Sarah Marie Garcelon1

F, #46051, b. 15 May 1836, d. 11 February 1918

Family: Asa Franklin Peabody b. 3 Jan 1835, d. 17 May 1908


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthMay 15, 1836St. Albans, ME, USA1
Origin1861Troy, ME, USA1
MarriageOct 1, 1861Troy, ME, USA1
Residence1872Lewiston, ME, USA1
DeathFeb 11, 1918Lewiston, ME, USA1
BiographyShe was a daughter of Moses Harris Garcelon and Louisa Bennett of Troy, Maine, granddaughter of William Garcelon and Maria Harris of Lewiston, Maine, and greatgranddaughter of James Garcelon and Deliverance Annis who were early settlers of Lewiston in 1776. James emigrated in 1753 from Guernsey in the Channel Islands to Cape Ann, Massachusetts, where he met and married Deliverance.

Born at St. Albans, Somerset County, Maine, she lived at Troy, Maine (in Waldo County, west of Penobscot Bay) until her marriage to Asa Franklin Peabody. She then moved to Gilead, Maine, the Peabody homestead, where her oldest child, Daisy Isabelle, was born. She returned briefly to Troy for the birth of Agnes, and then lived in Lewiston from 1872 onward. She is buried in Riverside Cemetery, Lewiston.

She lived in Troy until her marriage to Asa Franklin Peabody a teacher who had previously farmed in Gilead. The family moved briefly to the Peabody homestead at Gilead where her eldest child was born and then back to Troy by 1867. From 1872 onward she lived in Lewiston, Maine,
where her husband was a merchant and a salesman in the nursery business. A family tradition says that for summer holidays he took his wife and children on visits to the Maine coast near Bath.

Genealogical Files of the Church of Latter Day Saints, Branch
Library, at Farmingdale, Maine.
Marriage Certificate, Sara Marie Garcelon & Asa Franklin Peabody, 1861
in possession of Katharine Garcelon Swift Gravino, 1989
Commmunication from Norman Guernsey Swift, 1988
Peabody Genealogy, S.H. Peabody, 1909"2
ParentsDMoses Harris Garcelon and Louisa Bennett of Troy, ME, granddaughter of William Garcelon and Maria harris of Lewiston, ME, and great-granddaughter of James Garcelon and Deliverance Annis who were early settlers of Lewiston, ME, in 1776. James emigrated in 1753 from Guernsey in the Channel Islands to Cape Ann, MA, where he met and married Deliverance.1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.
  2. [S415] E-mail from John Longworth Swift, Mar. 20, 2007.

Daisy Isabelle Peabody1

F, #46052, b. 13 September 1863, d. 30 October 1950

Family: Josiah Otis Swift b. 1 Mar 1871, d. 14 May 1948


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthSep 13, 1863Gilead, ME, USA1
Residencebefore 1893Lewiston, ME, USA1
MarriageJun 14, 1893Lewiston, ME, USA1
DeathOct 30, 1950Brooksville, ME, USA1
BiographySwift: "She moved with her father as a child to Lewiston, Maine, where she graduated from High School with high honors. As a girl she changed her name to Daisy Belle Swift (by which name she was always known thereafter) in order to avoid the initials DIP which spelled "dip", a pickpocket. She became a proofreader and worked for a while in Boston as a proofreader of Greek and Latin texts for Ginn & Company. She was married at her home, 9 Riverside Place, Lewiston. In 1900 she moved to New York City with her husband, living in the Bronx. About 1910 the family moved to Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, where she lived at "Treetops", 81 Summit Drive, until after the death of J. Otis Swift in 1948. About 1928 she and her husband purchased a small lot at Bay Point, Georgetown, Maine, where they built a summer cottage at which she spent all her summers until about 1940; J.Otis joined her there for his brief vacations from his newspaper work. After his death she spent her last years in Brooksville, Maine.

