Richard James Brazee

M, #14431, b. 6 January 1956


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJan 6, 19561


  1. [S116] B. H. Houghton, Michigan Desc. of Noah Houghton, p. 17.

Laurie Ann Brazee

F, #14432, b. 10 October 1960

Family: Rhys Evan Lewis


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthOct 10, 19601
MarriageMay 12, 19841


  1. [S116] B. H. Houghton, Michigan Desc. of Noah Houghton, p. 17.

Linda Sue Brazee

F, #14433, b. 30 September 1964

Family: Todd Allen DeBruler


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthSep 30, 19641
MarriageMay 14, 19881


  1. [S116] B. H. Houghton, Michigan Desc. of Noah Houghton, p. 17.

Rhys Evan Lewis1

M, #14434

Family: Laurie Ann Brazee b. 10 Oct 1960


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
MarriageMay 12, 19841


  1. [S116] B. H. Houghton, Michigan Desc. of Noah Houghton, p. 17.

Todd Allen DeBruler1

M, #14435

Family: Linda Sue Brazee b. 30 Sep 1964


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
MarriageMay 14, 19881


  1. [S116] B. H. Houghton, Michigan Desc. of Noah Houghton, p. 17.

Richard Haughton1,2,3,4,5,6,7

M, #14436, b. 1614, d. before 6 October 1681

Family 1: Sarah (?)

Family 2: Catherine Shore b. c 1623, d. 9 Aug 1670

Family 3: Mary (?)


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectY
Marriagebefore 1638Milford, New Haven Co., CT, USA, Torrey: 1/wf; Milford, CT/New London, CT; Bef 16398
Marriagebefore 1639New London, New London Co., CT, USA, Torrey: 2/wf; CT Genealogies: Widow Catherine Charlet8,9,2,10
ResidenceBoston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA11
Immigration1651New London, New London Co., CT, USA, NE Heads: 164211,12
CourtMay, 1656Hartford, CT, USA, for breach of covinents of 20 pounds damage13
DeedAug 19, 1658CT, USA, MLM: He bought land on Massapeag Neck, on the river with the bounds of Mohegan, from Uncas, sachem of Mohegan. Colonial laws prohibited contracting land with the Indians, but the General Court confirmed the grant upon certain conditions assigning as one reason for thier indulgence to Mr. Haughton "his charge of children."
The Massapeague deed was by Uncas, sachem of the Mohegans. Among the colonists involved with the deeds were William Coddington, Richard Houghton, John Brigham, William Pynchon, Henry Smith, and John Burr.3,14
CourtMay 13, 1662CT, USA, agreed to a bond of their whole estate that they "will carry good behavior toward all in this colony"15
Marriagebefore 1673New London, New London Co., CT, USA, MLM, Torrey: Alice, 3/w; NEHGR, 89: Mary, 2/w8,2,4,16,10,3
Deathbefore Oct 6, 1681New London, CT, USA, Amer. Gen.: New London Co. Court Records transferred to Court of Assistants in Hartford, Inventory held on 6 Oct. 1681, "Mr. Horton, dec. at New London", (New London Co. Court Records, Vol. 3-4-5, p. 37); NEHGR: 23 May 1682, Wethersfield, CT; Torrey gives a Richard Haughton who died in 1681 (husband of Charlet) and a Richard Haughton/Horton who died in 1682 of Beverly MA who died at Wethersfield.

Holmes, C. Smith: "A Richard Haughton died at Wethersfield, Con. in 1682.";

Baker: 1682, New London; Caulkins: 1682, Westhersfield8,17,9,18,19,20,21
Occupationbefore May 12, 1682Wethersfield, CT, USA, supervising construction of a vessel nearby in Middletown22
WillMay 12, 1682Wethersfield, CT, USA, NH Probate Records: "Haughton, Richard, Beverly, Mass., who died at Wethersfield 23 May 1682. Invt. £493-09-03. Taken by Ciprian Nichols, Caleb Stanly & Phineas Wilson.

