 133, P. 48B, Ln 26.
  3. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Will, Will Co., Illinois; Roll: T623 ; Enumeration District: 150; Sheet 8A; line 45, dwl 135-138.
  4. [S1411] Frederic A. Holden, Descendants of Banfield Capron, p. 120.
  5. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 45.
  6. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900: Houghton Surname search.
  7. [S1228] 1870 U.S. Federal Census , Wilton, Will Co. IL, Reel 292, p. 553, line 18, dwl 98-98.
  8. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Will, Will, Illinois; Roll: T624_335; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 201; line 1, dwl 20-20.
  9. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 46.

John Rudolphus Houghton1

M, #41718, b. 13 May 1839, d. 11 January 1933

Family: Margaret Jane Watson b. 1844, d. 1919


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthMay 13, 1839Rutland or Mendon, VT, USA, age 11 in 1850 census; age 21 in 1860 census; age 31 in 1870 census; May 1839, age 61 in 1900 census;
age 80 in 1920 census;
age 90 in 1930 census3,4,5
MarriageMay 18, 1861Will Co., IL, USA, Lic. 986; age 222,6
1870 Census1870Wilton, Will Co., IL, USA, two houses from brother Henry; age 31, a farmer, property $2800-10007
DeathJan 11, 1933Joliet, Will Co., IL, USA, Cert. 2990021, filed Jan 12, 19331


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Illinois Statewide Death Index, 1916-1950: Houghton Surname search.
  2. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  3. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Rockville, Kankakee Co., Illinois; Roll: T623; Enumeration District: 52; Sheet: 3A; line 16, dwl 35.
  4. [S1411] Frederic A. Holden, Descendants of Banfield Capron, p. 120.
  5. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 45.
  6. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900: Houghton Surname search.
  7. [S1228] 1870 U.S. Federal Census , Wilton, Will Co. IL, Reel 292, p. 553, line 30, dwl 100-100.

Almon Houghton1

M, #41719, b. 22 February 1851, d. 4 August 1906

Family: Emma Millstead b. 8 Mar 1843, d. 12 Sep 1926

  • Marriage*: Almon Houghton married Emma Millstead on circa 1873 mar 27 years in 1900 census.1


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthFeb 22, 1851Weathland, Will Co., IL, USA, age 9, IL, in 1860 census; age 19, IL, in 1870 census; Feb 1851, age 49 in 1900 census2,3
Marriagecirca 1873mar 27 years in 1900 census1
1880 Census1880Wall, Ford Co., IL, USA, age 28, farmer; and Elizabeth Millstead, 80, IL4
1900 Census1900Will, Will Co., IL, USA, age 49, farmer; 5 children born, 4 living5
DeathAug 4, 1906USA
Burial1906Peotone Cemetery, Peotone, IL, USA


  1. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  2. [S1411] Frederic A. Holden, Descendants of Banfield Capron, p. 120.
  3. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 45.
  4. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Wall, Ford, Illinois; Roll: 206; Family History Film: 1254206; Page: 432B; Enumeration District: 119; Image: 0866; line 31, dwl 15-16.
  5. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Will, Will Co., Illinois; Roll: T623 ; Enumeration District: 150; Sheet 8A; line 39, dwl 133-136.

Julia D. Houghton1,2

F, #41720, b. 3 November 1841, d. January 1919

Family: Daniel F. Robinson


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthNov 3, 1841Mendon, VT, USA, age 9 in 1850 census3,4,5
MarriageOct 12, 1858Will Co., IL, USA, Lic. 292; Brandt: Grand Island, NE6,2,7
DeathJan, 1919Grand Island, NE, USA7


  1. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  2. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900: Houghton Surname search.
  3. [S235] U.S. Census, 1850 US Census, Wheatland, Will Co., IL, Reel 432, V. 133, P. 48B, Ln 26.
  4. [S1411] Frederic A. Holden, Descendants of Banfield Capron, p. 120.
  5. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 45.
  6. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  7. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 51.

