Dr. Elijah Reeves Hooten1

M, #40292, b. 29 July 1817, d. 24 September 1870

Family: Ellen Amanda Bills b. 21 Oct 1818, d. 4 Feb 1859


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJul 29, 1817Bedford Co., TN, USA2
MarriageJun 1, 1837Marshall Co., TN, USA1
ResidenceMarshall, TN, USA2
Immigration1846Hopkins, TX, USA2
DeathSep 24, 1870Hopkins, TX, USA2
ObituaryDec, 1870The Gospel Advocate, p. 1134

Brethren L. & S. Died at his residence in Hopkins County Texas, on the 24th of September, 1870, our dearly beloved Bro. Dr. Elijah R. Hooten.

Brother Hooten was born July 29, 1817 in Bedford Co., Tenn., being 53 years old. He obeyed the Gospel in early youth, and emigrated to Texas in the Fall of 1846. Settled in the wilderness portion of the county near where his body now lies. When he arrived in Texas he was without means. A settlement was soon made and a house of worship reared, the oldest congregation of Desciples in this portion of the county, of which he was principal Elder met in it. Though poor in this world's goods, yet rich in faith, he was never known to despond. He was always cheerful-pressing onward, comforting the disconso!ate, strengthening the weak, and confirming the strong, persuading the sinner, and encouraging the Christian. The Bible was his theme by his fireside, in the stand, and while administering to the afflicted, every word was seasoned with love; so much was he engaged in the work of love, that those who differed from him religiously or medically, were often heard to say that he was the best Christian that they ever knew.

While others thought him faultless, he felt his weakness and was always ready to confess his faults. He expressed his willingness to meet death. He whispered in my ear "my way is clear; my hope is worth ten thousand worlds like this. I have spent my life trying to be ready to meet my Savior in peace." O! what sweet words to hear from a departing brother!

He leaves behind 10 'loving children and the companion of his latter days, as well as a large congregation of brethren and sisters in the Lord to mourn his loss. As the Scriptures have said, "blessed are they that die in the Lord, for their labors do follow them."

Yours in the one hope,

-J. R. Hooten.
Notea physician


  1. [S1023] Ouida Patricia Hooten, Feb. 14, 2000.
  2. [S415] E-mail from William Wells Houghton Jr, July 9, 1999.

Dr. James Walker Hooten1

M, #40293, b. 17 March 1841, d. 21 July 1899

Family: Martha Ann Testerman


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthMar 17, 1841Marshall, TX, USA1
Immigration1846Hopkins, TX, USA1
MarriageMay 30, 1860Sulpher Springs, Hopkins Co., TX, USA, Jan 4 1860 also1
Milit-Begbetween Feb, 1862 and 1865Tarrant, TX, USA, Company B, 32d Regiment, Texas Cavalry
Immigrationcirca 1870Lampasas, TX, USA, and practiced medicine1
DeathJul 21, 1899Lometa, Lampasas, TX, USA, of liver cancer1
BiographyJAMES WALKER HOOTEN, MD (1841-1899)

(Obituary copied from a newspaper clipping. Name of newspaper and date

"Dr. J.W. Hooten died at his home at Lometa, Texas, July 21st , 1899, of carcinoma of the liver, of which disease he had suffered for twelve months, but during his suffering, he never did become discouraged. He seemed to realize his condition and stated all the time that he was ready to go, and a few days before his death he wrote the following lines in a memorandum book: "I was born March 17th, 1841, in Marshall county, Tenn., moved with my father, Dr. E.R. Hooten, and family to Hopkins county, Texas, in the fall of 1846. Obeyed the gospel in 1854, was married to M.A. Testerman, daughter of Jessie and Mary Testerman, May 30th, 1860." He died at the age of 58 years. Brother Hooten moved to Lampasas county, a bout 29 years ago and practiced medicine ever since. He stood high in his profession as a physician. He was not a preacher of the gospel, but a teacher, and always ready to defend the cause of our blessed Master when brought in question by its enemies. During all his illness he continued to read the Bible until his eyes became so weak that he could not read; but he continued to talk to his friends, and told them he had no fear of death. He will be greatly
missed by all who knew him best as a citizen and a Christian gentleman. He would give the last cent for the support of the gospel. But sad to say he will be with us no more in this world, but we hope to live so as to meet him in that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens, where the righteous shall forever dwell. He left a dear Christian wife and seven children to mourn his loss, five of them are members in one body. Bro. G.A. Trott was called upon by the writer to make a talk at the grave, which was very instructive and sympathetic. Brother Hooten was the writer's father-in-law and has proven to be a true father to me in all my troubles."

