Bernice Lucille Schulte1

F, #68581

Family: Clare Loren Haughton b. 11 Dec 1909, d. 15 May 1985


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
MarriageJun 1, 1947Chesaning, Saginaw Co., MI, USA1
ParentsDLambert H. Schulte and Laura Magdalene Gengler
1950 US Census1950Chesaning, MI, USA, age 40, farmer


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Richard Lee Haughton1

M, #68582, b. 15 August 1948

Family: Barbara Kay Fletcher b. 9 Jan 1958


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthAug 15, 1948Saginaw, MI, USA1
MarriageSep 19, 1981West Branch, MI, USA1


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Barbara Kay Fletcher1

F, #68583, b. 9 January 1958

Family: Richard Lee Haughton b. 15 Aug 1948


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJan 9, 1958Yale, MI, USA1
MarriageSep 19, 1981West Branch, MI, USA1
ParentsDGlenford Fletcher and Margaret L. Dudley1


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Travis Lee Haughton1

M, #68584, b. 14 December 1982


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthDec 14, 1982West Branch, MI, USA1


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Cody Lee Haughton1

M, #68585, b. 7 August 1990


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthAug 7, 1990West Branch, MI, USA1


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Kayla Leigh Haughton1

F, #68586, b. 18 November 1985


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthNov 18, 1985West Branch, MI, USA1


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Kelly Kay Haughton1

F, #68587, b. 18 August 1994


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthAug 18, 1994West Branch, MI, USA1


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Herbert Dale Haughton1

M, #68588, b. 15 February 1913, d. 30 June 1981

Family: Florence May Drenner


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthFeb 15, 1913Easton, MI, USA1
1940 Census1940New Haven, MI, USA, age 28, hauling sugar beets, truck driver2
MarriageMar 20, 1941Baltimore, Baltimore Co., MD, USA1
SSNMI, USA, 381-09-6031
DeathJun 30, 1981Crossville, TN, USA1


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."
  2. [S1479] 1940 U.S. Federal Census , New Haven, Shiawassee, Michigan; Roll: m-t0627-01820; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 78-13.

Florence May Drenner1

F, #68589

Family: Herbert Dale Haughton b. 15 Feb 1913, d. 30 Jun 1981


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
MarriageMar 20, 1941Baltimore, Baltimore Co., MD, USA1


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Herbert Dale Haughton Jr1

M, #68590, b. 12 December 1941

Family 1: Mildred Marie Kearns

Family 2: Sharon Marie Pfau


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthDec 12, 1941Howell, MI, USA1
MarriageAug 1, 1964Brighton, Livingston Co., MI, USA1
DivorceOct 16, 1983
MarriageJun 22, 1985Vero Beach, FL, USA1
AddressTallahassee, FL, USA, E-mail1


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Mildred Marie Kearns1

F, #68591

Family: Herbert Dale Haughton Jr b. 12 Dec 1941


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
MarriageAug 1, 1964Brighton, Livingston Co., MI, USA1
ParentsDRalph and Stephanie Ann Kearns1
DivorceOct 16, 1983


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Sharon Marie Pfau1

F, #68592

Family: Herbert Dale Haughton Jr b. 12 Dec 1941


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
MarriageJun 22, 1985Vero Beach, FL, USA1
ParentsDChester Pfau and Marie Voit1


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Krista Lynn Haughton1

F, #68593, b. 29 October 1969

Family: Brian Anthony McGrane


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthOct 29, 1969Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co., MI, USA1
MarriageJun 26, 1993Fort Pierce, FL, USA1


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Brian Anthony McGrane1

M, #68594

Family: Krista Lynn Haughton b. 29 Oct 1969


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
MarriageJun 26, 1993Fort Pierce, FL, USA1


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Patrick Dale McGrane1

M, #68595, b. 21 March 1999


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthMar 21, 1999Tallahassee, FL, USA1