Azor Capron Houghton1,2,3

M, #41721, b. 2 May 1845, d. 15 July 1867

Family: Clara Jennings


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthMay 2, 1845VT, USA, age 5, VT, in 1850 census; age 15, VT, in 1860 census; Brandt: May 2 1846, Wheatland, Will Co., IL2,4,5
1860 CensusJul 12, 1860Wilton, Will Co., IL, USA, age 15, a farmer; head of household, with his syblings; parents living on different farm6
Milit-BegDec 23, 1863Wilmington, IL, USA, in the Union Army, Comp. E, 39th Illinois Infantry, a private7,8,9
ResearchDec 23, 1863IL, USA
MarriageOct 12, 1865Will Co., IL, USA, Lic 225810
DeathJul 15, 1867in the civil war11


  1. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  2. [S235] U.S. Census, 1850 US Census, Wheatland, Will Co., IL, Reel 432, V. 133, P. 48B, Ln 26.
  3. [S1285] Margaret R. Jenks, Rutland, Rutland Co., VT Cemetery Inscriptions, p. 141.
  4. [S1411] Frederic A. Holden, Descendants of Banfield Capron, p. 120.
  5. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 45.
  6. [S1227] 1860 U.S. Federal Census , Wilton, Will Co., IL, p. 380, line 7 , dwl 1205-1114.
  7. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , CivilWarData.Com, Civil War Research and Genealogy Database, Nov. 2001.
  8. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online www.ancestry.com, Civil War Service Records, Oct. 1, 2001.
  9. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online www.ancestry.com, American Civil War Soldiers database, Oct. 1, 2001.
  10. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900: Houghton Surname search.
  11. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 51.

Marcia Lucia Houghton1

F, #41722, b. 21 August 1848, d. 7 September 1943

Family: John Millstead


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthAug 21, 1848VT, USA, age 2, VT, in 1850 census; age 12, VT, in 1860 census; Brandt: Willmington, IL3,4,1
MarriageMar 22, 1871Kankakee Co., IL, USA, Lic. 2775, Book B, p. 89; Brandt: Winton Center, IL5,2,1
1880 Census1880Douglas, Iriquois Co., IL, USA
DeathSep 7, 1943Kankakee, IL, USA1


  1. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 52.
  2. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  3. [S235] U.S. Census, 1850 US Census, Wheatland, Will Co., IL, Reel 432, V. 133, P. 48B, Ln 26.
  4. [S1411] Frederic A. Holden, Descendants of Banfield Capron, p. 120.
  5. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900: Houghton Surname search.

Cyrus Houghton1

M, #41723, b. 18 November 1853, d. 4 June 1945

Family: Hannah E. Jones b. 30 Nov 1856, d. 24 Nov 1943


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthNov 18, 1853Wheatland, Will Co., IL, USA, age 7 in 1860 census; age 17 in 1870 census; age 26 in 1880 census; Nov 1853, age 46 in 1900 census; age 56 in 1910 census; age 66 in 1920 census; age 77 in 1930 census; age 86 in 1940 census2,3,4,5
MarriageMay 3, 1879Wilton Center, Will Co., IL, USA, Lic. 7618; age 25 and 226,4
1880 Census1880Wesley, Will Co., IL, USA, age 26, a farmer7
1900 Census1900Rockford, Gage Co., NE, USA, age 46, farmer8
1910 Census1910Rockford, Gage Co., NE, USA, age 56, farmer9
1920 Census1920Blue Springs, Gage Co., NE, USA, age 66, retired farmer10
1930 Census1930Long Beach, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA, age 77, apartment landlord11
1940 Census1940Long Beach, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA, age 86, none12
DeathJun 4, 1945Long Beach, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA, age 912,4


  1. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  2. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Rootsweb.Com, Houghton Surname, California Death Records, 1940-1997, Feb. 4, 2002.
  3. [S1411] Frederic A. Holden, Descendants of Banfield Capron, p. 120.
  4. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 60.
  5. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 45.
  6. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900: Houghton Surname search.
  7. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Wesley, Will, Illinois; Roll: T9_261; Family History Film: 1254261; Page: 529C; Enumeration District: 215; sheet 19, line 34, dwl 116-123.
  8. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Rockford, Gage Co., Nebraska; Roll:T623; Enumeration District 63; Sheet: 6B; line 84, dwl 122-125.
  9. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Rockford, Gage, Nebraska; Roll: T624_846; Page: 7A; Enumeration District: 68; line 25, dwl 135-135.
  10. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Blue Springs, Gage, Nebraska; Roll: T625_986; Page: 3B; Enumeration District: 55; line 84, dwl 78-78.
  11. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Long Beach, Los Angeles Co., California; Roll: 129; Enumeration District: 1086; sheet 4B, line 92, dwl 208-140-143.
  12. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , Long Beach, Los Angeles, California; Roll: T627_368; Page: 9A; Enumeration District: 59-4; line 14, dwl 808.