Know all Men by these presents, that I Richard Haughton of Beverly, by the providence of God being at wethersfield and detained by sickness, not knowing how God by his providence may dispose of me, being weake in body though of perfect Memory & understanding doe request and appoint my beloved friends Mr. Nathaniel Standly and Mr. William Pitkin, both of Hartford, to take care of and manage all my concerns in this Colony, & more especially that of the Vessell Building at Middletown, to carry it on; also to receive all my debts, and to pay all due from me; & my two friends, Mr. Nathaniel Standly and Mr. William Pitkin, I ppoint Adminstrators to ye Estate in my hands or belonging to me in this Colony. Also I request Mr. Jno ffoster of Boston to supply these men with Goods and to assist them yt the Vessel may be carried on. This beingmy last desire & Will as to my affairs here, as Witness my hand this 12th May 1682. Richard X Haughton Witnesses --- Kilbourn, Will. Gibbon, Timothy Hyde

Estate of Mr. Richard Horton, who died in Wethersfield 23 May 1682, taken by John Kilbourn, William Warner. £493-09-03. . His Estate at Wethersfield . £4-08-00.

...County Court Record, Page 56-21 June 1682: Mr. John Harris appeared in Court and presented a letter of Adms. granted by the Hon. Simon Bradstreet, Esq., Gov. of Mass., to Capt. John Hull Esq., Assistant to Mary Haughton, the Relict, Widow of Richard Haughton deceased, to Adms. upon the Estate of Haughton aforesaid, asserting that she had put in security to Exhibit a true Inventory of the said Estate. "

NEHGR: "Richard Haughton of the providence of God being at Wethersfield and detained by sickness." He asks his friends Nathaniel Standly and William Pitkin both of Hartford to take care of a vessel building at Middletown, with John Foster of Boston to assist them. He appoints executors but mentions no heirs. (Hartford Probate Records, Vol. 1, p. 317). "The county court records, p. 56, 21 June 1682, show that "Mr. John Harris appeared in Court and presented letter of Adms. granted by the Hon. Simon Bradstreet Esq. Gov. of Mass. to Capt. John Hull Esq. Asssistant to Mary Haughton the relict, widow of Richard Haughton deceased..." From this it appears that the name of the widow was Mary and not Alice, as is sometimes given."9,4,23,24
CourtJun 6, 1682MLM: Moore & Allied Families by DeForrest, 1938, p. 81, mentions a suit against Richard Houghton of New London, CT.25
BiographyNEGHR: "Richard, Boston, rem. with s. Joseph, b. a. 1639, and Robert, b. a. 1642, to New London, 1651, and may have first been at Milford, had sec. w. Catharine, wid. of Nicholas Charlet of Boston, who d. 9 Aug. 1670, and he had third w. bef. 1673, Alice. Chidr. by the sec. were John, Catharine, Sampson, Abigail, James, and Mercy; but it cannot be kn. what was the order of their b. nor of wh. mo. with certainty, tho. prob. none by the third, only that James was youngest s. and from him descend. the late James of Boston..."

C. Smith: "Richard Haughton, of Boston, with his sons, Joseph and Robert, born respectively about 1639 and 1642, removed in 1651 to New London. A Richard Haughton died at Wethersfield Conn., in 1682."

NEHGR, 44, 405: "Richard, who first dwelt at Boston and then moved to new London soon after the settlement of that part of the colony of Connecticut"26,27,2,28,12
NoteThis line is a Horton, not Haughton, line unrelated to Barnabas Horton line
Research1614CT, USA


  1. [S42] Torrey, New England Marriages, p. 353: Haughton.
  2. [S150] Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, II, p. 378.
  3. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 102.
  4. [S552] "Unknown short article title", Amer. Genealogist, XI: p. 134, "Some Corrections of the Haughton Family of New London, Conn. " by Mrs. James T. Watts.
  5. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 2.
  6. [S817] D. F. Hurd, New London CT Hx - Hurd, p. 156.
  7. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 1.
  8. [S42] Torrey, New England Marriages, p. 353.
  9. [S96] NEHGR, 89 [1935]: 396.
  10. [S809] NEHGR, Genealogies of CT Families, "The Haughton Family of New London, Conn.", p. 138.
  11. [S149] Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, I, p. 378.
  12. [S624] Frank R. Holmes, NE Ancestral Heads, p. cxii.
  13. [S801] Unknown compiler, CT Particular Court Records, p. 162.
  14. [S996] LDS Family History Libaray Catalogue.
  15. [S801] Unknown compiler, CT Particular Court Records, p. 248.
  16. [S800] Charles William Manwaring, CT Probate Records Digest, p. 317.
  17. [S415] E-mail from Scott Alan Holmes, 1995.
  18. [S200] Smith, Report to Houghton Association.
  19. [S677] Henry A. Baker, Montville CT Hx - H. A. Baker, p. 486-7, 494.
  20. [S678] Caulkins, New London CT Hx - Caulkins, p. 299.
  21. [S552] "Unknown short article title", Amer. Genealogist, XI: p. 133, "Some Corrections of the Haughton Family of New London, Conn. " by Mrs. James T. Watts.
  22. [S96] NEHGR, 145 [1991]: 339.
  23. [S711] Albert S. Batchellor, NH Probate Records I, V.?, p. 317.
  24. [S809] NEHGR, Genealogies of CT Families, "The Haughton Family of New London, Conn.", p. 138-139.
  25. [S815] Marshall L. McClanahan, John Houghton, Pioneer of Hopewell NJ;, M, p. 1.
  26. [S96] NEHGR, 89 [1935]: "The Haughton Family of New London, Conn.", 396.
  27. [S96] NEHGR, 44 [1890]: 405.
  28. [S200] Smith, Report to Houghton Association, p. 42.
  29. [S933] Virkus, Abridged Compend. of Amer. Gen. III, p. 499.
  30. [S809] NEHGR, Genealogies of CT Families, "The Haughton Family of New London, Conn.", p. 139.