She came to Lewiston as a young child and graduated from high school there with high honors. Working as a proofreader of Latin and Greek texts for the Boston firm of Ginn & Company, she and her sister Agnes helped their father build a house at 9 Riverside Place, Lewiston. After her marriage to J. Otis Swift, a newspaper man, she and her husband lived nearby at 5 Cottage Street, Lewiston, where her first child was born. In 1899 the family moved to New York City where her husband had taken a job as a reporter for the New York World. They lived in the Bronx for some years and in 1910 moved to HastingsonHudson, New York where she lived until 1949 when she moved to Brooksville, Maine. In 1928 she and her husband built a summer cottage, the Lookout, at Bay Point in Georgetown, Maine where she spent every summer for many years, being joined by her husband during his vacations.

Sources: Notebooks of Josiah Otis Swift, in possession of Katharine Swift Gravino, 1989.
Swift Family Records"1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.

Agnes Louise Peabody1

F, #46053, b. 14 August 1867, d. circa 1948


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthAug 14, 1867Troy, ME, USA1
Deathcirca 1948Lewiston, ME, USA1
BiographySwift: "She did not marry. She lived her adult life in Lewiston, in the family house at 9 Riverside Place. She was a teacher."1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.

Ada Charlotte Peabody1

F, #46054, b. 21 December 1872, d. 9 September 1873


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthDec 21, 1872Lewiston, ME, USA1
DeathSep 9, 1873Lewiston, ME, USA, in infancy1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.

Josiah Otis Swift1

M, #46055, b. 1 March 1871, d. 14 May 1948

Family: Daisy Isabelle Peabody b. 13 Sep 1863, d. 30 Oct 1950


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthMar 1, 1871Farmington, ME, USA1
MarriageJun 14, 1893Lewiston, ME, USA1
DeathMay 14, 1948Hastings-on-Hudson, NY, USA1
Biography"Josiah Otis Swift was born in Farmington Falls, Maine, in "a little brick farmhouse on the Falls Road about a mile north of the Falls" (quoting his autobiographical sketch in the Notebooks cited below). With his parents he moved to Wilton, Maine in 1882, to Paris, Maine briefly in 1884, and by the end of 1885 he had moved to Lewiston, Maine. There he went to work as a reporter for the Lewiston Journal, becoming City Editor by 1898. He and Daisy Isabelle Peabody
were married in 1893 at the house of her parents, 9 Riverside Place, Lewiston. They moved to New York City in 1899 where he had taken a job on the New York World as a reporter. As J. Otis Swift he became Nature Editor for the New York World (and its successor newspapers until his death in 1948), writing a daily column "News Outside the Door" and leading a large walking club, the Yosians, with thousands of members in metropolitan New York. He lived in the Bronx, New York, from 1899 to 1910, moving then to 81 Summit Drive, Hastings-on Hudson, New York. About 1928 he and Daisy built a summer cottage at Bay Point, Georgetown, Maine, where Daisy spent her summers until about 1940, joined there briefly each summer by J. Otis during his vacations from the newspaper.

Sources: Notebooks of Josiah Otis Swift [in possession of Katharine Swift Gravino, 1988]
Swift Family Records [in possession of John Longworth Swift]"
ParentsSElkanah Sprague Swift and Emma Louise Butler1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.

Otis Peabody Swift1

M, #46056, b. 30 May 1896, d. 27 June 1971

Family 1: Ethel Constance Longworth b. 25 Nov 1890, d. 9 Sep 1963

Family 2: Marguerite Hoare Valler b. 19 Feb 1905, d. c 28 Oct 1998


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthMay 30, 1896Lewiston, ME, USA1
MarriageJul 31, 1921Paris, France1
Divorcecirca 19401
Marriagecirca 1941Princeton, Mercer Co., NJ, USA1
DeathJun 27, 1971Georgetown, ME, USA1
BiographySwift: "Otis Peabody Swift was born at No. 5 Cottage Street, Lewiston, Maine. He moved with his parents to New York City about 1899, living in the Bronx until 1910 when the family moved to 81 Summit Drive, Hastings-on-Hudson, New York. He attended Columbia School of Journalism in New York City, served in the U.S. Navy in World War I (discharged with the rank of Ensign), was a newspaper correspondent in Europe circa 1920-1923 (initially with the New York Tribune in London in November, 1920), a newspaper reporter with the Chicago Tribune and United Press in Chicago and New York in the 1920's, later a free-lance writer and publicist. He worked with Time Inc., United Nations Relief & Rehabilition Agency (UNRRA), United China Relief, Radio Free Europe and other clients. He met and married Ethel Constance Longworth (Ted), a correspondent for the Montreal Star, in Europe. Their son John (Jack) was born in London. Their daughter Barbara (Kate) was born after they had recrossed the Atlantic to Hastings-on-Hudson, New York in 1923. They lived over the next 15 years in New York City, Evanston, Illinois, Hastings again, Lake Placid, N.Y., Washington, D.C., and Madison, Connecticut, inter alia. They were divorced about 1940. He married again about 1941, his second wife being Marguerite Hoare, with whom he had a daughter, Marguerite Milne Swift, born in 1943. He and his wife Marguerite (Tom) lived in East Lyme, Connecticut; Dobbs Ferry, New York; and Washington, D.C. --and for a period in Munich, Germany in the 1950's -- before moving to Plainsboro, New Jersey around 1960, and later to Ponte Vedra, Florida (winters) and Bay Point, Georgetown, Maine (summers).1 "


