- [S46] Unknown author, Weston, Stella dau of J.P. & C.A. Weston d. ae 2 mo (stone broken) (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S47] Unknown author, Type: Land purchase NETTIE WESTON homesteaded four forties in the middle of Section 31. She received her patent in 1907. (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S49] Unknown author, Union Springs Advertiser, Location: Union Springs, NY (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S50] Ancestry.com, U.S., Civil War Draft Registrations Records, 1863-1865 (n.p.: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2010.Original data - Consolidated Lists of Civil War Draft Registrations, 1863-1865. NM-65, entry 172, 620 volumes. Records of the Provost Marshal General’s Bureau (Civil War), Record Grou, unknown publish date).
- [S51] Unknown author, Shrader, William H., Sep 1866, M 2 yr, NY NY NY, Stock farmer Anna, Mar 1869, m 2 yr, IL GER GER Myrtle R., dau., May 1899, KS NY IL, (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S52] 1905 Kansas Census, Record Type: Kansas State Census, online.
- [S53] Unknown author, W. H. Shrader, 38, Annie, 35 G. H. Shrader, 80 Mertle, 5 (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S54] Unknown author, William H. Shrader,43, m1, 12 yr, NY NY NY, Farmer, general farm Anna G., wife, m1, 12 yr, IL GER GER Myrtle R.,dau., 10, KS NY IL Vergia A., dau., 2, KS NY IL George H., father, 85, wid, NY NY NY (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S55] Unknown author, Shrader, William H., m1 53, NY NY NY, Farmer Annie,wife, m1 50, IL GER GER Myrtle,dau., 20, KS NY IL Vergie, dau., 12, KS NY IL (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S56] Unknown author, George Shrader, Apr 1825, 75 yr., wid., NY NY NY Farmer (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S57] Unknown author, San Antonio National Cemetery, Url: http://www.interment.net/data/us/tx/bexar/sananat/… (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S58] Unknown author, Colorado Department Personnel and Administration, Url: http://accipiter.state.co.us/archive/publicrecordsearch.do (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S60] Unknown author, California Vital Records (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S61] 1930 United States Federal Census, online.
- [S62] Ancestry.com, Social Security Death Index (n.p.: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2011.Original data - Social Security Administration. Social Security Death Index, Master File. Social Security Administration.Original data: Social Security Administration. Social Security D, unknown publish date).
- [S63] Unknown author, Denver Otibuary Index Online, Location: http://denverlibrary.org/research/genealogy/obituary/… (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S64] Unknown author, Michgian Birth Certificates, Url: www.Familysearch.org (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S65] 1920 United States Federal Census, online.
- [S66] 1925 New York, State Census, online.
- [S67] Town of Montezuma Records, online http://web.archive.org/web/20020212104157/http://…, (Waybackmachine).
- [S68] 1915 New York, State Census, online.
- [S69] 1940 United States Federal Census, online.
- [S70] Unknown author, Death Certificate, Record Type: Death Certificate (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S71] Unknown author, Auburn Weekly Bulletin (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S72] Cheryl DeLelys, Cheryl DeLelys (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S73] Fosterville Cemetery, online. <http://www.cayugagenealogy.org/cem/cem9.htm
- [S74] The Citizen Advertiser, Auburn, NY, unknown cd.
- [S75] Ancestry.com, World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 (n.p.: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2005.Original data - United States, Selective Service System. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Admini, unknown publish date).
- [S76] Ancestry.com, Web: New York, Find A Grave Index, 1660-2012 (n.p.: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., unknown publish date).
- [S77] Ancestry.com, New York, Town Clerks' Registers of Men Who Served in the Civil War, ca 1861-1865 (n.p.: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., unknown publish date).
- [S80] Ancestry.com, Biographical review : this volume contains biographical sketches of the leading citizens of Cayuga County, New York. (n.p.: Online publication - Provo, UT: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005.Original data - Biographical review : this volume contains biographical sketches of the leading citizens of Cayuga County, New York.. Boston: Biographical Review Pub. Co., 1894.Original da, unknown publish date).
- [S84] The Port Byron Chronicle, Port Byron, NY, unknown cd.
- [S118] Compiler: LDS, New Jersey, County Marriages, 1682-1956, Url: Familysearch.org (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S496] Texas Deaths, online.
- [S555] Elliott G Storke, History of Cayuga County, New York : with illustrations and biographical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers (n.p.: n.pub., unknown publish date).
- [S606] Unknown author, WWII Draft Registration Cards (n.p.: Familysearch.org, unknown publish date).
- [S825] Yates Publishing, U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 (n.p.: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2004.Original data - This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was derived, unknown publish date).
- [S920] Unknown author, Washington Death Certificates 1907-1960 (n.p.: Familysearch,org, unknown publish date).
- [S1048] Familysearch.org, New York Probate Files 1829-1921, unknown repository, unknown repository address.
- [S1050] Familysearch.org, online unknown url, unknown author (unknown location).
- [S1068] New York County Marriages 1908-1935, online.
- [S1099] Auburn Weekly News and Democrat, Auburn, NY.
- [S1106] The Evening Auburnian, Auburn, NY, unknown cd.
- [S1145] Unknown compiler, online Ancestry.com, unknown author (unknown location).
- [S1147] New York Death Indexes, online.
- [S1170] Gary Bell, How We Came to be Here (A Bell Family History) (Michigan: self published, 19 Apr 2009).

- [S1188] Rockaway records of Morris County, N.J., families. : cemetery records, church history, online. <https://dcms.lds.org/delivery/DeliveryManagerServlet
- [S1221] 1950 Census Images ED 6-77, online <https://1950census.archives.gov/search/>. Hereinafter cited as 1950 Montezuma Census.
- [S1235] New York, U.S., Episcopal Diocese of Rochester Church Records, 1800-1970, online.
- [S1265] Unknown title, unknown repository, unknown repository address.