Catherine Shore1,2,3,4

F, #14437, b. circa 1623, d. 9 August 1670

Family 1: Nicholas Charlet

Family 2: Richard Haughton b. 1614, d. b 6 Oct 1681


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca 1623England
Residencebefore 1638Boston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA5
Marriagebefore 16391,6,7,5,4
CourtMay 13, 1662CT, USA, agreed to a bond of their whole estate that they "will carry good behavior toward all in this colony"8
DeathAug 9, 1670New London, New London Co., CT, USA1,6,7,5,4
ParentsDGeorge and Eunice Shore


  1. [S42] Torrey, New England Marriages, p. 353.
  2. [S415] E-mail from Scott Alan Holmes, 1995.
  3. [S149] Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, I, p. 378.
  4. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 102.
  5. [S809] NEHGR, Genealogies of CT Families, "The Haughton Family of New London, Conn.", p. 138.
  6. [S96] NEHGR, 89 [1935]: 396.
  7. [S150] Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, II, p. 378.
  8. [S801] Unknown compiler, CT Particular Court Records, p. 248.
  9. [S809] NEHGR, Genealogies of CT Families, "The Haughton Family of New London, Conn.", p. 139.

Joseph Haughton

M, #14438, b. 1639, d. 1697


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birth1639Boston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA2,3,4
Residence"Joseph, New London, s. of Richard"3
Death1697New London, New London Co., CT, USA, ae. 58, perhaps had no ch.3
ResearchJWH: gives Richard's son Robert as father


  1. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 102.
  2. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 72.
  3. [S150] Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, II, p. 378.
  4. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 2.

Robert Haughton1

M, #14439, b. 1642, d. 1678

Family: Sarah Phippen b. 24 Dec 1649


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birth1642Boston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA3,4,5,6
Immigration1651London, CT, USA3,6
Court1655a witness2
CourtMay, 1656Hartford, CT, USA, for breach of covinents of 20 pounds damage7
MarriageSep 8, 1668Cambridge, Middlesex Co., MA, USA, Baily: Jul 8, 1668 Int ; Cambridge VRs: Sarah Phipeny; MLM: Dedham, 16818,5,9,10,11,12
DeedJul 4, 1672Boston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA, Robert Haughton sold to Sarah Phipany of Boston, widow of Gamaliel, a warehouse which Gamaliel Phipany late of Boston, dec'd, sold to Haughton 13 Mar. 1670.13
Residence1675Boston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA, a mariner in command of a vessel2
NoteApr 3, 1676Boston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA, Robert Haughton, mariner and Sarah Phippeny, widow of Gamaliel, both of Boston, mortgaged to Simon Lynde of Boston.13
ResidenceCambridge/Boston/Milford, CT1
Death1678Milford, CT, USA1,12,2
Estate1678Milford, CT, USA, inventoried12
BiographyRobert, Boston, a mariner, s. of the preced. by w. Sarah, d. of Gamaliel Phippen, had Robert, b. 18 July 1670; Sarah, 27 Apr. 1672; and Hannah, 7 Jan. 1675, but the name in rec. for the last two is Horton; rem. to Milford a. 1678, there left posterity, Robert, Sarah, and Hannah; and his wid. m. Benjamin Smith.5