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.

Norman Guernsey Swift1

M, #46057, b. 8 November 1905, d. 21 January 1997

Family: Ruth Mary Palmer b. 3 Aug 1911


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthNov 8, 1905New York, New York Co., NY, USA1
MarriageJun 9, 1933Hastings-on-Hudson, NY, USA1
DeathJan 21, 1997Seattle, King Co., WA, USA1
BiographySwift: "Born in New York City, he grew up in Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, graduated from Dartmouth College with a B.S. in 1927 and received an M.A. from Columbia University in 1941. He worked for 8 years in Wall Street, first with Brown Brothers Harriman, private bankers, and later with several bond trading firms. During World War II he was a Foreign Service Officer with the American Legation in Stockholm, Sweden. After the war he was Regional Economist in the N.Y.C. office of the U.S. Dept. of Commerce. Later he was a committee executive with the National Association of Manufacturers. He was appointed an Intelligence Officer in the Central Intelligence Agency in 1952 and retired in 1969. He and his wife lived in the Washington, D.C. area from the 1950s to the 1970s, and then in Montross, Westmoreland County, Virginia until early 1995 when they moved to Mercer Island, Washington. They maintained a summer home in Georgetown, Maine from the early 1950s until Norman's death. His widow Ruth still spends several summer weeks there each year until her death in 2002."1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.

Ethel Constance Longworth1

F, #46058, b. 25 November 1890, d. 9 September 1963

Family: Otis Peabody Swift b. 30 May 1896, d. 27 Jun 1971


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthNov 25, 1890Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada1
MarriageJul 31, 1921Paris, France1
Divorcecirca 19401
DeathSep 9, 1963Hartford, CT, USA1
BiographySwift: " She grew up at "Bonnahinley", the Longworth family home in Charlottetown, P.E.I., Canada. She graduated from McGill University, Montreal, in 1912 and taught school in rural Quebec before becoming a foreign correspondent in Europe for the Montreal Star. She met and married Otis Peabody Swift in Europe, going to the United States with him in 1923. They lived in Hastings-on-Hudson, New York: and at times in Evanston, Illinois; New York City; Lake Placid, New York;Washington, D.C; and Madison, Connecticut before divorcing around 1940. She was a newspaper reporter and editor from the 1940's until her death, writing for newspapers in Daytona Beach, Florida; Guilford, Connecticut; and Deep River, Connecticut. Her principal home from 1936 to 1963 was "Blue Arrow", Madison, Connecticut."1
ParentsDJohn Augustus Longworth and Louise Caroline Palmer1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.

Marguerite Hoare Valler1

F, #46059, b. 19 February 1905, d. circa 28 October 1998

Family: Otis Peabody Swift b. 30 May 1896, d. 27 Jun 1971


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthFeb 19, 1905Radlett, Herts, England1
Marriagecirca 1941Princeton, Mercer Co., NJ, USA1
Deathcirca Oct 28, 1998Bath, Sagadahoc Co., ME, USA1
ParentsDAlgernon John Hoare and Grace Milne Tollner1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.

