Nine Generations

Europe and America

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Here is some of the family history information I have gathered. I started this project because I wanted to be able to give my children a sense of where we came from. Although my kids were raised in a small American town, watched Mr. Rogers and played soccer, I wanted them to see their lives and ours in the context of a larger family history: nineteenth century struggle, turn of the century emigration, poverty, success, amalgamation into the American mainstream, and achievements. It is a fascinating story. I wish I could tell it in more detail and at greater length. Perhaps this project can be the starting point for others interested enough to add to it.

As children, some of our Pinsk and Piotrków great-grandparents will have seen Napoleon's Grande Armée en route to Moscow in 1812 — and watched its remnants tumbling back six months later. Worse was to come in that part of the world, and I thought it important that the children know something about that, too.

My research has naturally focused on my relatives and my children's; much less effort has been expended on collateral branches. One of the things genealogical research teaches is the deadly nature of geometric progressions: sixteen great-grandparents per person, thirty-two 2nd great-grandparents and so on, back to Genghis Khan.

In July, 2011 I published In Two Worlds, a family history. For details, click on the Book link on the main menu.

Please — should you note any errors or omissions I ask that you be kind enough to inform me. I remain eager to gather anecdotes and photographs of members of the family. I plan to continue the project and refresh the web site periodically as interest and demand warrant.

On this site all but the names and parentage of living people are suppressed for obvious privacy and security reasons. There is a master, or family version, which includes full biographical details of living relatives to the extent that I know them. That version will not be posted on the web. However, I am willing to send it to relatives who will undertake to maintain the confidentiality of the contents. Please do not abuse the information.

I am grateful to the many people who have helped me compile this material and who have kindly refrained from pointing out that if I had taken a proper interest in our family years ago that I wouldn't have to harass and bedevil them now. I also wish to acknowledge the help and support I've received from Mollie Edson and the late Linda Lax, the two estimable women to whom I have been married.


Robert Jacobs
500 East Cherry Lane, Apt. F4
Ellensburg, WA 98926