Marvin Rhodolpus Houghton1,2

M, #41724, b. 20 March 1856


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthMar 20, 1856Weathland, Will Co., IL, USA, (age 4 in 1860 census; age 15 in 1870 census)3,2


  1. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  2. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 45.
  3. [S1411] Frederic A. Holden, Descendants of Banfield Capron, p. 120.

Albert H. Houghton1

M, #41725, b. 6 July 1858, d. 11 June 1879


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJul 6, 1858Weathland, Will Co., IL, USA, age 2 in 1860 census; age 12 in 1870 census2,1,3,4
DeathJun 11, 1879Rutland, Rutland Co., VT, USA, age 19-11-5; Rutland Hx: after being hurt by a mule and developed quick consumption; age 20 y 11 m on GS5,1
BurialEvergreen Cemetery, Rutland, VT, USA


  1. [S1074] Town Records: Rutland, VT, p. 1046: VT Division of Records, Middlesex, VT, F-30546, VT VRs 1871-1904.
  2. [S235] U.S. Census, 1870 US Census, Wilton, Will Co. IL, Reel 292, p. 553, line 18, dwl 98-98.
  3. [S1411] Frederic A. Holden, Descendants of Banfield Capron, p. 120.
  4. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 45.
  5. [S1285] Margaret R. Jenks, Rutland, Rutland Co., VT Cemetery Inscriptions, p. 141.

Jane Maria Longshore1

F, #41726, b. 7 August 1847, d. 24 April 1930

Family: Henry Houghton b. 1 Mar 1837, d. 16 Oct 1919


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthAug 7, 1847Reynoldsburg, OH, USA, age 33 in 1880 census; age 52 in 1900 census; age 63, OH, in 1910 census; age 72, OH, in 1920 census; age 82 in 1930 census; 1910 census of son Llewelyn gives IL2,1
MarriageApr 26, 1869Will Co., IL, USA, Lic 36553,4
1870 Census1870Wilton, Will Co., IL, USA, age 33 a farmer, property $10,600-37775
1880 Census1880Will, Will Co., IL, USA, age 43, a farmer6
1900 Census1900Will, Will Co., IL, USA, age 63, farmer; 4 children born, 2 living; 2 houses from brother Almon; 3 servants7
1910 Census1910Will, Will Co., IL, USA, age 73, truck garden farmer8
Note19104 children born, 2 living
1920 Census1920Will, Will Co., IL, USA, age 72, widow, none9
1930 Census1930Peotone, Will Co., IL, USA, age 82, widow10
DeathApr 24, 1930Peotone, Will Co., IL, USA, Cert. 990177, filed Apr. 26, 193011
ParentsDJohn G. and Sydney Longshore; father born in PA, mother born in OH in 1910; opposite in 1920 census8,1


  1. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 46.
  2. [S235] U.S. Census, 1870 US Census, Wilton, Will Co. IL, Reel 292, p. 553, line 18, dwl 98-98.
  3. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  4. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900: Houghton Surname search.
  5. [S1228] 1870 U.S. Federal Census , Wilton, Will Co. IL, Reel 292, p. 553, line 18, dwl 98-98.
  6. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Will, Will, Illinois; Roll: T9_261; Family History Film: 1254261; Page: 590A; Enumeration District: 219; sheet 25, line 24, dwl 153-154.
  7. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Will, Will Co., Illinois; Roll: T623 ; Enumeration District: 150; Sheet 8A; line 45, dwl 135-138.
  8. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Will, Will, Illinois; Roll: T624_335; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 201; line 1, dwl 20-20.
  9. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Will, Will, Illinois; Roll: T625_415; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 211;
    line 89, dwl 155-155.
  10. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Peotone, Will, Illinois; Roll 569; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 75; line 94, dwl 195-199.
  11. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Illinois Statewide Death Index, 1916-1950: Houghton Surname search.

Lawrence Houghton1

M, #41727, b. 2 March 1870, d. 25 July 1870


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthMar 2, 1870Wilton Center, IL, USA2
DeathJul 25, 1870Wilton Center, IL, USA, in infancy2


  1. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  2. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 46.