John Longworth Peabody Swift1

M, #46060, b. 4 May 1922

Family: Frances Ellen Norton b. 17 Feb 1926, d. 23 May 1999


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectY
Corresponded with authorY
BirthMay 4, 1922London, England1
MarriageDec 20, 1946Madison, CT, USA1
AddressJan 16, 20001
BiographySwift: "Jack was born at 44 Harrington Road, Kensington, S.W., London, England, and was brought to the United States by his parents at the age of 9 months. He lived in Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, and in various other locations in the United States and Canada until moving to Madison, Connecticut in 1935. He received a B.Sc degree from Trinity College, Hartford in 1942, served in the U.S. Army Air Force from 1942 to 1946 (in the Pacific Theater, discharged as a Captain), and married Frances Ellen Norton of Madison, Connecticut in 1946. He entered Yale University School of Engineering in 1946 and received a Bachelor of Engineering degree, with honors in civil engineering, in 1948. He worked as an engineer, planner and manager with various organizations in the U.S. and abroad from 1948 to 1998 (at least). The family lived in Louisiana, New Jersey, New York and Connecticut from 1948 to 1958, in Iran from 1958 to 1963, and in Connecticut again from 1963 to 1970. With their children grown, Jack and Fran lived in suburban Washington, D.C. from 1970 to 1982. They subsequently lived in Ireland 1982-83 and in Saudi Arabia 1983-85. Between 1958 and 1998 Jack travelled, often with Fran (and after 1988 always accompanied by her), to dozens of other countries in the course of consulting assignments. He and Fran owned a home in Madison, Connecticut from 1952 to 1970 and a home in Kensington, Maryland from 1970 to 1982. Home from 1982 onward has been at Bay Point, Georgetown, Maine. From 1989 to 1994 Jack and Fran lived in Islamabad, Pakistan where he worked with the U.S. Agency for International Development. Returning to Georgetown in late 1994 to live, he continues to provide consulting services in international electric power development -- work which involved trips for both of them to Pakistan (four months) in 1996, to India (three weeks) in 1997 and India and Nepal (five weeks) in 1998. At the time of Fran's death in May, 1999, Jack and Fran had been planning a return trip to Nepal. Their three children all
live in the United States, as do their eight grandchildren and their great-grandchild."1
ContributnJack and Fran Swift prepared this genealogy in Nov. 1995, and Jack revised it in Jan. 2000 and Mar. 2007


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.

Barbara Peabody Swift1

F, #46061, b. 9 December 1923

Family: Stuart M. Ogilvy


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthDec 9, 1923Yonkers, NY, USA1
MarriageFeb, 1960New York, New York Co., NY, USA1
DivorceMar, 19641
BiographySwift: "She has been called Kate Swift for most of her adult life. She grew up in Hastings-on-Hudson, New York and Madison, Connecticut, attended Connecticut College, graduated University of North Carolina, B.A., 1944, served in the Women's Army Corps in World War II. As a writer and publicist she worked with Girl Scouts of U.S.A., national staff, in New York City, for the Port Authority of New Orleans, Louisiana, the American Museum of Natural History in New York City, and Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, Conn. She is a free lance writer, and author with Casey Miller of two widely-read books on language, Words and Women and The Handbook of Non-Sexist Writing. She maintains a winter home at East Haddam, Conn. and a summer home in Georgetown, Maine."1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.

Marguerite Milne Swift1

F, #46062, b. 27 May 1943

Family: James Anthony Koller b. 30 May 1936


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthMay 27, 1943New York, New York Co., NY, USA1
MarriageJun 21, 1972Georgetown, ME, USA1
DivorceNov 13, 19791
BiographySwift: "She grew up on the East Coast of the United States and in Europe, and traveled throughout Europe, North Africa and the Middle East in the early 1960's. She then moved to Arizona, attended Arizona State University, and later worked with the Office of Economic Opportunity as a photographer of community controlled schools and colleges on the Navajo Indian Reservation. After her marriage she moved to Georgetown, Maine, raised sheep and freelanced as a writer and documentary photographer. She returned to the Southwest in 1980 as a writer for the Chairman's Office of the Navajo Nation. In 1988 she obtained a B.S. in Applied Geography from Northern Arizona University. She subsequently obtained an M.A. degree in Public Administration, and works as a consultant in land use planning in Flagstaff, Arizona. . She has, in recent years, spent much time in Nepal and Sikkim, teaching anthropology for Naropa University, and as a board member for SEEDS, a non-governmental organization. She maintains a home near Flagstaff, Arizona, and in Georgetown, Maine.1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.