"In conclusion we wish to thank all of our neighbors for their kindness shown us, also the kindness shown us by the physicians who attended Brother Hooten and all his time and attention to our assistance. To the members of the church of Christ we can say they have shown that there is a reality in the religion of the Lord Jesus Christ, by their kind attention. Remember, dear brethren and sisters, it is our duty to visit the widow and orphans in their afflictions, to console them in their bereavement. I hope every Christian who knew Brother Hooten will paste this in the front of their Bibles, and try to follow in his footsteps."

"Yours in hope of eternal life,"
"F.W. Dent"
"Lometa, Texas."

Additional information:

During the Civil War James Walker Hooten served in Company B, 32d Regiment Texas Cavalry. According to a Company Muster Roll dated February 4 to August 31, 1862, he enlisted 4 February 1862 for 12 months at Tarrant, Texas; served as a Private until 8 May 1862, then he was promoted to 2nd Sergeant. In September and October of 1863 he was listed as "Absent with leave". On 5 April 1864 he was listed in the Company Muster Roll as "Absent without leave 11 Dec 1863. Supposed to be in Hopkins Co., Tex. Not entitled to Bounty." On a list of Officers and Men for Company B, 32d Regiment Texas it states Present whereabouts Hopkins Co. Texas, Remarks: Absent without leave.

In March of 1865 he appears on a Regimental Return as a Private in Company G, 23 Regiment, Texas Cavalry; Enlisted men on Extra or Daily Duty: Teamster.

The following was copied from the "THE LAMPASAS LEADER" Friday, August 25,

To the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Brethren of Ennys Creek Lodge, No, 514, A. F. & A. M.

At 5 o'clock A.M. on Friday, July 21, J. W. Hooten died in Lometa, Lampasas county, Texas, after months of lingering illness. His mortal remains were deposited in the earth by your hands in the presence of the assembled population of Lometa and the surrounding country. His body rests in the grave waiting for the general resurrection of the dead. Job asked as we do, "If a man die shall he live again!" Mortal' man has not answered this fuller than

Did Job, "Though my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God.", "For I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth, whom I shall see for myself."

Brother Hooten was the son of Dr. E. Hooten a pioneer preacher in the Christian church, and a man of a broad and good influence as a preacher and citizen. Born March 17, 1841, in Marshall county, Tennessee by parents of correct morals in the pure atmosphere of farm life. In early life he joined the church of his parents faith, in which he continued while he lived. The impress of character and training from his parents enabled him to go through camp life in the Confederate army without a shadow of a blemish. After he became of lawful age, he was made a Mason by Ennys Creek Lodge. No. 514, at Lometa, Texas, and always lived close to the precepts taught him. He was an ideal Mason. Shortly after his return from the army, he began the practice of medicine in and around Senterfitt, where he spent the remainder of his life. He never lost or had to hunt for a job--he was always too deeply engaged in matters entrusted to him to meddle with the affairs of others. He was at different times connected with and entrusted
with matters, and was never known to improperly tell what was being done in such matters. He was a quiet, dignified gentleman, unremittingly punctual to his post of duty and business. The tides of gayety seekers came in, and the tides of pleasure seekers went out, but he remained at work. The tides of human passions ebbed and flowed with the barren sands of ambition, but he remained quiet and unobtrusive at work.

At the age of 21 years, he was married, on May 30th, 1879, to Miss Martha Ann Testerman. in Hopkins county, Texas, to whom, with five daughters and two sons, he leaves his name, his memory and his love. In the history of Lometa, or of this Lodge, never did more people assemble to pay the last tribute to the dead, than quietly came to lay away the body of this quiet, plain business man. The last twenty years of his life passed within twenty. miles of his grave.