  1. [S42] Torrey, New England Marriages, p. 354.
  2. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 102.
  3. [S1] Dr. John Wesley Houghton M.D., Houghton Genealogy of 1912, p. 72.
  4. [S415] E-mail from Scott Alan Holmes, 1995.
  5. [S150] Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, II, p. 378.
  6. [S814] Marshall L. McClanahan, Houghton, John & Beatrix - MLM;, M, p. 2.
  7. [S801] Unknown compiler, CT Particular Court Records, p. 162.
  8. [S42] Torrey, New England Marriages, p. 680.
  9. [S177] Baily, Early Massachusetts Marriages, p. 15.
  10. [S295] Cambridge MA VRs II, p. 207.
  11. [S296] Mary Isabella Gozzaldi, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, p. 402.
  12. [S552] "Unknown short article title", Amer. Genealogist, 17 [1940]: 11, "The Phippen Family and wife of Nathan Gold."
  13. [S552] "Unknown short article title", Amer. Genealogist, 17 [1940]: 10 "The Phippen Family and wife of Nathan Gold."

John Haughton

M, #14440, b. circa 1651, d. 1704



Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthcirca 1651New London, New London Co., CT, USA, 1646 also given2
Occupationa shipwright1
Death1704leaving wife and child1


  1. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 102.
  2. [S415] E-mail from Scott Alan Holmes, 1995.

James Haughton

M, #14441, b. circa 1654



Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthcirca 1654New London, New London Co., CT, USA2


  1. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 102.
  2. [S415] E-mail from Scott Alan Holmes, 1995.
  3. [S149] Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, I, p. 378.

Sampson Haughton1,2,3

M, #14442, b. 1667?, d. 12 January 1717/18

Family: Sarah Pemberton b. c 1664, d. 24 Nov 1760


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birth1667?New London, New London Co., CT, USA1,6
MarriageMontville?, New London Co., CT, USA, Baker: w/2; Torrey: b 1692, b 1687; ?Montville,CT/New London;Watts: New London Ct Land Records, V. 4, p. 2481,2,7,8,9,4
DeathJan 12, 1717/18New London, CT, USA, New London CT VR, Vol. 1, p. 6010,11,12,13
BurialJan 13, 1717/18New London, CT, USA, Diary of Joshua Hepstead, p. 7212
ResearchHx of Montville, CT gives incorrect information on Sampson and his son Sampson's families, i.e. Montville CT Hx: 26 Feb 1765 [CJV: error - dd of son Sampson]13,9


  1. [S42] Torrey, New England Marriages, p. 354.
  2. [S415] E-mail from Scott Alan Holmes, 1995.
  3. [S150] Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, II, p. 378.
  4. [S809] NEHGR, Genealogies of CT Families, "The Haughton Family of New London, Conn.", p. 139.
  5. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 102.
  6. [S96] NEHGR, 55 [1901]: 346.
  7. [S96] NEHGR, 89 [1935]: 397.
  8. [S552] "Unknown short article title", Amer. Genealogist, XI: p. 135, "Some Corrections of the Haughton Family of New London, Conn. " by Mrs. James T. Watts.
  9. [S677] Henry A. Baker, Montville CT Hx - H. A. Baker, p. 486-7, 494.
  10. [S42] Torrey, New England Marriages, p. 354: 1718.
  11. [S96] NEHGR, 89 [1935]: 396, 397.
  12. [S552] "Unknown short article title", Amer. Genealogist, XI: p. 134, "Some Corrections of the Haughton Family of New London, Conn. " by Mrs. James T. Watts.
  13. [S809] NEHGR, Genealogies of CT Families, "The Haughton Family of New London, Conn.", p. 138.
  14. [S188] Virkus, Abridged Compend. of Amer. Gen. III, p. 359.

Katherine Haughton1

F, #14443, b. 1661, d. 24 January 1729

Family: John Butler b. c 1653, d. 26 Mar 1733


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birth1661New London, New London Co., CT, USA4
Marriage1680New London, New London Co., CT, USA, Savage: 1680; Torrey: ca 16771,5,2,3
DeathJan 24, 1729New London, New London Co., CT, USA, 24 Jan 1727/28; Torrey: 1729, ae 671


  1. [S42] Torrey, New England Marriages, p. 127.
  2. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 102.
  3. [S933] Virkus, Abridged Compend. of Amer. Gen. III, p. 499.
  4. [S415] E-mail from Scott Alan Holmes, 1995.
  5. [S150] Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, II, p. 378.