Ruth Mary Palmer1

F, #46063, b. 3 August 1911

Family: Norman Guernsey Swift b. 8 Nov 1905, d. 21 Jan 1997


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthAug 3, 1911New York, New York Co., NY, USA1
MarriageJun 9, 1933Hastings-on-Hudson, NY, USA1
ParentsDWashington Palmer and Magdalena Burgin1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.

Donald Josiah Palmer Swift1

M, #46064, b. 26 July 1935

Family: Sondra Ford b. 20 Jan 1938, d. 9 Nov 2006


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJul 26, 1935Dobbs Ferry, NY, USA1
MarriageJun 10, 1961Washington, DC, USA1
BiographySwift: "Donald Josiah Palmer Swift attended schools in Hastings-on- Hudson, Dobbs Ferry and Middletown, New York, Brooksville, Maine, Madison, Connecticut, and Stockholm, Sweden, graduating from Deerfield Academy in Deerfield, Massachusetts in 1953. He majored in geology at Dartmouth College, received a B.A. with Departmental Honors, and was commissioned 2nd Lt. in the Signal Corps, A.U.S. in 1957. He served first on active duty and then in the Active Reserve. He received an M.A. from Johns Hopkins in 1961 and his Ph. D. in Geology from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C. in 1964. He taught at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Duke University, University of North Carolina, and Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. He spent ten years as a senior scientist with the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration and was on the research staff of Atlantic Refinery Co. (Arco) for four years. He has lived and worked in Canada, Puerto Rico, Texas, Florida, North Carolina and Virginia. He is the author of a number of technical books in the field of oceanography and is now Flover Professor of Oceanography (endowed chair), Department of Oceanography, Old Dominion University."

He attended schools in HastingsonHudson, Dobbs Ferry and Middletown, New York; Brooksville, Maine; Madison, Connecticut; and Stockholm, Sweden; graduating from Deerfield Academy in Deerfield, Massachusetts in 1953. He majored in geology at Dartmouth College, received a B.A. with Departmental Honors, and was commissioned 2nd Lt. in the Signal Corps, Army of the United States, in 1957. He served first on active duty and then in the Active Reserve. He received an M.A. from Johns Hopkins in 1961 and his Ph. D. in Geology from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina in 1964. He taught at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia; Duke University in Durham, North Carolina; and Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. He spent ten years as a senior scientist with the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration and was on the research staff of the Atlantic Richfield Co. for four years. He has lived and worked in Canada, Puerto Rico, Texas, Florida, North Carolina and Virginia. He is the author of a number of technical books in the field of oceanography and is now Slover Professor of Oceanography (endowed chair), Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Old Dominion University. His wife Sandy, was a published author, and taught as an adjunct professor at two universities in the Norfolk area.1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.

Ruth Deborah Swift1

F, #46065, b. 14 January 1940

Family: Capt. Kenneth M. Zike b. 30 Nov 1937


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthJan 14, 1940Middletown, NY, USA1
MarriageJun 19, 1965Alexandria, Arlington Co., VA, USA1
Mil. Serv.USMC
BiographySwift: "She attended schools in Brooksville, Maine, Madison, Connecticut, Dobbs Ferry, New York, Stockholm, Sweden, and graduated from St. Agnes Episcopal School for Girls, Alexandria, Virginia in 1954. She received a B.A. degree from Connecticut College, New London, Conn, in 1962, and an M.L.S. from Columbia University Library School in 1963. She took special courses at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Library and Information Studies in computer based information on law and medicine in 1983. Her professional experience includes positions as: Librarian, New York Public Library, New York City; Reference Librarian, University of California, Irvine, California; Reference Librarian, Federal Library, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C; and Librarian in Charge, National Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland. From 1984 to 1995 she was Law Librarian for the law firm of Riddell, Williams, Bullitt and Walkinshaw in Seattle, Washington. With her husband she has lived on US Marine Corps posts in California, Virginia, Minnesota, South Carolina and the state of Washington. She and her husband now live at Mercer Island, Washington. "