He moved with his father's family from Marshal! County Tennessee, to Texas in the fa!1.of 1846. There was no attraction of great wealth or civic or military titles to which his fellow beings felt constrained to do honor, but every one was drawn by the stronger cord of belief and conviction that he was a personal friend, faithful and just, even to the restoring of four-fold to any whom he might have wronged. About October, 1898, he took his bed, the new year found him sick, but he rallied in early Spring, but the newness of life passed unenjoyed by him, whose life had been devoted to work and duty. He bore his six month's sickness with the same patience that he had discharged the duties of life, without a murmur, waiting patiently, fearlessly until he should in see the third watch of the day in the form of an angel to relieve him of his toil. The angel of rest that the Supreme Grand Master sent in the first watch of the seventh day to relieve his weary laborer, that divinest angel that ever comes to the abode of man though her beauty shines forever through tears.

The toiler has left. his labor forever, and has entered the middle chamber to receive his wages and learn the mysteries that lie within the vale. He shall return no more to his home, neither shall his place know him any more.

Fraternally Submitted. J. W. Stephens, W, W. BARRETT, Geo. F. FAIR, Committee."1
Children+7 children: 5 dau. and 2 sons


  1. [S415] E-mail from William Wells Houghton Jr, July 9, 1999.
  2. [S1023] Ouida Patricia Hooten, Feb. 14, 2000.

Martha Ann Testerman1

F, #40294

Family: Dr. James Walker Hooten b. 17 Mar 1841, d. 21 Jul 1899


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
MarriageMay 30, 1860Sulpher Springs, Hopkins Co., TX, USA, Jan 4 1860 also1
ParentsDJessie and Mary Testerman
Children+7 children: 5 dau. and 2 sons


  1. [S415] E-mail from William Wells Houghton Jr, July 9, 1999.

Ellen Amanda Bills1

F, #40295, b. 21 October 1818, d. 4 February 1859

Family: Dr. Elijah Reeves Hooten b. 29 Jul 1817, d. 24 Sep 1870


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthOct 21, 1818TN, USA1
DeathFeb 4, 1859Hopkins Co., TX, USA1
ParentsDDaniel B. Bills
ObituaryJun, 1859Nashville, TN, USA, The Gospel Advocate, Vol. V, No. 6
Page 160 Editors - T. Fanning and W. Lipscomb

Lamar Co., Texas, February 28, 1859

Bro. Fanning - Dear Sir, it becomes my painful duty to announce to you the death of sister Ellen A. Hooten, wife of brother Dr. E.R. Hooten, and daughter of Daniel B. Bills. She was born October A D 1818, embraced the Savior in her 42th year, was married to Brother Hooten June 1, 1837, departed this life February 4, 1859. From the time she put on the Savior, until her death, she lived a devoted Christian. She bore her last suffering with patience and resignation and died in the truimph of a living faith. She leaves a kind husbsand, 10 children, an aged father and mother and numerous friends'to mourn her loss, but they sorrow not as those who have no hope.

-J. C. Matthews -


  1. [S1023] Ouida Patricia Hooten, Feb. 14, 2000.

Elijah Hooten1

M, #40296, b. 1753, d. 11 March 1844

Family: Sooky Suzannah b. c 1755


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birth1753NC, USA1
Milit-Beg1779Cumberland, NC, USA, Capt. Edwards' company, Col. Williams' North Carolina regiment; in battle of Gates' defeat, battle of Guilford Court House, where he was severely wounded.1
ImmigrationHe moved to Grayson Co., VA; then to near Scottsville, KY; then to Warren Co., TN; then to White Co., TN1
PensionInxApr 18, 1834White, TN, USA, S. 43881
DeathMar 11, 1844White Co., TN, USA2
BurialMar, 1844White Co., TN, USA2
Biography"ELIJAH HOOTEN (1753-1844)

Revolutionary War Soldier

The data which follows were obtained from papers on file in pension claim, S. 4388, based upon the service of Elijah Hooten in The Revolutionary War

Elijah Hooten was born in the year 1753 in the State of North Carolina. The names of his parents were not given.