Abigail Haughton1

F, #14444, b. circa 1662, d. July 1684

Family: Thomas Leach b. 1652, d. 1732


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthcirca 1662New London, New London Co., CT, USA3
Marriage1680New London, New London Co., CT, USA, Savage: 1680; Torrey: b 1679?1,4,2
DeathJul, 16841


  1. [S42] Torrey, New England Marriages, p. 457.
  2. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 102.
  3. [S415] E-mail from Scott Alan Holmes, 1995.
  4. [S150] Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, II, p. 378.

Mercy Haughton

F, #14445, b. 1669

Family: Samuel Bill b. 1655, d. 27 Jan 1729/30


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birth1669New London, New London Co., CT, USA2


  1. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 102.
  2. [S415] E-mail from Scott Alan Holmes, 1995.
  3. [S150] Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, II, p. 378.

Sarah Phippen1,2,3

F, #14446, b. 24 December 1649

Family: Robert Haughton b. 1642, d. 1678


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthDec 24, 1649Boston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA, Torrey: 1648; Savage: 1649; Milford: c 1643 if age 5 at bap. in 16494,2,5,6
MarriageSep 8, 1668Cambridge, Middlesex Co., MA, USA, Baily: Jul 8, 1668 Int ; Cambridge VRs: Sarah Phipeny; MLM: Dedham, 16817,2,8,9,10,11
NoteApr 17, 1676Boston, Suffolk Co., MA, USA, mortgaged to Daniel Henchman of Boston12
ChurchOct 20, 1677Milford, CT, USA, the Milford Church11
ResidenceCambridge/Boston/Milford, CT4
DeedMar 11, 1680/81Milford, CT, USA, a widow, with mother and sisters, conveyed house and land to Job Prince of Boston11
ParentsDGamaliel Phippen and Sarah Purchase13,14


  1. [S415] E-mail from Scott Alan Holmes, 1995.
  2. [S150] Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, II, p. 378.
  3. [S177] Baily, Early Massachusetts Marriages, p. 61.
  4. [S42] Torrey, New England Marriages, p. 354.
  5. [S584] Susan W. Abbott, Families of Early Milford, Connecticut, p. 676.
  6. [S601] Family Group Sheet, sent to Charles Vella by Anita Hyatt Davis, June 1978.
  7. [S42] Torrey, New England Marriages, p. 680.
  8. [S177] Baily, Early Massachusetts Marriages, p. 15.
  9. [S295] Cambridge MA VRs II, p. 207.
  10. [S296] Mary Isabella Gozzaldi, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, p. 402.
  11. [S552] "Unknown short article title", Amer. Genealogist, 17 [1940]: 11, "The Phippen Family and wife of Nathan Gold."
  12. [S552] "Unknown short article title", Amer. Genealogist, 17 [1940]: 10 "The Phippen Family and wife of Nathan Gold."
  13. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 102.
  14. [S1090] Robert F. Gould, Ezra Thompson Clark's Ancestry and Descendants, p. 35.
  15. [S7] Baptismal Certificate, p. 680.

Sarah Pemberton1,2,3

F, #14447, b. circa 1664, d. 24 November 1760

Family: Sampson Haughton b. 1667?, d. 12 Jan 1717/18


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca 1664
MarriageMontville?, New London Co., CT, USA, Baker: w/2; Torrey: b 1692, b 1687; ?Montville,CT/New London;Watts: New London Ct Land Records, V. 4, p. 2484,1,5,6,2,7
DeathNov 24, 1760New London, CT, USA, age 96; (Necrology of New London, CT, by F. M. Caulkins, p. 99)8,6,9


  1. [S415] E-mail from Scott Alan Holmes, 1995.
  2. [S677] Henry A. Baker, Montville CT Hx - H. A. Baker, p. 486-7, 494.
  3. [S552] "Unknown short article title", Amer. Genealogist, XI: p. 133, "Some Corrections of the Haughton Family of New London, Conn. " by Mrs. James T. Watts.
  4. [S42] Torrey, New England Marriages, p. 354.
  5. [S96] NEHGR, 89 [1935]: 397.
  6. [S552] "Unknown short article title", Amer. Genealogist, XI: p. 135, "Some Corrections of the Haughton Family of New London, Conn. " by Mrs. James T. Watts.
  7. [S809] NEHGR, Genealogies of CT Families, "The Haughton Family of New London, Conn.", p. 139.
  8. [S96] NEHGR, 89 [1935]: 396, 397.
  9. [S809] NEHGR, Genealogies of CT Families, "The Haughton Family of New London, Conn.", p. 138-139.
  10. [S188] Virkus, Abridged Compend. of Amer. Gen. III, p. 359.
  11. [S96] NEHGR, 55 [1901]: 346.