She attended schools in Brooksville, Maine; Madison, Connecticut; Dobbs Ferry, New York; Stockholm, Sweden; and graduated from St. Agnes Episcopal School for Girls, Alexandria, Virginia in 1958. She received a B.A. in European History from Connecticut College, New London, Connecticut, in 1962, and an M.L.S. from Columbia University, School of Library Science in 1963. In 1983 she took graduate courses at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Library and Information Studies. Her professional experience includes positions as: Librarian, New York Public Library, New York City; Reference Librarian, University of California, Irvine, California; Reference Librarian, Federal Housing Administration Library, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C; and Librarian in Charge, U.S. Naval School of Hospital Administration, National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland. From 1984 to 1995 she was Law Librarian for the law firm of Riddell, Williams, Bullitt and Walkinshaw in Seattle, Washington. With her husband, who retired as a Lieutenant Colonel, USMC in 1983, she has lived on US Marine Corps bases in California, Virginia, Minnesota and South Carolina . She and her husband now live in Bellevue, Washington and spend summers at their cottage in Georgetown, Maine.1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.

Frances Ellen Norton1

F, #46066, b. 17 February 1926, d. 23 May 1999

Family: John Longworth Peabody Swift b. 4 May 1922


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthFeb 17, 1926Madison, CT, USA1
MarriageDec 20, 1946Madison, CT, USA1
DeathMay 23, 1999Brunswick, Cumberland Co., ME, USA1
BiographySwift: " She grew up in Madison Connecticut, graduating from Daniel Hand High School there in 1944. She entered Connecticut College for Women, New London, Connecticut in that year, married John L. Swift in 1946 and graduated from Connecticut College with a B.A. in 1948. She lived subsequently in Louisiana, New Jersey, Connecticut, Maryland and Maine, as well as in Iran, Ireland, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. She worked as a preschool teacher, reporter & newspaper editor, public relations consultant, radio announcer/program producer for Radio Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and film and publications editor for international development organizations in Pakistan. She and her husband designed and built a house in Georgetown, Maine in 1980 which became the family's permanent residence, although they left it from time to time for short-term foreign trips and to live in Islamabad, Pakistan from 1989 to 1994. They continued to travel abroad on brief trips, and she was vigorously active in Georgetown's civic life, up until a few months before her death from lung cancer in 1999."1
ParentsDHarry Raymond Norton and Katharine Day Peck1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.

Katherine Garcelon Swift1

F, #46067, b. 11 March 1949

Family: Robert C. Gravino b. 22 Jul 1947


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthMar 11, 1949Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Co., LA, USA1
MarriageOct 18, 1969Bainbridge, MD, USA1
Biographybetween 1999 and 2007Swift: "She attended schools in Madison, Connecticut and Khuzestan, Iran, graduating from High School in Madison in 1967. After attending Connecticut College 1967-69, she obtained a B.A. in sociology, magna cum laude, from the University of Maryland in 1981 and an M.S. in military sociology from the University of Maryland about 1990. Moving through US Coast Guard assignments, she has lived in Florida, New York, Puerto Rico, Maryland, Michigan, California, Virginia, Alaska, and Massachusetts. Her husband retired as a Captain, USCG in 1999; they now live in West Peabody, Massachusetts where he is Chief of Operations for the Public Works Department for the Town of Burlington, Massachusetts. She is a sociologist who has published work in the field of military sociology and has been a social worker in California and with Aleut families on Kodiak Island, Alaska. She is currently a member of the faculty of the North Shore Community College system, Essex County, Massachusetts."

Her husband Bob retired as a Captain, USCG in 1999. Kathy is a sociologist, with published work in the field of military sociology, who has been an administrator with American University in Washington, D.C., a social worker in California and with Aleut families on Kodiak Island, Alaska, and is currently a member of the faculty of the North Shore Community College, Essex County, Massachusetts. Bob is now Director of Public Works for the town of Ipswich, Massachusetts. Kathy and Bob established a condominium home in Peabody, Massachusetts in 1999 and, beginning in 2002, they built a house for holidays and eventually retirement in Bay Point, Georgetown, Maine at which they spend most weekends and holidays. In 2006 they purchased a house in Ipswich, Massachusetts which is now their primary residence.1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.