Florence Sydney Houghton1,2

F, #41728, b. 17 July 1871, d. 31 December 1967

Family: Charles Henry Carter b. 16 Dec 1865, d. 14 Feb 1938


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthJul 17, 1871Wilton Center, VT, USA, age 8 in 1880 census; age 48 in 1920 census3,4
MarriageDec 4, 1889Peotone, Will Co., IL, USA, Lic. 132881,5,4
DeathDec 31, 1967Elgin, IL, USA4


  1. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  2. [S415] E-mail from Jennifer Carter Dias, Jan. 2, 2004.
  3. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Will, Will, Illinois; Roll: T9_261; Family History Film: 1254261; Page: 590A; Enumeration District: 219; sheet 25, line 24, dwl 153-154.
  4. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 46.
  5. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900: Houghton Surname search.
  6. [S1232] 1920 U.S. Federal Census , Will, Will, Illinois; Roll: T625_415; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 211;
    line 89, dwl 155-155.

Frank Houghton1

M, #41729, b. 26 June 1872, d. 11 July 1872


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthJun 26, 1872Wilton Center, IL, USA2
DeathJul 11, 1872Wilton Center, IL, USA, in infancy2


  1. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  2. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 46.

LLewelyn Rhodolphus Houghton1

M, #41730, b. 27 January 1886, d. 17 August 1968

Family 1: Olive Margaret Schroeder b. 8 Oct 1888, d. 25 Apr 1964

Family 2: Nellie Stewart


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJan 27, 1886Peotone, Will Co., IL, USA, Jan 1886, age 14 in 1900 census; age 24 in 1910 census; age 33 in 1920 census; age 44 in 1930 census; age 54 in 1940 census1,3,4
MarriageFeb 23, 1910Richmond, IL, USA, age 24 and 211
1910 CensusApr 19, 1910Hebron, McHenry Co., IL, USA, age 24, dairy farmer; and 2 servants5
Mil. DraftSep 12, 1918McHenry Co., IL, USA, age 32, farmer6
1920 Census1920Hebron, McHenry Co., IL, USA, age 33, farmer7
1930 Census1930Hebron, McHenry Co., IL, USA, age 44, farmer8
1940 Census1940St. Charles, Kane Co., IL, USA, age 54, farmer helper; hired hand on Richard McDonald farm; residence Lake Villa, Lake Co., IL9
Residence1942Elgin, Kane Co., IL, USA
1950 US Census1950Kane Co., IL, USA, age 64, lumber yard truck driver
MarriageJun 10, 1967Elgin, IL, USA
DeathAug 17, 1968Hebron, McHenry Co., IL, USA1
ObituaryAug 20, 1968Woodstock, IL, USA, Lewellyn R. Houghton
RICHMOND - Funeral services for Lewellyn R. Houghton, 82, 5420 Walnut Street, Richmond, formerly of Hebron and Elgin, who died Saturday in Memorial Hospital for McHenry County, Woodstock, were held at 1:30 p.m. today (Tuesday) in the Ehorn Funeral Home, Richmond, with burial in Linn-Hebron cemetery, Hebron. He was bom Jan. 27, 1886, in Peotone. A retired farmer of the Hebron area, he was a member of the First United Methodist Church, Elgin. His first wife, Olive Schroeder, died April 25, 1964. He married Nellie Stewart on June 10, 1967, in Elgin. She survives.Also surviving are a daughter, Mrs. George (Margaret) G rabbert, Woodstock; three sons, Raymond, Fort Atkinson, Wis., Leslie, Elgin, and Arthur, Whitewater, Wis; II grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.


  1. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi
  2. [S36] Letter, Document in Bennington VT Genealogogical Library, compiled by Nettie N. Houghton, 1901, sent by Jane Woodward, Oct. 18, 1999.
  3. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Will, Will Co., Illinois; Roll: T623 ; Enumeration District: 150; Sheet 8A; line 45, dwl 135-138.
  4. [S890] Lillie Brandt, Desc. of Eleazer Houghton- Brand, p. 46.
  5. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Hebron, McHenry, Illinois; Roll: T624_304; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 134; Line 22, dwl 73-73.
  6. [S1308] World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, online http://content.ancestry.com, Roll: 1614210.
  7. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Hebron, McHenry, Illinois; Roll: T625_386; Page: 3B; Enumeration District: 133; line 91, dwl 59-59.
  8. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Hebron, McHenry Co., IL, Roll 536, Dist 30, ED 56, SD 2, sheet 4A, p. 270, line 40, dwl 71-71.
  9. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , St Charles, Kane, Illinois; Roll: T627_822; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 45-112; line 17.