While a resident of Cumberland County, North Carolina, Elijah Hooten volunteered late in 1779, served as a private in Captain Edwards' company, Colonel Williams' North Carolina regiment, he was in the battle of Gates' Defeat, and in the battle of Guil ford Court House, where he was severely wounded, and returned to his home in Cumberland County, North Carolina.

After the Revolution he moved from Cumberland County, to Grayson County, Virginia, then to near Scottsville, in Kentucky, then to Warren County, Tennessee, thence to White County, Tennessee.

He was allowed $20 per annum pension on his application executed April 18, 1834, at which time he was living in White County, Tennessee. He died March 11, 1844.

(Following is a copy of the original application for pension)

State of Tennessee
White County

On this 16 day of April 1834 personally appeared in open Court before the Justice of the Court of pleas and greater sessions for said county now sitting Elijah Hooten or Whooten, a resident of said County aged about Eighty one years who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7, 1832.

That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers, and served as here in stated.

He is olden his memory frail: to the best of his recollection he entered the service as a private volunteer soldier, under Captain Edwards in Cumberland County North Carolina: he thinks this was some time in the latter part of the year 1779 = his engagement was for twelve months - and has served it out. He was under the command of General Caswell: The troops to which he belonged joined General Gates on "deep River", at a place called "Cox's Settlement". He remained with Gates' army until Gates' defeat near Camden. He was in that battle - and can relate many of the occurrences of the day - but it is deemed unnecessary. He will barely mention that his Captain & Lieutenant were both killed - his Lieutenants name was Castor this declarant was present, and near to his Lieutenant when he was killed. - His Colonel's name was Williams: His engagement as stated above was only for twelve months, but he remained in the service until the battle of Guilford, having joined General Greenes army, after Gates' defeat - his Captain's name, (i.e. after the death of Edwards) he cannot remember, the troops were dispersed and scattered after Gates' defeat - which circumstance makes it difficult for him to remember his officers at Guilford - He was in that memorable battle, and received a severe wound, which disables him so that he could not serve any longer - he was taken home to Cumberland County - and was unable to walk at the close of the war. The scars, or indications of the wound, are at this day Clearly to be seen, and inspected by the Court. It has occasioned him to be a cripple, ever since he received the wound, and will so continue to the day of his death. He cannot positively say, that he was in the service two years as a private soldier. He can however state that as his best impression and is positively sure of having served one year and six months - for which he claims a pension. He knows of no living witness by whom he can prove his service. He hereby relinquishes every claim to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his names is not on the pension roll agency of any state. Answer to the interrogations prescribed by the war department and propounded by the Court.

1. He was born in North Carolina, the County he does not remember - the year 1753 -

2. He has no record of his age-

3. When called into the service he lived in Cumberland County N.C. from there he removed to Grayson County Va from there to Kentucky near Scottsville - from there thence to Warren County, Tennessee to White County Tennessee where he now lives.

4. When called into the service he volunteered.

5. He has no acquaintance with any of the regular officers - except He knew the Commanders in Chief.

6. He never received a regular discharge having been taken home from the field of Guilford badly wounded.

7 He refers to the following persons to whom he is known in this present neighborhood to whom he is known in his present neighborhood and who can testify as to his character for Veracity and their belief of his services as a soldier of the revolution, there being no minister of the Gospel within his reach.

Viz. Shadrach Price - Jesse Bounds Jesse England, William Mills. William Bullocks. William Bounds.
Elijah X Hooten

Sworn in open Court

16 April 1834

Jacob Shane Clerk

A. Abraham D.G.

We Shadrach Price and William Mills both residing in the County of White hereby certify that we are well acquainted with Elijah Hooten who has subscribed ; sworn to the above declaration that we believe him to be Eighty one years of age; that he is reputed and believed, in the neighborhood where he resides, to have been a soldier of the revolution and that we concur in that opinion.

Sworn to in open Courtt;signed;Shadrach Price;

16 April 1834 Jacob Shane Clerkt;signed;William X Mills; seal

A. Abraham D.G;mark;

And the said Court do hereby declare their opinion, after the investigation of the matter and after putting the interrogatories prescribed by the War Department, that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary soldier and served as he states. And the Court further certifies that it appears to them that Shadrach Price and William Mills who have signed and sworn to the preceding certificate are credible persons and that their statement is entitled to credit.