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Jeffrey Dale Haughton1

M, #68596, b. 21 October 1971

Family: Dawn Marie Hayden


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthOct 21, 1971Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co., MI, USA1
MarriageMay 28, 1994Deland, FL, USA1


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Dawn Marie Hayden1

F, #68597

Family: Jeffrey Dale Haughton b. 21 Oct 1971


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
MarriageMay 28, 1994Deland, FL, USA1


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Dylan Fisher Haughton1

M, #68598, b. 16 October 1998


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthOct 16, 1998Orlando, FL, USA1


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Delaney Piper Haughton1

M, #68599, b. 12 May 1999


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthMay 12, 1999Orlando, FL, USA1


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Donald Clare Haughton1

M, #68600, b. 25 January 1943

Family 1: Sandra Jean Omdorf

Family 2: Patricia Ann Borrusch


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJan 25, 1943Brighton, Livingston Co., MI, USA1
MarriageJul 17, 1966Brighton, Livingston Co., MI, USA1
DivorceApr 11, 1977Brighton, Livingston Co., MI, USA1
MarriageSep 24, 1983Brighton, Livingston Co., MI, USA1


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Sandra Jean Omdorf1

F, #68601

Family: Donald Clare Haughton b. 25 Jan 1943


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
MarriageJul 17, 1966Brighton, Livingston Co., MI, USA1
DivorceApr 11, 1977Brighton, Livingston Co., MI, USA1


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Patricia Ann Borrusch1

F, #68602

Family: Donald Clare Haughton b. 25 Jan 1943


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
MarriageSep 24, 1983Brighton, Livingston Co., MI, USA1
ParentsDWilliam Charles Borrusch and Joyce Ann Kaschefsky1


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Renee Marie Haughton1

F, #68603, b. 23 December 1967


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthDec 23, 1967Howell, MI, USA1


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Robin Michael Haughton1

F, #68604, b. 15 March 1970


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthMar 15, 1970Howell, MI, USA1


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Charles Duane Haughton1

M, #68605, b. 16 January 1946

Family 1: Kathleen LeButt

  • Marriage*: Charles Duane Haughton married Kathleen LeButt on Dec 27, 1970 at Detroit, MI, USA.1
  • Divorce*: Charles Duane Haughton and Kathleen LeButt were divorced on Jan 6, 1980.1

Family 2: Theresa Christine Garcia


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJan 16, 1946Brighton, Livingston Co., MI, USA1
MarriageDec 27, 1970Detroit, MI, USA1
DivorceJan 6, 19801
MarriageDec 15, 1983Beverly Hills, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Kathleen LeButt1

F, #68606

Family: Charles Duane Haughton b. 16 Jan 1946


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
MarriageDec 27, 1970Detroit, MI, USA1
ParentsDBramwell and Elizabeth LeButt1
DivorceJan 6, 19801


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Theresa Christine Garcia1

F, #68607

Family: Charles Duane Haughton b. 16 Jan 1946


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
MarriageDec 15, 1983Beverly Hills, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Brittany Kaye Haughton1

F, #68608, b. 11 May 1987


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthMay 11, 1987St. Louis, St. Louis Co., MO, USA1


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

William Terry Haughton1

M, #68609, b. 16 July 1947

Family: Deborah Elizabeth Hunter

  • Marriage*: William Terry Haughton married Deborah Elizabeth Hunter on Dec, 1976 at Reno, NV, USA.1
  • Divorce*: William Terry Haughton and Deborah Elizabeth Hunter were divorced on Feb 26, 1985.


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJul 16, 1947Brighton, Livingston Co., MI, USA1
MarriageDec, 1976Reno, NV, USA1
DivorceFeb 26, 1985


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."

Deborah Elizabeth Hunter1

F, #68610

Family: William Terry Haughton b. 16 Jul 1947


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
MarriageDec, 1976Reno, NV, USA1
DivorceFeb 26, 1985


  1. [S1216] Jeffrey Haughton, "Haughton Gedcom of Jeffrey Haughton."