John Norton Swift Ph.D.1

M, #46068, b. 1 October 1950

Family 1: Leslie Elizabeth Santee b. 8 Aug 1950

Family 2: Louise Fradenburg

Family 3: Cheryl Renee Colee b. 19 Dec 1956


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthOct 1, 1950New York, New York Co., NY, USA1
MarriageMay 29, 1971Albany, Albany Co., NY, USA1
MarriageJun, 1978Rockville, MD, USA1
MarriageMar 25, 1983Pasadena, CA, USA1
Residence1999Whittier, Los Angeles Co., CA, USA1
BiographySwift: " He attended schools in Madison, Connecticut and Khuzestan, Iran, graduating from High School in Madison in 1968. He majored in English at Middlebury College, receiving a B.A. magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, 1972. He obtained his M.A. in 1973 and his Ph.D. in 1978 from the University of Virginia. He has taught English Literature at Washington & Lee University and at Occidental College, where he is now Professor of English Literature. The family lives in
Whittier, California, where his wife is is the Irvine Professor of Environmental Biology at Whittier College. They established a second home at Bay Point, Georgetown, Maine in 2002 and regularly spend summer vacations and other holidays there."1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.

Peter Norton Swift Ph.D.1

M, #46069, b. 12 June 1953

Family: Virginia Joy Scharff b. 21 Jul 1953


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJun 12, 1953Middletown, CT, USA1
MarriageJun 28, 1980Clayton, MO, USA1
BiographySwift: " He attended schools in Madison, Connecticut and Khuzestan, Iran, graduating from high school in Madison as valedictorian of his class in 1970. He was graduated from Yale University in 1974 with a B.A. in English, worked as a field engineer in uranium exploration in the western United States 1975-1980, obtained a B.S. in 1981 and an M.S. in 1982 in geology at the University of Wyoming, and obtained his Ph.D. in geology at the University of Arizona in 1987. The family lived in Colorado and Texas in 1987 and 1988 while he worked with Chevron Oil Company as a geologist. The family moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico about 1989, where his wife is now Associate Professor of History at the University of New Mexico and he is a Senior Scientist with Sandia Laboratories. Peter worked initially for a consulting firm in Albuquerque, transferring later to Sandia Laboratories in Albuquerque where he is now a senior scientist and program manager in the field of nuclear waste disposal. He is currently the Chief Scientist for Sandia’s work on the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste disposal site.1 "


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.

Stuart M. Ogilvy1

M, #46070

Family: Barbara Peabody Swift b. 9 Dec 1923


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
MarriageFeb, 1960New York, New York Co., NY, USA1
DivorceMar, 19641


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.

James Anthony Koller1

M, #46071, b. 30 May 1936

Family: Marguerite Milne Swift b. 27 May 1943


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthMay 30, 1936Oak Park, IL, USA1
MarriageJun 21, 1972Georgetown, ME, USA1
DivorceNov 13, 19791
ParentsSJames and Elsie Koller1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.

Jedediah Swift Koller1

M, #46072, b. 23 November 1973

Family: Rebecca de Groot b. 1976


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthNov 23, 1973Brunswick, Cumberland Co., ME, USA1
Marriage2005Flagstaff, AZ, USA2
Biography2007Swift: "He attended schools in Georgetown, Maine and in Window Rock and Flagstaff, Arizona. He graduated from high school in Flagstaff, where he was active in Boy Scouts as a Patrol Leader and became an Eagle Scout. He worked during school summer vacations as a sheepherder and cowboy on the Navajo Indian Reservation. He subsequently worked on the north rim of the Grand Canyon as a tourist guide and in recent years has been professional tour raft operator on the Colorado and Green Rivers.1 "
Residence2007Flagstaff, AZ, USA


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.
  2. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Sep 8, 2007.

Theadora Swift Koller1

F, #46073, b. 27 December 1976


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthDec 27, 1976Brunswick, Cumberland Co., ME, USA1
Biography1999Swift: "She attended schools in Window Rock and Flagstaff, Arizona. She graduated from a private high school in Sonora, Arizona in 1994, worked as an environmental news researcher with the Cable News Network in Atlanta, Georgia, and is now attending Stanford University, Palo Alto California, where she expects to receive an M.A. degree in 2000 from Stanford University. Employed shortly thereafter with the World Health Organization she was originally based in Geneva. Switzerland and is now based in Venice, Italy. She has a home in Seggiano, Tuscany."1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.