;signed;Abr Eastmant;seal;

;signed;David Snatg---;seal;

;signed;Joseph Cummings ;seal;

State of Tennessee
White County;

Jacob Shane clerk of the County Court of White County aforesaid do hereby certify that the foregoing contains the original proceedings of said court in the matter of the application of Elijah Hooten for a pension.

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal of office the 23rd day do April A.D. 1834.

;signed; Jacob Shane Clerk

; White County and ;signed; Pyet Abraham D.G.

Copy of Certificate of Pension:1 "


  1. [S415] E-mail from William Wells Houghton Jr, July 9, 1999.
  2. [S1023] Ouida Patricia Hooten, Feb. 14, 2000.

Anne Houghton1

F, #40297


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
ResearchTaken and adopted by the Brown's daughter of the second wife1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Joseph S. Houghton, 6 June 1999.

Mary Jane Houghton1

F, #40298


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Researchtaken by sister; William Smith: his wife was sister to sister


  1. [S415] E-mail from Joseph S. Houghton, 6 June 1999.

Hannah Houghton1

F, #40299, b. 4 February 1727/28


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
CovenantFeb 4, 1727/28Lancaster, Worcester Co., MA, USA1
BaptismFeb 4, 1727/28Lancaster, Worcester Co., MA, USA1


  1. [S11] Lancaster MA VRs, p. 279.

David Edgar Houghton1,2,3

M, #40300, b. 1 June 1845, d. 27 November 1910

Family 1: Helen R. Cameron b. c 1850

Family 2: Matilda A. (?) b. Aug 1857

  • Marriage*: David Edgar Houghton married Matilda A. (?) on circa 1890 mar 10 years in 1900 census; 2nd mar for both.9


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJun 1, 1845VT, USA, age 5, MA, in 1850 census; age 14, VT, in 1860 census; age 25, VT, in 1870 census; age 35, VT, in 1880 census; Jun 1845, age 45, VT, in 1900 census; age 65, VT, in 1910 census; Wabasha Co. Hx: Boston, MA; Dunn: Boston, MA); 1930 census of son Carl gives MA2,4,5,3
1880 Census1880Elgin, Wabasha Co., MN, USA, age 35, a farmer7,8
Marriagecirca 1890mar 10 years in 1900 census; 2nd mar for both9
1900 Census1900Elgin, Wabasha Co., MN, USA, age 54, carpenter; 3 children born, 1 living9
1910 Census1910Plainview, Wabasha Co., MN, USA, age 64, house carpenter10
DeathNov 27, 1910Wabasha Co., MN, USA, certif. 1910-MN-014730; Timm: Dec. 1910; Dunn: Plainview Village, MN2,11,1,12
BiographyWabasha Co. Hx: He was educated in the East, in which section of the country he remained until reaching the age of 20. Then coming West, he made his home for two years on a farm at Beaver Dam, Wis. At the end of that time he came to Elgin village, where he worked at the carpenter's trade until 1867, helping to build most of the business part of the village. At the end of that period he located on a farm of 80 acres in sections 34 and 35, Elgin Township, and for about five years was engaged in agriculture there. He then went back to his trade, which he followed for twenty years thereafter, or until 1902, when he retired and took up his residence in Plainview village, where he died in December, 1910. David E. and Helen R. (Cameron) Houghton were the parents of three children:
John R., now residing at Grass Lake, Mich; Walter D., deceased; and Carl V., of Elgin Township.2,5
ResearchHistory of Wabasha County (MN), 1920