John Butler1,2

M, #14448, b. circa 1653, d. 26 March 1733

Family: Katherine Haughton b. 1661, d. 24 Jan 1729


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birthcirca 1653New London, New London Co., CT, USA
Marriage1680New London, New London Co., CT, USA, Savage: 1680; Torrey: ca 16773,4,5,6
DeathMar 26, 1733New London, New London Co., CT, USA, Hempstead Diary, p. 208, says John Butler died Mar 26, 1733, age 80, 'the oldest man in town'.


  1. [S415] E-mail from Scott Alan Holmes, 1995.
  2. [S149] Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, I, p. 378.
  3. [S42] Torrey, New England Marriages, p. 127.
  4. [S150] Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, II, p. 378.
  5. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 102.
  6. [S933] Virkus, Abridged Compend. of Amer. Gen. III, p. 499.

Thomas Leach1,2

M, #14449, b. 1652, d. 1732

Family: Abigail Haughton b. c 1662, d. Jul 1684


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Marriage1680New London, New London Co., CT, USA, Savage: 1680; Torrey: b 1679?3,2,4


  1. [S415] E-mail from Scott Alan Holmes, 1995.
  2. [S150] Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, II, p. 378.
  3. [S42] Torrey, New England Marriages, p. 457.
  4. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 102.

Samuel Bill1,2

M, #14450, b. 1655, d. 27 January 1729/30

Family: Mercy Haughton b. 1669


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Birth1655Ipswich, Essex Co., MA, USA3
DeathJan 27, 1729/30Groton, New London Co., CT, USA3
Problemmd and son's bd
ParentsSPhillip Bill2, John Bill 1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Scott Alan Holmes, 1995.
  2. [S150] Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, II, p. 378.
  3. [S415] E-mail from Tracy at e-mail address.
  4. [S460] Marshall L. McClanahan, Ralph & Jane (Stow) Houghton - MLM, p. 102.

Katherine Butler1

F, #14451, b. 1693, d. 2 February 1775

Family: William Holt


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birth1693New London, New London Co., CT, USA
MarriageJan 1, 1713/14New London, New London Co., CT, USA
DeathFeb 2, 1775New London, New London Co., CT, USA


  1. [S415] E-mail from Scott Alan Holmes, 1995.

Thomas Butler

M, #14452, b. 1681


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birth1681New London, New London Co., CT, USA1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Scott Alan Holmes, 1995.

Sarah Butler

F, #14453, b. 1685


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birth1685New London, New London Co., CT, USA1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Scott Alan Holmes, 1995.

Abigail Butler

F, #14454, b. 1687


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birth1687New London, New London Co., CT, USA1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Scott Alan Holmes, 1995.

Jonathan Butler

F, #14455, b. 14 July 1700, d. 30 March 1760


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthJul 14, 1700New London, New London Co., CT, USA1
DeathMar 30, 1760


  1. [S415] E-mail from Scott Alan Holmes, 1995.

Elnathan Butler

M, #14456, b. 1702


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birth1702New London, New London Co., CT, USA1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Scott Alan Holmes, 1995.

Ezekiel Butler

M, #14457, b. circa 1705


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Birthcirca 17051


  1. [S415] E-mail from Scott Alan Holmes, 1995.

William Holt1

M, #14458

Family: Katherine Butler b. 1693, d. 2 Feb 1775


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
MarriageJan 1, 1713/14New London, New London Co., CT, USA


  1. [S415] E-mail from Scott Alan Holmes, 1995.

Sarah Holt

F, #14459, b. 1716, d. 1780

Family: Stephen Hempstead b. 1705, d. 1774


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
Marriagebefore 1738


  1. [S415] E-mail from Scott Alan Holmes, 1995.

(?) Holt

?, #14460, b. 1714


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN


  1. [S415] E-mail from Scott Alan Holmes, 1995.