Sondra Ford1

F, #46074, b. 20 January 1938, d. 9 November 2006

Family: Donald Josiah Palmer Swift b. 26 Jul 1935


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthJan 20, 1938Washington, DC, USA1
MarriageJun 10, 1961Washington, DC, USA1
DeathNov 9, 2006Norfolk, VA, USA2
ParentsDRobert Ford and Mary Trimble Gaddis1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.
  2. [S415] E-mail from John Longworth Swift, Mar. 20, 2007.

Etain Ann Swift1

F, #46075, b. 5 October 1963

Family: Edward George Hall II


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthOct 5, 1963Washington, DC, USA1
MarriageDec 28, 1985Richardson, TX, USA1
Divorcecirca 19901
Residence1999Norfolk, VA, USA, with her parents.
Biography2007Swift: She attended schools in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico; Durham, North Carolina: Miami, Florida; and Dallas, Texas, and has studied at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. She currently lives with her parents in Norfolk, Virginia.2


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.
  2. [S415] E-mail from John Longworth Swift, Mar. 20, 2007.

Cecelia Jane Swift1

F, #46076, b. 9 February 1965

Family: Danny Petretto


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthFeb 9, 1965Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada1
Marriagecirca 1995Norfolk, VA, USA1
Residencebetween 1999 and 2007Virginia Beach, VA, USA, where he is a carpenter and she is a student in a master's degree program in Education.1
BiographySwift: . She attended schools in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico; Durham, North Carolina: Miami, Florida; and Dallas, Texas; and was graduated from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia with an A.B. in English in 1996. She and her husband, with their children, live in Virginia Beach, Virginia where he is a carpenter and she is an adjunct instructor of English at Tidewater Community College.2


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.
  2. [S415] E-mail from John Longworth Swift, Mar. 20, 2007.

Colin Butler Carroll1

M, #46077, b. 15 November 1978


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthNov 15, 19781
Education1999Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA, a sophomore1
Biography2007, received a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Old Dominion University and now lives in Fairfax , Virginia where he is a therapist at a psychiatric treatment center. .2


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.
  2. [S415] E-mail from John Longworth Swift, Mar. 20, 2007.

Capt. Kenneth M. Zike1

M, #46078, b. 30 November 1937

Family: Ruth Deborah Swift b. 14 Jan 1940


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthNov 30, 1937Barberton, Summit Co., OH, USA1
MarriageJun 19, 1965Alexandria, Arlington Co., VA, USA1
ParentsSGeorge Kenneth Zike and Evelyn Ann Ware


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.

David Noel Zike1

M, #46079, b. 22 April 1969

Family: Una May Butler


A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
Corresponded with authorN
BirthApr 22, 1969Quantico, VA, USA1
Education1991Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA, USA1
Residence1999Seattle, King Co., WA, USA1
MarriageMay 19, 2007Ballintubber Abbey, Co. Mayo, Ireland2
BiographySwift: "He attended schools in Virginia, South Carolina, California and the state of Washington where he graduated in 1991 with a B.S. in mathematics from Whitman College, Walla Walla, Washington and in 1996 with a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Washington State University, Pullman, Washington. He lived in Seattle, Washington working with the Boeing Company until 2003 when he moved to Auckland, New Zealand where he was employed by Air New Zealand as an aeronautical engineer until November 2004 when he returned to Seattle as an engineer with Boeing. He is now an engineer at SR Technics in Dublin, Ireland.3


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.
  2. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Sep 8, 2007.
  3. [S415] E-mail from John Longworth Swift, Mar. 20, 2007.

Christopher Palmer Zike1

M, #46080, b. 26 December 1980, d. 26 December 1980


Corresponded with authorN
A Contributor to Houghton Surname ProjectN
BirthDec 26, 1980Paris Island, SC, USA1
DeathDec 26, 1980Paris Island, SC, USA, at birth.1


  1. [S415] E-mail from Jack Swift, Jan. 16, 2000.