  1. [S415] E-mail from Sara Ann Houghton Dunn, 17 July 1999.
  2. [S415] E-mail from Barbara Timm, May 5, 2001, based on History of Wabasha County (MN), 1920.
  3. [S1226] 1850 U.S. Federal Census , Adams, Berkshire, Massachusetts; Roll: M432_305; Page: 72;
    line 14, dwl 900-900.
  4. [S415] E-mail from Sara Ann Houghton Dunn, 19 July 1999.
  5. [S1076] Rootsweb.Com, online www.rootsweb.com, History of Wabasha County, MN, 1920 version, p. 446, July 17, 2002.
  6. [S235] U.S. Census, 1870 US Census, Trenton, Dodge Co., WI, Reel 1711, p. 529, line 19, dwl 147-158.
  7. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Elgin Twp, Wasbasha Co., MN, Reel 13, Vo. 15, ED. 189, Sh. 14, Ln. 42.
  8. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Elgin Twp, Wasbasha Co., MN, Roll: T9_636; Family History Film: 1254636; Page: 562B; Enumeration District: 189; Reel 13, Vo. 15, ED. 189, Sh. 14, Ln. 42, dwl 128.
  9. [S1230] 1900 U.S. Federal Census , Elgin, Wabasha, Minnesota; Roll: T623 795; Page: 2A; Enumeration District: 140; line 30, dwl 35-36.
  10. [S1231] 1910 U.S. Federal Census , Plainview, Wabasha, Minnesota; Roll: T624_728; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 156; line 13, dwl 3-4.
  11. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , Minnesota Historical Society (people.mnhs.org) Minnesota Death Certificates, Houghton Surname, Feb. 28, 2002.
  12. [S882] Ancestry.Com, online www.ancestry.com, Minnesota Death Index, 1908-2002.
  13. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Elgin Twp, Wasbasha Co., MN, Reel 13, Vol. 15, ED. 189, Sh. 14, Ln. 42.

Helen R. Cameron1,2

F, #40301, b. circa 1850

Family: David Edgar Houghton b. 1 Jun 1845, d. 27 Nov 1910


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca 1850WI, USA, (age 20 in 1870 census; age 30 in 1880 census)3
1880 Census1880Elgin, Wabasha Co., MN, USA, age 35, a farmer5,6
ParentsDparents born in NY


  1. [S415] E-mail from Sara Ann Houghton Dunn, 17 July 1999.
  2. [S1076] Rootsweb.Com, online www.rootsweb.com, History of Wabasha County, MN, 1920 version, p. 446, July 17, 2002.
  3. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Elgin Twp, Wasbasha Co., MN, Reel 13, Vol. 15, ED. 189, Sh. 14, Ln. 42.
  4. [S235] U.S. Census, 1870 US Census, Trenton, Dodge Co., WI, Reel 1711, p. 529, line 19, dwl 147-158.
  5. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Elgin Twp, Wasbasha Co., MN, Reel 13, Vo. 15, ED. 189, Sh. 14, Ln. 42.
  6. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Elgin Twp, Wasbasha Co., MN, Roll: T9_636; Family History Film: 1254636; Page: 562B; Enumeration District: 189; Reel 13, Vo. 15, ED. 189, Sh. 14, Ln. 42, dwl 128.
  7. [S415] E-mail from Sara Ann Houghton Dunn, 19 July 1999.
  8. [S654] Electronic Web Site, , http://people.mnhs.org: Minnesota Historical Society, MHS Death Certificate Indes, Houghton surname.

Sara Leslie France1

F, #40302, b. circa 1909

Family: Reynolds Edwin Houghton b. 13 Apr 1913, d. 4 Jan 1975


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca 1909IL, USA
MarriageMay 20, 1933Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co., MI, USA1
1950 US Census1950Battle Creek, MI, USA, age 36, insurance salesman


  1. [S415] E-mail from Sara Ann Houghton Dunn, 17 July 1999.
  2. [S415] E-mail from Sara Houghton Dunn, Sep 28, 2003.

Lillian M. Barkholz1,2

F, #40303, b. circa 1898

Family: Lisle Walter Houghton b. 31 Mar 1900, d. 29 Nov 1973


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca 1898MI, USA, age 32 in 1930 census; age 42 in 1940 census3
MarriageJun 2, 1923Grass Lake, MI, USA1
1930 Census1930Concord, Jackson Co., MI, USA, age 30, bakery proprietor3
1940 Census1940Concord, Jackson Co., MI, USA, age 40, bakery baker2
1950 US Census1950Concord, MI, USA, age 50, retail baker
ParentsDfather born in Germany, mother born in MI


  1. [S415] E-mail from Sara Ann Houghton Dunn, 17 July 1999.
  2. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , Concord, Jackson, Michigan; Roll: T627_1767; Page: 6B; Enumeration District: 38-6; line 48, dwl 320.
  3. [S1233] 1930 U.S. Federal Census , Concord, Jackson, Michigan; Roll: 995; Page: 6A; Enumeration District: 5; Image: 603.0; FHL microfilm: 2340730; line 5, dwl 169.

Anna Jane Houghton1

F, #40304, b. 1815

Family: M. Smith

  • Marriage*: Anna Jane Houghton married M. Smith.2


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN


  1. [S415] E-mail from Datha Peters, 15 July 1999.
  2. [S1470] Helen Hicks Kilfoy, Hicks Thurber Family Hx Addendum, p. 101.

Louisa Houghton1

F, #40305, b. 1822, d. circa 1866

Family: Caleb Thurber d. c 1867


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birth1822NY, USA1
MarriageMI, USA, w/21,2
1850 Census1850Okemos, Washtenaw Co., MI, USA
1860 Census1860Meridiian, Ingham Co, MI, USA
Deathcirca 18662
BurialOkemos, MI, USA
Notenot only did Louisa Houghton marry a Thurber but so did
two of her younger sisters, both marrying sons of her husband Caleb and his first wife Elizabeth
Ball, sister Phylancy Houghton marrying James Ball Thurber and Mary Houghton marrying
Corydon Thurber.2


  1. [S415] E-mail from Datha Peters, 15 July 1999.
  2. [S1470] Helen Hicks Kilfoy, Hicks Thurber Family Hx Addendum, p. 100.

Caleb Thurber1

M, #40306, d. circa 1867

Family 1: Elizabeth Ball

Family 2: Louisa Houghton b. 1822, d. c 1866


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
MarriageMI, USA, w/21,2
1850 Census1850Okemos, Washtenaw Co., MI, USA
1860 Census1860Meridiian, Ingham Co, MI, USA
Deathcirca 1867
BurialOkemos, MI, USA


  1. [S415] E-mail from Datha Peters, 15 July 1999.
  2. [S1470] Helen Hicks Kilfoy, Hicks Thurber Family Hx Addendum, p. 100.

Amanda Thurber1

F, #40307, b. 31 July 1848


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJul 31, 1848MI, USA1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Datha Peters, 15 July 1999.

Nathan Thurber1

M, #40308, b. 8 December 1849


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthDec 8, 1849MI, USA1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Datha Peters, 15 July 1999.

Ezra Thurber1

M, #40309, b. 15 January 1851


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJan 15, 1851MI, USA1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Datha Peters, 15 July 1999.

Albert Thurber1

M, #40310, b. 22 December 1852


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthDec 22, 1852MI, USA1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Datha Peters, 15 July 1999.

Nora Thurber1

F, #40311, b. 22 December 1852


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthDec 22, 1852MI, USA1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Datha Peters, 15 July 1999.

Clinton Thurber1

M, #40312, b. 12 April 1855, d. 12 May 1860


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthApr 12, 1855MI, USA1
DeathMay 12, 1860of scarlet fever


  1. [S415] E-mail from Datha Peters, 15 July 1999.

Edward Rufus Thurber1

M, #40313, b. 1 January 1857


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJan 1, 1857Okemos, MI, USA1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Datha Peters, 15 July 1999.

Elvira Houghton1

F, #40314, b. 29 July 1819, d. 13 June 1882

Family: William Gleason b. 16 Mar 1815


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJul 29, 1819PA, USA1,2
DeathJun 13, 1882Newton, MI, USA1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Datha Peters, 15 July 1999.
  2. [S1470] Helen Hicks Kilfoy, Hicks Thurber Family Hx Addendum, p. 101.

William Gleason1

M, #40315, b. 16 March 1815

Family: Elvira Houghton b. 29 Jul 1819, d. 13 Jun 1882


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthMar 16, 18151


  1. [S415] E-mail from Datha Peters, 15 July 1999.

Emeline Houghton1

F, #40316

Family: Cornell Lanning


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
MarriageNov 17, 1839Washtenaw, MI, USA1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Datha Peters, 15 July 1999.

Cornell Lanning1

M, #40317

Family: Emeline Houghton


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
MarriageNov 17, 1839Washtenaw, MI, USA1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Datha Peters, 15 July 1999.

Philancy Houghton1

F, #40318, b. 29 June 1825, d. 12 January 1909

Family: James Ball Thurber b. Sep 1824


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJun 29, 1825Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY, USA1,2
OriginWebster, Washtenaw Co., MI, USA
MarriageJul 12, 1846Washtenaw, MI, USA1
Children+Martha (Thurber) Bradley, Emma Elizabeth (Thurber) Crout, Ella Margaret (Thurber) Newman, Rosaltha Della Thurber, Lucius B Thurber and Alma Thurber
DeathJan 12, 1909Brighton, Livingston Co., MI, USA, at home of Martha Bradley, daughter with whom she
has lived for about 30 years.


  1. [S415] E-mail from Datha Peters, 15 July 1999.
  2. [S1470] Helen Hicks Kilfoy, Hicks Thurber Family Hx Addendum, p. 100.

James Ball Thurber1

M, #40319, b. September 1824

Family: Philancy Houghton b. 29 Jun 1825, d. 12 Jan 1909


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthSep, 1824Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY, USA2
OriginWebster, Washtenaw Co., MI, USA
MarriageJul 12, 1846Washtenaw, MI, USA1
Children+Martha (Thurber) Bradley, Emma Elizabeth (Thurber) Crout, Ella Margaret (Thurber) Newman, Rosaltha Della Thurber, Lucius B Thurber and Alma Thurber


  1. [S415] E-mail from Datha Peters, 15 July 1999.
  2. [S1470] Helen Hicks Kilfoy, Hicks Thurber Family Hx Addendum, p. 100.

Robert H. Houghton1,2,3

M, #40320, b. 12 June 1827, d. 9 January 1889

Family: Mary Ann Sleeman b. 27 May 1853, d. 4 May 1936


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectY
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJun 12, 1827PA, USA, age 43, MI & PA, in 1870 census; age 53, PA, in 1880 census; Datha Peters: 12 Jun 1827; CA Pioneers: 13 Jul 18251,2,4,5
1870 Census1870Rough and Ready, Nevada Co., CA, USA6,5
MarriageMay 7, 1870Rough and Ready, Nevada Co., CA, USA, FamilySearch.Com: Mar. 7, 1872, Nevada City, CA1
1880 Census1880Forrest Twp, Sierra Co., CA, USA, age 53, a farmer7,8
DeathJan 9, 1889Pike City, CA, USA2,1
ParentsSfather born in PA, mother in Ireland8


  1. [S960] Native Daughters of the Golden West, Index to the Roster of California Pioneers, #23, p. 93.
  2. [S415] E-mail from Datha Peters, 15 July 1999.
  3. [S1470] Helen Hicks Kilfoy, Hicks Thurber Family Hx Addendum, p. 103.
  4. [S1228] 1870 U.S. Federal Census , Grass Valley, Nevada, California; Roll: M593_75; Page: 217; line 36, dwl 1550-1395.
  5. [S1228] 1870 U.S. Federal Census , Rough and Ready, Nevada, California; Roll: M593_75; Page: 332; line 35, dwl 193-174.
  6. [S235] U.S. Census, 1870 Soundex, Rough and Ready, Nevada Co., CA, Box 75, p. 332.
  7. [S235] U.S. Census, 1880 Soundex, Forrest Twp, Sierra Co., CA, Reel 13, Vol. 15, ED. 96, Sh. 21, Ln. 35, dwl 241-242.
  8. [S1229] 1880 U.S. Federal Census , Forest, Sierra Co., California; Roll: T9_82; Family History Film: 1254082; Page: 136A; Enumeration District: 96; sheet 21, line 25, dwl 241-242.
  9. [S235] U.S. Census, 1900 Soundex California, Box 75, Vol. 57, E.D. 58(53), Sh. 19, Ln. 5.